Leadership and Organizational Management s6
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Legacy High School A Global Studies School
Course Expectations 2015-2016 United States History
Instructor: Mr. Waxer LHS Room 1221 Phone: (702) 799-1777 Ext. 2221 Email: [email protected] Website Address: www.legacyhigh.net
Course Scope:
This one-year course is a study of American history with an emphasis on the Modern World from 1900 to the present day. Students explore and evaluate the significant historical events and the consequences. This course provides and examination of historical themes to analyze how new events continue to shape our nation and society today. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills the U.S. History credit required for high school graduation. Course Goals:
1. To compare historical themes and events to the physical environment. [NS: H2.0, G6.0]
2. To analyze the impact of ideas and individual actions on social, political, economic, technological, and religious institutions in American history. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, E10.0, C13.0]
3. To assess the causes and consequences of complex events such as wars, conflicts, and revolutions. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0]
4. To cite evidence supporting the historical development and present condition of the American economic system. [NS: H3.0, E10.0, E11.0]
5. To summarize the benefits and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. [NS: C13.0]
6. To evaluate how the arts and humanities of diverse cultures relate to the historical themes of the United States. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0 H4.0 G7.0, C13.0]
7. To draw conclusions regarding the impact of science and technology on the human and physical systems of the United States. [NS: H1.0, H3.0, G6.0, G8.0]
8. To apply the content literacy skills necessary to analyze historical documents, artifacts, and concepts. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0, G5.0, G7.0, E10.0, E11.0, C13.0]
Legacy High School Page: 1 9. To use information, media, and technology literacy skills necessary to research, communicate, and demonstrate critical thinking. [NS: H1.0, H2.0, H3.0, H4.0, H6.0, G7.0, G8.0, E10.0, E11.0, C13.0] Textbooks
The following text(s) will be utilized in this course: America – Pathways To The Present *Cayton, 2007
Student Supplies
Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year: Writing utensils. Blue or black pens, or a pencil. Spiral notebook Glue 2-pocket folder for your class portfolio to keep in class. Period 1: Red Period 6: Green Period 2: Orange Period 7: Blue Period 5: Yellow Period 8: Purple If extra materials are needed, they will be requested at a later date.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness to class is not acceptable. Students arriving to a class after the tardy bell has rung will receive consequences aligned with the Legacy High School Tardy Policy. A student who is more than 30 minutes late to class will be counted absent from that class. Classrooms will be locked when the tardy bell rings. Teachers will issue a tardy if a student is late to class. They will mark tardy in Infinite Campus.
Discipline Procedures: 1st Tardy = Verbal Warning, student initials on tardy slip. 2nd Tardy = Verbal Warning, student initials on tardy slip. 3rd Tardy = Call parent, student initials on tardy slip. 4th Tardy = Detention, student initials on tardy slip. 5th and additional tardies = Referral to the Deans’ office. *Random tardy lock-out sweeps will be conducted. Students out of class without a pass will be issued an RPC.
Grading Policy
Grading Scale: A= 100%- 89.5% B= 89.4%- 79.5% C= 79.4%- 69.5% D= 69.4%- 59.5% F= 59.4%- 0%
Rounding Policy:
Legacy High School Page: 2 Grade percentages that end with 9.5 or above will be subjected to rounding up. Anything below the 9.5 will not be rounded up. For example, a percentage of 79.5 would be raised up to B whereas a percentage of 79.4 will remain a C. Only Semester grades are subject to rounding- up.
Description of Grading Procedures: Assessments = 40 % Classwork = 30 % Homework = 20 % Participation = 10 %
Assessments – Quizzes, Tests, Unit Exams, Essays, Projects. Students who are absent on the day of tests, quizzes, or unit exams must make preparations to make up the assessments in a timely manner and must meet with the teacher after the lesson to arrange for the student to come in for a make-up. Students may only make-up assessments before or after school at the teachers convenience and given at least 24 hours in advance notice to make preparations for the testing environment and to clear any schedule of conflicts such as events or meetings. Essays and projects that are late follow the normal tardy policy procedure of the reduction of points in regards to the number of days missing. Excused absences are taken into consideration and students may make up all tests, quizzes, essays, and projects for full points.
Classwork – Most daily assignments are due at the end of the class period. Short and long ranged assignments are due the following day or on the date identified in their “A” Day/“B” Day notebook/binder, which will be graded on completeness, neatness, and organization on a regular basis. Any classwork not completed during class is expected to be taken home and finished prior to its due date. Books will be available to be checked out. Students are to check the board daily for assignments and due dates. All papers should be neat and legible. Papers without names will be put in a no-name pile and discarded at the end of the quarter. Every student is expected to do his/her own work. Any students sharing work will receive a zero, unless it is a cooperative learning assignment.
Homework – You can expect 1-2 homework assignments per week requiring approximately ½ hour to complete. Homework will include assignments partially covered in class given the time applicable and students will be asked to finish it at home.
Participation – Classroom participation impact on grade will be determined by the Warm- Up’s to be done at the start of each class and Tickets out the Door at the end of class. Notebooks will be used to maintain topics covered through notes and handouts, and to be used as a study guide. They will be evaluated on a Monthly basis and will be announced in advance. Notebooks count toward classroom participation.
Extra Credit – Extra credit opportunities may be built into some assignments and/or provided throughout the school year on a class basis only.
Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade
Legacy High School Page: 3 45% Quarter 2/4 Grade 10% Semester Examination
Standards of Preparation: All assignments should be completed in a scholarly fashion. Work should be neat, with care regarding proper spelling and grammar utilized. This can, and will, factor into graded assignments such as homework, classwork, and special projects / reports or essays. Any assignment that is illegible will be returned and it must be re-completed and re-submitted within a day.
Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance
Make-up procedures:
If you are absent it is your responsibility to get your absent work from the “WHAT DID I MISS?” wall. Unless you have been absent for more than 3 consecutive days, your make-up work is due within three days; beginning the day you return to school. Tests and exams must be made up within 5 school days of your return from and absence. If the only day you were absent was exam day or the day an assignment was due, you must make-up the test/exam or turn in the assignment the day your return. You do not receive extra days to make-up work because you were only absent the day the work was due or the test was administered. Tests can only be made up before or after school and only if prearranged with the teacher. It is your responsibility to make-up any missing assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:
1. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what to do, ask a classmate for an update. 2. During the last 5 minutes of class, or during independent work time, copy the missing activities. You may get this information from a responsible classmate. 3. If you need to make-up a test you must make arrangements with the teacher during the last 5 minutes of class. Tests can only be made up before or after school and only if prearranged with the teacher. 4. The points possible from the Warm-Up’s and Exit Slips are not able to be made-up.
Late Work: If a student is absent on the day the assignment is due, the completed assignment is due the day the student returns to school. Work is considered late if turned in after I have collected it. The homework basket is labeled and will be on my desk. Late work is accepted, but 10% of the total points possible will be deducted for each date beyond the due date that has passed. Look to the “What Did I Miss?” wall to receive missing assignments which is in sequential order from left to right.
Hours of Availability: The instructor is available daily (from 6:30 AM to the start of school and from 1:25 PM to about 3:00 PM on a daily school basis. Please be aware that parent conferences, staff meetings, club supervision, etc. may alter this schedule, so appointments for special assistance must be made 24 hours in advance. I am generally out of my classroom on Wednesday due to personal club supervision but I can be found in Room 804 or Room 704.
Legacy High School Page: 4 Attendance After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course.
Class Management Plan In order to ensure each and every student in our class has a safe and effective learning environment; students will follow the Classroom Behavior Expectations along with other Classroom Rules. The ability to follow this plan will help determine Citizenship mark in the classroom.
Classroom Behavioral Expectations
Respect the teacher and your classmates. You respect the teacher when you do what is asked, avoid talking back, respect his personal space and property, and follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures and treat them the way you would expect to be treated yourself. I expect you to follow the directions that have been verbalized or written on the board or power-point by the teacher. If you have questions about the directions, please raise your hand to ask. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. This means you do not throw things, kick things, push people, hit people, etc. This is common sense. All students are respectful to each other’s property. All students are respectful to the instructor’s property. Never enter the space behind my desk unless I have given you permission to. Students are to have their backpacks, purses, totes, and bags off and under their seats. Students are to wear appropriate clothing per the dress code and are to have their hoodie’s, hats, and beanies off during the classroom session. Profanity or vulgar language will not be tolerated and will result in a call home. No swearing or name calling. You do not make fun of another classmate because of his or her color, race, language, religion, etc. No personal grooming in class. No sleeping in class. There is a zero tolerance for any level of bullying or harassment. When you enter the classroom, do not waste time. If a homework assignment is due, find it and submit it. Read the agenda and take out the supplies necessary to complete the assignments for the day. If a student is severely disruptive, or insubordinate, he or she will be sent immediately to the Dean’s Office. Should the student fail to appear for teacher’s detention, a referral will be sent to the Dean. Students, who arrive to class late by a half hour or more, will be marked absent. Refrain from “taking” items that do not belong to you and be respectful of the space occupied by others. Should property that is given to a student for in-class use or checked out is the student’s responsibility to care for and return when requested. Lost textbooks and other materials will result in fines. Nuisance items WILL be confiscated. Nuisance items include, but are not limited to: headphones / earpieces, hand-held games, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, yearbooks and IPods. Cell phones: CCSD policy allows students to have cell phones, but they must be turned to either OFF or SILENT during class time. Cell
Legacy High School Page: 5 phones used during class WILL be confiscated. NO food, candy, gum or drinks in the room (Bottled Water only)! It attracts ants, cockroaches, and other undesirable critters. Do NOT talk during tests or exams; raise your hand if you have a question. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will result in a zero for the assignment and parental contact. Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas or copying what they have written without citing their work or idea. Complete independent assignments yourself. If work is being copied, the copier and the person whose work is being copied will both receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Corridor and restroom passes – Students are allowed a maximum of 15 corridor AND restroom passes together, every quarter. After the passes for a specific student is used up they cannot have a pass. Students are expected to remain seated and act appropriate until the teacher can assist the student. Severe: No fighting, threats, or verbal abuse. It is extremely inappropriate for you to fight with another classmate, threaten anyone, or verbally abuse by insulting. Treat others how you wish to be treated. I will respect you as an individual as your respect me. I will provide you with an orderly classroom environment, appropriate motivation, and a safe, comfortable place to express your ideas.
Consistently following these behavioral guidelines will result in a Citizenship Mark of O. Following this plan most of the time will result in a Citizenship Mark of S. Regular reminders regarding appropriate behavior and/or formal reprimands for behavior will result in a Citizenship Mark of U.
Progressive Discipline Consequences
First offense: Student is counseled and reminded of classroom rules. Second offense: Parent notification. Third offense: Detention and parent notification. Fourth offense Detention, Parent notification, and referral to counselor. Fifth offense and beyond: Referral to Dean.
If a student is severely disruptive, he or she will be sent immediately to the Principal. Should the student fail to appear for detention or be insubordinate, a referral will be sent to the dean. I give my students many opportunities to correct their behaviors before I use more drastic discipline methods.
Cell Phone & Music Player Consequences
Cellphone & Music Player use is not permitted in class by the student in any way, shape, or form, unless specified by the teacher. Failure to comply with the rule will result in additional consequences: First offense: Verbal warning. Second Offense: Phone Call Home.
Legacy High School Page: 6 Third offense: Confiscation of device until after class, Parent notification. Fourth offense: Confiscation of device until after school, Detention, Parent notification, and referral to counselor. Fifth offense and beyond: Referral to Dean
Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 25, 2015.
Acknowledgement of Course Expectations United States History
We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.
______Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature
______Parent Name Parent Signature
______Home phone Work/Cell phone
Email Address: ______
Electronic Textbook
Legacy High School Page: 7 If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.
Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook will be checked out to the student.
Parent Signature: ______
Legacy High School Page: 8