Approved 1540 Committee Matrix of State

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Approved 1540 Committee Matrix of State


The information in the matrices originates primarily from national reports and is complemented by official government information, including that made available to inter-governmental organizations. The matrices are prepared under the direction of the 1540 Committee. The 1540 Committee intends to use the matrices as a reference tool for facilitating technical assistance and to enable the Committee to continue to enhance its dialogue with States on their implementation of Security Council Resolution 1540.

The matrices are not a tool for measuring compliance of States in their non-proliferation obligations but for facilitating the implementation of Security Council Resolutions 1540 (2004), 1673 (2006), 1810 (2008) and 1977 (2011). They do not reflect or prejudice any ongoing discussions outside of the Committee, in the Security Council or any of its organs, of a State's compliance with its non-proliferation or any other obligations. Information on voluntary commitments is for reporting purpose only and does not constitute in any way a legal obligation arising from resolution 1540 or its successive resolutions.

Matrix entries are only indicators of fact and not indicators of the degree of compliance under resolution 1540 (2004) and its successor resolutions. Thus:

An “X” in any data field signifies only that the 1540 Committee considers that a State has taken the steps required, and/or has provided specific references to the applicable legal basis or executive behaviour as evidence of such steps. An “X” against any data field does not necessarily signify that a State has met in full its 1540 obligations for that data field. A “?” in any data field signifies that the references to legislative or other measures may not be directly relevant or are incomplete. A “NA” (Not Applicable) in any data field signifies that the data field is not applicable to that State where through legally binding instruments States specified that they do not possess related materials or facilities. A blank in any data field signifies that there is insufficient information available to enter an “X” or “?” against a particular data field.

I. OP 1 and related matters from OP 5, OP 8 (a), (b), (c) and OP10 {State's State: name} Date of Report: Dates of 1 Additional Reports Last Revised:

Adherence to legally binding instruments, Relevant membership information of (i.e. signing, organisations deposit of Remarks , instrument (information refers to the page of the English version of the national report or an official web site) participation of accession, in ratification, arrangement etc) s and statements made. Nuclear Non-

1 Proliferation

Treaty (NPT) Nuclear Weapons 2 Free Zone/ Protocol(s) Convention for the Suppression 3 of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism Convention on Physical Protection of 4 Nuclear Material (CPPNM) 2005 Amendment 5 to the CPPNM

2 Comprehensi ve Nuclear-

6 Test-Ban

Treaty (CTBT) (not in force) Chemical Weapons 7 Convention (CWC) Biological Weapons 8 Convention (BWC) Geneva

9 Protocol of

1925 1997 International Convention 10 for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing 1999 International Convention for the 11 Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism 2005 Protocol to the Convention for the 12 suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation

3 2005 Protocol to the Convention for the suppression of acts 13 against the safety of fixed platforms located on the continental shelf 2010 Convention on the Suppression 14 of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation Other relevant regional 15 legally binding instruments International Atomic

16 Energy

Agency (IAEA) Directly 17 relevant

Arrangement s 18 [Statement on non- provision of WMD and

4 related materials to non-State actors] Membership in relevant international, 19 regional or sub-regional organisations

5 II. OP 2 - Nuclear Weapons (NW), Chemical Weapons (CW) and Biological Weapons (BW)

National legislation which Enforcement and civil/criminal penalties prohibits persons or entities to engage in one of the Remarks following activities and its Source document of national implementation law N C B Source document CW BW enforcement W W W (This order to be followed (This for fields below) order to NW: be CW: followed 1 manufacture BW: for fields below) NW: CW: BW: 2 acquire

3 possess

4 develop

5 transport

6 transfer

7 use attempt to engage in 8 abovementioned activities participate as an accomplice in 9 abovementioned activities assist in 1 abovementioned 0 activities finance 1 abovementioned 1 activities 6 abovementioned 1 activities related to 2 means of delivery 1

1. Means of delivery: missiles, rockets and other unmanned systems capable of delivering nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons that are specially designed for such use.

7 III. OP 3 (a) and (b) - Account for/Secur e/Physic ally protect NW, CW and BW, including Related Materials 2

Measures to National Enforcement establish legal and/or and Remarks domestic regulatory civil/criminal controls to framework penalties prevent the Source X /? X /? proliferation Source document of NW, CW, document BW, and their means of delivery; NW CW BW* NW CW BW controls over related materials (This order to (This order to be followed be followed Measures to for fields for fields 1 account for below) below) production NW: NW: CW: CW: BW: BW: Measures to 2 account for use 8 Measures to 3 account for storage Measures to 4 account for transport Measures to 5 secure production Measures to 6 secure use Measures to 7 secure storage Measures to 8 secure transport Physical 9 protection measures

Personnel 10 Reliability

2. Related materials: materials, equipment and technology covered by relevant multilateral treaties and arrangements, or included on national control lists, which could be used for the design, development, production or use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery. * Information required in this section may also be available in the State’s Confidence Building Measures report, if submitted to the BWC Implementation Support Unit (online at: (httpPages)/4FA4DA37A55C7966C12575780055D9E8?OpenDocument )

9 IV. OP 3 (a) and (b) - Account for/Secure/Physically protect NW including Related Materials (NW specific)

Measures to establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation of NW, and Remarks their means of delivery; controls over related materials

National regulatory 1 authority

Licensing of nuclear 2 installations/entities/ use of materials

IAEA Safeguards 3 Agreements

IAEA Code of Conduct 4 on Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources Supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export of 5 Radioactive Sources of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources

IAEA Incident and 6 Trafficking Database

Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) / International 7 Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPAS)

Applying the physical protection 8 recommendations in INFCIRC/225/Rev.5 10

Other Agreements 9 related to IAEA

National legislation and 1 regulations related to

0 nuclear material

including CPPNM

11 V. OP 3 (a) and (b) - Account for/Secur e/Physic ally protect CW including Related Materials (CW specific)

Measures to establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation Source Remarks of CW, and document their means of delivery; controls over related materials




2 Licensing/reg istration of installations/ facilities/ persons/entit ies/use/

12 handling of related materials Old or abandoned 3 chemical weapons

13 VI. OP 3 (a) and (b) - Account for/Secur e/Physic ally protect BW including Related Materials (BW specific)

Measures to establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation Source Remarks of BW, their document means of delivery; controls over related materials Licensing/reg istration of installations/ facilities/ 1 persons/entit

ies/use/ handling of materials

2 Other

14 15 VII. OP 3 (c) and (d) and related matters from OP 6 - Controls of NW, CW and BW, including Related Materials

Border Enforcement National controls and and legal export and civil/criminal Remarks framework trans- penalties shipment X /? X /? Source document controls to Source prevent the document proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological N C B weapons and NW CW their means W W W of delivery including related materials

16 Border (This order to be followed for fields below) (This order to be followed for fields below) control to NW: NW: detect, deter, CW: CW: 1 prevent and BW: BW: combat illicit trafficking Law enforcement to detect, 2 deter, prevent and combat illicit trafficking Border control 3 detection measures Control of 4 brokering Export control 5 legislation in place Licensing provisions 6 and Authority Control lists of materials, 7 equipment and technology Intangible 8 technology transfers Inclusion of 9 means of delivery End-user 10 controls Catch all 11 clause 17 Transit 12 control Trans- 13 shipment control Re-export 14 control Control over financing of exports/trans hipments 15 that would contribute to proliferation

Control over services related to exports/ transhipment 16 s that would contribute to proliferation including transportatio n

18 VIII. OP 7 and 8 (d) - Assistanc e, Work with and inform Industry and Public, and other Informati on

Assistance 1 offered Assistance Point of Contact (for

2 assistance

providers only)

Assistance 3 requested Action taken to work with

4 and inform


19 Action taken to work with

5 and inform

the public

Point of 6 Contact Voluntary National Implementati 7 on Action Plan (NAP)

1540 Committee 8 visits to States


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