Name:______Date:______Period:______United States History A Chapter 9 Study Guide The Coming of the Civil War 1. What 1820 compromise did the Kansas-Nebraska Act reverse?

2. What act resulted in proslavery and antislavery forces battling over the control of Kansas?

3. Definition- The belief in allowing the people within a politically organized area to make the decisions. Stephen A. Douglas applied this doctrine to the slavery issue in the territories, and advocated letting the people decide the question in each territory:

4. Which border state was sharply divided between anti-slavery and pro-slavery forces which battled for control?

5. What movement in the 1850s strove to curb immigration and naturalization?

6. Who won the Presidential Election of 1852 and was a Jacksonian who favored the South?

7. Who won the Presidential Election of 1856 and viewed that Federal Government had no Constitutional authority to force Southern States from seceding? 8. What document set forth the interest of the United States in acquiring Cuba from Spain?

9. What incident took place on the Senate floor between where Representative Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner with his cane?

10. Which zealous abolitionist sought to end slavery through murder and insurrection?

11. What slave rebellion took place in Virginia that resulted in the deaths of 13 men, 18 women, and 24 children?

12. Who was the foremost national leader in the formation of the Republican Party and served as Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson? 13. What political debates took place between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois senatorial election of 1858?

14. Which politician from Illinois won the 1858 Senatorial race but lost the 1860 Presidential Election?

15. What was the location of the federal arsenal and was raided by John Brown who sought to start an armed slave revolt in 1859?

16. Who won the Presidential Election of 1860 as a Republican and held office during the War Between the States?

17. What event led many southerners to believe that the South must secede from the Union?

18. Which state left the Union in December 1860 as a direct result of the election of Abraham Lincoln?

19. Definition- The withdrawal of Southern states from the Union. Southern leaders argued that the United States was a union of states which had voluntarily come into the Union and that they could leave it by the reverse procedure from the one by which they had entered:

20. According to the Constitution, who has the right to secede from the United States if they choose to do so?

21. Definition- Used to describe the Confederate States of America, an organization composed of the 11 Southern states which seceded from the Union. While the Confederate Constitution was modeled after the United States Constitution, its makers insisted theirs was a confederation restrained by the basic independence of the states, not a consolidated system, such as they believed the United States was becoming:

22. What name was used to reference the United States government which was made up of 25 states?

23. What fort was reclaimed by South Carolina on April 13, 1861?

The War Between the States 24. List three causes that led to the War Between the States:

25. Which military leader refused to command the Union army and later became the commanding general of the Confederacy?

26. Whose main aim was independence and fought mostly a defensive war?

27. Definition- A phrase that gained currency before The War Between the States of the leading role of cotton in domestic, but especially in foreign trade. Cotton was king, some Southerners held, and through her control of it the South would be invincible because of the foreign support she would receive in a war against the North:

28. Who was President of the Confederate States of America during the War Between the States?

29. What was the Capital of the Confederacy? How far from Washington D.C. was it? 30. Who invaded who in the War Between the States?

31. What war was fought between the North and South to force the South to remain in the United States?

32. What was the first battle of the War Between the States that took place in July 1861? Who won?

33. Which Confederate general was killed in the Battle of Shiloh April 6-7, 1862?

34. What were the two most famous ships of the 19th century that shot it out head-to-head and effectively ended the era of sailed wood-hulled battleships? 35. Definition- A wooden warship covered with iron plate to protect it from cannon fire. A few such vessels were used during the War Between the States: 36. Which great Confederate general was known as Lee’s right hand man and was called “Stonewall Jackson”?

37. In which campaign did this general defeat several Federal armies, each one larger than his own?

38. Who commanded the Army of the Potomac in the Peninsula campaign and at Sharpsburg/Antietam?

39. What battle took place in September 1862 in Maryland and was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history?

40. Which battle took place in December 1862 and resulted in the defeat of Ambrose E. Burnsides?

41. Which battle took place in May 1863 and resulted in the defeat of Joseph Hooker?

42. Which Confederate general won decisive victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville?

43. Which Confederate general was killed by friendly fire at Chancellorsville?

44. Definition- Literally means extending across a continent:

45. Definition- The act of setting free, especially slaves:

46. Definition- The drafting of men into the armed forces—compulsory military service. Both the Union and the Confederacy forced men to be soldiers during the latter part of the War Between the States:

47. Definition- Were fiat money issued by the United States Treasury during the War Between the States. They were put into circulation by making them legal tender, and they were fiat money because they were not redeemable in gold or silver at the time:

48. What was the greatest battle ever fought in America and resulted in a Confederate loss and became the turning point of the war?

49. When did this battle take place?

50. What Confederate city protected the Mississippi from Union forces and fell to in July 1863?

51. Who was made the commanding general of the Union army near the end of the war and was a fighter determined to win?

52. Definition- A war in which all the resources of the involved countries are called upon in order to obtain unconditional surrender from an enemy. It entails, too, the destruction of the enemy’s potential to make war:

53. Which Union general adopted this policy to end the war through destroying the South’s ability to fight?

54. Which Union general said, “War is Hell” and burned the cities of Atlanta, Savannah, and Columbia and destroyed large portions of the South?

55. Where did Robert E. Lee surrender his army to Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865?

56. Who assassinated President Lincoln in 1865? Reconstruction 57. What period took place after the war, from 1865 to 1877, in which military force was used to “remake” the South and return it to the Union?

58. How long did federal troops occupy the South as a conquered territory during reconstruction?

59. Who became the President upon the death of Abraham Lincoln and became the political enemy of the Radical Republicans?

60. Definition- Literally, means going to the root or origin of the problem and refers to change that basically alters customs, traditions, laws, and constitutions. The Radicals during Reconstruction advocated such changes in the South:

61. Definition- A group of persons engaged in more or less secret intrigues. The Radicals who controlled Congress during Reconstruction did so sometimes by preparing their positions in advance in exclusive meetings with one another. The Committee of Fifteen took on some of these aspects: 62. List the four most prominent Radical Republicans that were in control during Reconstruction:

63. Who was the leader of the Radical Republicans?

64. Who was the Vice President of the Confederate States of America and returned to Congress in 1873?

65. Who was the Secretary of the Treasury during most of the war, and was instrumental in establishing the national banking system and the issuance of Greenbacks? 66. Which Senator from Ohio advocated the execution of Southern leaders, confiscation of Confederate property, and the removal of President Johnson from office? 67. Definition- In legislation it means a catch all bill, or one that covers a variety of matters:

68. Who was the Secretary of War that refused to leave the cabinet after President Johnson had fired him?

69. What term was given to the demonetarization of silver and established gold as the only metallic standard?

70. Definition- A Northerner who came into the South after the War Between the States seeking his fortune. They were usually despised by Southerners because they took advantage of Reconstruction programs to gain wealth and political power:

71. Definition- A Southerner who cooperated with Carpetbaggers and federal military officials during Reconstruction:

72. What scandal involved the Union Pacific Railroad bribing members of Congress?

73. Who won the contested Presidential Election of 1876 and ended Reconstruction by removing federal troops from the South?

74. Who lost the contested Presidential Election of 1876?

75. What United States federal law was passed that restricts military forces from performing domestic law enforcement duties, like policing, and was enacted after the Civil War in response to the perceived misuse of federal troops who were policing in the South?