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San Diego County Office of Education Page 11

San Diego County Office of Education Page 1 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic

Occupation Knowledge and Skills I. INTRODUCTION 1 ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES – HSMT.D3.5 T The student: HSMT8.0 R 2 A. Role and responsibilities of the A Demonstrates understanding of the Weekly testing Certified Nurse Assistant role of the Certified Nurse Assistant Oral review B. Title 22, Division 5, California Code and Certified Home Health Aide. of Regulations overview B Demonstrates awareness of the psy- C. Requirements for Nurse Assistant chosocial aspects of aging and the Certification special needs of the elderly. D. Professionalism C Communicates satisfactorily with pa- ELA.9-10. T E. Ethics and confidentiality tients/family as well as with other W&OC.1.3 members of the health team. D Demonstrates knowledge of aseptic technique and infection control in the working environment. E Demonstrates knowledge of basic S.7.LS.5b-5c, T Test anatomy and physiology of the hu- 9a-9i, 10a-10d man body. F Performs basic nursing procedures such as bed making, bathing, grooming and the taking of vital signs. G Practices safe attitudes and demon- strates safe actions in the working

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 2 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic environment. H Demonstrates knowledge of rehabili- tation goals and understands the im- portant role a nursing assistant plays in following therapy orders. I Demonstrates knowledge of basic nutrition and feeding techniques. J Demonstrates knowledge of the use of health care plans and records. ELA.9- T Observation K Respects patient's right to emotional 10.R.2.1 and physical need for privacy. L Respects and demonstrates the con- fidential nature of nursing. M Demonstrates knowledge of man- agement, finance and labor issues.

II. PATIENTS’ RIGHTS 2 3 2 PATIENTS’ RIGHTS – The student: HSMT.E1.2 T A. Each nursing assistant applicant A Demonstrates understanding of pa- shall be instructed in patients’ tient rights. rights as specified in Title 22. Cali- B Respects and observes the rights of fornia Code Regulations Section patients. 72527 and in Sections 1599.1, 1599.2, and 1599.3 of the Health and Safety Code. The provisions of these Sections are incorporated by reference into this regulation.

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 3 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic B. Confidentiality 1. Documentation/Reporting Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA) III. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 3 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS HSMT.E1.3 T 2 4 HSMT.E2.2 T A. Communications A Demonstrates effective communica- Oral presentation B. Defense mechanisms tion with patients C. Sociocultural factors B Recognizes use of defense mecha- D. Attitudes toward illness and health nisms care E. Family interaction IV. PREVENTION AND MANAGE- 4 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT HSMT.D1.5 T Written testing MENT OF CATASTROPHE AND OF CATASTROPHE AND UNUSUAL HSMT.D2.1 UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES 1 3 OCCURRENCES – The student: A. Emergency A Recognizes emergency situations that B. General safety rules require urgent action and acts appro- 1. International Codes priately. 2. Environmental safety B Demonstrates understanding of the C. Fire and disaster plans purpose of fire and disaster plans. D. Roles and procedures for Certified Nurse Assistants E. Patient safety V. BODY MECHANICS 10 8 5 BODY MECHANICS- The student: HSMT.B3.6 T A. Basic rules of body mechanics A Practices the rules of body mechan- S.7.LS.5c T Demonstrations B. Transfer techniques ics. Review

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 4 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic C. Ambulation B Transfers patients to and from bed. Testing D. Proper use of gait belts C Ambulates patients. E. Proper use of body mechanics D Turns and positions patients for com- fort and safety. E Uses gait belts appropriately. F Transports patients.

VI. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL 6 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASEP- HSMT.D2.1 T ASEPSIS 5 10 SIS - The student: A. Microorganisms A Proper hand washing S.9-12.LS.10a T Testing B. Universal precautions for infection B Gown, gloving, masking Review control including methods to handle Observation patients, and all materials that are soiled with blood and/or body fluids from patients. The methods pre- scribed shall be designed to reduce the risk of transmission of potential- ly infectious etiologic agents from patient to patient and between pa- tients and health care workers. C. Basic principles of asepsis. VII. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 7 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES – The M.5.NS.1.2 T 2 3 student: A. The metric system A Computes weight, height and liquid in- Teacher monitoring B. Weight, length and liquid volume take. C. Military time i.e. a 24-hour clock. B Utilizes military time.

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 5 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic

VIII. PATIENT CARE SKILLS 8 PATIENT CARE SKILLS – The stu- HSMT.B3.6 T 16 46 dent: A. Bathing and medicinal baths A Gives various types of baths. B. Dressing B Dresses the patient. C. Oral hygiene C Provides oral hygiene. D. Hair care, hair shampoo, medicinal D Provides routine hair care and sham- nail care and shaving poos. E. Prosthetic devices E Provides nail care. F. Skin care including prevention of F Shaves the male patient. decubitus ulcers G Assists in the use of prosthetic de- G. Elimination needs vices. H. Bowel and bladder retraining H Gives additional care to prevent skin I. Weighing and measuring the pa- breakdown. tient I Provides routine elimination needs. S5.LS.2c-2d T Observation J Assists with bowel and bladder train- Review ing program. K Weighs and measures the patients. M.5.NS.1.2 T

IX. PATIENT CARE PROCEDURES 9 PATIENT CARE PROCEDURES – HSMT.D3.5 T 10 22 The student: A. Collection of specimens A Provides for routine bowel and blad- S.5.LS.2c-2d Observation B. Care of patients with tubing (uri- der elimination needs. nary, gastric, oxygen) B Measures and records liquid output. M.5.NS.1.0 C. Intake and output C Collects various specimens. ELA.9- D. Bed making D Assists in the care of the patient with 10.R.2.1

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 6 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic E. Cleansing enemas and laxative external or internal urinary catheters. suppositories E Assists in the care of the patient with F. Admission, transfer and discharge tubes, drains or ostomies. G. Bandages and nonsterile dry F Assists in the care of the patient re- dressings, including the application ceiving oxygen therapy. of nonlegend topical ointments to G Assists with the care of the patient on intact skin surface intravenous therapy. H Demonstrates awareness of proce- dures in the administration of various types of enemas. I Demonstrates awareness of proce- dures for inserting laxative supposito- ries. J Makes various types of beds. K Assists with the admission, transfer and discharge of patients. L Applies nonsterile dry dressings and bandages. M Applies nonmedical topical ointments to intact skin surfaces. N Applies antiembolitic devices. O Demonstrates awareness of proce- dures for applying warm and cold ap- plications. P Gives perineal care. X. VITAL SIGNS 12 8 10 VITAL SIGNS – The student:

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 7 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic A. Purpose of vital signs A Demonstrates understanding of the M.5.NS.1.2 T Observation B. Factors affecting vital signs purpose of vital signs. C. Normal ranges B Demonstrates understanding of the D. Methods of measurement factors affecting vital signs. E. Temperature, pulse, respiration C Demonstrates knowledge of the nor- F. Blood pressure mal ranges of vital signs. G. Abnormalities D Demonstrates knowledge of the pur- H. Recording pose for the various types of mea- surements. E Takes and records temperature, pulse and respiration using various meth- ods. F Takes and records blood pressure.

XI. NUTRITION 5 8 11 NUTRITION – The student: HSMT.E4.0 T A. Proper nutrition A Serves and feeds patients. B. Feeding techniques B Assists in monitoring the patient on C. Diet Therapy diet therapy. C Measures and records diet intake. M.5.NS.1.0 T Testing with oral re- ELA.9- view 10.R.2.1 XII. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 12 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES – HSMT.D3.5 T Testing 2 3 The student: A. Signs and symptoms of distress A Recognizes the signs and symptoms B. Immediate and temporary interven- of distress and provides immediate tion and temporary intervention.

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 8 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic C. Emergency Codes B Identifies emergency codes. XIII. LONG-TERM CARE PATIENT 13 LONG-TERM CARE - The HSMT.D3.5 R S.7.LS.9a-9i, R Test student: 10a-10d A Recognizes signs and symptoms of diseases 23 4 B Uses medical asepsis A. Needs of persons with various de- mentias and mental illness B. Introduction to anatomy and physi- ology C. Physical and behavioral needs and changes D. Community resources available E. Psychological, social and recre- ational needs F. Common diseases and disorders including signs and symptoms XIV. REHABILITATIVE NURSING 14 REHABILITATIVE NURSING – The HSMT.E2.2 R 8 6 student: A. Promoting patients’ potential A Assists in promoting patient potential. B. Devices and equipment B Promotes individual activities of daily C. Activities of daily living living skills. D. Family interactions C Interacts appropriately with family ELA.9-10. R Observation E. Complications of inactivity members. W&OC.1.3 F. Ambulation D Assists in preventing the physical G. Range of motion complications of inactivity.

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 9 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic E Observes and assists with ambula- S.7.LS.5c tion. F Assists in appropriate range-of-motion exercises. G Demonstrates understanding of use of special chairs, various types of mat- tresses and mechanical lifters. H Applies protective and postural sup- ports. XV.OBSERVATION AND CHARTING 15 OBSERVATION AND CHARTING – HSMT.E2.2 T 10 6 The student: A. Observation of patients and report- A Demonstrates understanding of the Observation ing responsibility of the nurse assistant in B. Patient care plan observing and reporting. C. Patient care documentation B Observes the rules of charting. ELA.9-10. D. Legal issues of charting C Recognizes and reports significant W&OC.1.4 E. Medical terminology and abbrevia- changes from the normal in patient tions conditions.

XVI. DEATH AND DYING 16 DEATH AND DYING – The student: HSMT.E1.3 T Hospice nurse inser- HSMT.E4.0 T vice

2 Testing A. Stages of grief A Observes the rights of the dying pa- B. Emotional and spiritual needs of tient. the patient and family B Demonstrates awareness of the

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 10 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic C. Rights of the dying patient needs and care of the dying and D. Signs of approaching death dead. E. Monitoring of the patient C Demonstrates awareness of the griev- F. Postmortem care ing process. XVII. JOB SEARCH INSTRUCTION/WORKPLACE BA- SIC SKILLS 4 A. Selecting a job B. Finding employment openings C. Preparing for job interviews D. Job interview techniques E. Career ladders 1. Keeping and advancing on the job Expected Student Learning Results I. Job Acquisition Skills 1 OCCUPATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND 10 10 10 SKILLS - The student demonstrates: A Accessing and utilizing technology HSMT4.0 R and information B Practicing occupational safety stan- HSMT6.1 R dards HSMT5.0 R C Thinking critically and solving prob- lems effectively D Using basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, listening and speaking as they relate to occupation specific

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 11 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic skills E Attaining a comprehensive under- standing of all aspects of industry HSMT4.2 R the individual is preparing to enter F Applying knowledge to real world problems and situations 2 WORKPLACE SKILLS AND BEHAV- IOR - The student demonstrates the fol- lowing standards of professionalism: A Works independently and collabora- HSMT7.0 R tively. B Communicates effectively and ap- propriately. C Performs reliably and responsibly. HSMT7.0 R D Respects diversity. HSMT8.0 R 3 JOB ACQUISITION SKILLS - The stu- dent demonstrates an awareness of ca- reer options and lifelong learning oppor- tunities by: A Completing an appropriate cover let- ter, resume and job application. B Acquiring job interview skills HSMT3.0 R C Attaining awareness of advanced career and educational opportuni- ties. 4 OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science) San Diego County Office of Education Page 12 Year: 2013-14 Regional Occupational Program Date Printed: Date Reviewed: Course Outline/Competencies Course # 429859 - Nurse Assistant Approved Hours: 280 District - 40 - Escondido Union High Area: North Submitted by - Sally Burns Date: 7/01/12

Outline Hours Competencies Curriculum Standards Assessment Mention – M Reinforce – R Teach – T Core Aca- Reg CC CVE CTE demic A Received the ROP Outstanding Stu- dent Award. Totals 126 144 10 Total Outline Hours 280

CODES: HSMT: Health Science and Medical Technology (B: Diagnostic Services, D: Support Services, E: Therapeutic Services), ELA: English-Language Arts (R: Reading, W: Writing, W&OC: Written and Oral Conventions),M: Mathematics (NS: Number Sense), S: Science (LS: Life Science)

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