Supporting People in Canterbury with a Disability for Over 30 Years
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Supporting people in Canterbury with a disability for over 30 years
2015 Disability Information Centre of the Year
Annual Report 2015
Disabled Persons’ Centre Trust Trading as Aspire Canterbury
1 2 Table of Contents
Quote 3
Board of Trustees 3
Staff 2015 4
Collaborative Partner Representatives 2015 4
Address Details 4
Professional Partners 4
Chairperson’s Report 2015 5
Treasurer's Report 6
Manager's Report 2015 7
Collaborative Partner Reports 2015 8
Alzheimer’s Canterbury 8
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society of Canterbury (Inc) 8
Pain Action in New Zealand Incorporated (P.A.I.N.Z.) 10
Paraloan (NZ Paraplegic & Physically Disabled Foundation 10
Muscular Dystrophy Association (Canterbury) 12
MSNZ (Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand) 13
Accounts 2015 15
Auditor’s Report 2015 25
Funders 2015 26
Messages of Appreciation 27 Quote
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day. ~Sally Koch
3 Supp orting pe op le in Cante rb ury with a di sab ility f or ove r 30 ye ars
Board of Trustees 2015 Chairperson Tim Trewinnard Treasurer Martin Zelas Community Trustees Sam Davis Martin Morrissey Michael Ensor Wendy Davie (Deputy-Chair) Mark Sherry Secretary Mark Thiele
Staff 2015 Manager Mark Thiele Disability Information Jill McChesney Total Mobility Debbie Hadley Mobile Services Shannon Morris
Collaborative Partner Committee Representatives 2015 Alzheimers Canterbury Darral Campbell Disabled Persons’ Centre and Disability Information Service Mark Thiele, Secretary Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Society of Canterbury (Inc) Robin Furley Pain Action in New Zealand Incorporated (P.A.I.N.Z.) Gillian Crowe Paraloan (The NZ Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Foundation) Terry Warren Muscular Dystrophy Association Canterbury Eris Le Compte & Paul Graham Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand Amanda Keefe Street Address Postal Address Other Contact 314 Worcester Street PO Box 32-074 T 03 366 6189 Linwood Linwood F 03 379 5939 Christchurch 8001 Christchurch 8147
Accountants Auditor Solicitor (Hon) CES Ltd Bevan Smith Jeremy Blake Chartered Accountant Barrister & Solicitor Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch
Bankers PR Consultants Architect Westpac Takahe Marketing & Design Ross Maguire Eastgate, Linwood Registered Architect Christchurch Christchurch
4 Supporting people in Canterbury with a disability for over 30 years
Chairperson’s Report 2015 2015 has been a productive and positive year for Aspire Canterbury. Whilst our presence at Worcester Street may not have changed significantly and still shows the battle scars from the earthquakes some 5 years ago, much progress has been made on taking Aspire Canterbury forward. Importantly this was recognised during the year through the organisation being awarded the New Zealand Disability Information Centre of the year for 2015. Our growth as an organisation has been underpinned by the emergence of our new mobile service and significant progress on our earthquake related insurance claims. Both of these point to a strong future for the organisation and indicate exciting times ahead as we hopefully start to explore a new chapter for our physical presence in Christchurch. A positive organisational culture Within any organisation a positive and strong culture is vital to its success. At Aspire Canterbury I believe we have a strong, team based, culture that goes across all board members and employees alike. On a day-to-day basis this is led by Mark Thiele, our centre manager, but I am sure he would be the first to recognise the value and contribution of all at Aspire. His team of Jill and Debbie were complemented in 2015 with the recruitment of Shannon to oversee the growth of the Aspire Canterbury Mobile Services. As a team it is great to see them enjoying the successes of the organisation and working collectively to help us grow. From the board specific thanks should be made to our Property Committee whom have worked hard and tirelessly to get us to the position where we now have light at the end of the tunnel having been negotiating a fair settlement for the earthquake damage to our buildings. Without any one member of the Aspire team I don’t believe we would have won the New Zealand Disability Information Centre of the year award. So thank you all. An eye to the future. A key focus of the year was trying to proactively move forward our insurance claims for earthquake related damage. Whilst a final settlement offer has yet to be accepted significant progress has been on this matter and hopefully settlement is close at hand. This will finally give the opportunity for the board to plan and implement growth strategies for the future and enable us to move on from having to maintain a damaged and aging building. On the road again. During 2015 the Aspire Mobile service launched. This was a major investment for the trust, but one that we believed was needed to meet the post-earthquake needs of our community. Since launching, the Aspire Canterbury van has clocked up many thousands of miles and taken our service and information to many thousands of people that otherwise would have been unable to come to our buildings. Undoubtedly the service has been a success, both for us as an organisation, but most importantly to those people and locations that it visits. Bookings are strong for 2016 and I’m sure that the service will continue to grow throughout the coming years. Taxi anyone? Aspire’s Total Mobility (taxi voucher) service has had a relatively uneventful year following its transition to a new format in 2014. This doesn’t detract however from service it offers and Aspire Canterbury’s position as a significant partner in it operation.
Looking forward
5 2016 promises to be an exciting, but challenging year. The prospect of being able to plan for the future with certainty from our insurers is something that the board has been looking forward to for a number of years. Whilst the opportunities are significant we must remember that change is never easy and there will be problems to solve and issues to resolve regardless of what path the organisation takes. Also we must ensure that we never take our eye off the ball and continue to excel at our core responsibilities and meet the needs of those whom we serve. Thanks to all To all of the Aspire Canterbury staff and volunteers during 2015 I thank you all for your efforts. To all of our Trustees, I thank you for your time, patience and the support you provide our organisation. In particular special recognition is deserved for Mark Sherry and Wendy Davie both of whom step down from the board at the end of this year. Mark has been a long serving trustee and chairperson for two of his six years on the board. His contribution to the organization has been immense and he will be missed not only for his contributions around the board table, but also for his willingness to work for the benefit of organisation outside of the boardroom. Wendy’s contribution to the board has been equally valuable and her experience of the sector and in supporting Mark Thiele and his team has been a strong catalyst for our success in 2015.
Without the efforts of the staff and Trustees Aspire Canterbury would not be in the position of strength it finds itself in today. To our funders, benefactors and the community organisations that support our work, thank you for supporting us. Without the continuing support of you all, Aspire Canterbury would not exist as it does today and be able to assist the many people who engage with us on a daily basis.
I wish all at Aspire Canterbury a successful 2016.
Tim Trewinnard Trust Board Chair
Treasurer’s Report 2015
Martin Zelas
6 Treasurer
Manager’s Report 2015
2015 was the year Aspire Canterbury finally took its services, information and assistive equipment mobile “on the road”. The flow on effects of that move have justified the investment.
Funding – Grants from traditional funders were down a little in 2015 although we are still very well supported by the Canterbury Community Trust (now Rata). We are always very grateful for the support we do receive. Contacts/Enquiries – The number of people we have contact with and help has continued to grow and the addition of the mobile service has taken our visibility in the community to new level. Directory - We no longer produce a hard copy directory. Instead this information is collated on our website and updated and added to as we hear of changes to organisation details meaning it is kept up-to-date rather than waiting for a reprint each year. Total Mobility Scheme – We continue to be the largest Christchurch agent for the ECAN discounted taxi scheme and this gives us contact with over 2000 people who not only appreciate the cheaper taxis but also have other needs we can cater for. We now send these clients a newsletter several times a year. Mobile Service – this year we launched Aspire Mobile. After 30 plus years of having all our services at 314 Worcester Street, and after several years of thinking about getting a mobile service, we launched the new initiative in April. Shannon Morris has proven the perfect choice do drive our van (nicknamed Stan) and provide retirement homes/villages and community groups with fun, interactive presentations of our information and assistive products. Tenants – There has been no change in the make-up of our tenants in 2015. The age of the building and insurance issues have not made life easy for any of us, but we have stepped up the pace in trying to resolve these issues. 2016 should see the beginning of the end, so to speak, as far as this process is concerned. Staff – I continue to be well supported by Jill and Debbie whose wisdom and dedication I greatly appreciate. With the addition of Shannon to our team this year the office can be a little”cosy” at times. But we cope with what we have. Shop/Marketing – Shop sales of equipment have benefited greatly from the introduction of the mobile service. Shannon’s presentations have a flow on effect by encouraging people to come in to the shop for a more leisurely browse. The POS Vend software was introduced at the same time as the mobile service and has enabled us to keep a better track of stock. Summary and next year – The introduction of the mobile service was a big leap forwards for us this year and has affected all parts of our organisation in a positive way. We look to build on that for 2016 and try to reach as many people as possible with our information and services.
Mark Thiele Manager
7 Supporting people in Canterbury with a disability for over 30 years
Collaborative Partner Reports 2015
No report received
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Society of Canty (Inc)
Significant news from 2015 includes staff changes – we farewelled 4 staff members and welcomed 2.
We developed a strategic plan which will guide us for the next two years, and reviewed our mission, vision and values.
Values –
Professional and high quality
Evidence based
Ethical and accountable
Honest and reliable
Strong and cohesive
Inclusive of diversity
Encouraging and empowering
Responsive to member needs
8 Vision – All people in Canterbury with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s have the opportunity to reach their full potential
Mission - Providing support and information for people with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s in Canterbury.
We have 82 new members with Parkinson’s and 43 with Multiple Sclerosis.
Our member services continued to develop with the start of a new MS support group in Christchurch, and the growth in attendance at our regular groups such as MS lunches, Parkinson’s spouses’ group, men’s social group, Ashburton morning teas for all members and the Ashburton MS support group.
Our gym was refurbished, with floor resurfacing and painting, and we held a formal opening with our patron Ruth Dyson. Total attendances at the gym, exercise classes, yoga and Nordic walking was 3263.
We created a reception area and looked at ways of using our spaces more efficiently.
We held several successful fundraisers, including
a movie night which raised funds for a new Motomed for the gym
quiz night supported by Papanui Club
Street Appeal
We celebrated the major achievement of our nurses Judy and Bronnie being given the best poster award at the MS Nursing Australasia Conference for their work on a poster titled The question of sexuality for people with MS.
We know from member feedback that people value our services. They feel welcomed and enjoy the social benefit of mixing with others, while exercising.
Nobody exercises quite as strongly or conscientiously as they do in a class, and in a class there’s quite a bit of social interaction.
My experience of using the gym is that I’m a lot fitter and more mobile. I’ve got my movement back into coordination and I can walk reasonable distances.
The useful thing for me is that I use muscles which have been on holiday for some time, and I wake them up and generally get stronger.
Robin Furley MANZASW
9 Pain Action in New Zealand Incorporated (P.A.I.N.Z.) PAINZ continues to provide essential services to chronic pain sufferers, their families and carers.
We have one paid employee and 11 volunteers.
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for chronic pain sufferers; provide support, assistance and fellowship and create an environment where chronic pain sufferers have the opportunity to learn more about Pain.
Our services include the Drop-In Centre which is used on a daily basis; monthly Open Meetings; sessions at Burwood Hospital Hydrotherapy Pool; weekly Coffee Group; Foot Clinic; Exercise Group; several outings/functions and Games Group. Our Social Support Co-ordinator also carries out home/hospital visits, telephone support and publishes a monthly newsletter. We are also an agent for Environment Canterbury’s Total Mobility Scheme.
1459 members have visited our Drop-In Centre in the last year.
Without the assistance of funders, the aims and objectives of our group could not be met and we are most grateful for their continued support. We also enjoy a great liaison and network with other tenants at Aspire Canterbury and are grateful for the concessionary rent we receive from the Trust. We look forward to a bright future together.
Gillian Crowe, Social Support Coordinator
(NZ Paraplegic & Physically Disabled Foundation)
Loans given out to 30 June, 2015, numbered 21. In the previous year 22 were recorded. So far this year, there has been 39 enquiries (37 previous year) with 17 loans been granted to 21 March, 2016 (18 in same period the previous year).
This shows that there is a constant demand for loans from the physically disabled community. The enquiries are mainly coming from people seeking to replace their bank mortgages/loans with us at a cheaper interest rate.
As at 30 June, 2015, 1.8 million dollars worth of loans had been paid out, making it the largest amount ever advance in a year. The average loan amount was $59,098. In 1974, when the Foundation first started, the average loan was $2,578 (10 loans).
There is still a sizable pool of money available for borrowing out. We are on two Websites, our own ( and on the one as well.
10 Our low housing interest rate, is 3.60% usually reserved for first mortgage finance. Our highest interest rate is 9.60% for non- housing unsecured loans. Motor Vehicle loans secured over a vehicle are usually at 6.60%.
Other forms of borrowing could include:- for equipment and aids (wheelchairs, mobility scooters and exercise equipment), travel and debt repayment.
Paraloan (NZ Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Foundation) has been in existence for over 40 years. As a result of the Trustees tight lending and collection policy, our arrears are kept at a very low percentage and number.
The Trustees feel that they are providing a vital service to the physically disabled community of New Zealand, by providing low interest loans. Many physically disabled persons would otherwise be unable to access loans on the normal loan market. This is especially true for housing which represents 92.50% of all loans given out over the last five (5) years.
Motor vehicle loans averaged out at 4.82%, of all loans given out over the last five years. All other categories (including debt repayment, equipment and travel etc.) averaged out at 2.68%, over the last five years.
This should be my last report, as I’m scheduled to retire (after 25 years in the job) as soon as a replacement has been found.
Terry Warren Secretary/Treasurer
11 Supporting people in Canterbury with a disability for over 30 years
Muscular Dystrophy Association Canterbury
Another very busy year has come and gone and our membership keeps on increasing month by month. This is mainly due to the genetic condition of muscular dystrophy as it passes through families.
Field worker Marty Price who works from Nelson covering the Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast regions, continues to be active in these areas and this has eliminated a lot of travelling for Paul Graham and this consequently has left Paul with more time to concentrate on clients in the whole of the Canterbury area. This is working well for us.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association had a change of Chief Executive some months ago with Ronelle Baker having taken over the position from Chris Higgins. Chris was with us for six years. Ronelle travelled to Christchurch last week to attend our Canterbury branch AGM. This was her first visit to Canterbury since taking office. We have also had some changes to our local committee with a new chairperson taking the helm.
A big thank you to Mark, Jill and Debbie for being so obliging throughout the year, thank you also for the morning tea get-togethers, we enjoy being part of the Aspire team.
Eris Le Compte Office manager
12 Supp orting pe op le in Cante rb ury with a di sab ility f or ove r 30 ye ars
Since joining the Society 3 years ago the 2014/15 period has undoubtedly been the year that we have made the greatest strides. Highlights of 2015 include:
- Funding of new first-line treatments – 10th October 2014 – PHARMAC announced following an advocacy campaign led by MSNZ that as of the 1st November 2014 the funding of two new first- line treatments for relapsing-remitting MS; Gilenya and Tysabri, as well as increasing access to currently-funded treatments. For thousands of people living with a potentially manageable form of MS and their families this was an extremely positive step, as earlier access to treatments has shown to greatly reduce relapse rates and halt disease progression. In December 2015 it was also announced that following further submissions that two other treatments, Aubagio and Tecfidera would be added to the options available for people with RRMS. The uptake is progressing well.
- BDO Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge – 15th to 21st Feb 2015 – Nominated charity raising $24,325 to help fund the work we do.
- Oceans of Hope – 8th - 10th May 2015 – over 85 people travelled to Auckland to welcome OOH to New Zealand shores and take part in taster sailing days. OOH is a 67-foot sailing vessel and a project led by Sailing Sclerosis which left Denmark in late 2014 for a 17 month journey circumnavigating the world. The aim is to change the perception of MS by showing what is possible when people with a chronic disease are empowered to conquer their individual challenges, by engaging those whose lives are touched by MS and developing networks as a foundation for life changing behaviours.
- Field Worker Training – 14th and 15th May 2015 – Auckland.
- World MS Day – 27th May 2015 – Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington.
- BNZ Community Partnership – September 2015 - In 2015 MSNZ and our Regional Societies entered into a Community Partnership with BNZ. Throughout the month of September all 172 BNZ stores collected for MS and $9773.35 was raised for MS through both in store and online donations. We are excited about the future of this Community Partnership and thank BNZ for recognising the good work we do and the importance of raising awareness and support for MS.
- The New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust – NZMSRT announced its launch on the 2nd July 2015 and held its official launch on 19th November. Following many years of planning by the MSNZ National Committee and the new NZMSRT Trustees a combined $900,000 investment portfolio was transferred to the Trust as founding capital. The Research Trust has been
13 established to stimulate, co-ordinate and support New Zealand-based research into the cause, prevention, treatment, alleviation and cure of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and to obtain and disseminate research findings.
Lastly thank you to all our donors, grant providers and supporters for all their contributions including Aspire Canterbury for the continued use of the space at NFP friendly rates. We value every support whether time, money or a supportive email of the work we are doing. We hope 2016 sees further progress and development as to the future of the centre.
Amanda Keefe National Coordinator
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Funders 2015
Aspire Canterbury wishes to express its sincere thanks and appreciation to the following organisations which supported the Trust in its work during 2015.
Christchurch City Council
Thank you to all those individuals who donate to Aspire Canterbury in 2015
A selection of messages of appreciation from those we serve
I rang on Friday with a few enquiries (about the total mobility scheme) and I did so appreciate the help you gave me – Many thanks – Laura
Just a wee note to thank you again for your help – so valuable when an oldie like me (87 a few days ago!) is losing her weakening spare parts!!! Best and grateful regards – Therese
Thank you so much for your input into getting the taxi vouchers for me. It will make life so much easier for appointments when unwell.
Mobile Service
…the residents very much enjoyed your presentation, good comments were made and the merino socks are a great hit. Your product knowledge was great and the time you took to answer questions was appreciated. Parklands Retirement Village
Well presented by enthusiastic lady. Thank you so much for a great presentation. Presentation was fantastic, lots of wonderful ideas – hope she can come up again. Wonderful array of useful equipment which we could try, as a left handed diabetic. A lovely presenter. Very helpful and the information was terrific. Cheviot Probus group