State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) s3
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State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) Gas Processing Plant announces the open procurement tender (30002-17) in order to ensure the demand for electrical, construction and laboratory materials and other products
Documents to be submitted for participation in the competition: Application letter for participation in the competition Bank document on payment of the participation fee Bid
I. Application for participation in the competition (signed and sealed) and the bank document on payment for participation fee should be submitted in Azerbaijani, English or Russian no later than 08.05.2017, by 17:00 Baku time, to the address of the Purchasing organization specified in the notice. The copies of the required documents (except the bid) may be sent to the e-mail address of the contact person specified in the notice. In this case, the originals of the documents shall be submitted to the Purchasing Organization until the last day of submission of the bids.
The deadline for submission of the bids: . Separately for each lot, including one original and two copies of the bid shall be submitted to the Purchasing Organization II. on 17.05.2017, by 10:30 Baku time. . The application envelopes submitted after the specified date and time will be returned unopened.
The acquisition of an invitation to bid and participation fee: Those wishing to acquire an invitation to bid in Azerbaijani or English languages can obtain it from the contact person in electronic or print form after paying Lot 1 – 236 AZN Lot 2 – 118 AZN Lot 3 - 118 Azerbaijani manat or an equivivalent amount in any other freely convertible currency to the below- mentioned account, till the date specified in paragraph I of the notice, on any business day of the week from 09:30 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
.Account number: III. TIN: 1100517711 Bank:Garadagh Branch of International Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC, Code: 805647, TIN (bank): 9900001881 Correspondent account: AZ03NABZ01350100000000002944, SWIFT BIK: İBAZAZ2Х Account №:AZ06IBAZ38010019441700711203
. The participation fee is not refundable Bid guarantee (if applicable): IV. for Lot 1 bank guarantee should not be less than 1% of the total amount of the bid V. The address of the Purchasing organization: AZ 1063 Baku Garadagh region Lokbatan settlement SOCAR, Gas Processing Plant Contact person: Fayig Babayev Head of the Logistics Supply and Commercial Department Corporate phone number: +99412 521 20 56 – 30 017 (internal) Corporate fax numberi: +99412 521 11 72 Corporate e-mail address: [email protected]
The notice, information about the subject of procurement and application form to obtain an invitation to bid are placed VI. at the internet site: (
Time, place and the opening date of bids: VII. Bids wil be opened on 17.05.2017 at 11:00 by Baku time at the address of the Purchasing Organization specified in paragraph V of the notice.
Information about contracts awards: VIII. Information about the final results of the competition can be obtained from the following web link:
The purchasing group of the Gas Processing Plant, SOCAR .
______city “__”______20__
To the head of the Purchasing group of “SOCAR” [name of the purchasing organization to be included] Mr. (Mrs.) ______,
This letter [full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified] will confirm our intention to participate at the open competition announced by [name of the purchasing organization is included] of SOCAR to purchase [subject of the procurement is shown], [LOT of the bid should be included by the applicant] .
At the same time, we confirm the absence of any cancellation or bankruptcy procedures, activity interruption in relation to ______[full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified] or any situation making its participation impossible. We kindly ask you to send the soft copy of an invitation to bid to the following e-mail address:______.
The contact information for propmtly responding the queries relating the documents submitted by us and other issues: . Contact person: ______. Position of the contact person: ______. Phone number: ______. Fax: ______. E-mail address: ______
Appendix: 1. Original of the bank document on payment of the participation fee – __ pages. ______(name, surname, patronymic of the responsible person) (signature of responsible person) ______(position of responsible person)
LOT-1 Unit of Quanti R/N Names of goods measureme Standard of goods ty nt
GOST (all-Union State Standard) 103- 1 Iron strip 3x25mm meter 300 76 2 Iron strip 4x40mm meter 500 GOST 103-76 Elec. engine DAZO4-450UK-8(М)U1 400kW, 6000V, 3 piece 1 750cycle./min. 4 Elec. engine VА250S2BU2 75kW, 380V; 3000 cycle./min. piece 2 5 Elec.engine VА225M2U2 55kW, 380V; 3000 cycle./min. piece 1 6 Relay RT-100 piece 16 GOST 3698-82 7 Relay RU-11-220V (REU-11-21) piece 48 ТY-16-647,022-85 8 Control block-BU/TEL-220-05A piece 4 GOST Р 50514 (МEК 255577) 9 Feeding unit BP/TEL-220-02A piece 4 IТЕА.433565.005 10 UPS-BZ/TEL~220÷24 piece 8 ТУ У. 25123867.002 2000 11 Indicator relay RU~220V (REU-11-21) piece 14 ТY-16-647,022-85 12 Vacuum relay RP~220V piece 10 GOST 15150-69 13 Time relay RV-60sec. piece 10 GOST 17516-90 14 Relay RS-80M piece 3 GOST 3698-82 15 Relay (max.current) UZА-10РС 100V piece 6 GOST 3698-82 16 Relay REU-11-220V piece 16 GOST 15543-89 17 Relay RDTS-01-055 piece 15 GOST 15150-69 18 Relay REU-11-0,16A piece 10 GOST 15543.1-89 19 Control button 0÷2 (series KU) piece 8 ТУ16-93 BКL.642245.001 ТU. 20 Wire PV 1x2,5mm2 meter 2000 GOST 6323-79 21 Wire PV 1x4mm2 meter 1600 GOST 6323-79 22 Wire PV 1x6mm2 meter 800 GOST 6323-79 23 Wire PV 2x2,5mm2 meter 200 GOST 6323-79 24 Cable KG 2x2,5mm2 meter 300 GOST 24334-80 25 Cable KG 2x4mm2 meter 300 GOST 24334-80 26 Cable KG 3x2,5mm2 meter 300 GOST 24334-80 27 Cable KG 4x4mm2 meter 300 GOST 24334-80 28 Cable KG 4x6mm2 meter 200 GOST 24334-80 29 Cable KG 3x10+1x6mm2 meter 200 GOST 24334-80 30 Cable VVG 3x16+1x10mm2 meter 300 GOST 16442-93 31 Cable VVG 3x25mm2 (1kV) meter 100 GOST 1644280 32 Cable VBbShv 3x35+1x16mm2 meter 200 GOST 1644280 33 Cable VBbShv 3x50+1x25mm2 meter 300 GOST 1644280 34 Cable VBbShv 3x70+1x35mm2 meter 200 GOST 1644280 35 Cable KRVG 12x2,5mm2 meter 50 GOST 1644280 36 Cable VBbShv 3x120+1x50mm2 meter 450 GOST 1644280 37 Cable VBbShv 3x95+1x50mm2 meter 200 GOST 1644280
4 38 Cable thimble (copper) 25 mm2 piece 80 GOST 7386-80 39 Cable thimble (copper) 35 mm2 piece 100 GOST 7386-80 40 Cable thimble (copper) 50 mm2 piece 100 GOST 7386-80 41 Cable thimble (copper) 70 mm2 piece 100 GOST 7386-80 42 Cable thimble (copper) 95mm2 piece 60 GOST 7386-80 43 Cable thimble (copper) 120mm2 piece 30 GOST 7386-80 44 Cable nozzle handle (with 3 inside wires) S=35mm2 piece 20 ТУ 3599-002-01394461-04) 45 Connective coupler „Raychem“ 70÷120mm2 (10kV) piece 10 GOST 13781.0-86 46 Thimble coupler „Raychem “ 70÷120mm2 (10kV) piece 20 ТУ 3599-002-01394461-04) 47 Connective coupler „Raychem “ 50÷70mm2 (0,4kV) piece 30 GOST 13781.2—77 48 Thimble coupler „Raychem “ ( КNТp-1 or КВТp-1) piece 20 ТУ 3599-002-01394461-04) 49 Raychem pipe ø 14mm meter 500 TU 2247-011-795-23-310-2006 50 Raychem pipe ø 16mm meter 300 TU 2247-011-795-23-310-2006 51 Raychem pipe ø 18mm meter 100 TU 2247-011-795-23-310-2006 52 Raychem pipe ø 20mm meter 120 TU 2247-011-795-23-310-2006 53 Raychem pipe ø 22mm meter 150 TU 2247-011-795-23-310-2006 54 Protector 100A L=120mm piece 20 GOST 17242-86 55 Protector 160A L=140mm piece 40 GOST 17242-86 56 Protector 250A L=140mm piece 60 GOST 17242-86 57 Protector 400A L=160mm piece 100 GOST 17242-86 58 Seperator RPS-250A (0,4kV) piece 10 TU 3424-002-01-395420-01 59 Separator RPS-400A (0,4kV) piece 10 TU 3424-002-01-395420-01 60 Voltage transformer NTMI-6000/100V piece 2 GOST 1983-2001 61 Contactor 250A KT-6023BS piece 8 GOST 11206-77 62 Contactor 400A KT-6033BS piece 6 GOST 11206-77 63 Contactor 630A KT-6053BS piece 4 GOST 11206-77 64 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 25A piece 10 GOST2491-82 65 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 40A piece 10 GOST2491-82 66 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 55A piece 10 GOST2491-82 67 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 80A piece 6 GOST2491-82 68 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 100A piece 6 GOST2491-82 69 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 160A piece 4 GOST2491-82 70 Magnetic trigger “Siemens„ 210A piece 2 GOST2491-82 71 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 10A (1pole) piece 30 GOST p50355-2010 72 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29s„ 16A (1pole) piece 30 GOST p50355-2010 73 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 25A (1pole) piece 30 GOST p50355-2010 74 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29s„ 63A (1pole) piece 15 GOST p50355-2010 75 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29s„ 10A (3pole) piece 6 GOST p50355-2010 76 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 25A (3 pole) piece 12 GOST p50355-2010 77 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 40A (3 pole) piece 10 GOST p50355-2010 78 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 50A (3pole) piece 15 GOST p50355-2010 79 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29s„ 63A (3 pole) piece 10 GOST p50355-2010 80 Automatic switch “KEAZ-BA47-29„ 80A (3pole) piece 20 GOST p50355-2010 81 Voltage transformer 50/5 (10kV) piece 4 TSh162010.OQQ671225.012 82 Voltage transformer 75/5 (10kV) piece 4 TSh162010.OQQ671225.012
5 83 Voltage transformer 100/5 (10kV) piece 2 TSh162010.OQQ671225.012 84 Voltage transformer 50/5 (1kV) piece 30 TSh-25-7504.178-2004 85 Voltage transformer 100/5 (1kV) piece 40 TSh-25-7504.178-2004 86 Voltage transformer 150/5 (1kV) piece 50 TSh-25-7504.178-2004 87 Voltage transformer 200/5 (1kV) piece 30 TSh-25-7504.178-2004 88 Amperometer 100/5A piece 20 TSh-7504.133-2007 89 Amperometer 150/5A piece 10 TSh-7504.133-2007 90 Amperometer 200/5A piece 10 TSh-7504.133-2007 91 Voltmeter 0÷400V piece 12 GOST p50355-2010 92 Kilovoltmeter 6 kV piece 3 ТУ25-04.3720-79 93 Projector “Pelsan” 400W piece 40 Code 5611-1612 94 LED projector LumiDas-S; piece 120 GOST 35154-99 95 Projector stand piece 140 Light-emitting diode panel (LED) PFL5959E037CW 96 piece 170 TU5959E037 (installed inside) 97 Lightener LED-9W piece 1300 code1596000170 98 Lightener VZQ-200W piece 150 TSh3146-010-62509866-2011 99 Day lightener LPO-2x40W piece 40 GOST 17667-82 100 Starter 4-22 piece 200 GOST 8799-90 101 Starter 4-65 piece 200 GOST 8799-90 102 Electrical outlet “Klipsal„ №1 piece 40 GOST21612-88 103 Electrical outlet “Klipsal„ №2 piece 60 GOST21612-88 104 Electrical outlet “Klipsal„ №1 piece 20 GOST21612-88 105 Electrical outlet “Klipsal„ №2 piece 30 GOST21612-88 106 Electrical outlet “El-bi” piece 20 GOST 21612-88 107 Electric switch “El-bi” piece 15 GOST 21612-88 108 Electric switch (wall) piece 10 GOST 21612-88 109 Power socket E-27 (wall) piece 40 GOST 2746-90 110 Power socket E-27 (for VZG-200 lightener ) piece 300 GOST 2746-90 111 Power socket E-40 (for projector) piece 80 GOST 2746-90 112 Power fork 16A piece 60 GOST 7396-89 113 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,31mm kg 8 GOST 21428-75 114 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,45mm kg 8 GOST 21428-75 115 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,56mm kg 10 GOST 21428-75 116 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,63mm kg 15 GOST 21428-75 117 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,67mm kg 15 GOST 21428-75 118 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,71mm kg 10 GOST 21428-75 119 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,8mm kg 10 GOST 21428-75 120 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,9 mm kg 12 GOST 21428-75 121 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 0,95mm kg 25 GOST 21428-75 122 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 1,06mm kg 28 GOST 21428-75 123 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 1,25mm kg 150 GOST 21428-75 124 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 1,32mm kg 70 GOST 21428-75 125 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 1,35mm kg 60 GOST 21428-75 126 Processing conductor (Erikoghlu) ø 1,40mm kg 60 GOST 21428-75
6 127 Installation cable ø 2,25mm kg 100 GOST 21428-75 128 Preshpan 0,25mm meter 30 GOST 2824-86 129 Preshpan 0,35mm m2 30 GOST 2824-86 130 Insulating varnish ( fl-98) kg 20 GOST 12294-66 131 Binding twine ø2,5mm bundle 40 GOST 17308-88 132 Glass tape piece 30 GOST 5937-81. 133 Kiper tape ( LE-40-62 kh/b – width 40 ) piece 40 GOST 4514-78 134 Lakotkan (lkm-155- 0.1-025мм) meter 200 TU1690-470.12-002 135 Oil-resistant rubber, thickness – 5mm; width 80 sm meter 6 GOST 7338-90 136 Oil-resistant rubber, thickness - 7mm; width 80 sm meter 6 GOST 7338-90 137 Oil-resistant rubber, thickness – 10mm; width 100 sm meter 6 GOST 7338-90 138 Connector (metal) L=150mm piece 200 GOST 12393-77 139 Fitting ø20mm piece 80 GOST 20527 140 Fitting ø25mm piece 80 GOST 20527 141 Insulation bar ShO-35U1 (Un=35kV) piece 4 ТУ 16-538.232-74 142 Insulation bar ShO ShO-10U1 (Un=10kV) piece 10 ТУ 16-538.232-74 143 Doormat rubber carpet 500x500 piece 100 GOST 4997-75 144 Doormat rubber, min. 50cm*70cm piece 20 GOST 4997-75 145 Voltage transformer-10kV-100/5 piece 12 TSH162010.OGG671225.012 146 Voltage transformer -10kV-150/5 piece 12 TSH62010.OGG671225.012 147 Rubber sheet 1N-I-MBS-S-10, width 100 cm meter 11 GOST 7338-90 148 Rubber sheet 1N-I-MBS-S-7, width 80 cm meter 8 GOST 7338-90 149 Voltage transformer TPL-10 200/5 piece 4 TSH162010.OGG671225.012 150 Disconnector 380 vt 250 A piece 11 ТУ 3424-002-0139520-01 151 Automatic switch HIBS 603 600A 380V piece 3 60947-2 (international standard) 152 Converter, for ShO-70 switch disconnectors (ВР32-37В 31250 ) piece 15 GOST Р 50030.3-99 153 Relay PH51/32 piece 2 22 051 103 1 154 Voltage transformer -10kV-75/5 piece 2 TSh162010.OGG671225.012 155 Disconnector-RPS-400A 380V (with left control) piece 8 ТУ 3424-002-0139520-01 156 Disconnector-RPS-400A 380V (with right control) piece 8 ТУ 3424-002-0139520-01 157 Automatic switch AP-50-10A piece 2 GOST 17516.1-90 158 Relay РБ 248 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 159 Voltage transformer 300/5A piece 15 TSh-25-7504.178-2004 160 Amperometer 300/5A piece 30 TU 25- 7504.133-2007 161 Discharger piece 3 GOST 16357-83 162 Automatic switch ”Siemens”VL-250X piece 2 3VT1 703-2DC36-0AA0 163 Protector SIM 400 A piece 45 GOST 17242-86 164 Relay РВМ-12 piece 2 GOST 17516.1-90 165 Relay RM-171E ”Schneider” piece 2 GOST 8505-80 166 Automatic switch ”Siemens” WLI 630 piece 1 3VT1 706-2DC36-0AA0 167 Relay RТ 40/6 piece 2 ТУ16-523.468-78 168 Protector SIM 250 A piece 45 GOST 17242-86 169 Relay РТ 40/50 piece 2 GOST 17516.1-90 170 Relay RNF-1M piece 2 GOST 15150-69 171 Relay RB 248 piece 2 GOST 17516.1-90
7 172 Amperometer 5/200A piece 15 TU 25- 7504.133-2007 173 Relay REU-11 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 174 Relay RU-21-0,15A piece 2 GOST 15150-69 175 Relay RU-21-0,1A piece 2 GOST 15150-69 176 Protector RKTN-10kV piece 2 GOST 2213-79. 177 Relay RN54/160 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 178 Relay RN-54/160 piece 2 ТУ 16-523.500-83 179 Relay RP-12 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 180 Relay NKR-3 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 181 Relay “Mikom” P111 piece 1 GOST 51537-72 182 Insulator piece 8 GOST 1232-82 183 Relay RP-341 piece 2 GOST 15150-69 184 Relay RP-256 piece 3 TU-272560031 185 Relay RL-25 piece 3 GOST 15150-69 186 Mounting plier (with insulation holder) piece 30 GOST 5547-93 187 Plier piece 63 GOST 5547-93 188 Indicator 0÷220V(2 pole 220-380, 750мм) piece 40 Intertool VT-4005 189 Dielectric key set (in case) set 8 ТУ 3926-021-127191850-2007 190 Automatic screwing unit (wire tip wrencher) piece 2 GOST 16214-86. 191 Amperklesh Noiki piece 15 3280C980-12 06-11H 192 Electrical extension cord, 40 m piece 2 GOST Р 51539-99 193 Electrical extension cord 10 m piece 1 GOST Р 51539-99 194 Electrical extension cord 50m piece 5 GOST Р 51539-99 195 Electrical extension cord (with 4-5holes) piece 10 GOST Р 51539-99 196 Hand lamp (with battery charged with ~ 220V) piece 16 GOST 4677-82 197 Level indicaor glass piece 2 GOST 22056-76 198 Self-tapping screw 10mm kg 5 GOST 1144-80 199 Self-tapping screw 80mm kg 5 GOST 1144-80 200 Screw nozzle piece 12 Mr.Logo 719002PZ 201 Screw tip (bolt) piece 3 Mr.Logo 719002PZ 202 Tester (digital) (combined device «Ch4324 ) piece 4 ТУ, У00226098.006-98. 203 Cable tester (measuring) NF308 piece 1 ТУ, У00226098.006-98. 204 Triangular lock set for iron box piece 50 GOST-5089-2003 205 Electric stove spiral piece 12 (product code:094272) 206 Insulating tape piece 2520 GOST 16214-86. 207 Fabric insulating tape piece 11 GOST 2162-97 208 Electric lamp 220 x 500vt piece 1000 GOST 2239-79 209 Electric lamp 220 X 150 VT piece 4000 GOST 2239-79 210 Electric lamp 220X100 Vt piece 2000 GOST 2239-79 211 Electric lamp 220V-40VT piece 2000 GOST 2239-79 212 Electric lamp 220X60 piece 2000 GOST 2239-79 213 Electric lamp E14,220V,60Vt piece 100 GOST 2239-79 214 LAMP DRL 125 piece 50 Philips HLP-N 125 215 LAMP/LUMIN.PHILIPS LB18VT piece 200 GOST 6825-91. 216 Electric lamp "Energy" 30W piece 200 SS 230V 30W E27 2700K
8 217 Electric lamp "Osram" 400 W piece 800 5984-408 218 Electric lamp "Econom"-85 W piece 200 5U 230V 85W E 27 4200K 219 Electric lamp "Energy" 15W piece 100 2U 230V 11W E27 2700К 220 Electric lamp "Energy" 50W piece 200 4U 230V 55W E27 4200K 221 LUMUNISET LAMP "PHILIPS"LB-36 piece 100 GOST 6825-91. 222 Spot lamp 100W piece 200 GOST 2239-79 223 Electric lamp DRL-250 W piece 50 philips hpl-n 250w e40 224 Electric lamp Energy 30-40W (spiral) piece 200 SS 230V 30W E27 2700K 225 Isolation tape (fabric material) piece 11 GOST 2162-97 226 Electric lamp "PHILIPS" LB-36 piece 100 GOST 6825-91. 227 Spot lamp 60W piece 200 GOST 2239-79 228 Rubber sheet 1N-I-MBS-S-5, width 80 cm meter 6 GOST 7338-90 229 Megaommeter ЭС020212 piece 3 ТУ25-7534.014-90 Makita electric drill (with rechargeable accumulator) CD- 230 piece 2 ping-16.8V9515 001 231 Combined headset (headset 10÷32) set 5 F4941 232 Electric drill (BOSH) small piece 4 GOST 233 Electric drill (BOSH) big piece 5 GOST 234 Electric perforator (big) piece 2 Modification 0 603 393 220 235 Cable for welder meter 140 35 4441 01 – cable brand КG 236 Cable massa (welder) KG1x50 meter 60 35 4441 01 – cable brand КG 237 Electric depth vibrator set 1 Code 15046045 Ventilator - electric engine power 3 kVt; number of cycles 238 piece 1 EAN4823016278357 1430d/d; capacity17300m3/s 239 Window mounted fan piece 5 EAN4823016205681 240 Carpenter electric fret-saw tool piece 2 601040500 241 Transmission mechanism piece 4 242 Sealing ring piece 4
LOT-2 Unit of R/N Names of goods measureme Quantity Standard of goods nt 1 Zinc steel sheet 0.55mm m2 1200 GOST R 52246-07 2 Glass cotton wool(Bf) m3 100 GOST10499-95 3 Screw (self-tapping)15mm kg 25 GOST10620-80 4 Glass elevator mata (XPS) m2 940 GOST4640-2011 5 Cement M:400 tn 80 GOST10178-85 6 Crushed stone m3 100 GOST8267-93 7 Sand m3 140 GOST8736-8867 8 Armature Ø8 tn 1 GOST5781-82 9 Armature Ø12 tn 3 GOST5781-82 10 Armature Ø16 tn 5 GOST5781-82 11 Metal bar (wiring) Ø6 meter 500 GOST30136-95 12 Concrete nail 100mm kg 30 TU 14-4-1731-07 13 Nail100mm kg 60 GOST4028-63
9 14 Wood 5x20x600cm m3 6 GOST8486-86 15 Tile m2 100 GOST6787-2007 16 Tile adhesive kg 400 AZS 039-2000 17 PVA glue kg 50 GOST18992-80 18 Binder litre 100 AZS082-2003 19 White cement kg 20 AZS 321-2008 20 Glass-ruberoid m2 1000 GOST 10999-76 21 Tiner litre 50 GOST31089-2003 22 Plastering (cover) kg 200 AZS046(TS370) 23 Plastering (primer) kg 300 AZS52(TS6432) 24 Lime kg 200 GOST9179-77 25 Ceramic tile m2 100 GOST6141-91 26 4mm thick glass m2 100 GOST111-2007 27 Anticorrosion dye kg 500 GOST30884-2003 28 White paint kg 200 GOST30884-2003 29 Aluminum paint kg 700 GOST30884-2003 30 Green paint kg 100 GOST30884-2003 31 Yellow paint kg 500 GOST30884-2003 32 Blue paint kg 400 GOST30884-2003 33 Red paint kg 500 GOST30884-2003 34 Grey paint kg 200 GOST30884-2003 35 Black paint kg 100 GOST30884-2003 36 Yellow emulsion (facade) tn 5 AZS034-98 37 Grey emulsion (facade) tn 3 AZS034-98 38 Emulsion (inside white) tn 2,4 AZS034-98 39 Filler kg 30 GOST-6465-76 40 Varnish kg 30 GOST6465-76 41 Dissolvent litre 60 GOST31089-2003 42 Bitumen kg 280 GOST11955-82 43 Burned wire Ø2mm kg 40 GOST380-71 44 Fire-resistant brick piece 1500 GOST390-83 45 Chamotte kg 500 GOST8691-73 46 Clay kg 500 GOST3226-93 47 Asbestos kg 150 GOST12871-93 48 Montage foam 0,5kg piece 100 GOST12.0230-2007 49 Silicone glue piece 20 GOST28780-90 50 Mastic for insulation kg 200 GOST15836-70 51 Concrete perforator 4÷12 set 2 GOST22735-77 52 Wood perforator 4÷12 set 2 GOST22057-76 53 Korung metal cutting disc Ø230 piece 25 GOST21963-82 54 Korung metal cutting disc Ø115 piece 15 GOST21963-82 55 Diamond disc Ø115 piece 4 TU36-907-70 56 Diamond disc Ø230 piece 4 TU36-907-70 57 Lime paint brush piece 15 GOST10597-80 58 Shovel (dipper) piece 30 GOST19596-87
10 59 Straight shovel piece 30 GOST19596-87 60 Shovel handle piece 60 Pine tree L=1.5m 61 Flat brush (different) piece 60 GOST10597-87 62 Roller for painter piece 30 GOST10831-87 63 Metal brush piece 15 GOST28638-90 64 Metal-cutting scissors piece 3 GOST7210-2000 65 Metal-cutting blade piece 3 GOST R53411-09 66 Wheelbarrow piece 20 GOST23173-96 67 Smoothing plane for carpenter piece 2 GOST15987-91 68 Plastering rasp piece 20 GOST4976-83 69 Crowbar piece 6 GOST1405-83 70 Rope Ø15mm meter 50 GOST1868-88 71 Wood bench saw (gangsaw) Ø350 mm piece 4 GOST9769-79 72 Glass cutter piece 3 GOST10111-74 73 Axe for wood piece 5 GOST18578-89 74 Axe for stone piece 5 GOST11043-90 75 Screw-driver (flat blade) piece 10 GOST17199-71 76 Oxygen reductor piece 2 GOST29090-91 77 Propane reductor piece 2 GOST13861-91 78 High pressure hose (for oxygen) meter 80 GOST9356-75 79 Water hose ø20mm meter 100 GOST18698-79 80 Bucket 10L piece 40 GOST20558-88E 81 String 100m piece 10 GOST2671-2001 82 Plastering trowel KB-1 piece 30 GOST9533-81 83 Metal cutting saw blade piece 25 GOST6645-88 84 Screw-driver set 2 GOST2838-71 85 Gas spanner №1 piece 6 GOST18981-73 86 Tapeline 5M piece 20 GOST7502-98 87 Tapeline 10m piece 4 GOST7502-98 88 Plier piece 8 GOST7236-73 89 Cutting plier piece 6 GOST7282-54 90 Hammer piece 8 GOST2309-200 91 Triangular socket piece 5 GOST1465-2000 92 Spirit level scale piece 5 CODE05885040 93 Al.profile (5x3)cm 3m piece 5 GOST 8617-91 94 Standard tile cutter piece 3 95 Nail puller piece 5 GOST1405-83 96 Trowel (big, small) piece 20 GOST10778-83 97 Plumb for bricklayers piece 6 GOST7948-80 98 Welding cable meter 40 GOST 24334-80 99 Multipurpose metal cutting saw- cutter working with gas piece 1 GOST10796-2000 100 Mechanical meter piece 2 TU-2-12-156-76 101 Electronic meter piece 2 Dalnometer RED-tech TU2247-041-10641390- 102 Spirit level scale with transparent tube Ø15mm meter 30 2007
11 103 Mirror set 6 GOST 17716-91 104 Pedestal for washbasin set 8 GOST 24379,1-80 TU4960-022-54672351- 105 Washbasin set 5 2005 106 Washer set 3 GOST 50851-96 107 Pedestal washbasin siphon piece 10 GOST 19135-80 108 Hose 40÷60cm washbasin piece 30 GOST 10362-76 109 Hose for tank 40cm piece 20 GOST 10362-76 110 Bide piece 10 GOST 10362-76 111 Arko crane piece 25 GOST 25809-96 112 Water tank (for squat toilet) piece 10 GOST 27914-88 113 Water mixer for shower piece 7 GOST 25809-96 114 Water mixer waterbasin pedestal piece 7 GOST 25809-96 115 Screw tip piece 12 GOST17199-88 116 Screw-driver for drill set 3 GOST17199-88 117 Self-tapping screw L= 30mm kg 5 GOST1145-80 118 Plastic pipe Ø25mm meter 110 GOST18599-2001 119 Plastic corner Ø25mm piece 30 GOST P52134-2003 120 Plastic coupler Ø25mm piece 20 GOST P52134-2003 121 Plastic triplet Ø25mm piece 15 GOST P52134-2003 122 Plastic corner with inside threadØ25mm piece 10 GOST P52134-2003 123 Plastic “amerikanka” with outside thread Ø25÷Ø20mm piece 10 GOST P52134-2003 124 Plastic pipe Ø50mm 2m meter 20 GOST18599-2001 125 Plastic triplet+coupler Ø50mm piece 30 GOST P52134-2003 126 Plastic trap 50mm piece 10 GOST P52134-2003 127 Plastic valve Ø25mm piece 6 GOST P52134-2003 128 Plastic door lock (inner) set 20 GOST-5089-2003 129 Wooden door lock (inner) set 20 GOST-5089-2003 130 Padlock piece 10 GOST-5089-2003 131 Lifting block piece 3 GOST 21485-94 132 Screwdriver (lerka set) piece 2 GOST 9740-71 133 Cable mass (welding machine) KG1x50 meter 60 GOST 24334-80 134 Woodworking machine with combi system piece 1 GOST15995-87 135 Welding machine 380v piece 1 GOST5264-80
LOT-3 Unit of R/N Names of goods measureme Quantity Standard of goods nt Standard gas mixture in 40 litre tank to calibrate the 1 piece 1 GOST 52660-2006 chromatograph 2 Copper plate trial set piece 1 GOST 6321-92 Drum-type gas meter for measuring the volume of flowing gas. (Technical specification: nominal flow rate 3 piece 1 ТУ №25-7550-0039-88 measurement error ± 2; maximum gas supply pressure up to 500Mbar; interval from 6 to 600 litre/hour) 4 Analytic scale.Category of accuracy-2. Maximum limit of piece 1 GOST 24104
12 measurement 2000 (5000) gr Aneroid barometer. Limit of measurment 600-800 mm.c.h; 5 measurement error - ± 1.5 mm.c.h., pressure gauge scale piece 4 (ТУ 25-11.1513-79) rate - 0,5 mm.c.h. 6 Psychrometer piece 5 GOST 6353-52 Weights (second-degree accuracy category, in compliance 7 with the requirements of international standard OIML); set 1 (OIML R 111-1) Accuracy class: F1 Measurement range: 1mg - 5kg Weights (second-degree accuracy category, in compliance 8 with the requirements of international standard OIML); set 1 (OIML R 111-1) Accuracy class: F1 Measurement range: 1g – 500g Viscozymeter bath (complete set) equipped with ТУ У33,1- 9 piece 1 temperature controller 31640374,005-2005 Sample taker for petroleum products PE 1600 (for taking 10 piece 4 GOST 2517 samples from vertical tanks) Container for taking samples of liquified gas PU-400 or 11 piece 4 GOST14921-78 PGО-400 GOST Р 52319-2005 Muffel stove for laboratory Tmax - 1100 oC, capacity - 24 (МEК 61010-1:2001), 12 litres, power - 4.5 kVt, dimensions of cells – 280x340x250 piece 1 GOST Р МEК 61010-2- mm 010-99 13 Pycnometer PG –100 piece 6 GOST 22524 14 Pycnometer PG –200 piece 2 GOST 22524 15 Connecting pipe TS-P. piece 20 GOST 25336 16 Areometer ANT-1 0,650-0,710 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 17 Areometer ANT-1 0,710-0,770 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 18 Areometer ANT-1 0,770-0,830 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 19 Areometer ANT-1 0,830-0,890 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 20 Areometer ANT-1 0,890-0,950 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 21 Areometer ANT-1 0,950-1,010 g/cm3 piece 2 GOST 18481 22 Thermometer TT brand, limit of measurement 0-500oC piece 2 GOST 2823 23 Thermometer TT brand, limit of measurement 0-250oC piece 2 GOST 2823 24 Thermometer TН-7 brand, limit of measurement 0-360oC piece 2 GOST 400 Thermometer TН-6 brand, limit of measurement -30 25 piece 2 GOST 400 +60oC Thermometer TН-3 brand, limit of measurement 50- 26 piece 2 GOST 400 110oC 27 Thermometer TL-4 brand, limit of measurement 0-55oC piece 2 GOST 215 28 Thermometer TL-2 brand, limit of measurement 0-100oC piece 2 GOST 215 29 Thermometer TT brand, limit of measurement 0-100oC piece 2 ТУ 25-2021.010-89 30 Thermometer TT brand, limit of measurement 0-400oC piece 2 ТУ 25-2021.010-89 31 Thermometer TT brand, limit of measurement 0-450oC piece 2 ТУ 25-2021.010-89 32 Glass tubes TX-U-2-100 piece 10 GOST 25336-82 33 Glass tubes TX-U-3-100 piece 20 GOST 25336-82 GOST Р 52319-2005 (IEC 61010-1:2001) and Electric drying rack for laboratory with temperature 34 piece 1 GOST Р МEК 61010-2- regulator, timer function and ventilation 010 (IEC 61010-2- 010:2003) 35 Glass container for washing and cleaning gases (Drexel piece 3 GOST 8682-93 glass) Capacity - 250 ml, diameter - 55*200 mm, cone
13 29/32 Cadmium chloride 2,5- aqueous (pure for analysis or 36 kg 4 GOST 4330 chemically pure) 37 Cadmium acetate 2-aqueous (p.f.a. or c.p.) kg 2 GOST 5824-51 38 Solid hydrochloric acid (ρ=1.19 g/cm3) (p.f.a. or c.p.) litre 2 GOST 3118-77 39 Acetate acid (p.f.a. or c.p) litre 1 GOST 61-75 Sodium hydroxide, standard titer (fixonal) c (NaOH) = 0.1 TУ 2642-001- 40 litre 1,5 mol/dm3 56278322-2008 41 Sodium hydroxide (p.f.a. or c.p.) kg 2 GOST 4328-77 TУ 2642-001- 42 Iodine, standard titer (fixonal) c (1/2 İ2) = 0.1 mol/dm3 litre 1,5 56278322-2008 43 Water-soluable thymol blue indicator kg 1,5 TУ 6-09-4922-80 44 Toluol (c.p.) litre 6 GOST 5789-78 45 Sodium sulphate kg 1,3 GOST 4166-76 46 Sodium carbonate (anhydrous) (p.f.a. or c.p.) kg 0,5 GOST 83-79 47 Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 (p.f.a. or c.p) kg 1,5 GOST 4220-75 Potassium iodide (p.f.a. or c.p) dried at 105-110 oC up to 48 kg 0,5 GOST 4232-74 stable weight 49 Sodium sulfate (p.f.a. or c.p.) kg 0,4 GOST 2053-77 50 3-aqueous sodium acetate (p.f.a. or c.p) kg 0,4 GOST 199-78 51 Aqueous ammonia, 25% solution litr 0,5 GOST 3760-79 52 Methyl orange indicator (p.f.a) kg 0,2 TУ 6-09-5171-84 53 Phenolphthalein (p.f.a.) kg 0,2 TУ 6-09-5360-88 54 Aluminium oxide (AOA-1 or OA-2) kg 0,5 GOST 8136 55 Carbone 4 chloride (p.f.a.) OKP 26 3161 089208 litre 5 GOST 20288 56 Filter paper FB-1 pack 2 GOST 12026-76 57 Filter paper FB-3 pack 2 GOST 12026-76 58 Acetone (p.f.a. or c.p.) litre 5 GOST 2603-79 59 Rectified technical ethyl alcohol litre 5 GOST 18300-87 60 Calsium chloride, excellent or first class, granulated kg 2 GOST 450-77 61 Solid sulfate acid (c.p.) litre 2 GOST 4204-77 62 Potassium hydroxide (p.f.a. or c.p) kg 0,5 GOST 24363-80
63 EDTA disodium salt (C10H14N2O8Na2•2H2O) kg 0,25 GOST 10652-73
64 Ammonium chloride NH4Cl kg 2,5 GOST 3773-72 65 Ammonia 25% litre 25 GOST 3760-79
66 Calcium carbonate CaCO3 kg 0,05 GOST 4530-76 GOST 14261-77 GOST 67 Hydrochloric acid HCl litre 2 3118-77 68 Methyl red pH 4,2 - 6,2 kg 0,02 ТУ 6-09-5169-84
69 Black T II (eriochrome II) (C20H12N3O7SNa) kg 0,05 ТУ 6-09-1760-72 ТU 2423-168- 70 Triethanolamine [(HOCH CH ) N] litre 4 2 2 3 00203335-2007 Standard calcium solution (0,4008 mg (0,01 mmol in 1 71 litre 22 cm3) calcium)
72 Magnesium sulfate 7 aqueous (MgSO4•7H2O) kg 0,01 GOST 4523 Methanil salt (4-anyldiazobenzene-sulfonylureas acid 73 kg 0,05 GOST 4941-77 sodium salt) 74 10% ammonia solution, 10 or 40 ml fl. 1
14 Sodium hydrogen carbonate, powder 10g or vikair tab № 75 box 1 10. 76 Nytroglycerine caps. № 20. box 10 77 Hypothermic package (cooler) salt-water mixture piece 2 78 Hydrogen peroxide, 3% solution, 40 ml fl. 1 79 Antimicrobial chlorhexidine bandage, 6cm x 10 cm box 2 80 Hemostatic bandage, 6 cm x 10 cm, № 3. box 1 81 Burn gel bandage, 10 cm x 10 cm or 20g tube. piece 3 82 Sodium sulphasil, 20 % solution, 5 ml fl. 1 83 Activated charcoal, tab № 10 box 2 Central heating for ventilation system. Temperature 84 piece 1 difference, ∆t = 10-12oC 85 Trolley bag for carrying containers where samples taken piece 4 Cooler for laboratory – 2... + 15 oC, capacity 100-130 86 litre. Taking into consideration the safety measures against piece 1 any explosion (for cooling of petroleum products) Ventilator for home (for determination of odor intensity 87 piece 4 GOST 7402-84 analysis) Brush set for cleaning laboratory glass bottles, in different 88 piece 1 sizes