The Erasmus Mundus Programme in Israel

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The Erasmus Mundus Programme in Israel

The Erasmus Mundus programme in Israel

The Erasmus Mundus programme's objective is to promote European higher education, to help improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives in order to contribute to the sustainable development of third countries in the field of higher education.

It does this through three Actions:

Action 1 – Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes (Masters Courses and Joint Doctorates) - with scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes are operated by consortia of higher education institutions (HEIs) from the EU and (since 2009) elsewhere in the world. They provide an integrated course and joint or multiple diplomas following study or research at two or more HEIs. Masters Courses and Joint Doctorates are selected each year following a Call for Proposals. There are currently 138 Masters and 43 Doctorates offering offer EU-funded scholarships or fellowships to students and scholars.

Third-country institutions have been eligible to take part in consortia since 2009. Two Israeli institutions have been involved as a full partner in a consortium providing Erasmus Mundus Master Courses: Project title Selection year Institution University Of Haifa EMLE - European Master in Law and 2009 Economics Technion – Israel Institute Of Molecular Nano- and Biophotonics 2012 Technology

One Israeli institution has been involved as a full partner in a consortium providing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate:

Institution Project title Selection year The Hebrew University Of NeuroTime: Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate 2011 Jerusalem "Neural processing of time"

Scholarships for Israeli nationals under Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes (students selected)

Each year, students worldwide can apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships to Masters and Doctorates. 49 students from Israel have been selected over the eight annual selections up to 2012.

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses can also invite scholars to teach or research within the EMMC. So far, 39 EM scholars from Israel have taken part in the programme.

Page | 1 Three annual selections have been made for Doctoral candidates. The 2010 selection included 1 Israeli national.

TOTAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

2004- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 EMMC students 49 2 6 8 4 8 8 6 4 3 EMMC scholars** 39 1 2 6 8 9 13 NA NA NA EMJD fellows* 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 0 0

* First selection of doctoral candidates made for 2010-2011 academic year. **Since 2010, EMMC consortia have selected scholars over the course of the academic year, rather than at the beginning, so nationalities of selected scholars will only be known when final reports are submitted.

Action 2 – Erasmus Mundus Partnerships (former External Cooperation Window) – with scholarships

Under Action 2, Erasmus Mundus Partnerships bring together HEIs from Europe on the one hand and those from a particular region in the world on the other. Together the partnerships manage mobility flows between the two regions for a range of academic levels – bachelors, masters, doctorate, post- doctorate – and for academic staff.

Nine Israeli institutions have been involved as partners in the annual selections to date (Action 2).

Institution Project title Year of selection (number of partnerships selected) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (1) (1) (1) (1) (0)** (2) Bar-Ilan University EDEN x Ben-Gurion University Of The L02 Brussels x Negev L02 Brussels x L03 Brussels x EMAIL x x EDEN x Bezalel Academy Of Arts And x EMAIL Design Jerusalem Interdisciplinary Center (Idc) L03 Brussels x Herzliya EMAIL x x EDEN x Tel-Aviv-University EDEN x L02 Brussels x The Hebrew University Of L02 Brussels x Jerusalem L03 Brussels x EMAIL x x EDEN x L03 Brussels x University Of Haifa EMAIL x x EDEN x Western Galilee College EMAIL x Weizmann Institute Of L03 Brussels x Science

Page | 2 Mobility under Action 2 partnerships

Partnerships selected under the 2012 call for proposals started selection of students and staff from September 2012 onwards.

2012 – Israel Partnerships (LOT 3)

Coordinating Title Partner Institutions URL Institution Masaryk University EMAIL  Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev https://www.em2il. (CZ)  Bezalel Academy Of Arts And Design Jerusalem  Interdisciplinary Center (Idc) Herzliya  The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem  University Of Haifa  Western Galilee College Universitatea EDEN  Bar-Ilan University Alexandru Ioan Cuza  Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev Din Iasi (RO)  Interdisciplinary Center (Idc) Herzliya  Tel-Aviv-University  The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem  University Of Haifa

A list of partnerships and their websites are available at:

Partnerships selected over the years 2007-2012 organised or plan to organise mobility for the following numbers of Israeli nationals:

Year Undergraduat Masters Doctorate Post- Staff TOTA e doctorate L 2007 37 27 1 0 6 71 2008 35 20 0 0 4 59 2009 41 12 3 1 6 63 2010* 4 15 12 2 20 53 2011** NA NA NA NA NA NA 2012* 74 43 29 17 34 197 TOTAL 191 117 45 20 70 443

*figures for 2010 and 2012 represent the partnerships' planned mobility ** Due to a lack of eligible and/or quality proposals, it was not possible to select an Action 2 partnership for the geographical lot involving Israel during the 2011 Call for Proposals.

Page | 3 Action 3 – Erasmus Mundus Attractiveness projects

This Action of the Programme funds projects to enhance the attractiveness, profile, image and visibility of European higher education worldwide. Action 3 provides support to activities related to the international dimension of all aspects of higher education, such as promotion, accessibility, quality assurance, credit recognition, mutual recognition of qualifications, curriculum development and mobility.

It also seeks to disseminate the programme's results and examples of good practice, and to exploit these results at institutional and individual level.

Institution Project title Selection year  Technion – Israel Institute ISEKI_MUNDUS Integrating Safety and 2007 Of Technology Environment Knowledge In World Food Studies

LE NOTRE Mundus International Thematic 2007 Network

ISEKI_Mundus 2 Internationalization and 2008 Sustainability of ISEKI_Food Network

 Bar-Ilan University SHALOMundus 2012  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev  Tel-Aviv University  Hebrew University of Jerusalem  The Open University of Israel  Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, University of Haifa  Weizmann Institute of Science

Erasmus Mundus: useful links

Erasmus Mundus website

Erasmus Mundus joint programmes, partnerships and projects

Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association

EU Delegation to Israel

January 2013

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