Dear Parent/New Member

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Dear Parent/New Member

YOUTHBUILD INLAND EMPIRE 2750 West 2nd St Rialto, CA 92376 909-890-9106 Fax 909-890- 0989


Dear Parent/New Member

Welcome to YouthBuild Inland Empire, we are glad you have decided to join our program. We offer many services and if you are approved to participate in our programs you will be able to take advantage of our Vocational Training, Education, Counseling, Leadership Development, and Graduate Resources programs. To become a member you must complete two weeks of Mental Toughness. MT is designed to see what skills, goals, road blocks, and behavior changes are needed. We determine if you are able to follow directions, be on time, dress appropriate, and work with others. You will also have to participate in physical activities during this training, which includes running, calisthenics, and drills. If you are unable to do this part of MT, we will need an excuse from your physician. Because we are limited in certain resources, if you have an IEP you must disclose and provide a copy of your IEP, before or at the beginning of MT. Your IEP will be reviewed to determine if we have the capabilities to accommodate your IEP. Each case will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If approved, you will be able to enroll in our education program. We will set up an IEP meeting with all parties involved to determine your learning goals.

Sin cere ly, Program Director YouthBuild Inland Empire Application Form Seat-Time Independent Study This application will help us determine your motivation to join the program and what you hope to accomplish while in the program. We also need information in order to help you receive additional services. Please complete each item. If it doesn’t apply to you write N/A in space. Blank or incomplete applications will not be accepted. All information is confidential

Personal Information

Name Today’s Date_

Current Mailing Address Street City State Zip

Home Telephone_ Cell Phone_

Emergency Contact Information: Phone Name

Nearest relative Phone

Email Address:

How old are you? What is your date of birth?

Where did you hear about Youthbuild? (Please Check)

Newspaper Radio TV Flyer Somebody told me about it (Who _)

Other (write in

Please circle all of the following items that best describes your current situation:

School dropout Youth offender Between the ages of 16-24

Individual with a disability individual with a IEP Member of low-income family

Child of an incarcerated parent Youth in foster care or aging out of foster care

Migrant youth On Probation or Parole Gang Member seeking a change

Are you registered to vote? YES NO YouthBuild Inland Empire Why are you interested in being in this program?

If you are accepted into our seat time program, you will be in class Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 3:30 pm, and Friday 8:00 to 1:05. Independent study will meet once a week to pick up and drop off work. In the classes you will be studying, reading, writing, and math to help you prepare for your high school diploma, construction trade, business career, or a career as a solar panel installer. What would you like to get out of our program?

Are you interested in getting a Mentor? YES NO

You can choose a Certificated career path that you would like to pursue while here at YouthBuild. Circle your choice

Construction Trade:

MC3 (This Friday class is an overview of multiple trades in the construction industry, you learn construction math, history of labor unions and attend a construction academy)

Career Connections (This four days a week class offers classroom and hands on training in Carpentry and other Trades, Construction Math, and off site training)

Business Management (This four days a week class prepares you to start and operate your own business)

Solar Panel Installer (This class meets one day week and includes up to 8 Installations)

II. Health Information

Do you have any physical, medical, or other health problems? YES NO If yes, please describe:

Please circle your response to the following questions:

Are you supposed to wear Glasses? YES NO Do you have asthma? YES NO Do you have diabetes? YES NO Do you smoke? YES NO Do you have any physical, mental, or medical impairment which would interfere with your ability to perform the job? YES NO

Have you ever been treated for emotional or psychiatric problems? YES NO

Are you on any medications? YES NO

Do you smoke? YES NO

Have you ever had a physical examination? YES NO

If yes, when was your last examination? Date:

III. Interest, Skills & Hobbies (please circle all that applies)

Arts/Crafts Automotive Basketball Boating Carpentry Cooking Cosmetology Gardening Graphic Computers Drama/ActingIndoor games Board games (Monopoly, Chess, Life) Photography Body Building (fitness) Science (Technology) Sports Poetry Music Singing Dancing Skateboarding Card Games (Poker,Spades,Uno) Movies Fishing Photography Reading Running Video Games Watching TV Swimming Modeling Biking Shopping Collecting (Stamps, Coins, cards) Traveling Other

IV. . Education

Last school attended:

th th Highest grade completed( Less than 6 ) 6 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th

12th Last year you attended school:

If you did not complete HS or get your GED, why did you drop out?

Did you use the school’s “Resource Room”? (IEP) YES NO

Did you take any shop or ROP courses in school? YES NO

If yes, which ones?

Do you know how to drive? YES NO

Do you have a valid driver’s license? YES NO YES NO

If yes, which ones? Dates Attended:

Dates Attended:

Did you complete the program? YES NO

Current Employment Status

Employed: Full-Time Date most recent job ended Employed: Part-Time Unemployed: Looking Hourly Wage: Unemployed: Not Looking Other Hours worked per week:

Last Job Do you have a resume? YES NO

Have you ever had a job before? YES NO

If yes, what is the name and address of the company?

Company name:

Company address:

Dates you worked there:

What was the pay per week (or per hour)? Fulltime Part time

What was your job title?

What kind of work did you do?

What was your supervisor’s name and title?

Why did you leave? YouthBuild Inland Empire

VI. Construction Experience

Have you had any construction or housing rehab experience? YES NO

Was it paid experience? YES NO

Please describe construction experience?

VII. Additional Information

Have you served in the US Military? YES NO

If yes, which branch?

Rank Discharge Date

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? YES NO

If yes, please describe and include dates and status of the case:

If yes, are you on probation? YES NO

Name and telephone number of Officer:

Are you on parole? YES NO

Name and telephone number of Officer:

Ethnicity Type of Housing Asian American/Pacific Group Home Islander Public Housing Black/African American _House/Apartment Homeless ____Caucasian

_ Hispanic/Latin American Homeless Shelter ____ Native American _____Multiracial YouthBuild Inland Empire

Household Income Marital Status

Single $1 - $10,000 Married $10,001 - $20,000 Divorced $20,001 - $30,000 Separated $30,001 - $40,000 Widowed $40,001 and above NO Do you live by yourself? YES Do you live with parents or other relatives? NO YES Do you have children of your own? YES NO

If YES, how many?

If YES, do they live with you? YES NO

If YES, what are their names and ages?

Do you have any other dependents?(Do you financially support anybody else)? YES NO

IF YES, how many other people?

If YES, what is their relationship to you?

Public Assistance Do you receive public assistance? YES NO

Does someone in your household besides you receive public assistance? NO YES Are you a non-custodial parent of child who receives AFDC/TANF? YES NO

Are you a TANF recipient? NO YES NO Are you a foster child? YES Have you aged out of foster care? YES NO

Criminal Justice History

Have you ever been arrested? YES NO

Do you currently have a case pending? YES NO

Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor? YES NO

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes No YouthBuild Inland Empire

Have you ever been in a juvenile detention center? YES NO

Are you a Youthful Offender? YES NO

Are you currently on “House Arrest?” YES NO

Have you ever been in a correctional facility? YES NO

Have you ever been on probation? YES NO

Have you ever been on parole? YES NO

Are you gang affiliated? YES NO

Do you have any visible gang-related tattoos/markings? YES NO

Are you using any of these substances (circle all that apply)?

Alcohol YES NO Marijuana YES NO Cocaine YES NO

Crystal Meth YES NO Heroine YES NO

Other illegal substances (pain killers) YES NO

Do you have a history of alcohol abuse? YES NO

Have you ever had substance abuse treatment? YES NO

I attest that the information provided in the application is accurate and true and understand it is used to asset my interest and abilities to complete the program. YouthBuild Inland Empire does not share any of this information with outside agencies unless authorized by you. Furthermore YBIE does not discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or for any other reason.

Print Name

Sign Name Date

Parent Name if under 18 years of age

Parent Signature Date


Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Name Age

Program Date

This survey will help us learn about you, your needs and expectations from Youthbuild. We will ask you to answer the same questions when you finish the Youthbuild Program to help us see how you have changed and how effective the program has been.


For each part of the Youthbuild Program listed below, please indicate HOW IMPORTANT it is to you:

Most Important = MI Very Important = VI Not Important = NI Does Not Apply = DNA a. Construction Training and Classroom Instruction_ b. Help Getting Into College or Technical School c. Better Math, Reading, & High School Diploma, Life Skills d. New Friends and Positive People e. Helping My Community f. Getting Paid g. Helping Me Learn about My Community h. Learning How to Become a Better Leader

I. Providing for my family PART 2: THE FUTURE

1. Five years from now, how likely do you think it is that you will:

Very Likely = VL Somewhat Likely = SL Not Likely = NL Not Thought About It = NTA a. Have a Good Job b. Have a HS diploma c. Have a College Degree d. Vote Regularly e. Be Proud of Yourself f. Be Married g. Be Politically Active h. Be In Trouble With the Law i. Be Living j. Participate in Organizations k. Speak at Some Public Meeting l. Want to be a Leader in Your Community m. Play a Positive Role in Your Community n. Have a Positive Attitude Towards Life o. Have Children (or More Children) p. Have Moved Out of the Neighborhood 2. What goals have you recently accomplished?

3. What do you want to be doing in a job and in your life when you are 30 years old?

4. What is the most important way you hope to change during your year in Youthbuild?

Please use the rest of this page to tell us anything else about your Youthbuild experience that you would like people to know.

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