Agenda for DPHMD Flashmeeting Conference

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Agenda for DPHMD Flashmeeting Conference

Agenda and Minutes for DPHMD Flashmeeting Conference DRAFT December 1, 2010 4:30-6:15(?) p.m. EST

I. Roll Call & Introductions Meg Cooper, Pam De Loach, Blanche Jackson Glimps, Juliet Hart, Lisa Pufpaff, Linda Thomas

Juliet Hart was welcomed as the newly elected Vice President of DPHMD. Pam De Loach was congratulated again for her election to the CEC Board of Directors.

II. Old Business

a. Approval of the November 10, 2010 minutes of the Executive Board Minutes were approved (M-Pam, S-Lisa).

b. Committee Updates

i. Membership Juliet Hart reported for the membership committee.  Summary numbers are encouraging, especially for 2009-2010 and especially in contrast to other CEC divisions. We are second in increasing membership of the divisions.  Lapsed members have been contacted first by e-mail with a follow-up phone call. Asked which we should use if we do explore contacting members 1-2 months before expiration, Juliet reported that e-mail is a good start, but the phone calls probably are most effective. Asked about the time it takes, Juliet estimated about 2-3 hours per session once or twice monthly. She made about 30 phone calls in the last set. Asked about reasons for lapsing memberships, Juliet reported that there may be some budget issues (schools, etc. not supporting professional memberships), but generally these individuals reported that they didn’t realize membership had lapsed or they had just missed renewing. Many people intended to renew and appreciated the reminder.  Juliet was thanked for her work on this important aspect of membership retention.

ii. Treasurer 1. Accounting of expenditures for 2009 and 2010 2. Clarification of whether the budget represents calendar or fiscal year Meg Cooper reported  She had prepared and distributed information regarding (a) the 2009 budget and expenditures and (b) the 2010 budget and expenditures to date. We were under budget last year, in part due to only one issue of the journal being distributed (problems with the company doing this); in 2010 we are over budget for the journal since we caught up with that shortage and distributed three issues during this budget year. However, in general our expenses exceed our income.  After some discussion it was decided that we would assume the 2010 proposed budget was approved at the business meeting in Nashville. Some members specifically remembered discussion of the budget, but there are no minutes available from that meeting.  There was discussion of some specific expenditures: o There is probably no need for expense money for the Vice President or Treasurer, at least at this time. o We are going to need to continue to fund the journal. Any decision to change to an online format would still take time to implement. We can amend the budget later if we change the journal format and associated expenditures. o We need to keep the line items for the student representative in the budget (convention travel and dues). We also need to keep in travel money for convention travel and the Leadership/IDC meeting for the president, as well as costs associated with accounting (e.g., tax preparation) and nonprofit status. We also have to continue to budget money for our support at CEC. o Pooling other travel money (having a set amount for other Executive Board members for use as needed – and available - instead of having line items) was mentioned and will be discussed more in the future.  Next step: Meg will put together a tentative budget for 2011 incorporating today’s discussion and disseminate it for input. It then would be revised based on that input and brought forward for additional discussion, finalization, and approval at the CEC convention in April 2011.  Our budget year coincides with the calendar year. Even though the budget for 2011 will not be formally approved until April 2011 it covers January 1st – December 31st 2011.

iii. Newsletter There was no specific report on the newsletter. However, it was noted in previous discussion on the budget that our newsletter is helping us financially. There are no associated expenditures except for some postage charged by CEC for sending it out to individuals without e-mail. And we have a little advertising income. In addition, Linda does need the list of conference presenters from Blanche.

iv. Journal There was no report. However, the Board noted that we appreciate Barbara Kulik’s work as editor of the journal.

v. Finance There was no specific report from the Finance committee, but some issues were discussed in association with the discussion on the budget. Since our income comes primarily from dues payments and our expenditures exceed this figure, there is a real need for additional income and a need for the Finance committee to be actively involved in these endeavors. Executive Board members will search for potential additional members for the Finance committee to help move this work forward. Alex(andra) Da Fonte was mentioned as a possible committee member.

vi. Knowledge and Skills There was no report.

vii. Critical Issues and Leadership There was no report.

viii. Severe/Multiple There was no report.

ix. Constitution and By-Laws 1. December 1, 2010 deadline for suggested changes to the Constitution and By-Laws 2. Juliet Hart elected Vice President There was no additional report.

III. President’s Update

a. December 7, 2010 IDC Phone Conference b. There is a current Representative Assembly online discussion on identifying critical issues and trends impacting education today and in the near future, relative to CEC revising and updating its strategic plan for the period 2012-2014. c. Congratulation to Juliet Hart on her election to Vice President of DPHMD d. Thanks to all members of the Executive Board for their help and support during my presidency. Blanche Jackson Glimps reported.  Blanche is planning to participate in the IDC phone conference on December 7th. She would like to find out how other divisions are handling parental involvement. Meg commented that although she is very supportive of parent needs and involvement, CEC specifically describes itself as an organization for professionals. We will come back to this discussion after Blanche polls other divisions.  A shared discussion on the CEC website is asking RA members to ask CEC members how CEC can update its strategic plan. Please give any suggestions to Blanche.  Blanche again congratulated and welcomed Juliet Hart as incoming VP.  Blanche thanked members of the Executive Board for their service during her presidency. Executive Board members in turned thanked Blanche for all her efforts on behalf of DPHMD.

IV. President-Elect Update There was no report.

V. New Business

a. Complimentary copies and new members Here is CEC's answer to our finance related question about Barbara's offer to mail the journal to new members. If DPHMD is paying the cost for mailing and then Barbara is reimbursing them, then they should show a contribution with an offset to postage expense for the cost of mailing the journals. If Barbara is paying outright for the postage, DPHMD does not have to record any entry. But they can show a contribution and offset to postage for the value of postage if they desire. Since DPHMD does not pay taxes, there’s no tax write-off. Michael K. Shifflett, CPA Council for Exceptional Children Assistant Executive Director & CFO Administration Services 703-264-9413 It appears that the next step is up to Barbara. Are there things we can do to help her? There may be other issues involved in setting this up. Lisa and Pam will develop a list of issues to be addressed (possibly with Blanche’s help as well) and then Lisa will decide where to go next. Pam is willing to work with Lisa but we need to realize that she may be contacted at any time to go forward with her surgery. (Best wishes to Pam!) b. CAN Coordinator- nominations are needed Don Cross has resigned as CAN coordinator. Amanda Carter has expressed interest in this position. Blanche will contact Amanda to let her know that if she is still interested we would like her to accept the position.

c. Secretary position-Mari Beth suggests sending out a request for nominations to the entire membership. Lisa had suggested sending out to the general membership. Since there have been no nominations from Executive Board members, the Board would like Mari Beth to send to the membership requesting nominations. Blanche will communicate this to Mari Beth.

d. Online auction suggestion from Amanda Carter This is an idea for the Finance Committee to consider. Having a silent auction at the general business meeting could potentially be done, but might not be worthwhile since only a handful of other people attended the general business meeting this year in Nashville. This may be a discussion item for the next Executive Board meeting.

e. DPHMD and a strategic plan Anna Henderson (CEC) had suggested that each division develop a strategic plan.

f. 2011 Convention meeting dates (see attached table) Meeting dates were provided in an attachment in the e-mail about this Executive Board meeting.

g. Contact information for Board Members (Information received from Meg, Barbara, John, Mari Beth, Joni, and Pam) Linda will finalize contact information and distribute it – we hope to get more responses.

h. Mike Weinroth submitted a letter of resignation as DPHMD advisor He should be removed from e-mail distribution lists. Do we need another advisor?

i. 2011 Executive Board meeting dates? Linda will be working on these.

VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned (M-Meg, S-Pam).

TO DO LIST: Blanche:  Get list of presenters from last convention to Linda.  Communicate with IDC regarding how other divisions embrace parent members .  Assist Lisa and Pam with list of issues related to Barbara’s offer to distribute a complimentary copy of the journal to new members.  Contact Amanda to see if she still is interested in being CAN coordinator (and offer her the position if so).  Ask Mari Beth to send out request for nominations to the general membership. Linda:  Finalize and distribute contact information.  Work on establishing 2011 Executive Board meeting dates.

Lisa:  Assist Pam with list of issues related to Barbara’s offer to distribute a complimentary copy of the journal to new members. Decide where to go with this matter next.

Meg  Put together a tentative budget for 2011, incorporating today’s discussion, and disseminate it for input.  Send draft of minutes to Blanche for input.

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