Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

1 1. Pay for executives is supposed to be tied to the:

A. the company's financial performance. B. the company's reputation. C. the financial needs of the employee. D. the company's growth potential. E. the cost of living index.

2. All forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits that employees receive as part of an employment relationship are known as _____.

A. compensation B. total rewards C. base pay D. relational returns E. merit pay

3. _____ refer to one-time payments for meeting previously established performance objectives.

A. Cost-of-living adjustments B. Incentives C. Merit increments D. Relational returns E. Allowances

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 4. Which of the following is NOT part of an employee's total compensation?

A. Paid vacation B. Health insurance C. Promotions D. Cost-of-living adjustments E. Merit pay

5. A merit increase is best described as:

A. an increment to base pay that recognizes past work behaviour. B. psychological returns employees believe they receive in the workplace. C. a one-time reward for past performance that does not increase base pay. D. percentage increment to base pay provided to all employees regardless of performance. E. compensation given to provide for items that are in short supply.

6. Which of the following best describes relational returns?

A. All rewards received by employees, including cash compensation, benefits, and psychological returns B. All forms of financial returns and tangible services that employees receive as part of an employment C. Programs that help employees better integrate their work and life responsibilities D. One-time payments for meeting previously established performance objectives E. The psychological returns people believe they receive in the workplace

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 7. Which of the following refers to pay calculated at an hourly rate?

A. Salary B. Wage C. Merit increase D. Total reward E. Compensation

8. _____ include psychological aspects of work such as recognition and status, challenging work, and learning opportunities.

A. Cognitive returns B. Relational returns C. Compensational returns D. Subjective returns E. Qualitative returns

9. Which of the following best describes cost-of-living adjustment?

A. One-time payments for meeting previously established performance objectives B. Increment to base pay in recognition of past work behaviour C. Percentage increment to base pay provided to all employees regardless of performance D. Compensation to provide for items that are in short supply E. Consolidated pay which is not subject to any change regardless of the cost-of- living

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 10. An incentive payment:

A. is part of an employee's base wage. B. is non-taxable and therefore highly preferred by employees. C. refers to psychological returns employees believe they receive in the workplace. D. ties pay increases directly to an employee's performance. E. is made to provide for items that are in short supply.

11. _____ includes cash compensation, benefits, and relational returns.

A. Total compensation B. Total cash benefit C. Total base pay D. Total reward E. Total incentive

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 12.Tot al co mp en sat ion do es N OT inc lud e:






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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 15.W hic h of the foll ow ing is a be nef it co mp on ent of tot al co mp en sat ion ?




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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 16.__ __ _ ref ers to the co mp en sat ion giv en to pur ch as e ite ms tha t are in sh ort su ppl y.



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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 18.W hic h of the foll ow ing sta te me nts is tru e ab out the for ms of pa y?

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E. download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

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Tru e Fal

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28.Tot al re wa rds ref er to the ps yc hol ogi cal ret urn s em plo ye es bel iev e the y rec eiv e in the wo rkp lac e.

Tru e Fal se

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Tru e Fal se

31.Ba se wa ge is the ca sh co mp en sat ion an em plo yer pa ys for the wo rk per for me d.

Tru e Fal se

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43.W hat do es ba se wa ge refl ect ?

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1 Key

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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 01 Des crib e how com pen satio n is view ed diffe download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich rentl y by soci ety; stoc khol ders ; man ager s; and emp loye es in Can ada and arou nd the worl d. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #1

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #10

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #11

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 12.Tot (p. 5 al ) co mp en sat ion do es N OT inc lud e:






Diffi culty : Eas y Lear download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #12

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich E.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #13

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich A.

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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #14

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #15

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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #16

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 17.W (p. 9 hic ) h of the foll ow ing is a for m of rel ati on al ret urn ?




download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #17

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 18.W (p. 5 hic ) h of the foll ow ing sta te me nts is tru e ab out the for ms of pa y?

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich A.

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Diffi culty : Med download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #18

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich E.

Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #19

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich B.


download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.

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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h -

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Cha pter 01 #20

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 21.__ (p. 1 __ 0) _ as a pa y obj ect ive inv olv es abi din g by var iou s fed era l, pro vin cia l, an d ter rito rial co mp en sat ion la ws an d reg ula tio ns.

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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 04 Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #21

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 22.Int (p. 1 ern 2) al ali gn me nt ma y be ac hie ve d by:



download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich C.


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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 Des crib e the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #22

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 23.W (p. 1 hic 2) h of the foll ow ing is tru e of int ern al ali gn me nt?


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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 Des crib e the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #23

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich B.


download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich D.


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Des crib e the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #24

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 25.W (p. 1 hic 2) h of the foll ow ing pa y pol ici es lay s em ph asi s on per for ma nc e?



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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 Des crib e the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich pter 01 #25

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 26.W (p. 2 he ) n ex ec uti ve pa y is ex ce ssi ve rel ati ve to co mp an y per for ma nc e, pro fits are div ert ed aw ay fro m sto ck hol der s to the ex ec uti ve

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich s.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 01 Des crib e how com pen satio n is view ed diffe rentl y by soci ety; stoc khol ders ; man ager s; and emp loye es in Can ada and arou nd the worl d. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #26

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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #27

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 28.Tot (p. 6 al ) re wa rds ref er to the ps yc hol ogi cal ret urn s em plo ye es bel iev e the y rec eiv e in the wo rkp lac e.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #28

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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #29

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 30.Tot (p. 5 al ) co mp en sat ion inc lud es ps yc hol ogi cal as pe cts of wo rk su ch as rec og niti on an d sta tus , ch all en gin g wo rk, an d lea rni ng op por tun

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich itie s.


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #30

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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Cha pter 01 #31

32.Tot (p. 5 al ) co mp en sat ion onl y inc lud es sal ary an d inc ent ive s; not be nef its.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #32

33.Inc (p. 5 ent ) ive s ma y be lon g- ter m or sh ort - ter m.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #33

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 34.Ma (p. 7 kin ) g co ntri but ion s to Wo rke rs' Co mp en sat ion is at dis cre tio n of the em plo yer .


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #34

35.All (p. 7 ow ) an ce s are re wa rds giv en to em plo ye es ba se d on the ir per for ma nc e.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #35

36.Pr (p. 9 oc ) ed ura l fair ne ss is the fair ne ss of the pro ce ss us ed to ma ke a de cisi on.


Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 04 Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #36

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 37.Pa (p. 1 y 1) obj ect ive s pro vid e sta nd ard s for ev alu ati ng the eff ect ive ne ss of the pa y sy ste m.


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 04 Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #37

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 38.Ext (p. 1 ern 2) al co mp etit ive ne ss ref ers to pa y co mp ari so ns bet we en diff ere nt skil l lev els in an org ani zat ion .


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Des crib e the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #38

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 39.Pa (p. 1 y 2) rel ati on shi ps wit hin the org ani zat ion aff ect em plo ye e de cisi on s to sta y wit h the org ani zat ion .


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 Des crib e download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich the four strat egic polic ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #39

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Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 05 Des crib e the four strat egic polic download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich ies in the pay mod el and the tech niqu es asso ciate d with the m. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #40

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In Ca na da, pa y for ex ec uti ve s is su pp os ed to be

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tie d to the fin an cia l per for ma nc e of the co mp an y. W he n ex ec uti ve pa y is ex ce ssi ve rel ati ve to co mp an y per for ma nc e, pro download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

fits are div ert ed aw ay fro m sto ck hol der s to the ex ec uti ve s.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 01 Des crib e how com pen satio n is view ed diffe rentl y by soci ety; stoc khol ders ; man ager s; and emp loye

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich es in Can ada and arou nd the worl d. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #41

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Ma na ger s ha ve a sta ke in co mp en sat ion : It dir ect ly infl ue nc es the ir su cc es s

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

in tw o wa ys: (1) co mp en sat ion is a ma jor ex pe ns e, an d (2) a ma na ger us es it as a wa y to infl ue nc e em plo ye e be ha vio ur an download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

d co ns eq ue ntl y im pro ve org ani zat ion per for ma nc e.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 01 Des crib e how com pen satio n is view ed diffe rentl y by soci ety; stoc khol ders ; man ager s; and emp loye es in Can ada

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Ba se wa ge ten ds to refl ect the val ue of the wo rk or skil ls an d ge ner all y ign ore s diff ere nc es attr ibu

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tab le to ind ivi du al em plo ye es.

Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #43

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Tot al co mp en sat ion an d rel ati on al ret urn s

Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc

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Effi cie ncy , fair ne ss, an d co mp lia nc e to rul es an d reg ula tio ns.

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Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 04 Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #45

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Th e tw o ma jor cat eg ori es of tot al re wa rds are rel ati on al ret urn s an d

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tot al co mp en sat ion . Th e rel ati on al ret urn s (de vel op me nt op por tun itie s, sta tus , op por tun ity to bel on g, ch all en gin g wo rk, an d download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

so on) are the ps yc hol ogi cal ret urn s pe opl e bel iev e the y rec eiv e in the wo rkp lac e. Tot al co mp en sat ion is mo re tra ns act ion al an d inc download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

lud es pa y rec eiv ed dir ect ly as ca sh (e. g., ba se, me rit inc rea se s, inc ent ive s, co st- of- livi ng adj ust me nts ) an d ind ire ctl y as be nef its download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

(e. g., pe nsi on s, me dic al ins ura nc e, pro gra ms to hel p bal an ce wo rk an d life de ma nd s).

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew

download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #46

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 47.W (p. 4 hat ) is ba se wa ge ? Dis tin gui sh bet we en a wa ge an d a sal ary .

Ba se wa ge is the ca sh co mp en sat ion an em plo yer pa ys for the wo

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rk per for me d. Ba se wa ge ten ds to refl ect the val ue of the wo rk or skil ls an d ge ner all y ign ore s diff ere nc es attr ibu tab le to ind ivi du al em download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

plo ye es. A dis tin cti on is oft en ma de bet we en a wa ge an d a sal ary , wit h sal ary ref erri ng to pa y tha t is cal cul ate d at an an nu al or mo download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich

nth ly rat e rat her tha n ho url y wh ich is the ba sis for wa ge.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #47

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 48.W (p. 5 hat ) are lon g- ter m inc ent ive s?

Lo ng- ter m inc ent ive s are int en de d to foc us em plo ye e eff ort s on mu lti- ye ar res ult s. Ty pic all

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y the y are in the for m of sto ck ow ner shi p or opt ion s to bu y sto ck at sp eci fie d, ad va nta ge ou s pri ce s.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 03 download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Disc uss maj or com pon ents of total rew ards . Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #48

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 49.W (p. 7 hat ) are the ba sic bui ldi ng blo ck s of a pa y mo del ?

A pa y mo del co nta ins thr ee ba sic bui ldi ng blo ck s: (1) the str ate gic co mp en

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sat ion obj ect ive s, (2) the str ate gic pol ici es tha t for m the fou nd ati on of the co mp en sat ion sy ste m, an d (3) the tec hni qu es of co mp en sat ion download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich


Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 04 Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #49

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download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich 50.W (p. 8 hat -9) is pro ce dur al fair ne ss ?

Pr oc ed ura l fair ne ss is co nc ern ed wit h the pro ce ss es us ed to ma ke de cisi on s ab out pa y. It

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su gg est s tha t the wa y a pa y de cisi on is ma de ma y be as im por tan t to em plo ye es as the res ult of the de cisi on.

Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01- 04 download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich Iden tify and expl ain the thre e strat egic obje ctive s of com pen satio n. Milk ovic h - Cha pter 01 #50

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1 Summary

Ca # o teg f Q ory ue sti on s Diff 23 icul ty: Ea sy Diff 27 icul ty: Me diu m Le 4 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01- 01 De scri be ho w c om pe nsa tion is v iew ed diff ere ntly by soc iety ; st ock hol der s; ma na ger s; a nd em plo yee download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich s in Ca na da an d a rou nd the wor ld. Le 1 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01- 02 Def ine the ter m c om pe nsa tion . Le 32 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01- 03 Dis cus s m ajo r c om po ne nts of t otal rew ard s. Le 6 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01- 04 Ide ntif y a nd download full file at http://testbankeasy.com Full file at http://testbankeasy.eu/Test-bank-for-Compensation,-4th-Canadian-Edition--- Milkovich exp lain the thr ee str ate gic obj ecti ves of c om pe nsa tion . Le 7 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01- 05 De scri be the fou r st rat egi c p olic ies in t he pay mo del an d t he tec hni qu es ass oci ate d w ith t he m. Mil 50 kov ich - C ha pte r 0 1

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