Anatomy Pics III (Key and Term Summary)

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Anatomy Pics III (Key and Term Summary)

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Anatomy Pics III (Key and Term Summary)

The Key

Please note: The right bottom corner of the box containing the number points to the structure.

Card 1 4. head of malleus,malleus 1. pinna,auricle 5. body of incus,incus 2. helix 6. lenticular process,long process of the incus 3. antihelix 7. footplate of stapes,stapes 4. earlobe,lobule 8. anterior crus,crus 5. tragus 9. posterior crus,crura 6. antitragus 10. head of stapes 7. intertragic notch 11. incudostapedial joint 8. concha 9. scaphoid fossa Card 6 10. triangular fossa 1. footplate of stapes,footplate 2. short process of incus,short process Card 2 3. incudomalleolar joint,incudomalleolar 1. lobule,earlobe,ear lobe,pinna,auricle articulation 2. concha,ear canal 4. manubrium of malleus,manubrium 3. ear canal 5. anterior process of malleus,anterior process 4. isthmus of ear canal,ear canal 6. head of malleus 5. tympanic membrane,eardrum 7. neck of malleus 6. cartilage 7. bone Card 7 8. helix 1. cochlea 9. antihelix 2. vestibule 10. Darwin's tubercle 3. round window 11. superior limb of antihelix,superior limb 4. stapes 12. inferior limb of antihelix,inferior limb 5. tympanic membrane,eardrum 6. cone of light,light reflex Card 3 7. ampulla 1. ear canal 8. superior semicircular canal,semicircular 2. umbo,manubrium of malleus,manubrium canal 3. manubrium of 9. posterior semicircular canal,semicircular malleus,malleus,manubrium,hammer canal 4. incus,long process of incus 10. horizontal semicircular canal,lateral 5. cone of light,light reflex semicircular canal,semicircular canal 6. round window 11. malleus 7. malleolar prominence 12. incus 8. tendon of the stapedius,stapedial tendon 9. epithelial migration Card 8 1. basal end of cochlea,cochlea Card 4 2. apical end of cochlea,apex,cochlea 1. tympanic membrane,eardrum 3. ductus reuniens 2. umbo,manubrium,manubrium of malleus 4. utricle 3. manubrium of malleus,manubrium 5. saccule 4. malleolar prominence,manubrium 6. crista ampullaris,ampulla,crista 5. pars flaccida,Shrapnell's membrane 7. horizontal semicircular canal,horizontal 6. pars tensa,tympanic membrane,eardrum canal 7. incus 8. endolymphatic duct 8. annulus,annular ligament 9. endolymphatic sac 10. cochlear nerve Card 5 11. superior vestibular nerve,vestibular nerve 1. umbo,manubrium,manubrium of malleus 12. inferior vestibular nerve,vestibular nerve 2. manubrium,manubrium of malleus 13. facial nerve 3. malleolar prominence Page 2 of 4

14. superior semicircular canal,superior canal, 1. tectorial membrane vertical canal 2. scala media,endolymph 15. posterior semicircular canal,posterior canal 3. Hensen's stripe 4. pillar of Corti,rod of Corti Card 9 5. basilar membrane 1. spiral artery,spiral vessel,vas spiralis,blood 6. nerve fiber,neuron vessel 7. spiral lamina 2. bony labyrinth,labyrinthine capsule 8. outer hair cell,hair cell 3. Scala vestibuli,periotic space 9. stereocilia, cilia 4. spiral ganglion,nerve fiber 10. Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen 5. Reissner's membrane,vestibular membrane 11. Deiters' cell,cell of Deiter 6. spiral limbus,limbus spiralis 12. tunnel of Corti 7. spiral lamina 13. tunnel radial fiber,nerve fiber 8. spiral ligament 14. nucleus,cell nucleus 9. stria vascularis,area vascularis 15. inner supporting cell 10. internal spiral sulcus,inner sulcus 16. trabecula 11. external spiral sulcus,external sulcus 17. scala tympani,perilymph 12. tectorial membrane 18. spiral artery,spiral vessel,vas spiralis,blood 13. Scala tympani,periotic space vessel 14. basilar membrane 15. tunnel of Corti Card 14 16. scala media,membranous labyrinth,ductus 1. tectorial membrane cochlearis,endotic space,endolymph 2. stereocilia,cilia 3. pillar of Corti,rod of Corti Card 10 4. inner sulcus 1. tectorial membrane 5. inner hair cell,hair cell 2. Deiters' cell 6. outer hair cell 3. outer hair cell,hair cell 7. Deiters' cell,cell of Deiters 4. inner hair cell,hair cell 8. Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen 5. pillar of Corti,rod of Corti 9. Cladius' cell of Claudius 6. tunnel of Corti,Corti's tunnel 10. spiral artery,vas spiralis,blood vessel 7. basilar membrane 11. basilar membrane 8. spiral lamina 12. spiral lamina 9. Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen,supporting cell 13. nerve fiber 10. Cladius cell,cell of Claudius,supporting cell 14. border cell of Held,border cell

Card 11 Card 15 1. tectorial membrane 1. spiral limbus,limbus 2. basilar membrane 2. inner sulcus 3. spiral lamina 3. tectorial membrane 4. outer hair cell,hair cell 4. tunnel of Corti,inner tunnel of Corti 5. Deiters' cell,cell of Deiter Card 12 6. Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen 1. tectorial membrane 7. cell of Claudius 2. inner hair cell,hair cell 8. spiral artery,spiral vessel,vas spiralis,blood 3. spiral lamina vessel 4. spiral vessel,blood vessel 9. perforate habenula,habenula perforata 5. Hensen's stripe 10. border cell of Held,border cell,inner sulcus 6. Hardesty's membrane cell 7. Tunnel of Corti,Corti's Tunnel 11. pillar of Corti,rod of Corti 8. inner sulcus cell,border cell of Held 12. Basilar membrane 9. basilar membrane 13. phalangeal process,phalange 10. outer hair cell,hair cell 11. Deiters' cell,cell of Deiters Card 16 12. Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen 1. commissure of inferior colliculus 13. inner spiral bundle,nerve fiber,neuron 2. commissure of Probst 3. auditory cortex,Heschl's gyrus,Sylvian Card 13 fissure Page 3 of 4

4. medial geniculate body 7. superior olive,superior olivary complex 5. inferior colliculus 8. trapezoid body 6. lateral lemniscus 9. cochlea,right cochlea

Summary of Terms Used

The following is a listing of the anatomic incus structures (and synonyms) that can be found inferior colliculus within the program. inferior vestibular nerve,vestibular nerve inner hair cell,hair cell ampulla inner spiral bundle,nerve fiber,neuron annulus,annular ligament inner sulcus anterior crus,crus inner sulcus cell,border cell of Held anterior process of malleus,anterior process inner supporting cell antihelix internal spiral sulcus,inner sulcus antitragus intertragic notch apical end of cochlea,apex,cochlea isthmus of ear canal auditory cortex,Heschl's gyrus,Sylvian fissure lateral lemniscus basal end of cochlea,cochlea lenticular process,long process of the incus Basilar membrane lobule,earlobe,ear lobe,pinna,auricle body of incus,incus malleolar prominence bone malleolar prominence,manubrium bony labyrinth,labyrinthine capsule malleus border cell of Held,border cell,inner sulcus cell manubrium of malleus,manubrium,hammer cartilage medial geniculate body cell of Claudius,supporting cell neck of malleus cell of Hensen,supporting cell nerve fiber cochlea,right cochlea nucleus,cell nucleus cochlear nerve outer hair cell,hair cell commissure of inferior colliculus pars flaccida,Shrapnell's membrane commissure of Probst pars tensa concha perforate habenula,habenula perforata ear canal phalangeal process,phalange cone of light,light reflex pillar of Corti,rod of Corti crista ampullaris,ampulla,crista pinna,auricle Darwin's tubercle posterior crus,crura Deiters' cell,cell of Deiter posterior semicircular canal,semicircular canal ductus reuniens Reissner's membrane,vestibular membrane earlobe,lobule round window endolymphatic duct saccule endolymphatic sac scala media,ductus cochlearis,endotic space, external spiral sulcus,external sulcus endolymph facial nerve Scala vestibuli,periotic space footplate of stapes,footplate,stapes scaphoid fossa hair cell,outer hair cell short process of incus,short process Hardesty's membrane spiral artery,vas spiralis,blood vessel head of malleus,malleus spiral ganglion,nerve fiber head of stapes spiral lamina helix spiral ligament Hensen's cell,cell of Hensen spiral limbus,limbus,limbus spiralis Hensen's stripe spiral vessel, blood vessel horizontal semicircular canal,horizontal canal stapes horizontal semicircular canal,lateral stereocilia,cilia semicircular stria vascularis,area vascularis canal,semicircular canal superior olive,superior olivary complex incudomalleolar joint,incudomalleolar superior semicircular canal,vertical semicircular articulation canal,semicircular canal incudostapedial joint superior vestibular nerve,vestibular nerve Page 4 of 4

tectorial membrane trabecula tragus trapezoid body triangular fossa tunnel of Corti,Corti's tunnel,inner tunnel of Corti tunnel radial fiber,nerve fiber tympanic membrane,eardrum umbo,manubrium of malleus,manubrium utricle vas spiralis,spiral artery,blood vessel vestibule

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