March 5Th 6Th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
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California Community Colleges
System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2007
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Board of Governors President Kay Albiani.
Board of Governors Members Attendance x Kay Albiani Kristin Jackson Franklin x George Caplan x John Koeberer x Barbara Davis-Lyman x Pauline Larwood Barbara Gothard x Deborah Malumed x Rose Guilbault x Margaret Quiñones Benita Haley x Gary Reed x Randal Hernandez x Carolyn Russell x Bridget Howe x Tanna Thomas x Lance Izumi
President’s Report By: Kay Albiani Kay Albiani gave a brief report on the retreat and thanked the Los Rios Community College District for hosting the Board retreat on Sunday, March 4, 2007. Kay Albiani also reported on her visit to Merced College on behalf of the Board.
Board Members Report Member Gary Reed reported on his trip with the Chancellor to visit West Hills College. Member Deborah Malumed reported on her trip to Washington D.C. She stated that the conference went very well she also mentioned that Senator Boxer stated that she is in support of community colleges. Members Pauline Larwood, Deborah Malumed, Kay Albiani and Carolyn Russell reported on attending the Community College League of California (CCLC) legislative conference. Member Kay Albiani mentioned that representatives of the Assembly and Senate are very supportive of community colleges and are pleased when the System comes together as one in support of a bill.
Chancellor’s Report By: Mark Drummond Chancellor Drummond stated that he and Vice Chancellor Milan have been engaged in a wide variety of activities with the California Workforce Investment Act board, employers and others about SB 70 and other topics the Governor is interested in for workforce training.
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Fred Harris reported that AB 127 gives districts a choice on whether to build building relative to the Field Act or the California Building Code and AB 162 provides for the collaborative process that the System Office has been working on with the Department of Finance. Board Comments Deborah Malumed, George Caplan
The Chancellor commented on the recovery plan for Compton. An audit was completed last November, but it was delayed by legal authorities that wanted to do further investigations about criminal activity. The fraud report will come out the week of March 12.
Report on the El Camino Community College District – Compton Center By: Tom Henry and Peter Lansberger (1 handout) Tom Henry reported that Fall enrollment at the Compton Center was 990, and 935 for spring. Twenty-seven Compton Center students took the state nursing exam and passed on the first attempt, and the men’s basketball team was regional conference champs and is going on to Fresno to play in the state championship. The extension of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with El Camino Community College received a 4-1 vote. The extension is through June 30, 2011. Assembly Bill 318 did require the Fiscal Crisis Management Assistant Team (FCMAT) to not only do the fraud audit but to also develop a recovery plan. All five operational areas Facilities, Academics, Fiscal, Governance and Personnel Management were assessed on legal professional standards and on the standards of the Accrediting Commission on Community Colleges (ACCJC).
Chancellor Drummond thanked Tom Henry and Dr. Jamillah Moore for all of the work they did in Compton. Board Comments George Caplan, Margaret Quiñones-Perez, Deborah Malumed
President’s Report By: Kay Albiani On behalf of the Board of Governors and Chancellor Drummond Kay Albiani presented a gift to former Board President George Caplan. Kay Albiani commented that George Caplan did a wonderful job of leading the Board.
George Caplan thanked the Board and Chancellor Drummond.
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Item 2 Special Presentation 2007 Hayward Awards for Excellence in Education By: Kay Albiani, Mark Drummond, Larry Toy, Ian Walton The following individuals received the 2007 Hayward Awards for Excellence in Education: Frank Nigro, Shasta College Radica O. Portello College of Marin John Kay Santa Barbara City College Irini Vallera-Rickerson Orange Coast College
Item 3
Item 3.1 Action Scheduled Request for Exemption form the Fifty Percent Law By: Fred Harris Copper Mountain, Napa Valley and Redwoods Community College districts are requesting exemption from the Fifty Percent Law due to hardships. Chancellor Drummond stated that on the System’s Office website there is a comprehensive five-year history of spending and balance trends for all districts.
Board members would like to see the interest of stakeholders and the ending balances or reserves when a district is applying for an exemption from the fifty percent law. Board member Margaret Quiñones-Perez requested that item 3.1 be separated into three different motions. Board member George Caplan accepted the request and motioned for approval of three separate motions for item 3.1. Board member John Koeberer seconded the motion.
The Board voted on the exemption from the Fifty Percent Law for Copper Mountain Community College District. Member Margaret Quiñones-Perez voted nay, Member Carolyn Russell abstained. All other members voted aye and the motion was passed.
The Board voted on the exemption from the Fifty Percent Law for Napa Valley Community College District. Member Carolyn Russell abstained. All other members vote aye and the motion was passed.
The Board voted on the exemption from the Fifty Percent Law for Redwoods Community College District. Member Margaret Quiñones-Perez abstained. All other members voted aye and the motion was passed. Board Comments Carolyn Russell, Lance Izumi, Deborah Malumed, Randal Hernandez, Margaret Quiñones-Perez, John Koeberer, Kay Albiani, George Caplan Public Comments Ian Walton
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March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Item 3.2 Information 2007-08 System Budget By: Chancellor Drummond Chancellor Drummond reported that he would be making the opening statement at the Assembly Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday March 7. The Chancellor also reported that the System Office is working on the redirection of $33 million in basic skills funds. Public Comments Ian Walton, Scott Lay
Item 1 Action Scheduled Approval of Minutes Board member Rose Guilbault motioned for the approval of the January 15th -17th, 2007 minutes. Board member Lance Izumi seconded the motion. The votes were unanimous in support of the motion.
Item 4
Item 4.2 Information/Action Scheduled 2007-08 System Budget By: Anne McKinney (3 handouts) Anne McKinney thanked everyone who attended the Community College National Legislative Conference. During the federal update Anne McKinney requested changes to the following Federal Governmental Relations 2007 Priorities: Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act and the Affordability Issues. Chancellor Drummond also suggested changes to the Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act which would include in the composition of the board a representative from the local community college.
Board member Randal Hernandez motioned for the Board to accept the changes requested by Anne McKinney. Board member George Caplan seconded the motion. The votes were unanimous in support of the motion.
Board member Pauline Larwood motioned to accept the changes requested by Chancellor Drummond. Board member Randal Hernandez seconded the motion. The votes were unanimous in support of the motion. Board Comment: Kay Albiani, Randal Hernandez, Pauline Larwood
Item 4.2 Information/Action Scheduled State Legislative Update By: Angelo Williams and Mike Magee (2 handouts) Angelo Williams discussed various state bills with the Board of Governors. Mr. Williams presented an index of legislative bills to the Board for review. It was suggested the Board have a teleconference to take positions on various bills.
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Chancellor Drummond requested that the Board send a strong message that SB 325 (Scott), regarding accountability, is not acceptable. Mr. Williams suggested that the System Office and Board continue to lobby Senator Scott and try to convince him to amend SB 325.
Frances Montgomery spoke to the Board of Governors about the logistics of the Legislative Reception. Board Comments George Caplan, Kay Albiani
Item 5
Item 5.1 Information Presentation on the Status of Community College Transfer By: Carole Bogue-Feinour and Jeff Spanos (1PowerPoin-handout) Jeff Spanos provided a report.
The Board of Governors requested the following information: a comparison on tuition and total cost for UC and CSU, how many students are participating in dual enrollment, how many students get admitted to a UC but don’t attend, and why students who get admitted to a UC do not attend. Board Comments George Caplan, Margaret Quiñones-Perez, Barbara Davis-Lyman, Pauline Larwood, John Koeberer
Item 5.2 Action Scheduled Revisions to the Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors By: Carole Bogue-Feinour Board member Tanna Thomas motioned for approval of the revisions to the Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors. Board member Barbara Davis-Lyman seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the Board of Governors. Public Comments Ian Walton
Item 6
Item 6.1 Action Scheduled 2007-08 and Future Years Economic and Workforce Development Program – Career and Technical Education Pathways By: José Millan
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
José Millan reported that the Governor’s Career Technical Education Initiative is a collaboration between the Department of Finance, the California Community Colleges, the California Department of Education, and the Office of the Secretary of Education. Mr. Millan stated that the plan may be changed by the action of the legislature or the Governor’s office and he will report any changes to the Board of Governors at the May 2007 meeting.
Board member Gary Reed motioned for approval of the proposed spending plan. Board member Carolyn Russell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the Board of Governors Board Comments Pauline Larwood, Margaret Quiñones-Perez, John Koeberer, George Caplan
President Kay Albiani asked Jose Millan to discuss how the Federal Perkins money would be split between Community Colleges and the California Department of Education.
Jose Millan also spoke to the Board about having community college representation on local Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Boards. Mr. Millan stated that Community Colleges count on WIA Boards to provide a pipeline of students.
Item 8 Action Scheduled Title 5 Regulations: Extension of Regulations Implementing Senate Bill 361 By: Steve Bruckman This item requested an additional 30 day extension on the emergency title 5 regulations implementing Senate Bill 361.
Board member Pauline Larwood motioned for approval of the extension of regulations implementing Senate Bill 361. Board member Rose Guilbault seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the Board of Governors.
Item 9 First Reading Title 5 Regulations: Requirements for a Transportation Fee Election By: Steve Bruckman This item was presented to the Board of Governors as a first reading. The Board was given this item to review and will be asked to take action at the next board meeting scheduled for May 2007.
Item 10 Action Scheduled Approval of Contracts and Grants By: Steve Bruckman
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March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
This item presented contracts and grants for Board approval. Board member George Caplan motioned for the Board to approve the contracts and grants. Board member Pauline Larwood seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.
Item 7
Item 7.1 Action Scheduled Appointment of Director to the Foundation for California Community Colleges By: Larry Toy Larry Toy requested that the Board of Governors give recommendations on individuals who may be interested in becoming the Director of the Foundation for California Community College.
Item 7.2 Information Update on the Activities of the Foundation for California Community Colleges By: Larry Toy (1 handout) Larry Toy presented an update on the activities of the Foundation for California Community Colleges. Board Comments Margaret Quiñones-Perez
Item 11 Information Update on the Activities of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges By: Alan C. Crane and Adel Morad Alan Crane and Adel Morad presented an update on the activities of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
Board Comments Lance Izumi, Kay Albiani, George Caplan
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:51 p.m. by Board of Governors President Kay Albiani.
March 6, 2007
Closed Session The Board of Governors met to discuss and review the performance of the Vice Chancellors.
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
No action was taken.
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2007
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:36 a.m. by Board of Governors President Kay Albiani.
Board of Governors Members Attendance x Kay Albiani Kristin Jackson Franklin x George Caplan x John Koeberer x Barbara Davis-Lyman x Pauline Larwood Barbara Gothard x Deborah Malumed x Rose Guilbault x Margaret Quiñones Benita Haley x Gary Reed x Randal Hernandez x Carolyn Russell x Bridget Howe x Tanna Thomas x Lance Izumi
Kay Albiani – Congratulated System Office staff on a successful Legislative Reception.
Item 12 Action Scheduled Recommendations to Staff on Policy Changes to Support Improved Student Success By: Carole Bogue-Feinour, Steve Bruckman, Linda Michalowski This item was a follow-up to the conversation that began at the retreat on Sunday, March 4, 2007.
The following questions were presented:
1. Should assessment results be transferable among colleges?
2. Should there be uniform statewide assessment for all students?
3. Should the Board of Governors further define and limit exemption criteria for matriculation services?
4. Should there be required prerequisites for college-level classes that require certain skill levels in reading, writing and/or math?
5. Should students be excluded from enrollment in classes for failure to participate?
6. What are the resources and cost implications for implementation?
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Board member John Koeberer proposed the following motion: The Chancellor is directed to begin the process of evaluating the implementation of a system-wide uniform, common assessment with multiple measurement of all community college students in consultation with the Community College League of California, Academic Senate and other community college partners for consideration and adoption by the Board of Governors no later than the November 2007 meeting. This evaluation shall be in concert with the System Strategic Plan and implementation process. In addition, and integral to the above, the Chancellor shall study policy strategies for consideration by the Board of Governors in the following areas: non-barrier access, student success, early assessment, orientation, prerequisites, failure to participate, funding and exemptions.
Board member Randal Hernandez seconded the motion. This item was approved unanimously by the Board. Board Comments Margaret Quiñones-Perez, George Caplan, Lance Izumi, Kay Albiani, Carolyn Russell, Barbara Davis-Lyman, Randal Hernandez, Tanna Thomas, Rose Guilbault, Pauline Larwood, John Koeberer Public Comments Scott Lay, Mark Lieu, Leslie Smith
Item 13 Information Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) By: Patrick Perry Patrick Perry reviewed the ARCC 2007 Report with the Board of Governors. This report was prepared by System Office staff and is an accurate and comprehensive report on student progress and achievement rates. Board Comments George Caplan, Bridget Howe, Pauline Larwood, Randal Hernandez
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System Office
March 5th – 6th Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Public Forum Ian Walton commented on the process that the Board of Governors used to act on item 12. Mr. Walton also stated that the item published in the agenda was very vague for an action item and that many of his colleagues would have been present at the Board meeting had they known what the Board was about to do.
Kay Albiani thanked Frances Montgomery and her team for making the legislative reception a success.
George Caplan commented that this may be his last Board meeting and he wanted to thank everyone for making the experience wonderful.
New Business There wasn’t any new business discussed at this Board meeting.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:11 p.m. by Board of Governors President Kay Albiani.
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