Weekly Preschool Newsletter January 9, 2017

IB Forum

Please consider attending our next IB Forum for parents on Tuesday, January 10th from 8:45 – 9:15am in the Parish Youth Center. Bring your questions for our wonderful IB Coordinators.

No School

There is no school on Monday, January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy the long weekend!


IB Theme: The IB attribute we are focusing on this month is Inquirer. As inquirers we nurture curiosity by asking many questions and learning with enthusiasm to encourage the love of learning.

Alphabet Box: Please bring your Alphabet Box to school on Friday, January 13th. Our letter this week is K.

Reading: We will finish our La Tortuga curriculum unit and send the curriculum envelope home on Friday. Please sign the envelope and return it to school. You may keep all the worksheets at home.

Religion: Our religion lesson this week will conclude our God’s Gifts of Creation unit with the focus this week being on God’s Gift of Light. This lesson will help your child appreciate the different things that happen when the sun is shining and when the world is in darkness. Second Step: This week we will continue to learn about Feelings. The children will be able to name the feelings surprised and scared when they see physical cues as well as identifying how others feel.

Good Choice Ladder

This month we have started a new classroom strategy for promoting positive classroom behavior. We are calling it our Good Choice Ladder. Each student has a clothespin and they all start the day in the middle of the chart on "Ready to Learn." The clothespins move throughout the day. Positive choices will move you up one level at a time. Negative choices move you down. There is a buffer zone between "Ready to Learn" and facing any form of consequence so if a child moves down he or she has the opportunity to move back up. Moving up the ladder will earn students stickers on their sticker chart. We want all our students to succeed so any reinforcement from home would be great. Weekly Preschool Newsletter January 9, 2017