Purpose of Programreviewat Thecluster Level

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Purpose of Programreviewat Thecluster Level

Cl uster N ame: Administrative Services P urpos e of Pr ogr am Revi ew at t he Cl us t er L ev el The purpose of the Cluster Review is to provide a venue through which the cluster can evaluate its programs in relationship to the College Mission and its Strategic Goals and priorities. The cluster self- evaluation process promotes a self-reflective evaluation of programs in a manner in which faculty, staff and administration can identify programmatic successes within their programs, identify areas in need of improvement and establish overarching cluster goals for enhanced programmatic and student success. The values of program review :  Strengthening of programs through faculty led self-evaluation and goal setting;  Fostering inter-departmental cooperation and communication;  Stimulating dialog on student success and programmatic improvements;  Evaluating each programs unique contribution to the College’s Mission and Strategic Goals;  Promotion of long-term planning focused on the use of data;  Ensuring that curriculum and offerings meet student needs and promote student progression;  Providing a venue to justify programmatic augmentation and to connect program needs to resource allocations.  Enhance transparency about college programs to the broader community.

The value of self-evaluation is enhanced with the broad inclusion of individuals contributing to your Cluster. It is recommended that each cluster make efforts to include input from the programs under the cluster and incorporate the analysis provided in the Program Review Self-Evaluations. Each cluster may include additional information in their Self-Evaluation as needed to fully describe their department or unit. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is available to assist each cluster in its efforts to complete its self-evaluation. The office has provided instructions on completing this document and resources to interactive datasets. In addition, to the generic instructions, the Office is available to assist all departments and units by providing individual training sessions, hosting departmental training meetings, and providing desk-side assistance through the Cluster Review Process. The completed Cluster Self-Evaluation Form is due to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness by (need specific date and time). Following submittal, validations teams organized through the college’s existing committee structure will review your document and provide feedback and recommendations for your department’s review. The Program Review and Viability Committee will provide the final recommendations for your review and feedback. Section I. Program Description

1. Please provide your cluster mission statement and briefly describe the ways your cluster supports the College Mission and each Strategic Goals. (Please note that in Section II of this document asks more specific questions about how your cluster supports the college’s strategic goals.) Administrative Services supports the college campus and goals by managing and maximizing all resources that support the college learning environment which strives for safety and security, staying technologically current, and sustainable.

The Cluster develops and manages an annual budget driven by the district/state allocation process of revenues and expenditures. Financial health of the college in monitored with monthly and quarterly reports. The office also processes procurement and contracts as well as all personnel assignments and payroll in compliance with district policy and state/federal law. a. Mission: East Los Angeles College empowers students to achieve their educational goals, to expand their individual potential, and to successfully pursue their aspirations for a better future for themselves, their community and the world.

Administrative Services cluster strives to provide a quality enviromnment that supports student achievement and student success.

b. Goal 1: Increasing student success and academic excellence through student- centered instruction, student-centered support services, and dynamic technologies.

The Information Technology (IT) Unit provides the technical support for the electronic equipment instructors use to convey information to the student. By using the most modern technology in the classroom, instructors are able to utilize multiple types of media and provide students the opportunity to learn with different methods. To accomplish this goal, the current technology available is deployed in classrooms and offices across the campus. The IT Unit currently supports and maintains over 120 servers, nearly 2,500 computers, 43 computer labs, and 177 smart classrooms and conference rooms with advance integrated AV systems. The IT Unit also provides technical support for campus special events that enhance the educational experience to the students.

The Plant Facilities Unit is responsible for providing a safe and secure environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. In addition to routine activities to maintain a clean and efficient environment, the Plant Facilities Unit has completed major projects over the past year from a prioritized list of facilities needs developed by the college and approved by participatory governance. Examples include a reorganization and renovation of three major areas: 1) South Gate Campus that now has classes with over 8,300 enrollments, 2) the Main Campus auditorium that serves as a major venue for college activities and community events, and 3) the opening of the Corporate Center location that now houses eight college offices and hosts numerous campus and district sponsored meetings. c. Goal 2: Increasing equity in successful outcomes by analyzing gaps in student achievement and using this to identify and implement effective models and programming to remedy these gaps.

In support of student learning and student success the Administrative Services Operation will ensure a technically current learning environment. d. Goal 3: Sustaining community-centered access, participation, and preparation that improves the college's presence in the community, maximizes access to higher education and provides outlets for artistic, civic, cultural, scientific and social expression as well as environmental awareness.

In support of sustaining community-centered access, Administrative Services Cluster will ensure a safe a secure environment which is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally green as measured by facility/maintenance and operations analysis study.

Units within the cluster participate in programs or events for new students such as being open during welcome week. Additionally, the community and surrounding organizations are provided access to the campus facilities through the use of the civic center permits. The civic center permit entails services across the cluster including sheriff, maintenance & operations, and IT services. Through the use of civic center permits, the community hosts many activities in which students and their families participate

The IT department provides the technical support for campus special events including community events that enhances the student college experience and builds a stronger community-centered accessed events. By supporting campus events, the IT department is adding to the improved presents of the campus within the community and facilitating cultural events and artistic expressions. e. Goal 4: Ensuring institutional effectiveness and accountability through data- driven decision-making as well as evaluation and improvement of all college programs and governance structures.

In support of student learning and student success the Administrative Services Cluster will ensure that personnel is adequate and payroll processing is efficient. This is measured by the number of hires processed and by the frequency of emergency pay and off-cycle payroll requests. The college hired 26 faculty and 43 classified and administrative positions in the third quarter of calendar year 2015. The Payroll Unit receives an average of 5-10 off-cycle pay requests and 1-2 emergency pay requests per month.

Comparing LACCD Student Survey Results for services provided by units in the Administrative Services Cluster, students reported satisfaction at a higher percentage rate between 2012 and 2014 in the service areas of Fiscal Office, Computer Labs, Safety, Clean Buildings, Restrooms, Grounds, Lighting and Parking. ELAC also exceeded the district-wide average of all LACCD colleges in these same areas.

2. Please include your cluster’s organizational chart. See attachment No. 1.

Administrative Services Cluster has realigned its organizational structure to follow Accreditation Standard III that focuses on resources (Human, Physical, Technology and Financial). Each of four Cluster managers has purview over one of these areas, and all report directly to Vice President of Administrative Services. 3. Please list the committees that Cluster administrators are involved in. Facilities Planning Subcommittee Budget Committee Human Resources Council Work Environment Committee Technology Planning Subcommittee Other: Distirct Administration Council District Technology Council Executive District Budget Committee Whistleblower

4. After completing the attached table, discuss any apparent trends in expenditures and project future challenges and opportunities. For Liberal Arts and Sciences & Workforce Education clusters, identify any departments that have a very high or very low full-time to part-time faculty ratio. Administrative Services Cluster Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year July 1-June 30 July 1-June 30 July 1-June 30 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures (Proj) Program SFP/ Program SFP/ Program SFP/ Category Categorical Categorical Categorical 100 Grants 100 Grants 100 Grants

Certificated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salaries

Classified 7,880,691 0 0 8,361,348 0 0 9,142,196 0 0 Salaries Non- 377,258 0 0 522,245 0 0 449,752 0 0 Classified Salaries 4,575,486 0 0 4,755,164 0 0 5,112,939 0 0 Benefits

Supplies/ 1,757,750 0 0 2,036,437 0 0 1,772,070 0 0 Contracts Equipment 720,934 0 0 1,134,986 0 0 927,960 0 0 Program 100 Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 State Funds

Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VTEA

Repro- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 graphics

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Itemized The apparent trend for technology expenditures is insufficient to maintain the trending demands of technical support requirements. As more technology is incorporated in all instructional methods, there is a growing need to employ sufficient quality of qualified technical personnel to maintain the equipment. The solution is to incorporate enough qualified trained staff to ensure sufficient needs coverage.

Because the limited availability of all types of resources (human, physical, technological and financial) will never be able to meet the demand, it is imperative that the college continually develop and refine ways to measure and prioritize needs that result in the best possible allocation of resources.

5. Based on your review of the PRSEs for your departments or units, what is the state of the equipment needs in your cluster? In your description, please give a specific rationale for these needs and your priorities for addressing these needs. Where appropriate, be sure to explain the relationship of these needs to either the Educational Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, and/or Facilities Master Plan.

The equipment needs of the Administraive Services Cluster are ongoing operational needs that support Academic Affairs and Student Services. Procuring new servers to replace existing aging servers will support the campus community, globally. As the college moves to "cloud storage", software and security upgrades are needed to minimize any threats to the network.

Technology Master Plan: Technology is currently struggling with the redundancy of the critical systems that serves the college. New server hardware house in a data center would allow the IT department create the necessary redundant system in case of failure of the primary servers. Also updated security software for the network servers to ensure continue safeguard of sensitive data as cloud data storage serves for future growth.

6. Based on your review of the PRSEs for your departments or units, what is the state of the facility needs in your cluster? In your description, please give a specific rationale for these needs and your priorities for addressing these needs. Detail any unmet facility needs and steps taken to address any persisting issues, including the main campus and the South Gate Center. Where appropriate, be sure to explain whether or not the Facilities Master Plan addresses the needs in question.

Administrative Services Office area is very nice but the size is inadequate. Facilities and Information Technology also have inadequate space. The Bookstore and Cafeteria will move into a new space this year. The Business Office and Personnel are anticipated to move to Corporate Center July of 2015.

IT needs more space to service students and faculty that come to the office for help. The current help counter can only support two computers and the waiting area can only support 3 persons at a time. One computer is for the academic system which students and faculties can access. The second computer is on the administration server which allow faculty and staff access. The service counter only allows for two individuals to be assisted at a time one. If there are two individuals that need help on the same server there must be a wait time. Also due to the limited space at the service counter and waiting area, many students and faculty are required to wait outside or return at another time. We need additional space which will allow for at least four computers to be available for service help and a waiting space that allows at least 6 people at a time.

The current IT department office space isn’t sufficient to support the current staff. Many office workstations are very small and the overall office is not up to current code requirements of 15 assignable square feet per workstation. Also the current staffing is not sufficient to service all of the campus needs, additional staff is required. Although classroom instruction has priority, some instructors are required to wait until the technicians can service them. To improve service the staffing will need to be grow, however the current space cannot support any additional personnel. An additional 500 square feet to the current IT department facility or a total of 1,500 square feet space is required to properly accommodate the needed staff.

7. For Administrative Services, what are the opportunities and constraints for increasing dedicated revenue through use of college facilities? Be sure to describe the cluster’s plan for increasing enterprise management in order to expand services and develop greater revenue. (In the previous comprehensive cluster review, the cluster was requested to develop such a plan in collaboration with the President, RIDO, other clusters, and the Budget Committee.)

The opportunities to create revenue are generated through general filming and civic center opportunities. The constraints of such opportunities is in the scheduling and not enough space. Another constraint is keeping the distruption to a minimum during these activities. The cluster is in the process of developing a comprehensive plan in collaboration with other clusters for increasing enterprise management. As a precursor to the development of this plan, the unit had to address the prioritization of the use of the campus facilities. The use of the campus facility was vetted through shared governance.

8. Describe any trends, recent events or activities that have impacted and/or will impact the programs under your cluster. a. General trends:

Growth in students, faculty, and financial resources increases workload in all areas. Although new buildings under construction will be occupied over the next year, there is no immediate net gain in overall space. Existing space that will be vacated consists of bungalows that will be cycled out of operation and their existing space will need to by reappropriated over time and and at additional expense.

b. What important trends were revealed through your review of the PRSEs?

To accommodate growth, satellite locations at South Gate for students and staff, and Corporate Center for staff have been renovated and occupied. South Gate location now has over 8,300 enrollments and Corporate Center houses eight departments with up to 40 staff that have recently moved from the Main Campus.

c. Which of these changes or trends have most impacted your programs?

Quantity of events and needs for space.

d. What efforts have been made to address these changes? Evaluations and reogranization of units are initiating changes for cross training and sharing of resources. Additionally, initial spacing needs are being addressed by the campus community. e. What effect have these changes had on student goal attainment?

Numerous facility and technology improvements have been made as might be noted on campus. Services and events have been enhanced with a user-friendly service model. In order to fulfill the College Mission, the college has developed four goals. These goals serve as the broad planning objectives through which all other college planning documents and departmental plans will be based. Together these goals provide a foundation for building a true agenda of student success.

Goal 1: Increasing student success and academic excellence through student-centered instruction, student-centered support services, and dynamic technologies.

1. How has your department evaluated the impact that your Cluster has on student learning and achievement?

Comparing LACCD Student Survey Results in for services provided by units in the Administrative Services Cluster, students reported satisfaction at a higher percentage rate between 2012 and 2014 in the service areas of Fiscal Office, Computer Labs, Safety, Clean Buildings, Restrooms, Grounds, Lighting and Parking

2. The college has a goal of increasing first-year persistence and completion of certificate, degree and transfer programs. What efforts are being conducted to improve student academic performance?

Administrative Services Cluster values customer service is a high priority with students as our customers.

a. What are the results of these efforts to date?

Administrative Services Cluster has realigned its organizational structure to follow Accreditation Standard III that focuses on resources (Human, Physical, Technology and Financial). Each of four Cluster managers has purview over one of these areas, and all report directly to Vice President of Administrative Services.

b. What efforts have been planned to date?

c. Which initiatives identified in the PRSEs will you prioritize to address this goal?

d. For Liberal Arts and Sciences & Workforce Education clusters, does the cluster have a plan with targeted outcomes for elevating the college’s performance as indicated in the Student Success Scorecard?

3. For Liberal Arts and Sciences & Workforce Education clusters, evaluate the trends in student completion for the following degrees and certificates listed in the college catalog. Explain these trends and d esc ri be any effor ts that have been conducted to increase the number of award completions N/A Units Student Completions Department Degree or Certificate Title required 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 4. For Liberal Arts and Sciences & Workforce Education clusters, what system has the cluster implemented to ensure that departments are offering all courses required for degrees and certificates listed in the college catalog? N/A

5. For Workforce Education cluster, what system has the cluster implemented to ensure that the state requirement for two year review of vocational programs is satisfied, including maintenance and posting of community advisory minutes? N/A

6. For Liberal Arts and Sciences & Workforce Education clusters, how does the cluster evaluate the continued efficacy of its programs offered to students? Describe the system the cluster has implemented to evaluate whether or not viability review is necessary to pursue program modification or discontinuance. N/A

7. For Student Services, describe trends revealed by ongoing of point-of-service surveys implemented in your cluster. Explain how the trends derived from the surveys has been incorporated into your cluster planning so that the college is meeting expected standards. N/A

8. Review the provided student demographics and success rates. What efforts have been made to ensure that cluster programs and services are available to students?


9. How has your cluster coordinated efforts with programs within your cluster?

Regular manager meetings and reorganizing the division structure to align with Accreditation Standard III resources. 10. How has your cluster coordinated efforts with programs in other clusters?

11. How has your cluster used the new administrative portal and/or other technological means to inform the campus community about ongoing service activities and improvements? Be sure to identify the posting of general schedules for regularly occurring maintenance.

Goal 2: Increasing equity in successful outcomes by analyzing gaps in student achievement and using this, to identify and implement effective models and programming to remedy these gaps.

1. Based on your review of the data online, what specific efforts have been conducted by your departments/units to address equity gaps? 2. How has cluster leadership/management supported specific efforts undertaken by programs in the cluster to address equity gaps?

Our Cluster serves the entire college community and will continue to ensure we are meeting the college- wide needs. 3. Based on your review of the PRSEs, what initiatives will the cluster support and prioritize to address equity gaps in the future? Goal 3: Sustaining community-centered access, participation, and preparation that improves the college's presence in the community, maximizes access to higher education and provides outlets for artistic, civic, cultural, scientific and social expression as well as environmental awareness.

1. The college strives to reach non-traditional students. What specific efforts have been conducted by your departments/units to promote student access?

2. How has cluster leadership/management supported these specific efforts undertaken by programs in the cluster to promote student access?

3. What efforts have been made to improve your cluster’s presence in the community? a. What efforts have been made to engage the community or other educational institutions to improve the preparation of all entering students?

The Fiscal Office and Bookstore are both open on welcome week along with other student services units.

b. How does the cluster measure its success in sustaining community-centered access, participation, and preparation that improves the college's presence in the community?

The cluster sends out a student survey which it uses as a measuring tool for the quality of service provided to the student population.

4. Based on your review of the PRSEs, what initiatives will the cluster support and prioritize to ensure access in the future? Goal 4: Ensuring institutional effectiveness and accountability through data-driven decision-making as well as evaluation and improvement of all college programs and governance structures.

1. Based on TracDat, the following programs are housed in your departments/units and have the following level of SLO/SSO/AUO activity.

(LAC to provide list)

2. What has the cluster done to promote the authentic assessment of SLOs, SSOs, and/or AUOs, and the creation of a cycle of continuous quality improvement?

Since Adminsitrative Services is the operational side of the college, the cluster distributes student surveys which track progress; additionally, the units are in compliance with District internal audits and standard reporting requirements.

3. Please provide a detailed plan and timeline outlining what steps the cluster will undertake to ensure that there is a cycle of continuous quality improvement for programs that have yet to reach sustainability.

The cluster will undertake a cycle of quarterly reporting in areas that have yet to reach sustainability. The cluster uses an evaluation by comparative state and national standards while ensuring best practices.

4. How has the cluster incorporated data-driven decision-making into planning?

The cluster has incorporated data driven decision making into planning by evaluating surveys with outlined outcomes.

5. Describe any additional assessment that is needed to drive your cluster’s decision-making process. What requests, if any, for evaluation have been made to OIE?

Operations are all data driven and outcomes oriented; standard operations. Complete Table A by: a. Based on the data provided in the preceding questions, describe your cluster goals for the next six years and the programs involved. b. Aligning the department/unit goals with the Educational, Facilities and Technology Master Plan objectives. c. Reporting progress on stated goals d. Stating the anticipated outcomes of the stated goals Cluster Goal P Alignment with Educational Master Plan Alignment with Tech Master Plan Alignment with Facilities Master Plan Pr Anticipated Outcome of Additional Resources og Cluster Goal Required? re Description of goal LNone None None D ss Description of anticipated Description of resources i e improvements on required to accomplish s s measures cluster goals t cr

ip Greater effectiveness and Ao Goal 1: Ensure adequate student support service Goal 1: Support students, faculty, and staff in the Goal 4: Ensure that critical technical services have Establis Process map existing operations Time and collaborative effort efficiency in operations ll h and identify gaps d bench i mark Training and cross training of Av Goal 1: Provide sustained professional Goal 1: Enhance institutional effectiveness and Goal 4: Ensure that critical technical services have Needsmeasur Prioritization of desired staff ll development provide assess outcomes d ment i Complete annual performance A Goal 1: Strengthen college response to struggling Goal 1: Enhance institutional effectiveness and Goal 4: Ensure that critical technical services have Conduc Establish goals and objectives, evaluations and make ll provide t evaluate results and make corrective action d perfor necessary adjustments i mance v evaluati i ons Develop a user friendly, A Goal 3: Utilize the college’s online offering and Goal 1: Enhance institutional effectiveness and Goal 2: Provide adequate access to facilities for FamiliarEncourage everyone to model collegial, team spirited attitude ll provide ize staff appropriate behaviors (Golden d new to Rule) i their v positio Maximizing a quality learning P Goal 1: Ensure on-campus student engagement Goal 4: Evaluate emerging technologies to provide Goal 3: Provide adequate open spaces, including a Encour Continue to evaluate and IT support staff and equipment environment l to age use improve on a of n establis Maximizing financial resources B Goal 4: Identify and implement successful Goal 4: Evaluate emerging technologies to provide Goal 4: Ensure that the campus is well maintained Identify Monitor and report out u elements and expenditures to budget d apply managers and stakeholders g restrict Creating and maintaining a Ie Goal 1: Ensure on-campus student engagement Goal 1: Provide high-performing, flexible, reliable Goal 4: Ensure that critical technical services have Inventoed Develop a replacement and Build in Total Cost of Ownership technologically advanced n to ry all cascade plan for with new acquisitions for environment f existing technology o technol r ogy m Addressing facilities issues from P Goal 4: Identify and implement successful Goal 1: Enhance institutional effectiveness and Goal 2: Provide adequate access to facilities for Renova Reorganization and renovation Renovation and occupation of prioritized list college-wide l elements provide tion of South Gate Center Corporate Centet needs a and n remode t None None None ling of 1. Please describe what additional resources are required in order to meet your planning goals.

Administrative Services is the operational side of the college and supports student success with service area outcomes. The division faces unique challenges of growth. With growth comes a steady increase in workload across all units. Facilities is challenged to maintain the level of service expected from growth as well as implementing District mandates such as green technology, fire and safety codes, and ADA compliance. Information Technology is challenged to keep up with the growth of computer labs and software and being involved in almost every grant with no additional resources committed to that area. Additionally, the new Student Information System will be implemented with the colleges expected to maintain various aspects of the system. To address these avenues in alignment with planning goals, the IT Dept. will seek to staff the workload and upgrade software and hardware systems across campus. Information Technology is also challenged by a loss of valued permanent employees particularly in the area of the website. The college is setting new goals for academic and student portal services.

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