Millennium Cataloging Silver

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Millennium Cataloging Silver

Millennium Cataloging Silver

Table of Contents

Logging in to MilCat 2

Introduction to the MilCat Screen 4

Searching the Catalog 5 Displaying Search Results 7 Limiting Searches 8

Viewing a Bibliographic Record 9 Fixed Fields in a Bibliographic Record 10

Viewing an Item Record 11 Fixed Fields in an Item Record 12 Variable Fields in an Item Record 13

Adding an Item to a Bibliographic Record 14 Item Template Steps 15

Editing an Item Record Variable Field Inserting a Variable Field 23 Editing a Variable Field 25 Deleting a Variable Field 25 Other Editing Functions 26

Printing Labels 27 Editing a Label 29

Marking an Item Withdrawn 31

Deleting Item Records 33

ITSMarc Downloading an ITSMarc record 35 Viewing and Editing the 008 40 Editing Large Print Book Records 42 Editing CIP Records 43

Creating a Catreq Catreq Template Steps 44

Adding an Item to an Empty Bibliographic Record 49

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Logging in to MilCat

Click on the Millennium icon on your desktop to open your MilCat session.

This box will appear:

Log into MilCat by typing your cataloging library username [login], then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.

This box will appear:

Now enter your initials, then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.

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This screen will appear:

When you log in to Millennium with a cataloging login you are automatically directed to the cataloging module. MilCat opens in the “Quick Edit” mode.

From this screen you can search the catalog, view a browse screen of search results, retrieve bibliographic or item records, create a bibliographic record, and download a record from ITSMARC.

[The icons that appear in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen may vary depending on the permissions you have associated with your initials and password.]

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Searching the Catalog

To select a search index you can click on the arrow in the drop down list and highlight the field to be searched or you can type the letter associated with the type of search you wish to do.

Enter your search string in the white text box. You can enter a new search anytime by clicking your cursor in the white box.

General Searching Guidelines and Tips

1. You may type either UPPER or lower case letters. 2. Punctuation is usually not required. However spacing can be important and must be used between words. 3. If there is an ampersand (&) in the title you can search either with an “&” or with the word “and” and the system will search for both forms. 4. All searches can be truncated. 5. In numeric searches, if the full number is entered an exact match is retrieved.

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Special features of the searches available:

Title [t] A title is entered in exact order. Omit initial articles in any language. A title search retrieves a bibliographic title, series title, uniform title, or an alternative title.

Author [a] An author is entered last name first. The comma between the names is optional, though a space is required. An author search retrieves the main entry, an author added entry, and an author in an author/series statement.

Keyword [w] A keyword search retrieves the entered search when it is found in any indexed field of the MARC record.

Subject [d] A subject search is a Library of Congress subject heading entered in exact order. It does not need to be the entire subject string. A subject search retrieves the search when it appears as the first word(s) in any subfield of the subject heading.

Journal Title [s] A journal title is a periodical title. A journal title search retrieves any journal record that contains a key title field (MARC tag 222) in the MARC record.

DRA DBCN [e] A DRA DBCN must be entered in exact order with or without the hyphen. This search retrieves the record assigned that DBCN (DataBase Control Number) in our previous catalog system.

Govt Doc No [g] A Government Document Number must be entered in exact order including spaces and punctuation and retrieves a Government Document classification number.

ISBN/ISSN [i] The ISBN or ISSN must be entered in exact order. The ISBN is entered without spaces or hyphens; the ISSN is entered with a space or a hyphen.

Other Number [j] The Other Number search retrieves publisher numbers and standard technical report numbers.

LCCN [l] The LCCN is an 8 or 10 digit number entered without a hyphen. When entering, insert a 0 for the hyphen if the number is not already at least an 8 digit number.

Control No [o] The Control number search retrieves the OCLC number.

LC Call No [c] The LC Call number search retrieves the Library of Congress classification number from the item record.

Dewey Call No [h] The Dewey Call number search retrieves the Dewey Decimal classification number from the item record.

Barcode [b] The Barcode search must be entered in exact order. A barcode search retrieves both patron and item barcode numbers.

Record No [.] The III Record number must be entered in exact order. A bibliographic number must be preceded by the letter b, an item record by the letter i.

[Note: Other indexed searches appear but are not applicable to cataloging.]

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Displaying Search Results

When a search is entered, the results display in a browse screen unless the result is a single bibliographic record.

The display defaults to the first record on the list. You can use your cursor to select a different line or you can type the line number.

Double click to expand a line with multiple entries or type the line number and press ENTER.

Choose the EXPAND ALL button to display all entries for results with multiple records.

Choose the SELECT button or double click on a highlighted line to view the bibliographic and item records attached to a single entry.

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Limiting Searches

After retrieving your initial set of search results you can limit those results by clicking on the LIMIT icon.

This Limits box will appear:

Select your search limits by highlighting the appropriate line and entering your search parameters in the box that appears.

 You can choose any combination of limits.

 By clicking in the box “Apply limit to all searches” you can save your search parameters for all subsequent searches. Please note: That limit stays in effect until you clear it, even if you change your search command.

 The words “limited” or “not limited” display on the left side of the status bar.

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Viewing a Bibliographic Record

A bibliographic record with multiple items attached will default to the summary tab.

A brief view of the bibliographic record displays in the top portion of the screen. The record’s unique bibliographic record number displays in the window title bar and above the brief bibliographic record.

All bibliographic record numbers begin with .b

Choose the VIEW icon to view the full bibliographic record in non-editing mode.

Choose the EDIT icon to edit the bibliographic record. This icon will be graded out if you do not have bibliographic record editing permission.

Choose the BROWSE icon to return to the previous browse screen.

Choose the PRINT icon to print the brief bibliographic record and associated items.

Choose the CLOSE icon to clear your search and start over.

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The Bibliographic Record

A bibliographic record has both fixed fields and variable fields. The fixed fields are in the upper portion of the bibliographic record and can be edited. Variable fields of a bibliographic record contain cataloging data in MARC format. These fields are identified in the Catreq section of this manual.

Bibliographic Record Fixed Fields include:

Lang Language of the title cataloged Skip The number of characters to skip before the first character indexed in the title. Should be the same as the first indicator in the 245 field tag. Location The link maintenance program supplies this field. When one item is attached to the bibliographic record, the first two digits of that item’s location code will display in this field. When more than one item are attached to the bibliographic record the field will display meaning multiple libraries own the title. Do not edit this field. Cat Dat The date the bibliographic record was cataloged. This date can vary from the record creation date. Bib Lvl Bibliographic level as defined by MARC 21 standards. Do not edit this field. Mat Type Material type of the item cataloged. [See handout.] BCode3 Code defining the local source of the bibliographic record. Country Identifies the state/county where the item was published.

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Viewing an Item Record

A bibliographic record with only one item attached will default to the item record tab.

To view a specific item record when the bibliographic record has several items attached highlight the item line and then either click on the item tab or choose the SELECT button, or double click on the line.

The item’s unique record number displays on the item tab, in the top left corner of the item record (under the summary tab), and in the bottom left corner of the screen.

All item record numbers begin with .i

You can see only a section of the item record on the screen at one time. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of the record.

The VIEW, EDIT, BROWSE, CLOSE icons function just as they do in a bibliographic record.

In an item record, the PRINT icon will print both the bibliographic and item record.

Two additional icons appear, INSERT and SAVE. These icons are used when editing an item record. Fixed Fields in an Item Record eiNetwork Training 11 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

Item records have both fixed fields and variable fields. The fixed fields are in the upper portion of the item record and are the chief source of statistical data for the item. Most fixed fields contain system generated numbers. Only the fixed fields in bold type can be edited manually.

Item Record Fixed Fields include:

Copy # The system defaults to copy one. Do not edit this number. ICode1* Has not yet been defined in the system. ICode2 A hyphen <-> is the default, suppresses the record in the OPAC, marks an item withdrawn and suppresses the record in the OPAC. I Type Code which identifies the material level and format. Price Price of the item. OUT Date Date the item was checked out. OUT Loc Statistics group number of where item was checked out. Due Date Date the item is due. Patron # Record number of the patron who has the item checked out. LCHKIN Date the item was last checked in. INVDA Date the item was inventoried and found on the shelf. # of Renewals Number of times item has been renewed by current patron. #Overdue Level of last overdue notice sent to patron who has item. ODUE Date Date of the last overdue notice sent to patron who has item. IUSE3 Internal use field. RECAL Date Date the item was recalled. TOT CHKOUT Total number of times the item has been checked out. TOT Renew Total number of times the item has been renewed. LOUTDATE Last check-out date for the item. Location Code defining the location of the item by library site and collection within that library site. Loan Rule <0> if the item is available. A numeric code defining the lending terms applied when the item is checked out. Status Circulation status displaying in the OPAC. INTL Use -- Copy Use -- IMessage *Internal staff message. A hyphen <-> is the default. OPACMSG Item message that displays in the OPAC. YTDCIRC Current year-to-date circulation. LYRCIRC Last year-to–date circulation. Agency Identifies the agency which owns the item.

*Not yet being used.

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Variable Fields in an Item Record

The variable fields display below the fixed fields in the bottom portion of an item record. You can view them by using the scroll bar.

Some variable fields in an item record are coded in MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) comparable to variable fields in a bibliographic record. These fields contain both field tags and subfield delimiters. Translations of the field tags appear to the left of the field.

Important item data that has migrated from DRA to III also appears in variable fields. That data is located in the DRA ITEM (MARC tag 945), TRANS DATE, and DRA DATE fields. Do not edit this data.

New Item Record Variable Fields can include:

CALL # Either a LC (090) or a Dewey (092) call number. [The call number is in the subfield a <|a> of the field. It is preceded by a subfield f <|f> when there is a call number prefix.] VOLUME Volume enumeration of the item. BARCODE Barcode number of the item. MESSAGE Free text note that displays to the circulation staff. INT NOTE Free text note that displays in the item record only. INITIALS Initials of the person who created the item record. eiNetwork Training 13 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

Adding an Item to an Existing Bibliographic Record

To add an item to a record you must be in the SUMMARY view. Choose the ATTACH NEW ITEM button.

Templates have been created to prompt you through the item creation process. As Edit Data boxes appear, fill in the appropriate information, then choose NEXT or press ENTER. The system will automatically fill in the fixed field. You can skip any field in the template by choosing NEXT or pressing ENTER. When you have completed the template choose the SAVE icon to save your new item record.

Please note: You cannot move backward through the template. Once the template has been completed you can edit the item record manually to correct any errors.

At any point you can choose the CANCEL NEW RECORD CREATION button, which will delete all the information you have entered and return you to the summary tab.

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Item Template Steps

1. I TYPE Edit Data box.

The default I TYPE is <0 Book>. To change from the default you can type in the number for the appropriate I TYPE, or you can double click in the edit data box to pull up the selection box.

You can use the scroll bar to find the I TYPE in the list and use your cursor to highlight your choice or you can type the number to highlight it, then choose OK. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER. eiNetwork Training 15 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

2. PRICE Edit Data box.

Enter the price of the item, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

3. LOCATION Edit Data box.

The default is . You must change this code to accurately reflect the item’s shelving location or no statistics can be retrieved on the item.

You can type the letters/numbers of the appropriate location code or you can double click in the edit data box to pull up the selection box.

You can use the scroll bar to find the Location code in the list and use your cursor to highlight your choice or you can type the letters/numbers to highlight it, then choose OK. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER. eiNetwork Training 16 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

4. STATUS Edit Data box.

The default is <- AVAILABLE> meaning the item can circulate. All other status codes are non-circulating. If your item will not circulate you must change the status.

You can type the code of the appropriate Status or you can double click in the edit data box to pull up the selection box.

Then you can type in the appropriate status code or you can find it in the list and highlight it, then choose OK. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

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5. AGENCY Edit Data box.

The default is <255 -> You can type the number of the appropriate or you can double click in the edit data box to pull up the selection box.

You can use the scroll bar to find the AGENCY CODE in the list and use your cursor to highlight your choice or you can type the number to highlight it, then choose OK. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

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6. BARCODE Insert Field box.

You can scan or type the barcode number, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

7. CALL NUMBER Insert Field box.

The MARC tag number should correspond to the classification scheme you use in your library (090 if you use LC or 092 if you use Dewey). If your login is set for the Dewey item template you will automatically be prompted to provide a Dewey call number. Free text call numbers are considered Dewey numbers.

It is each library’s responsibility to be sure that the correct Call Number MARC tag is used for their items.

The cursor appears in the position ready to type the call number. A subfield a <|a> is assumed by the system so it does not need to be supplied if there is no prefix.

A call number without a prefix can be typed putting one space between the call number and the author cutter. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

Example of a Dewey call number without a prefix: 378.1664 M393

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A call number with a prefix is entered with a subfield f <|f> followed by the prefix, then a subfield a <|a> followed by the call number. Put one space between the call number and the author cutter, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

[The subfield symbol “|” is created by using a pipe symbol. That pipe symbol is found on the \ key.]

Example of a Dewey call number with a prefix: Ref 378.1664 M393

8. VOLUME Insert Field box.

Type the volume enumeration, then choose NEXT or press ENTER. If there is no enumeration, just choose NEXT or press ENTER.

Because this field is critical to placing holds, it must be used only for true volume enumeration. DO NOT PUT COPY NUMBERS IN THIS BOX.

Examples of volume enumeration are: vol. 6 volume number pt. 2 part number 1999 year

9. MESSAGE Insert Field box.

You can enter a free text note that will display only to staff. After you have typed the note, choose NEXT or press ENTER.

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10. INITIALS Insert Field box.

Type your location code and initials in this box, then choose NEXT or press ENTER. [in this example “ei” is the location code for the eiNetwork.]

The item record is now complete and will display the data you have entered.

Blue text appears across the top of the item record stating that it is a new item and the date of creation.

At this time you can edit any fixed or variable field in the record.

When you have completed the item record choose the SAVE icon.

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If you do not save the item record, the browse screen will display the words “New Item” in place of an item record number.

To save the item you can enter the record and choose the SAVE icon

or you can remain on the summary view and choose the SAVE ALL icon at the top of the screen.

The item is then assigned an item record number. An item will not circulate unless it has a record number.

If you don’t want to save the item, select the item by highlighting it, then choose the DELETE button on the summary screen. A pop up box will ask if you want to delete the “New Item”. Choose YES and the “New Item” record will be deleted. eiNetwork Training 22 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

Editing an Item Record Variable Field Inserting a Variable Field

There are two ways you can insert a variable field into an item record.

With the item record displayed you can choose the INSERT icon at the top of the screen

or you can right click your cursor in the variable field area and then choose INSERT FIELD from the menu.

Using either method the Insert a Field box will appear:

The default field is but you can choose the field you want to insert by typing the appropriate field tag code or by clicking on the down arrow, using the scroll bar to find it in the drop down menu, and highlighting the field with your cursor.

Field tags you may want to insert in an item record include: Barcode [b] Call Number [c] Volume [v] Message [m] Internal Note [x] Initials [j] eiNetwork Training 23 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

After you choose a field from the drop down menu or type the field tag code the cursor will appear in the edit box and you can type your data, then choose OK or press ENTER.

The field tag you inserted will appear at the top of the variable fields if you used the INSERT icon.

or if you used the right click method the field tag will appear where you placed your cursor in the record.

After entering the field, choose the SAVE icon to save your note. Saving your note will move it to the correct location in the variable fields.

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Editing a Variable Field

There are two ways you can edit a variable field in an item record.

You can click your cursor in the line and then edit the line just as you would in a word document, or after clicking your cursor in the line you can right click and choose EDIT FIELD from the menu.

The Edit Field box will appear:

You can then edit the text, or you can easily change the field tag by choosing a different tag from the drop down menu.

Deleting a Variable Field

To delete a variable field in an item record click your cursor in the line you want to delete and then right click. Choose DELETE FIELD from the menu and the line your cursor was in will be deleted.

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Other Editing Functions

In addition to the editing functions already mentioned, others can be found in the EDIT Menu.

These functions include: Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo Move [field tag] up Move [field tag] down

All these functions are similar to the editing functions in a word editor.

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Printing Labels

Printing a label, either for a new item or as a replacement for a damaged label, is done in the “Quick Edit” mode. You can print a label for a single item, or print multiple labels for multiple items on the same bibliographic record.

To print a single label you can be in the item record or on the summary tab.

To print a label while in the item record click your cursor on TOOLS in the menu bar and choose Print Monographic Label (Label Printer) from the drop down list.

A pop up window will appear which allows you to edit the label information before printing it.

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To print multiple labels you must be on the summary tab of the bibliographic record.

Select the items by clicking on the box at the left of each line. Remember that the first line is highlighted by default and so may need to be deselected.

Click your cursor on TOOLS in the menu bar and choose Print Monographic Label (Label Printer) from the drop down list.



A pop up window will appear which allows you to edit the label information before printing it.

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Editing an Item Label

You are given the option of editing a label or multiple labels before printing. When you choose Print Monographic Label (Label Printer) from the Tools Menu this pop up window will appear. The display will vary depending on whether you have chosen to print one label or multiple labels. You can edit any label displayed.

By clicking your cursor anywhere in the text area you can edit the spine label and/or the book label. This editing function works just like a word processing editor in insert mode.

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Please note that although the spine label and book label appear as distinct areas due to the highlighting, each line is actually one text string. Therefore, when you type, the entire text line will be affected.

[The line length is set centrally and is based on the default for our label printers.]

In this example, editing the spine label to include the year of publication shifted the place of publication over 4 spaces. To correct the extra spaces created by inserted text use your arrow and delete keys.

Editing the label information does not change the information contained in the item record.

When you are ready you can print the label by choosing the PRINT button.

After printing the label or labels choose CLOSE.

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Marking an Item Withdrawn

Most libraries prefer to mark an item as withdrawn rather than immediately delete it so that statistics can be tabulated on the number of items they have withdrawn from their collection in a month.

You do this by changing the ICODE 2 to “withdrawn” which suppresses the item record from displaying to the public in the OPAC, and changing the STATUS to “withdrawn” so the item will not trap holds.

1. To mark an item withdrawn enter the item record and click your cursor in the white box next to the fixed field ICODE 2.

A selection box will appear:

You can type the letter W or highlight on the list, then choose OK or press ENTER.

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2. Next click your cursor in the white box next to the fixed field STATUS.

A selection box will appear:

You can type the letter W or highlight on the list, then choose OK or press ENTER.

Choose the SAVE icon at the top of the screen to save your changes.

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Deleting Item Records

You can delete a single item record or multiple item records at one time from the summary view.

To delete a single item, select the item line to be deleted by highlighting it in the summary view and choose the DELETE button.

[If you scan in the barcode of the item you want to delete, you will default to that specific item record. You will need to go to the summary tab. You cannot delete an item while in the item record.]

A pop up box will ask you if you are sure that you want to delete the item.

Choose YES and the item will be deleted.

[Please note: You are only permitted to delete items owned by your library.]

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To delete multiple item records from a bibliographic record at one time, select the items by clicking in the box at the far left of each line, and then choose the DELETE button.

A pop up box will ask you if you are sure that you want to delete the item.

Choose YES and all the items will be deleted.

You can also select every item on the record by clicking your cursor on the square in the summary item record header, then choose the DELETE button.

A pop up box will ask you if you are sure that you want to delete the item.

Choose YES and every item on the summary tab will be deleted.

[Remember: You are only permitted to delete items owned by your library.]

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ITSMarc is a database containing Library of Congress MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) bibliographic records. You will access and download records via Z39.50 protocol, an international standard protocol that allows different information systems to query one another.

Using ITSMarc

After completing at least three different searches in the union catalog without finding a match for your item, the next step is to search ITSMarc.

To access the ITSMarc database choose the REMOTE button. The Select Databases box will appear.

Click in each box of the four ITSMarc databases to select them for searching then choose the OK button.

You are now in REMOTE searching mode. The REMOTE screen is almost identical to the Quick Edit screen but there are several differences. eiNetwork Training 35 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

A LOCAL button appears. Choosing it will return you to the union catalog.

SELECT REMOTE DATABASES and SET LIMITS FOR REMOTE SEARCHING buttons appear. Disregard these buttons.

Searches indexes appear in the drop down list in ITSMarc. If your last search is still in the search text box when you entered REMOTE, you may need to change the search command to the appropriate search before repeating it.

The types of searches available in ITSMarc vary from those available in Millennium Cataloging. There are fewer searches, and the indexing parameters are different.

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When you enter a search in ITSMarc, this Searching Remote Databases box will appear, updating the search status to its completion.

When you choose the CLOSE button, the four search results are combined into one browse screen. The browse screen is similar to the results when searching the union catalog, however the results by search vary because of ITSMarc indexing.

Note that when you highlight or select a line, a brief record does not display in the upper portion of the screen. Therefore you must open the record to determine if it is a match for your item.

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To examine the results in the browse screen double click to highlight and expand a line with multiple entries, or choose the EXPAND ALL button to display all entries for results with multiple records, or click on a line to highlight it then choose the SELECT button or click again to view the bibliographic record.

The system assumes that you are using the Z39.50 access to download a new record, so you are automatically in record creation mode. Viewing any record will prompt commands for editing and saving the record.

When you open a selected record you will be viewing a full MARC record. You must examine the record to determine if it is a match for your item.

A matching ISBN or ISSN is not enough to verify that you have the right record.



In this example three different ISBNs appear in the ITSMarc record (tag 020), but 1 the record is for the hardcover edition.

2 To determine if the ITSMarc record matches your item you must examine tags:

245 to verify the title, and subtitle (if applicable) 250 for an edition statement (if applicable) 260 for the publisher and year of publication. 300 for the pagination and size of the item.

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If the record is not a match for your item, choose the CLOSE icon.

If the record is a match for your item you will need to insert your initials and edit the record before saving it.

You must insert your initials into every ITSMarc record you download. To insert your initials click on the INSERT icon at the top of the screen.

An Inset Field box will appear:

Choose from the drop down menu, then type your initials and choose OK or press ENTER.

The initials field you just entered will appear at the beginning of the variable fields. Do any other editing necessary then click on the SAVE icon at the top of the screen. Saving the record will move any inserted fields to their proper location in the MARC record.

Saving the record automatically creates a new bibliographic record in the union catalog. (Note the .b number now appears on the screen above the brief record) You will immediately be prompted to create an item record. Canceling the item record creation does not cancel the bibliographic record.

Completing the creation of a bibliographic and item record, or closing a record without saving it does not conclude your ITSMarc session. You will remain in Z39.50 mode until you select the LOCAL button.

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Viewing and Editing the 008

There are a limited number of fixed fields that automatically display in the bibliographic record. A full display of the fixed fields can only be viewed by expanding the variable MISC 008 line in the MARC record. The MISC 008 should be checked in every record downloaded from ITSMarc.

To view the expanded 008 line place your cursor anywhere in the MISC 008 line in the bibliographic record and right click.

Choose EXPAND FIELD from the list that appears.

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An expanded view of the MARC fixed fields will appear. Using this expanded display makes it easy to verify and edit the fixed fields.

Each field has a box in which a code can be entered. To determine the appropriate code for a particular fixed field you can double click in the field and a selection of the valid codes for that field will appear. For a field such as Illustrations, which can have up to four one-character codes, each code is given its own box.

To edit the 008 place your cursor in the box and type the appropriate code or double click in the box. A selection box will appear, displaying the choices for that field. Type the appropriate letter or highlight the code on the list and choose OK.

The fields that must be verified and corrected if necessary are:

Date One The date of publication of the monograph title. Illustrations Code for titles with illustrations, for titles with maps; use both if appropriate. Form Item Code for large print titles. Content Code for titles that include bibliographical references. Index Code <0> for titles with no index, <1> for titles that include an index. Lit Form Code <0> for non-fiction, <1> for fiction.

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Other fields you may need to edit include the fixed field MAT TYPE and the variable fields MISC (tag 008), DESCRIPT (tag 300), NOTE (tag 504), and SUBJECT (tag 650).

Large Print Books

To edit the MAT TYPE click in the white box and the MAT TYPE selection box will appear.

You can type the letter or use your cursor to highlight , then choose OK or press ENTER.

Edit the variable field MISC 008 following the instructions on the previous page.

You may also need to edit:

DESCRIPTION 300 line to include “(large print)” following the pagination.

SUBJECT 650 line to include the subject Large type books. eiNetwork Training 42 01/09/18 Millennium Cataloging Silver

CIP (Cataloging-in-Publication)

CIP bibliographic records are created by the Library of Congress before the title is published. You should verify that the title, subtitle and author match what appears on your title page. You will need to edit the DESCRIPTION 300 line, and possibly insert an EDITION 250 line or NOTE 500 or 504 line.

To edit the Description 300 tag you can click your cursor in the field and begin typing.

When editing the DESCRIPT (tag 300) you must use a subfield delimiter and the proper code for each subfield.

To insert an EDITION 250 tag, click on the INSERT icon at the top of the screen.

The Insert field box will appear:

Choose from the drop down menu, then type the edition statement using the proper abbreviations and choose OK or press ENTER.

Insert a note field in the same way, choosing from the drop down menu.

When you have completed editing the record click on the SAVE icon at the top of the screen.

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Creating a Catreq

Creating a catreq (catalog request) is the method of requesting cataloging for any item you cannot find in the union catalog or in ITSMarc. This request also provides a searchable bibliographic record in the database and allows you to barcode the item and to circulate it immediately after the request is entered. A template has been created to guide you through the catreq process.

To create a catreq press the NEW icon at the top of the screen.

A new bibliographic form appears with an overlaying edit data box. Every time data is entered in the box it will appear in the background record until the template and record are complete. Just as with the item template, you can skip a box that isn’t relevant to your item by choosing NEXT or pressing ENTER.

Note: When the Insert Field boxes pop up your cursor should appear ready to enter the information. If not, press the tab key twice or click your cursor in the appropriate place to begin typing.

Catreq Template Steps

1. MAT TYPE Edit Data box.

The material type box appears with the default of . If it is appropriate, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

To change the MAT TYPE to another format, type the letter code or double click in the edit data box to pull up selection box.

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You can type the letter code of the MAT TYPE or use your cursor to highlight it, then choose OK, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

2. LCCN [010] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to enter the LCCN. Remember to substitute a 0 (zero) for the hyphen to make the number a full 8 or 10 digit number. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

3. STANDARD # [020] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to enter the ISBN or ISSN. Do not include hyphens in the ISBN number. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

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4. AUTHOR [100] Edit Data box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the author. Enter the author’s name as it appears on the title page, last name first. Only one name (the first name if there are multiple authors) should be entered in this box. End the line with a period, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

5. TITLE [245] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the title and subtitle as they appear on the title page. A colon followed by a subfield b <|b> must be entered following the title if there is a subtitle. [See creating a subfield in an item record call number] End the line with a period, then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

6. EDITION [250] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the edition statement, then choose NEXT or press ENTER. .

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7. PUB INFO [260] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the place of publication, publisher’s name, and date of publication as it is found in the item. A colon followed by a subfield b <|b> follows the place of publication, a comma followed by a subfield c <|c> follows the publisher’s name. A period follows the date. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

Don’t confuse the subfield c with the c for a copyright date. If it is a copyright date there will be two c’s. Example: |cc2002.

8. DESCRIPT [300] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the pagination of the item, the illustrations (if appropriate), and the size of the item. A colon followed by a subfield b <|b>precedes the illustration material, and a semi-colon followed by a subfield c <|c> precedes the size of the item. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

9. NOTE [500] Insert Field box.

The template includes three free text note fields. Your cursor should appear ready to type a note appropriate to the item. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

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10. SUBJECT [650] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type the catreq line. Begin with the word catreq, followed by today’s date using two digits for month, day, and year, followed by the first two letters of your location code. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

Example: catreq 09/04/02 sa

11. INITIALS [997] Insert Field box.

Your cursor should appear ready to type your initials. Then choose NEXT or press ENTER.

The catreq is now complete and you will be prompted to create an item record.

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Adding an Item to an Empty Bibliographic Record

To add an item to a bibliographic record as a separate function from creating the bibliographic record, search and retrieve the bibliographic record. When no item records are attached the record will look like this:

Click on the down arrow and highlight from the drop down list.

Choosing to View allows you to choose the ATTACH NEW ITEM button and to create an item record.

eiNetwork Training 49 01/09/18

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