Burscough Parish Council Minutes

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Burscough Parish Council Minutes

Burscough Parish Council Minutes BURSCOUGH PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 12th March 2014 at the Grove.

Present: Cllrs Kennedy, Mackrell, Ashton, Bullen, Taylor, Felton, Dereli, Bell, In attendance: Tess Reddington, Clerk

36 Apologies were received from Cllrs Sutherland (work commitments) and Dawson. It was noted that the very severe weather may have contributing to a low attendance. 37 Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interests There were no disclosures of pecuniary or non- pecuniary interests. 38 Minutes of Previous Meeting Cllr Dereli joined the meeting. It was resolved that minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2014 be approved as a true record. 39 Residents’ Points of Interest Lewis Thompson and Brandon Vickers spoke on behalf of a group of young people who asked if anything could be done to develop facilities and places to go to shelter/hang out for youths. They also brought attention to their being moved on by police, but that there wasn’t anywhere that they could be moved on to that was acceptable. They said that the main things everyone wanted included an astro turf football pitch, skateboard park and shelter to sit in. They estimated that the number of young people that were involved was around 20 to 25. Cllr Bell offered to take the matter forward.

40 Police Matters The Police report was noted. 41 Clerks Report The Clerk presented a written report which was noted. The meeting clarified that it did not want to take over ownership of either the planters or the clock. It wanted to take over maintenance of the planting in the planters, but not the actual planters, and it wanted to take over maintenance of the clock if agreement can be reached regarding bringing it back to good condition. Cllr Kennedy will speak with WLBC regarding the clock. 42 Finance: The minutes of the Finance Working Group were noted. 43 Standing Orders were suspended to allow Mrs Marj Potter to address the meeting. It was resolved that a grant of £500 be awarded to 45 th Burscough Scouts towards their Annual Red Rose Camp be considered 44 It was resolved to accept the recommendations of the Finance Working Group as follows

a.i. That the Bank reconciliation to 31st January 2014 be accepted.

a.ii. That in future all funding bids be submitted to the Parish Council on standard application forms, based on WLBC Community Grants form.

a.iii. That the remaining sum of £863.85 in the Burscough Nursing Charitable Trust be awarded to the Grove Childrens Centre for breast feeding equipment for use by Burscough mums.

a.iv. That the Parish Council work in partnership with Burscough Heritage Group and Opsta to investigate the possibility of bringing a steam train to Burscough to mark a future Heritage Event.

a.v. That quotations be sought for the supply and maintenance of hanging baskets for a period of not less than 20 weeks, and that the contract for once weekly watering already in place remain so, and that a contract is sought where the baskets are retained for re-use in an environmentally responsible way.

a.vi. That Bill Whittle be appointed as internal auditor for the year 2013/14 at a cost of £175 plus expenses. .

a.vii. That the following items be approved for payment:

Employee 2 Salary £274.92 NRE Surveyors Rent £260.00 Maintenance Ray Wilkins Contract £120.00 Lancashire Pensions Service Pensions £328.64 NRE Surveyors Phone £58.41

Signed as a true record by………………………………………….. Chairman of the Parish Council, Date …………………………………… Burscough Parish Council Minutes Ray Wilkins Inv no 239 Bus Shelters £388.21 Daniel Cullington Inv no 1814 Footpaths £80.00 North West Linux inv no 6422 PC £30.00 N Smith Expenses £16.50 N Smith Mileage £19.82 Desk Top inv no 36096 Admin £108.47 Waringcollins ( inv 12988) Leaflets £500.40 Champion ( inv 9289736) Leaflets £109.44 Employee 5 Salary £1,016.52 HMRC £449.36 TOTAL £3,760.69

45 Planning Matters

a. The Clerk was asked to seek clarification from LALC regarding rules for when members who are also Borough Councillors should interpret the Code of Conduct.

b. No objection was raised in regard to:

2014/0086/FUL c. Alterations to roof structure to provide additional accommodation at first floor The Mount, 6 Liverpool level and two dormer windows to rear. Road North. 2014/0186/WL3 d. Change of use from grassed open space to car parking. Laying of kerbs, stone Land Adjacent To 7-21, base, tarmacadam road surfaces and footpaths as on plans. Hesketh Road. 2014/0200/FUL e. Variation of Condition No. 2 of planning permission 2012/0080/FUL (approved Land North Of Junction plans) to incorporate revised plans relating to revisions to the layout and With Pippin Street, elevation detail of the Class A1 foodstore and Class A1 non-food retail units. Liverpool Road South. Variation of Condition No. 3 of planning permission 2012/0080/FUL to read 'There shall be no internal alterations or sub-division of the non-food retail units whether vertically or horizontally which would result in an increase in retail floor space or in the creation of unit less than 464sqm (gross) floorspace'. 2014/0203/WL3 Change of use from grassed open space to car parking. Laying of kerbs, stone Land Adj 64 – 70 Hesketh base, tarmacadam road surfaces and footpaths as on plans. Rd APP/P2365/D Pickles It was resolved that no change be made to comments made on the original planning Drive, application. Planning Appeal

46 Yew Tree Farm a. It was resolved that the Clerk should attend the Yew Tree Farm Stakeholder consultation with a watching brief. b. The absence of solid information relating to risk of exacerbating potential for flooding arising from the Yew Tree Farm development was noted and the Clerk was asked to find out what information was held by Lancashire County Council and other agencies relating to this, and to work with members to submit freedom of information requests. 47 Footpath Working Group a. The minutes of the Footpath Working Group were noted. b. It was resolved that the existing budget for footpaths be carried forward to 2014/15, and that all funds received from LCC under the PROW scheme during the coming financial year be ring fenced. 48 Parish Council Website It was resolved that the Parish Council congratulate Cllr Felton on report brought forward. It was further resolved that the Parish Council purchase from Parishcouncils.net, Gold Package at £500 together with hosting at £25 per month. It was resolved that a sum of £200 be allocated for the purchase of images for website, newsletter and marketing purposes. Cllr Felton left the meeting. Signed as a true record by………………………………………….. Chairman of the Parish Council, Date …………………………………… Burscough Parish Council Minutes 49 Footpath Volunteering Project a. The Clerk’s Report re Footpath Network Development and Partnership Working was noted. b. It was agreed that Cllr Kennedy would represent Burscough Parish Council on steering group for management of Volunteer project. 50 Burscough Walking Festival It was resolved that the planned Burscough Walking Festival be applauded, and the minutes of the meeting of the Footpath Heritage Walks Group duly noted. 51 Grove Farm consultation: it was resolved to make no comment regarding the development of 300 houses on Grove Farm. 52 a. Flood Risk Strategy Cllr Dereli updated the meeting on flooding issues b. It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council write to the MP regarding withdrawal of revenue funding from area. 53 WLBC 2014 Stakeholder Survey It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council make no response. 54 Training: It was resolved that the Parish Council fund attendance at LALC Course re Planning, Insurance and Investment to be held on 17th May at a cost of £40 per person to all members who wishes to attend. 55 Defibrillators: A discussion regarding provision and use of defibrillators was noted. 56 Date of Next Meeting The next Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Grove at 7.00 pm on 9th April 2014.

Signed as a true record by………………………………………….. Chairman of the Parish Council, Date ……………………………………

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