Since it began almost four years ago, the civil war in Syria hasbrought death, devastation and darkness of all kinds. But even in the hardest places, we know that God can shine the light of his loveand hope

SUNDAY 1 FEBRUARY The conflict in Syria has forced more than 3 million to flee the country. Many people within Syria are trapped in besieged areas, beyond the reach of aid agencies. Pray for God's comfort, protection and provision for those in desperate need and pray earnestly for a peaceful resolution to the conflict to be found soon.

MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY 'The situation was either we die or we leave,' says Safiyya. Eight months pregnant, she fled Syria with her husband after seeing her cousin killed. Thank God that she is now safe and working at a kindergarten for refugee children run by a Tearfund partner in Jordan. Lift up all those who are traumatised by what they have seen and grieving many losses.

TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY Refugee children are often unable to access education in their new countries. Praise God that a Tearfund partner in Lebanon is running a school for 205 Syrian children. 'I love my school because all of us there are united and love one another,' says Samra. 'It will always be a sweet memory in my life.'

WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY Winters in Lebanon and Jordan can be bitterly cold, especially for the many refugees who live in tents. Praise God that a Tearfund partner is providing heaters and fuel to refugee families, and prayfor all who are struggling to stay warm.

THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY 'In Syria, many churches are becoming places of compassion for everyone, regardless of faith or ethnic background,' says Rupen, who leads one of Tearfund's partners. Praise God for this, and pray for energy and protection for those who are reaching out in love to people affected by the conflict.

FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY Ahmad and Fatima fled Syria when their house was torn down. Lift up refugees like them who are struggling financially, missing loved ones and desperate to return home. 'No matter how far you travel, your home town is your home town,' says Ahmad. 'If they gave me half of Lebanon or one house in Syria, I would go back to Syria.'

SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY Heavenly Father, we bring before you the people of the Middle East in the knowledge that you love and care for them deeply. We ask you to pour out your comfort and healing on all who are grieving, fearful and traumatised, and bring peace to their countries so that they can begin rebuilding their lives.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea Saturday's prayer was taken from our Middle East prayer guide, which features Bible reflections and prayers for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Visit www.tearfund.org/middleeast to download a copy.

Tearfund Prayer Diary February 2015 – www.tearfund.org/praying EBOLA EMERGENCY: 8 – 14 FEBRUARY

Some of the poorest countries in West Africa still face a national emergency as they attempt to tackle the deadly Ebola virus. We pray for an end to this outbreak which has claimed nearly 6,000 lives, left countless children orphaned and stretched poorly resourced health services to the limit

SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY Pray that churches will respond to the needs of their communities by caring for orphans and people who have lost family members or possessions to the disease. Ask also that churches will raise awareness to help stop the spread of Ebola, and reduce the stigma placed on those affected and their families.

MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY 'Thanks to God, I am cured. But now I have a new disease – I am a victim of stigmatisation. This stigma is worse than the fever,' says Dr Melvin Korkor, Ebola survivor from Liberia. Lift up the people recovering from Ebola and ask God to protect them from stigma.

TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 'Some health clinics refuse to treat pregnant women due to fear of coming in contact with blood and other bodily fluids,' says Rose Varney, administrator of the Liberty Clinic in Liberia. Ask God to take away the spirit of fear and the stigma that surrounds Ebola, and pray that he will enable sick mothers to be treated.

WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 'So many lives have been severely affected,' says Francis Wahome, head of Tearfund's work in Sierra Leone. Lift up the governments of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, and the international organisations responding to the crisis, including Tearfund, as they form and implement strategies to combat the spread of the disease.

THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY Pray that God will bless Tearfund partners on the front line – Association of Evangelicals in Liberia, Equip Liberia, Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone and the New Harvest Development Office – who are striving to stop the spread of Ebola. Ask that their staff will be free to operate effectively.

FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY Pray for the safety and health of Tearfund staff already in Ebola – affected countries, and for others who are preparing to go. Ask that the right people will be available and willing to serve God with Tearfund by travelling to the region to provide vital support and assistance to our partners.

SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY The effects of the Ebola outbreak will continue for many months and years. Pray that there will be continued media attention and awareness about the crisis. Ask that the UK's support for affected nations will continue until the outbreak is contained, and beyond, to assist devastated families to recover long term.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do The Ebola outbreak has been devastating West Africa for more than a year now, and its effects on families, orphans and communities will last for many years. Please continue to persevere in prayer. Tearfund have produced a series of resources to help you and your church to pray, which you can find here: www.tearfund.org/ebola

Tearfund Prayer Diary February 2015 – www.tearfund.org/praying POST-MATCH BRAZIL: 15 – 21 FEBRUARY

Last year's football World Cup took place in Brazil, a country which is developing rapidly but which still has areas of extreme poverty, and where child exploitation is rife. This week, we explore how Tearfund partners tackled child exploitation among the poorest communities in Brazil before, during and after the tournament.

SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY Brazil spent close to £6.5 billion on the World Cup. However, promises to improve infrastructure across the country have not been kept. Pray for those Brazilians who feel angry and let down; pray that government attention will now turn to improving services, so that all Brazilians may benefit.

MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY In the run-up to the World Cup, one of Tearfund's partners brought more than 200 churches and hundreds of organisations together to run the Bola na Rede (Ball in the Net) campaign, to protect children from sexual exploitation. Praise God for this network of people, passionate about making a difference in children's lives.

TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY Brazil has the highest rate of child sexual abuse in Latin America and the second highest in the world. The Bola na Rede campaign resulted in 210 events across Brazil, to educate tourists and protect vulnerable children from sexual abuse. Pray for God's protection over those children who are still at risk of being exploited.

WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY 'We have problems with people, violence and sexual abuse,' says Louisa, 12, who lives in a Brazilian slum. 'I was abused.' She recently joined a Tearfund partner project which empowers young people to advocate on issues that affect them. Thank God that this is bringing life and hope to children living in slums, and pray that Louisa will be protected.

THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY In 11 of the 12 host cities, Tearfund partners organised events, including walks, drama, flash mobs, prayer vigils, World Cup Bible Schools and 'safe spaces' for children. Thank God for improved awareness about safeguarding children and pray that those who heard this message will advocate for children's rights.

FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY 'I have seen many girls being abused who are scared to talk,' says Gustavo, 12. Through Bola na Rede, the church and the children themselves are speaking out about children's rights. Pray for Gustavo, who is is now standing up for others. He says: 'If someone is abused, I should be their voice.'

SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY With the Olympic Games coming to Brazil in 2016, there is still more work to be done. Praise God for the successes of Bola na Rede so far and pray for its future as organisers think of new ways to communicate, engage and upscale the work to protect more vulnerable children.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do Take some time this weekend to remind yourself how much Jesus loved and cared for children, and how he commands us to do the same. Read Mark 10:13-16 and spend some time praying for children you know, in your family, church or neighbourhood.

Tearfund Prayer Diary February 2015 – www.tearfund.org/praying HUNGER IN SOUTH SUDAN: 22 – 28 FEBRUARY

Since the conflict began in South Sudan in December 2013, about 1.7 million people have fled their homes and 3.9 million people have struggled to find enough food. The harvest last autumn provided respite for some, but countless others still face severe food insecurity.

SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY Give thanks for those who gave generously to Tearfund's South Sudan Appeal. This money has enabled us to respond to the emergency. Between January and October 2014, Tearfund reached more than 138,000 people affected by conflict across South Sudan, including some 48,000 children. Pray that this generous giving continues as South Sudan is still in great need.

MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY The boreholes Tearfund has built in Katigiri enabled families who fled the fighting to collect water when they needed to, close to their new homes. Previously, collecting water would take six hours. Ask God to bless the families who benefit from the new water supply.

TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY Got was brought to one of Tearfund's feeding centres in Jonglei state in July 2014. He needed medical care because he was severely malnourished. Pray that Got and the thousands like him needing urgent care will regain full health.

WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY Selwa is tending to the crop of cowpeas she has planted thanks to seeds and tools from Tearfund. Selwa and her family left everything behind when they were driven out of their home by the conflict. Pray that the harvest will enable her to feed her six children.

THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY Praise God for the school which was set up with the help of Tearfund and the local church in a camp for people who have fled their homes. Bibiana, whose older children attend the school, says,'I am happy that my children can go to school here. That way they will get knowledge and be OK in the future.'

FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY In the same camp Tearfund has provided food, toilets, cooking kits and drinking water for the 292 families there, including Cecilia whose baby, Away, was born in the camp six months ago. Please pray that these families and others like them have all they need to survive.

SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY 'You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.' – Psalm 119:114

Father, be a refuge and shield to the people of South Sudan who have been affected by conflict. May they know your comfort and hope in this time of trouble. In your Son, Jesus', name. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea Individually, or as a group, write your own prayer for the people of South Sudan. Perhaps there is a Bible verse that inspired you, such as Psalm 31:24, which says, 'Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.' You could send an email to [email protected] to inspire the team working in South Sudan.

Tearfund Prayer Diary February 2015 – www.tearfund.org/praying