Office Information Systems 251 Office Experience Practicum

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Office Information Systems 251 Office Experience Practicum


Spring 2009 Mon Wed Fri – 10.45 – 11.40 PM 3 credits

Instructor name: Dr. Graziela da Silva Office location : Accounting Lab (3rd Floor Powell Hall) Phone number : 448-4254 Email: [email protected] Office hours: MWF 09:45 – 10:40 AM; W 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM or by appointment

Catalog Description: GEOL 102. Historical Geology. 3-3-0. A survey of the origin and development of life on earth as revealed by the fossil record (40.0601). Prerequisites: GEOL 101, Physical Geology. Required Text and Other Materials: Levin, H. 2006. The Earth Through Time, 8th Edition, Wiley. Student Outcome Objectives: The student must demonstrate an understanding of the following subjects: a) The basis of scientific theory and the scientific method, the 3 basic rock groups and the rock cycle, composition and physical structure of the earth, plate tectonics. b) Relative and absolute dating, geologic time, principles of Steno, radioactive decay, neptunism, catastrophism, uniformitarianism. c) Facies, stratigraphic relationships, transgression and regression, process of fossilization. d) Environments of deposition, paleogeographic reconstruction and paleoclimatic inferences. e) Darwin’s and Wallace’s theory of natural selection, Mendelian concept of inheritance, speciation, fossil record evidence. f) Continental drift, seafloor spreading, plate boundaries, driving mechanism for plate tectonics, mountain building. g) “Big Bang” theory, evolution of the earth, types of meteorites, origin of the earth and moon. h) Precambrian history, Archean eon, greenstone belts, origin and evolution of the atmosphere and oceans, fossil record and Archean ore deposits. i) Proterozoic eon, ophiolites, glacial deposits, banded iron formations, first appearance eukaryotes, multicellular life. j) Paleozoic era, major cratonic sequences, Appalachian mobile belt, reef development. k) Paleozoic life, Burgess Shale, marine food web, Permian extinction, evolutionary history of invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. l) Mesozoic era and breakup of Pangaea, changes in life forms, Cretaceous extinction. m) Cenozoic era life, diversification of mammals.

Learning Strategy I strongly encourage you to (a) attend every class and take notes, (b) keep up with the reading, and (c) ask questions in class if you wish to (your classmates will appreciate this), (d) see me after class or come to my office hours (that's what they are for) if you have further questions. The goals of this course is to Understand the material and NOT only to Memorize Facts!!

To help with the note-taking process, I will make a “template” of each chapter’s lecture notes available for students to print and bring to class. I will not post the full lectures notes online, nor will I give them out to students by request. Therefore, you must attend class and take notes if you wish to have all the material for the exams covered. If you miss a class, you will need to get the notes from a classmate, not from me! All of the exam questions will be drawn directly from material presented in lectures and textbook; thus, the note “templates” can serve as a very useful study guide for each of the exams. So that all students can benefit from the lecture, I ask that you observe a few simple rules. Try your best to be on time, but if you are late, tiptoe in. If you absolutely, positively must leave early, please quietly tiptoe out without disturbing your fellow students. Please turn off cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices. You may use your laptop during the class exclusively for subjects related to the class.

Course Requirements and Methods of Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on the basis of 5 examinations, four mid-term tests and a final examination worth 20% each. Test dates are provided in the schedule below. The format for the tests and exams is multiple choice and true/false questions (I reserve the right to decide to keep or not this format in an event of a make up test). Exam material is from lecture notes AND textbook. You will need a scantron sheet for each exam. The final exam will not be cumulative; instead, the material covered in the examinations will be spaced throughout the semester.

The final grade will be determined on a ten point scale (90-100%A; 80-89%B; 70-79%C; 60- 69%D; below 60%F). Only the final course grades will be curved. Students should keep in mind that grading is an assessment of quality, not a measure of effort. Please do not interpret my attempt to make the classroom environment friendly and welcoming as any indication of relaxed academic expectations. On the contrary, you should expect a rigorous learning experience, and I will set a high academic standard for the class. Extra credits will absolutely not be given by request of any kind. I reserve the right to conduct or not extra credit activities during the course. Extra credit activities will not be made up in any circumstance, no exceptions!

Make-up Procedure: Make-up exams will only be allowed in cases where a test was missed for a valid and documented reason (medical condition, bereavement, travel for an athletic event or other university business). Mark test dates on your calendar now!! If you miss a test and you have a valid excuse, you must notify me by e-mail or telephone before the exam begins or, when that is logistically impossible, very soon afterwards on the same day. Use the same study guide, notes, and text readings as the regular exam to study for any make up exam. Conflicts with jobs, other classes, and your personal life are not satisfactory excuses. Personal travel is not, in any circumstance, a legitimate excuse. Please plan to be in attendance for each exam, including the last exam which will be given during the official university final exam period. Students requiring specialized classroom or test-taking accommodations should make arrangements with the Office of Disability Services or Dyslexia Center.


There will be no early or late finals administered. There are no exceptions to this rule! If you miss the final exam, (1) provide me with a valid excuse within one day of missing the exam and (2) are passing the course at the time of the final, you will be given a grade of "I" (Incomplete) for the course. If you fail in either of these simple tasks, your grade will be based upon your total exam scores taken before the final plus a ZERO for the final exam.

Academic Dishonesty Policy: Any student found cheating will be subjected to the penalties stated in the Code of Student Conduct; including, but not limited to, a score of zero on exam, expulsion from the class, or expulsion from the University. Course Content:

Lect DATE LECTURE TITLE Levin, H. 2006 TEXT (8th Edition) 1 Jan 21 Introduction 2 23 The Science of Historical Geology Chapter 1: 1 - 9 3 26 Early Geologists Tackle History s Mysteries Chapter 2: 11 - 25 4 28 Time and Geology Chapter 3: 27 - 45 5 30 Rocks and Minerals: Documents that Chapter 4: 47 - 55 Record Earths History (minerals and their properties, minerals that form rocks) 6 Feb 2 Rocks and Minerals: Documents that Chapter 4: 55 - 75 Record Earths History (Earths three great rock families and how they are formed) 4 TEST 1 7 6 The Sedimentary Archives (Depositional Chapter 5: 77 - 98 Environments) 8 9 The Sedimentary Archives (Rock Units) Chapter 5: 98 - 117 9 11 Life on Earth: What do Fossils Reveal? Chapter 6: 119 - 128 10 13 Life on Earth: What do Fossils Reveal? Chapter 6: 128 - 139 (Life Evolution) 11 16 Life on Earth: What do Fossils Reveal? Chapter 6: 139 - 159 (Fossils and Stratigraphy) 12 18 Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth History Chapter 7: 161 - 174 (Seismic Waves, Earths Internal Zones, Crust, Geologic Structures) 13 20 Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth History Chapter 7: 174 - 205 (Drifting Continents) 23 - 25 Mardi Gras Holidays, no classes 27 TEST 2 14 March 2 Earliest Earth: 2,100,000,000 Years of the Chapter 8: 207 – 222 Archean Eon (The Origin of the Universe and the Solar System) 15 4 Earliest Earth: 2,100,000,000 Years of the Chapter 8: 222 – 230 Archean Eon (The Primitive Atmosphere and Ocean, Origin of Precambrian Rocks) 16 6 Earliest Earth: 2,100,000,000 Years of the Chapter 8: 230 - 241 Archean Eon (The origin of life) 17 9 The Proterozoic: Dawn of a More Modern Chapter 9: 243 - 255 World 18 11 The Proterozoic: Dawn of a More Modern Chapter 9: 255 - 265 World (Proterozoic Life) 19 13 Early Paleozoic Events Chapter 10: 267 - 278 20 16 Early Paleozoic Events Chapter 10: 278 - 293 21 18 Late Paleozoic Events Chapter 11: 295 - 306 22 20 Late Paleozoic Events Chapter 11: 306 - 325 TEST 3 23-27 AAG Conference, no classes 23 30 Life of the Paleozoic (Invertebrates) Chapter 12: 327 - 353 24 April 1 Life of the Paleozoic (Vertebrates and Chapter 12: 353 - 371 Plants) 25 3 Mesozoic Events I Chapter 13: 373 - 403 26 6 Mesozoic Events II Chapter 13: 373 - 403 27 8 Life of the Mesozoic (Invertebrates, Chapter 14: 405 - 437 Vertebrates and Dinosaurs) 9-17 Spring Break and Easter Holidays, no classes 28 20 Movie 29 22 Life of the Mesozoic (Birds, Mammals and Chapter 14: 437 - 449 Plants) 24 TEST 4 30 27 Cenozoic Events Chapter 15: 451 - 485 31 29 Global Climate and Glacials Chapter 15: 480 – 483, Lecture 32 May 1 Life of the Cenozoic Chapter 16: 487 - 523 33 4 Human Origins I Chapter 17: 525 - 547 34 6 Human Origins II Chapter 17, Movie May 14 FINAL EXAM 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Attendance Policy: Attendance should be considered mandatory, but you're on your honor. I do not take a roll. I figure you're paying to be here, and it's up to you whether or not you would like to get what you pay for by coming to class. Attend class and TAKE NOTES. I cannot stress this enough: “A” and “B” students come to class; “C”, “D”, and “F” students come less frequently. No other variable correlates as well with student performance. While attendance will not be taken, and although no explanations are needed for missed lectures, the evaluation of student performance will be based largely on material and activities presented during class lectures. Therefore, it will be nearly impossible to earn a high grade in this course without coming to class on a regular basis. Note that the lecture notes posted on blackboard are only an outline of what is actually said in class, and that anything said in class or in the text readings is fair game for exams. A huge part of learning material in GEOL 102 is self-motivation and a willingness to truly apply yourself.

Email Policy: Email will be a primary means of communication for this course. Students must ensure that their email address on Blackboard is accurate, as important course information will be provided periodically via the Blackboard email interface. Students must also make it point to check their email regularly (at a minimum, 2-3 times per week) to stay informed of any course news and announcements. I encourage students to use email as their primary means of contacting me outside of the classroom. Whenever possible I will respond to a student email inquiry within 24 hours. In return, I ask that students observe some basic guidelines regarding email etiquette: - Address your email message professionally (e.g., “Dear Dr. da Silva”, “Prof. da Silva”, etc.) - When making requests for information or assistance, always be polite (hint: “please” and “thank you” are effective) - Do not make demands of myself (e.g., “I want to know why…”), instead make a polite request (e.g., “Could you please let me know…”) - Be flexible and accommodating (e.g., “Can I come by your office sometime this week?”) - Sign your name at the end of the email – it is often difficult to identify a student solely by email address In addition, in order to make class-related email exchanges as efficient as possible, I will not respond to emails requesting basic course information that is in the syllabus. This includes, but is not limited to, questions about exam dates/times, grading policies, requests for extra credit, requests for missed class notes, etc.

DROP DATE: The last day to drop a course with a “W” is: Friday, April, 3rd, 2009. Americans With Disabilities Act: If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of Disability Services is located in Peltier Hall, Room 100-A. The phone number is (985) 448-4430 (TDD 449-7002). Academic Grievances: The proper procedure for filing grade appeals or grievances related to academic matters is listed in Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct and at the following link: Continued Learning following an Extreme Emergency: The following guidelines are meant: to help the business of education continue at Nicholls State University in the aftermath of an extreme emergency situation; to help faculty and students understand their roles in completing education requirements for courses in progress when the emergency began; and to encourage faculty to be imaginative and resourceful in finding ways to continue the education of students and the work of the university.

Faculty responsibilities:  Faculty members are responsible for their development in the use of the Blackboard software;  Faculty members are responsible for having a plan for continuing their courses using only Blackboard and email;  Faculty members should be allowed to continue their course in whatever way suits the completion of the course best, and are encouraged to be creative in the continuation of these courses;  Any adjustments or compensations, made to a student’s progress in special programs with labs, clinical sequences (i.e., Culinary, Nursing, etc.), or the like, should be made only in the immediate semester following the emergency. Faculty members are responsible for including these guidelines in all syllabi.

Student responsibilities:  Students are responsible for reading regular emergency notifications on the NSU website;  Students are responsible for knowing how to use and access Blackboard;  Students are responsible for being familiar with emergency guidelines;  Students are responsible for evacuating textbooks and other course materials;  Students are responsible for knowing their Blackboard student login and password;  Students are responsible for contacting faculty regarding their intentions for completing the course. NOTE: Faculty and students should be open, flexible and show compassion in determining the precise course of action. This syllabus is not a contract and I reserve the right to change the schedule of the classes and/or mid term exams during the semester if necessary or appropriate. If changes in the dates of the midterm exam occur you will be notified in advance. The date of the final exam is an official university date and it will not be changed. The policy regarding attendance, missed exams, grading, academic integrity, email etiquette etc will not be changed during this course or reconsidered.

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