The University of Texas at Dallas (972) 8832927 (Office)

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The University of Texas at Dallas (972) 8832927 (Office)

February 27, 2007

Curriculum Vitae

ANTHONY M. CHAMPAGNE School of Social Sciences The University of Texas at Dallas (972) 883-2927 (Office) P.O. Box 830688 -- GR 3.1 Richardson, Texas 75083-0688


Constitutional Law Law and Society Law and Policy Courts and Equality Judicial Process Law and Medicine Administrative Law Civil Liberties Southern Politics American Government Congressional Leadership


National Science Foundation Trainee, University of Illinois, 1969-1973.

Fellow, Institute for the Study of Law and Behavioral Science, University of Wisconsin, 1970.

AMOCO Most Outstanding Teacher Award, UTD, 1979-1980.

Sam Rayburn Foundation grant, Summer 1980.

Texas Bar Foundation grant, Fall 1985.

UTD nominee for the Minnie Piper Outstanding Teacher Award, 1980-1981 (statewide award). AMOCO Most Outstanding Teacher Award, UTD, 1981-82.

Polykarp Kusch Lecturer, UTD, 1985.

Member of The Sam Rayburn Library Advisory Council, 1986-.

Andrew Cecil Lecturer, UTD, 1988.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher, School of Social Sciences, 1990

Tom C. Clark Judicial Fellow, 1990-1991

School of Social Sciences Student Choice Award, 1996-97.

Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award, 1997-98.

School of Social Sciences Student Choice Award, 2000-2001.


B.A., cum laude, Millsaps College, 1969.

M.A., University of Illinois, 1971.

Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1973.

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Rutgers University-Livingston College, 1973-1977.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Department of Politics, New York University, Fall 1974.

Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Political Science Rutgers University-Livingston College, 1977-1979.

Associate Professor with tenure, School of Social Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1979-1985.

Professor with tenure, School of Social Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1985-.

Conducted oral histories for the Sam Rayburn Library 1979-1988.

Interim Director of Graduate Studies, Program in Political Economy, 1983.

Participant, Project '87 seminar on The New Deal, University of North Carolina, Summer 1984. Acting Dean, School of Social Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, 1986-87.

Social Science Consultant to the Committee of 100, Fall 1986.

Judicial Fellow in the Federal Judicial History Program at the Federal Judicial Center, 1990-91.

Director of Graduate Studies, Political Economy Program, UTD, 1994--1996.

Consultant, National Center for State Courts, 2003-2004.



Congressman Sam Rayburn, Anthony Champagne (Rutgers University Press, 1984) Forward by Speaker Carl Albert. Reviewed: New York Times; Los Angeles Times; New Orleans Times Picayune; Dallas Morning News; Dallas Times Herald; The Sunday Oklahoman (Oklahoma City); Publishers Weekly; Library Journal; Sam Rayburn Library Newsletter; Volante; El Paso Times; Denison (TX) Herald; San Jose (CA) Mercury News; Fayetteville (NC) Observer-Times; Erie (PA) Times-News; Ft. Worth Star-Telegram; Winston K. Pendleton's syndicated "Book Browsing" column; Third Coast magazine; East Texas Historical Journal; Journal of Southern History; National Review "Briefer Notices"; Southwestern Historical Quarterly; Journal of the West; Western Historical Quarterly; Political Science Quarterly.

Radio Shows: Evelyn Oppenheimer Show, Dallas; Sandra Gair Show, Chicago; Good Morning America with Bob Edwards, National Public Radio; Ray Bream Show, Los Angeles; Tony Lawrence's Magazine, The Texas State Network.

Television Shows: Louis Meyer Show, Tulsa.

Southwestern Book Dealers' Association Best Seller List: April 8 and April 15, 1984.

Sam Rayburn: A Biobibliography, Anthony Champagne (Greenwood Press, 1988).

We The People (Texas edition), (co-authored) (W.W. Norton, 2001). Second edition published 2003; Third edition published in 2004; Fourth Edition to be published in 2007.

National Center for State Courts, Call to Action: Statement of the National Summit on Improving Judicial Selection—Expanded Edition with Commentary by David B. Rottman, Anthony Champagne, Roy A. Schotland with Neal Kauder, Lacrecia Cade, Jon-Michael Foxworth, and Thomas Rock (Williamsburg, Virginia, 2002).

Kyle Cheek and Anthony Champagne, Judicial Politics in Texas: Politics, Money, and Partisanship in State Courts (Peter Lang, 2006)

The Austin-Boston Connection: From Joe Bailey to Jim Wright (in preparation).

Edited Books :

The Political Science of Criminal Justice, Stuart Nagel, Erika Fairchild, and Anthony Champagne (eds.) (Charles Thomas, 1983). Reviewed: American Bar Foundation Journal; Policy Studies Journal; NIJ Reports; American Political Science Review, Social Science Quarterly.

Courts and Modern Medicine, Anthony Champagne and Rosemary Dawes (eds.) (Charles Thomas, 1983).

The Attack on the Welfare State, Anthony Champagne and Edward Harpham (eds.) (Waveland Press, 1984). (The book was adopted as a text at 45 colleges and universities).

Texas at the Crossroads, Anthony Champagne and Edward Harpham (eds.) (Texas A&M Press, December 1987). This book has led to stories in the Dallas Times Herald and coverage on the University of Texas Chancellor's Report (statewide radio program). Reviewed in the Dallas Morning News; Review of Texas Books; Books of the Southwest; Publishers Weekly; Judyth Rigler's syndicated column; and Southwestern Historical Quarterly.

Cecil and Ida Green Lectures: The Bicentennial of the Constitution, Anthony Champagne and Marilyn Herrick (eds.) (UTD, 1988).

A Directory of Oral History Interviews Related to the Federal Courts, Anthony Champagne, Cynthia Harrison, & Adam Land (eds.) (Federal Judicial Center, 1992).

Judicial Reform in the States, Anthony Champagne and Judith Haydel (eds.) (University Press of America, 1993).

Texas Government: A Reader, Anthony Champagne and Edward J. Harpham (eds.) (W.W. Norton, 1997)(Second ed., 1998.)

Articles: (*refereed publications)

*"The Segregation Academy and the Law" in Journal of Negro Education,1973 "The Impact of Defense Cutbacks on Employment and Migration" in President's Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (ed.) Population Distribution and Policy (U.S. Govt., 1973), with Barry Rundquist, P. G. Bock, and Karl Johnson.

*"The Internal Operation of OEO Legal Services Projects" in Journal of Urban Law, 1974.

*"OEO Legal Services: An Evaluation" in Urban Affairs Quarterly, 1974; "A Reply to Berk" in same issue. Both reprinted in Caro (ed.) Readings In Evaluation Research (Russell Sage, 1977).

"Attorney Attitudes toward the Poor and the Unpopular" in Stuart Nagel (ed.) Improving the Legal Process: Effects of Alternative Legal Policies (D. C. Heath, 1975) with Stuart Nagel and Marian Neef.

*"The Impact of Courts on Society: Residency Requirements for Welfare Benefits as a Case Study" in Indiana Law Review, 1975, with Allan Wichelman and Ron Sokal.

*"An Analysis of Administrative Judges and Their Decisions in the Social Security Disability Program" in Georgetown Law Journal, 1975, with Amos Danube.

*"Causes of Legal Services Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study" in Sage Professional Papers in Administrative and Policy Studies, 1976.

*"Lawyers and Government Funded Legal Services" in Villanova Law Review, 1976.

*"The Impact of Johnson v. Avery on Prison Administration" in Tennessee Law Review, 1976, with Kenneth Haas. (Cited by the Supreme Court in Broad v. Smith).

"Perceptions of Judicial Fairness" in James Inciardi and Kenneth Haas (eds.) Crime and the Criminal Justice Process, (Kendall Hunt, 1978), with Bernadyne Turpen.

"Civil Rights Policies: Minimizing Discrimination Based on Race and Sex" in Alan Stone and Ted Lowi (eds.) Nationalizing Government: Public Policies in America, (Sage, 1978) with Stuart Nagel.

"Law, Organization and the Judiciary" in Paul Nystrom and William Starbuck (ed.) Handbook of Organizational Design (Oxford University Press, 1981) with Stuart Nagel and Marian Neef. (Cited as one of the six chapters out of 45 that both managers and the editors felt were important contributions. The Handbook was named the best book on management in 1982 by the Academy of Management.). "The Advocates of Restraint: Holmes, Brandeis, Stone and Frankfurter" in Stephen Halpern and Charles Lamb (eds.) Supreme Court Activism and Restraint (Lexington Books, 1981) with Stuart Nagel (paperback ed., 1985).

"Judicial Behavior" in Samuel Long (ed.) Handbook of Political Behavior (Plenum, 1981) with Stuart Nagel and Marian Neef.

"The Psychology of Judging" in Robert Bray and Norbert Kerr (eds.) The Psychology of the Courtroom (Academic Press, 1981) with Stuart Nagel.

"The Theory of Limited Judicial Impact: Reforming the Dallas Jail as a Case Study" in Stuart Nagel, Erika Fairchild, and Anthony Champagne (eds.) The Political Science of Criminal Justice (Charles Thomas, 1982).

"The Two Roles of Sam Rayburn" in East Texas Historical Review, 1982.

"Law and Social Change" in Ed Seidman (ed.) The Handbook of Social and Community Intervention (Sage, 1983) with Stuart Nagel.

"Texas" in Alan Rosenthal and Maureen Moakley (eds.) Dimensions of State Politics (Praeger, 1984) with Rick Collis.

"Legal Services: A Program in Need of Assistance" in Anthony Champagne and Edward Harpham (eds.) The Attack on the Welfare State (Waveland, 1984).

*"Joseph P. Bradley: An Aspect of a Judicial Personality," Political Psychology, 1985, with Dennis Pope.

"Science and the Edges of Life" in Polykarp Kusch Annual Lecture Series: Concerns of the Lively Mind (The University of Texas at Dallas, 1986).

"The Selection and Retention of Judges in Texas" in Southwestern Law Journal, 1986.

This article has led to interviews and/or articles in: Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times Herald, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Paris (Texas) News, Sulphur Springs (Texas) News-Telegram, Houston Chronicle, Common Cause Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, National Public Radio, the Wall St. Journal, the American Lawyer, the Texas Lawyer, "60 Minutes", Business and Public Affairs Fortnightly, Time Magazine, National Bar Journal, New York Times, WABC Radio New York, KURU Radio Edinberg, TX, D Magazine, Texas Monthly, University of Texas Chancellor's Report (statewide radio program). Also, a television show "Government By Consent" for the Dallas County Community Colleges, PBS and the Learning Channel.

"Overview of Merit Selection Plans and Recent Developments" in Committee of 100 (ed.) The Texas Plan: Merit Selection of Judges (Texas Judicial Selection Education Committee, 1986).

*"Sam Rayburn: Achieving Party Leadership" in Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 1987.

*"The New Partisanship in Texas Judicial Elections" in Texas Bar Journal, with Phillip S. Berry, 1987.

*"Hatton Sumners and The Court Packing Plan of 1937" in East Texas Historical Review, 1988.

*"Judicial Reform in Texas" in Judicature, l988. Reprinted in part in The Responsible Judge: Readings in Judicial Ethics, edited by John Noonan & Kenneth Winston (Praeger, 1993).

"The Texas Judiciary: New Developments" in Texas Bar Journal, 1988. Also, coordinated an exchange over the proposals of the Joint Select Committee on the Judiciary with articles by former Chief Justice John Hill who wrote in favor of merit selection of judges and Charles Herring, Jr. who wrote in favor of partisan election of judges.

"Sam Rayburn" in William Ferris and Charles Wilson (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Southern Culture (University of North Carolina Press, 1989).

"Religion as a Political Interest Group" in Lawson Taitte ed., The Andrew R. Cecil Lectures on Moral Values in a Free Society (UTD Press, 1989).

*"The Texas Judiciary: New Developments," 1 State Constitutional Commentaries and Notes, 1989.

"Sam Rayburn" in Richard S. Kirkendall (ed.) The Harry S. Truman Encyclopedia (G. K. Hall, 1989).

*"Awareness of Trial Court Judges," 74 Judicature, with Gregory Thielemann, 1991.

"The Role of Personality in Judicial Reform," 2 State Constitutional Commentaries and Notes (1991).

*"An Empirical Examination of the Use of Expert Witnesses in American Courts," 31 Jurimetrics, with Daniel Shuman and Elizabeth Whitaker, 1991. Shortened version reprinted in Judicature (1992). The Judicature version was reprinted the The Legal Investigator(February, 1993) and in The Expert and the Law (1993). The original article was also the subject of a story in Biosciences (1993).

*"Campaign Contributions in Texas Supreme Court Races," in Crime, Law and Social Change (1992).

"Statistics on the Texas Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals," SMU Law Review (with Clark Thomas) (1993).

"Tom Connally," "John Nance Garner," "Samuel Houston," "George Mahon," "David Crockett," and "Wright Patman," in Donald C. Bacon, Roger H. Davidson & Morton Keller (eds.) The Encyclopedia of the United States Congress (Simon & Schuster, 1994).

*"Scientists as Experts: An Empirical Examination of the Use of Expert Witnesses in American Courts" in Jurimetrics (1994) (with Daniel Shuman and Elizabeth Whitaker).

*"Two Party Competition and Trial Court Elections in Texas" in Judicature (with L. Douglas Kiel and Carole Funk) (1994). Cited in 2004 briefs by the Minnesota Bar and the Conference of State Supreme Court Chief Justices in support of Codes of Judicial Conduct.

"Statistics on the Texas Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals,"SMU Law Review (with Clark Thomas) (1994).

"Statistics on the Texas Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals," SMU Law Review (with Clark Thomas) (1995).

*"PACs and Judicial Politics in Texas," Judicature (with Kyle Cheek) (1996).

"Sam Rayburn" (co-authored) and "The University of Texas at Dallas" in The Handbook of Texas (Texas Historical Association, 1996).

*"Juror Assessments of the Believability of Expert Witnesses: A Literature Review," Jurimetrics (with Daniel Shuman, Elizabeth Whitaker, et al) (1996). (Cited by the Connecticut Supreme Court in State v. Porter, 1997)

*"Assessing the Believability of Expert Witnesses," Jurimetrics (with Daniel Shuman, Elizabeth Whitaker, et al) (1996). (Cited by the Connecticut Supreme Court in State v. Porter, 1997)

*"The Problem with Empirical Examination of the Use of Court- Appointed Experts: A Report of Non-findings," Behavioral Sciences and the Law (with Daniel Shuman & Elizabeth Whitaker) (1996).

"Judicial Selection in Texas," in Champagne & Harpham (eds.), TEXAS POLITICS: A READER (W.W. Norton, 1997). (Revised chapter for 2nd edition, 1998)

*"Removing the People from the Process" in Psychology,Public Policy, & Law (with Daniel Shuman) (1998). Condensed version in The Brief (1998).

"John Nance Garner" in Davidson, et al (eds.) MASTERS OF THE HOUSE (Westview, 1998).

"Sam Rayburn,"'Fishbait'Miller," and "Miriam Ferguson" in John A. Garraty (ed.) American National Biography (Oxford University Press,1999).

*Money and Texas Supreme Court Elections (with Kyle Cheek) Judicature (2000).

*Are court-appointed experts the solution to the problems of expert testimony? (with Danny Easterling, Daniel Shuman, Alan Tomkins, and Elizabeth Whitaker) Judicature (2001).

"Sam Rayburn and Franklin D. Roosevelt"in Thomas Phillip Wolf, William D. Pederson and Byron W. Daynes (eds.),Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress: The New Deal and Its Aftermath (M.E. Sharpe,2001).

*“Interest Groups and Judicial Politics,” Loyola University of Los Angeles Law Review (2001) for a special issue dealing with the problems of judicial elections.

*“Political Parties and Judicial Elections” Loyola University of Los Angeles Law Review (2001) for a special issue dealing with the problems of judicial elections.

*“Texas Judicial Selection: Bar Politics, Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Money” Government, Law and Politics (2001) (co-authored) for a special issue on judicial selection.

*“Texas Judicial Elections: The Cycle of Judicial Politics” Fordham Urban Law Journal (2002) (co-authored).

*“Television in Judicial Elections” Indiana Law Review (2002) for a special issue on judicial election campaigns.

“Texas” in Herbert Kritzer (ed.), Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2002).

“Modern Judicial Campaigns,” in Judges’ Journal(2002). *“Coming to a Judicial Election Near You: The New Era in Texas Judicial Elections,” South Texas Law Review (2002).

“The Politics of Judicial Selection,” Policy Studies Journal (2003).

“William Wayne Justice,” In John Viles (ed.), Great American Judges (ABC-CLIO, 2003).

“Partisan Judicial Elections: Lessons from a Bellwether State,” Willamette Law Review (2003) (co-authored).

“Tort Reform and Judicial Selection,” Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (2005)

“Abe Fortas”, “Stanley Reed,” and “Tom Clark,” in Otis Stephens and John Scheb (ed.), Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States (Greenwood Press, 2006).

“The Politics of Criticizing Judges,” Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (2006).

“William Howard Taft,” “George H.W. Bush,” and “Lyndon Baines Johnson,” in John Vile, et al (ed.), Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties (forthcoming).

“Judicial Reform,” In James Ciment (ed.), Social Issues: An Encyclopedia of Controversies, History, And Debates (M.E. Sharpe,2006).

“Henry Wade” and “Albert M. Kales.” In Roger Newman (ed.), Yale Biographical Directory of the Law (forthcoming, Yale University Press).

“Judicial Reform in Texas: After Twenty-Five Years,” Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges’ Association (2007)

Magazine and Newspaper Articles:

"Conscription of Police in Argentina: An Alternative to the Present Method of Police Selection" in Police, 1972 with Beatriz Champagne.

The Risks of Defending Unpopular Clients" in Student Lawyer, 1974, with Stuart Nagel.

"When Poor People are Starved for Legal Help" in Student Lawyer, 1974.

"Justice for All, Except..." in Human Behavior, 1976, with Stuart Nagel and Marian Neef.

"Failure of Judicial Reform", op-ed article in Dallas Morning News, December 11, 1987.

"Politics and Judicial Reform", op-ed article in The Texas Lawyer, December 14, 1987.

"Politics Can Enter Appointment Process," analysis article in The Texas Lawyer, February 1, 1988, with Rachel Barden.

"Minorities on the Bench," analysis article in The Texas Lawyer October 10, 1988.

"All is not Well with Texas' Civic Culture" in PA Times, July 1, 1995, with Ted Harpham.

"Sam Rayburn and Newt Gingrich" in SPEAK MR. SPEAKER (1997); Reprinted in NEWSLETTER of the Legislative Studies Section of APSA (1998).

“The Calm Before the Next Judicial Election Storm,” Opinion article, Texas Lawyer, October 15, 2001.

“Where People Care When You Are Sick, and Know When You Die,” page 1 article on the 40th Anniversary of the death of Sam Rayburn in November 2001 issue of the Bonham Daily Favorite.

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