Bovingdon Parish Council s1

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Bovingdon Parish Council s1

Bovingdon Parish Council

Meeting of the Outdoors Committee held in The Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon on 27 January 2016 starting at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillor Graham Barrett Councillor Alison Gunn Councillor Julia Marshall Councillor Ben Richardson (Chairman) Councillor Julie Steer Councillor David Stent Councillor Richard Taylor

Also present: Mike Kember, Parish Clerk

Representatives from the village: None

1. Apologies for absence There were apologies for absence received from Councillor Pauline Wright and Sue Miller.

2. Declaration of Interests linked to any of the items There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2015 It was agreed by those present at this meeting that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2015 were a true representation of the meeting and were signed by Councillor Richardson.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2015 – not on the agenda 4.1 Provision of Allotments Councillor Ben Richardson reported that a reply was awaited from DBC Councillor regarding the suitability of the land by Bryfield Cottages in Flaunden Lane for Richardson / allotments. Parish Clerk

4.2 P3 Grant 2015 / 16 Groundwork Herts have confirmed that there is no money left in the 2015 – 16 Councillor P3 budget to resurface a section of Footpath 12 at the Water Lane access. This Marshall / / will be considered together with producing an updated Bovingdon & Flaunden Parish Clerk Footpath Map as possible items for our grant request in 2016 – 17.

4.3 Ducks on pond at Bovingdon Green Councillor Taylor confirmed that the wooden sign to go by the pond advising Councillor motorists that there could be ducks crossing the road had been made and he will Taylor arrange for it to be installed.

4.4 Village Interpretation Boards In the absence of Sue Miller, the Parish Clerk reported that she was still waiting Sue Miller for the £1k grant from County Councillor Richard Roberts Locality Budget to be processed.

Bovingdon Parish Council Minutes of Outdoors Committee Meeting, 27 January 2016 Page 1 of 3 Created 05/02/2016 4.5 Vehicle damage to grass verges As it is unlikely that the Borough Council will be able to find any funds to Councillor undertake the work required, Councillor Steer agreed to review the list of Steer damaged areas and produce a list of priorities for repairs to these for consideration by the Outdoors Committee. There is a possibility that some funds will be made available by the Committee to improve some of the worst damaged areas.

4.6 Bovingdon Green – newly planted oak sapling The revised design of the plaque was agreed and the Parish Clerk confirmed Parish Clerk that Art Signs will supply and fit this free of charge.

4.7 Christmas lights / decorations Agreed to remove the rope light around the front of the Memorial Hall as many of Parish Clerk the bulbs are not working and to replace the existing external two sets of Christmas Tree lights with new LED lights.

4.8 Dog Poop Bags Agreed to invite residents to make a donation towards the cost of dog poop Parish Clerk bags.

4.9 Renewal of Lease for pond on Bovingdon Green The Parish Clerk confirmed that Dacorum Borough Council were currently in the Parish Clerk process of renewing the tenancy for the pond on Bovingdon Green, which is due to end on 13 February 2016.

4.10 Wheelie Bin stickers Consideration will be given to purchasing a supply of these later in the year in an attempt to remind drivers to slow down and stick to the speed limit, especially in 30mph residential areas.

4.11 Chesham Road The Committee agreed that a small group of councillors would undertake the Outdoors work to cut back the vegetation and to clear some of the footpath. Councillor Committee / Taylor undertook to talk to ask the Football Club if we can use their equipment. Parish Clerk The Committee had previously agreed to an expenditure of up to £300 to cut back the vegetation. The Parish Clerk undertook to talk to the Dacorum Borough Council Clean, Safe & Green Team to seek their help with this exercise.

5. Budget spend to 31 December 2015 The Committee noted the report prepared by Dave Kirk, Responsible Financial Officer, which showed an overall projected underspend of £238 on the overall committee budget at 31 March 2016.

Agreed that Councillor Stent will paint the white posts at the entrance to the village on the Chesham Road.

In an effort to maintain the village, agreed that councillors will take photographs All to note of problem areas and send to the Parish Clerk.

6. To consider new quotations received for the maintenance of the Docks and pond on Bovingdon Green Estimates had been received from two companies for the maintenance of the Parish Clerk Dock and the pond on Bovingdon Green for 2016 – 17 and it was agreed to accept the quotation received from The Garden Company.

Agreed to replace the willow tree that has been removed at the Docks with an Alnus glutinosa (Common Alder) at a cost of £115.00 + VAT. 7. To discuss replacement of Fields in Trust commemorative plaque on Bovingdon Green Councillor Wright has carried out research into several designs of Parish Clerk commemorative stones to replace the existing one on Bovingdon Green. The Parish Clerk was asked to investigate the slate monolith as supplied by Stoneworld in Oxfordshire. The Parish Clerk has obtained a replacement Fields in Trust plaque free of charge.

8. High Street Enhancement Scheme Councillor Richardson reported that the topographical survey had been Parish Clerk undertaken and that Stephen Peart had carried out some initial layouts. Further work on design to be carried out by Stephen Peart.

9. BOVINGDON PARISH 10K (“BP10”) - Sunday 4 September 2016 Councillor Taylor reported that the Sub-Group will hold its first meeting on 11 Councillor February 2016. Paul Woods has been appointed by the UK Athletics to act as Taylor / our Race Adjudicator and will undertake the measurement of the course on 20 Parish Clerk March 2016. Our event will be published on the Run Britain website. Wilsons Estate Agents and Rough Stuff Oak are our current sponsors and John Wood; Orbital Signs will provide a number of signs free of charge.

Bovingdon Primary Academy will be designing a cover for the Bovingdon Bulletin and three water stations have been identified and groups volunteered. A celebratory is being sought to open the event.

10. National Clean for the Queen Keep Britain Tidy aims to inspire a million people to ‘Clean for the Queen’ as part of the celebrations for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21 April. The first national anti-litter campaign was carried out in 1953, the year of The Queen's coronation.

Dacorum Borough Council are looking for litter-picking teams or individuals to sign up on and organise a clean-up anytime from now until the most monumental of all litter clear ups on Friday 4 March to Sunday 6 March 2016.

Consideration is being given to carrying out a litter clear up on the footpath Parish Clerk across Bovingdon airfield. Details to be advertised on the council’s website and via Bovingdon Facebook

11. To discuss status of Drive Safe Campaign Agreed that a representative from this group should be appointed as the parish Councillor Council’s representative to feed back to each Parish Council meeting on the Richardson work of the group.

12. Dates of next meetings Wednesday 13 April 2016 starting at 7.45 p.m. – venue required as Memorial All to note Hall in use Wednesday 29 June 2016 starting at 7.45 p.m. in the Memorial Hall Thursday 1 September 2016 starting at 7.45 p.m. in the Memorial Hall Wednesday 7 December 2016 starting at 7.45 p.m. in the Memorial Hall

The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

Bovingdon Parish Council Minutes of Outdoors Committee Meeting, 27 January 2016 Page 3 of 3 Created 05/02/2016

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