The Nature of Science s1

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The Nature of Science s1


The Nature of Science Scientific knowledge is scientists’ best explanations for the data from many investigations. Ideas about objects in the microscopic world that we cannot directly sense are often understood in terms of concepts developed to understand objects in the macroscopic world that we can see and touch. Student work should align with this process of science and should be guided by those principles. Students should also understand that scientific knowledge is gained from observation of natural phenomena and experimentation by designing and conducting investigations guided by theory and by evaluating and communicating the results of those investigations according to accepted procedures. These concepts should be woven throughout daily work.

Standard 1: Motion and Forces Core Standard: Collaboratively describe, test through experiments, explain and defend mathematical models of the motion of macroscopic objects in terms of Newton’s laws.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.1.1 Using motion maps, graphs and 1. Average speed problems: A car 1. Worksheet of average speed algebraic equations, describe, travels 50 m.p.h. for 10 hours and problems measure, and analyze constant 20 m.p.h. for 2.0 hours, what is the 2. Worksheet graphing distance and acceleration motion in terms of average speed for the whole trip? time and then calculating slope of time and the vector quantities of 2. Graph position and time, calculate best fit line. displacement, velocity and slope 3. Toy car activity data sheet, graph, acceleration. 3. Toy car activity and slope calculation 4. Analyzing position and time or 4. Graphing skills worksheet displacement and time graphs 5. Test 5. Define distance, displacement, speed, and velocity P.1.2 Using motion, maps, graphs and 1. Use the kinematic equations to 1. Textbook problem assignments of algebraic equations, describe, solve uniform acceleration and uniform acceleration and free fall measure, and analyze constant free fall problems. problems acceleration motion in one vf = vi + at 2. Worksheet with velocity and time 2 dimension in terms of time and the d = vit + ½at graph 2 2 vector quantities of displacement, vf = vi + 2ad 3. Computer simulation activity velocity and acceleration. 2. Analyze velocity and time graphs (shows the number of correct 3. Computer simulation of motion responses by students) maps 4. Data sheets and computer generated 4. Galileo’s Uniform Acceleration graphs of best fit lines for Galileo Lab Lab 5. Test

P.1.3 Using motion, maps, graphs and 1. Add vectors using the tip-to-tail algebraic equations, describe, method 1. Worksheet of vector addition measure, and analyze constant 2. Practice on student dry erase problems acceleration motion in two boards 2. Textbook assignments on vector dimensions in terms of time and 3. Examples of finding the addition and finding perpendicular the vector quantities of perpendicular components of components displacement, velocity and vectors 3. Computer simulation for projectile acceleration. Consider specifically 4. Projectile motion of horizontally motion projectile motion and uniform projected object 4. Textbook problems on projectile circular motion. 5. Projectile motion of an object motion and uniform circular motion projected at an angle 5. Test P.l.4 Describe the magnitude and 1. Demonstrations of Newton’s Laws direction of kinds of forces, of Motion 1. Worksheet free-body diagrams including both contact forces and 2. Draw free-body diagrams using 2. Worksheet forces in an elevator non-contact forces, those that act tension, weight, applied, normal, 3. Textbook problems Newton’s at as distance. Find the net force friction, and gravitational forces Second Law of Motion acting on an object using free- 3. Analyze a ride in an elevator 4. Text book questions over forces body diagrams and the addition of 4. Problem solving using Newton’s 5. Worksheet of short answer forces. Use Newton’s three laws Second Law of Motion, Fnet = ma questions over the penny and cup to deductively analyze static and 5. Short answer questions applying activity dynamic systems. Newton’s Laws of Motion 6. Test 6. Penny and a cup activity P.1.5 Use Newton’s Law of Universal 1. Find the gravitational force 1. Worksheet manipulating values Gravitation and the laws of motion between two objects in the with Newton’s Universal Law of to quantitatively analyze the classroom Gravitation motions of orbiting objects such as 2. Solve problems using Newton’s 2. Textbook problems using Newton’s the moon, the planets and satellites Universal Law of Gravitation Universal Law of Gravitation (i.e., Kepler’s Third law of 3. How will the gravitational force 3. Textbook problems using Kepler’s Planetary Motion). vary if one of the masses doubles, Third Law of Planetary Motion the other one is tripled, and the 4. Test distance is one half as much? 4. Solve problems using Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion Standard 2: Energy and Momentum Core Standard: Collaboratively describe, test, explain and defend mathematical models of the motion of macroscopic objects in terms of energy, momentum and their conservation laws as developed using Newton’s three laws of motion.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.2.1 Describe qualitatively and 1. Use the equations p = mv, W = 1. Textbook problems involving the quantitatively the concepts of Fdcosθ, K.E. = ½mv2, P.E. = mgh, equations momentum, work, kinetic energy, and P = 2. Test potential energy and power.

P.2.2 Quantitatively predict changes in 1. Car Crash Video 1. Worksheet of questions about the momentum using the impulse- video momentum theorem and in kinetic energy using the work-energy theorem. P.2.3 Analyze evidence that illustrates 1. Problems involving energy 1. Textbook problems involving the Law of Conservation of conservation and roller coasters conservation of energy and roller Energy and the Law of 2. Build a model of a roller coaster coasters Conservation of Momentum. 3. Use m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1′ + m2v2′ 2. Worksheet of conservation of Apply these laws to analyze elastic 4. Identify the requirements for a momentum problems and completely inelastic collisions. collision to be elastic or inelastic 3. Rubrics for model roller coaster 5. Marble activities 4. Textbook problems involving collisions 5. Worksheets of data and questions for the marble activities 6. Test P.2.4 Describe and quantify energy in its 1. Mousetrap car project 1. Rubrics for distance mousetrap car different mechanical forms (e.g., 2. Build model of a roller coaster travels kinetic, gravitational potential, project 2. Rubrics for roller coaster elastic potential) and recognize that these forms of energy can be transformed one into another and into non-mechanical forms of energy (e.g., thermal, chemical, nuclear and electromagnetic). Standard 1: Temperature and Thermal Energy Transfer Core Standard: Describe and distinguish the concepts of temperature and thermal energy. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain some thermal properties of gases and phase changes of solids, liquids and gases.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.3.1 Describe temperature, thermal 1. Use equations to convert from °C 1. Textbook problems converting energy and thermal energy to °F, °F to °C, °C to K, and K to temperatures transfer in terms of the kinetic °C 2. Textbook questions on thermal molecular model. Expand the 2. Answer questions from textbook energy and kinetic molecular model concept of conservation of about kinetic molecular model 3. Calorimetry problems mechanical energy to include 3. Calorimetry problems 4. Grade data, calculations, and % thermal energy. 4. Specific heat lab error for specific heat lab 5. Test

P.3.2 Describe the kinetic molecular 1. Ideal gas law notes 1. Problems involving ideal gas law model, use it to derive the ideal 2. Problems involving the equation 2. Test gas law and show how it explains of state for an ideal gas, PV = nRT the relationship between the temperature of an object and the average kinetic energy of its molecules. Use the kinetic theory to explain 1. Do change of state problems using 1. Worksheet of change of state P.3.3 that the transfer of heat occurs Q = mc(Tf – Ti) problems during a change of state. Q = mLf 2. Test Q = mLv How much heat is required to change 2.5 kg of ice at 10 °C to steam at 120 °C. P.3.4 Use examples from everyday life 1. Read in book about conduction, 1. Questions from textbook about to describe the transfer of thermal convection, and radiation conduction, convection, and energy by conduction, convection radiation and radiation. 2. Test Standard 4: Electricity and Magnetism Core Standard: Understand the interplay of electricity and magnetism. Apply this understanding to electrostatic problems and basic electrical circuits.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.4.1 Using Coulomb’s law, describe 1. Use Coulomb’s Law 1. Problems using Coulomb’s law and determine the force on a 2. Test stationary charge due to other 2. Demonstrate static charge stationary charges. Know that this 3. Compare Newton’s Universal Law force is many times greater than of Gravitation and Coulomb’s law the gravitational force. for Electric Forces

P.4.2 Define electric field and describe 1. Draw electric field lines for 1. Worksheet for electric field lines the motion of a charged particle in different charge configurations 2. Test a simple electric field.

P.4.3 Describe electric potential energy 1. Use Ohm’s Law 1. Textbook problems and questions and electric potential (i.e., 2. Know the variables and units for 2. Test voltage). Use voltage to explain Ohm’s Law, V = IR the motion of electrical charges and the resulting electric currents in conductors.

P.4.4 Explain and analyze simple 1. Color-code resistors, bag of eight 1. Grade the color-code resistors arrangements of electrical resistors activity components in series and parallel 2. Practice combining resistors in 2. Worksheets using Ohm’s Law and circuits in terms of current, series and in parallel series and parallel circuits to find resistance, voltage and power. 3. Analyze electric circuits resistance, current, and voltage drop Use Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws 3. Use Kirchhoff’s laws to analyze to analyze circuits. basic circuits. 4. Test P.4.5 Describe the magnetic forces and 1. Flying ring demonstration 1. Motor has to run fields produced by and acting on 2. Make electromagnetic motors 2. Textbook assignment on right-hand moving charges and magnetic 3. Use right-hand rule for charges rule materials. moving through a magnetic field 3. Test Standard 5: Vibrations, Waves Core Standard: Apply Newton’s laws and the concepts of kinetic and potential energy to describe and explain the motion of vibrating objects.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.5.1 Identify properties of objects that 1. Demonstrate spring stiffness with 1. Grade data, graphs, and questions vibrate by using Newton’s laws to mass hanging on different springs from pendulum lab describe and explain the 2. Pendulum lab 2. Textbook problems vibrational motion resulting from 3. Problems using spring-mass 3. Test restoring forces, such as Hooke’s systems and pendulums Law in the case of spring or T = 2π , T = 2 gravity in the case of a small amplitude pendulum. P.5.2 Describe how vibrating objects 1. Demonstrate transverse and 1. Textbook questions can generate transverse and/or longitudinal waves with spring 2. Test longitudinal waves so that energy and slinky is transmitted without the transfer 2. Examples of transverse and of energy. Distinguish longitudinal waves longitudinal waves from transverse waves.

P.5.3 Describe and analyze propagating 1. Lecture on parts of waves 1. Textbook questions waves in terms of their 2. Define wave terms of wavelength, 2. Test fundamental characteristics such frequency, period, and amplitude as wave speed, wavelength, 3. Calculations involving v = fλ frequency or period, and 4. Calculations involving AM and amplitude. FM radio stations P.5.4 Describe and explain the behavior 1. Demonstrate resonance using 1. Formal lab report for Speed of of waves such as transmission, resonant tuning fork boxes, crystal Sound Lab (rubrics) reflection, interference and goblet, flute, pop bottle, tuning 2. Textbook questions and problems polarizations. Qualitatively forks and closed pipe, and Tacoma 3. Test describe and explain the Narrows Bridge production and properties of 2. Speed of Sound Lab standing waves. 3. Demonstrate Polaroid material 4. Open and closed pipes Standard 6: Light and Optics Core Standard: Understand the geometric nature of light propagation and its wave nature as observed in the propagation of light through space and its interactions with and in matter.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.6.1 Understand the geometric nature 1. Pass around convex and concave 1. Worksheets of ray diagrams for of light in reflection and refraction lenses lenses and in image formation by lenses 2. Ray diagrams for mirrors and 2. Problems using the lens equation and mirrors. Use that geometric Lenses 3. Textbook problems involving nature to graphically predict the 3. Computer simulation for mirrors mirrors and lenses formation of images by lens and and lenses 4. Test mirrors.

P.6.2 Describe the electromagnetic 1. Take notes over properties of 1. Understand EM waves by being spectrum (i.e., radio waves, electromagnetic waves (EM) able to list them by frequency and microwaves, infrared, visible light, 2. Emphasize all EM waves travel at wavelength ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma 3.0 x 108 m/s the speed of light 2. Textbook problems involving EM rays) in terms of frequency, waves wavelength and energy. 3. Test Recognize that all these waves travel in a vacuum at the same speed. P.6.3 Understand that electromagnetic 1. Study Planck’s equation E = hf 1. Textbook questions and problems waves are produced by the 2. Test acceleration of charged particles. Describe how electromagnetic waves interact with matter both as packets (i.e., photons) and as waves. Show qualitatively how wave theory helps explain polarization and diffraction. Standard 7: Modern Physics Core Standard: Understand how our knowledge of physics has changed during the last hundred years, particularly in the areas of atomic and nuclear physics, quantum theory and relativity. Describe the structure of the atom and the reactions that occur in its nucleus.

SKILLS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT P.7.1 Explain that electrons, protons and 1. Define isotopes and present 1. Questions about isotopes neutrons are parts of the atom and isotope notation 2. Test that the nuclei of atoms are 2. Be able to take an isotope written composed of protons and neutrons, in the above notation and identify which experience forces of how many neutrons, protons, and attraction and repulsion consistent electrons are present. with their charges and masses. Distinguish elements from isotopes. P.7.2 Explain that the stability of the 1. Binding force problems 1. Textbook problems on binding nucleus, containing only positive 2. Calculate the total binding energy energy or neutral particles, indicates the and the average binding energy 2. Test existence of a new force that is per nucleon for iron 56. only evident within the nucleus, as it holds the particles together despite the strong repulsive electrical force. P.7.3 Distinguish fission from fusion 1. Calculate energies in a fission and 1. Problems from textbook processes. Describe how the fusion reactions 2. Worksheet showing alpha, beta, and binding energies of protons and 2. Radioactive decay equations gamma decay with parent and neutrons determine the stability daughter formation and instability of nuclei. 3. Test P.7.4 Describe qualitatively how nuclear 1. Fission and fusion problems 1. Textbook problems on fission and reactions (i.e., fission and fusion) 2. Show that the energy released fusion convert very small amounts of when two deuterium nuclei fuse to 2. Test matter into large amounts of form helium three with the release energy. of a neutron is 3.27 MeV 3. Show the movie Ten Seconds That Shook the World, a history film on the building and dropping of the atomic bomb

P.7.5 Understand that fission results 1. Research fission and fusion 1. Grade written paper. (rubrics) from large, less stable nuclei decomposing to form smaller, more stable nuclei. Understand that fusion results from small nuclei at high temperatures and pressures combining to form larger, more stable nuclei and releasing thermonuclear energy.

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