Work2future Board of Directors Meeting
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Present: Rose Amador, Denise Boland, Jeff Burrell, Fabiola Czech, Janeen Dittrick, Joseph Flynn, Richard Friberg, Leslie Gilroy, Bill Guthrie, Dr. Bob Harper, Sue Koepp- Baker, Van Le, Rocky Maddex, George Massoud, Dr. David Matuszak, Olivier Minkowski, Pamela Moore, Ananth Nagaraj, Rachel Perez, Steve Preminger, Hermelinda Sapien, Mitch Schoch, Dani Sellers, Fernando Sepulveda, Sajeev Sidher, Henri Villalovoz, Erin Wright, Sima Yazdani, Jorge Zavala.
Absent: Benny Boveda, Jack Estill, Tom Fink, Jose Gonzalez, Scott Green, Glenn Ledet, Matt Navarro, Dr. Mark Novak, Rashad Said, Alex Torres, Lloyd Tran, Bryan VanHuystee.
II. OPENING REMARKS: Read by Chair Joe Flynn.
III. CONSENT ITEMS ACTION: Upon motion by Steve Preminger, seconded by Mitch Schoch, and approved unanimously, the Board accepted the following consent items:
(a) Accept the Grant Report of March 1, 2013. (b) Accept the Labor Market Information Report of March 1, 2013. (c) Accept the Training Report of February 11, 2013. (d) Accept the Customer Service Report of March 8, 2013. (e) Accept the January (BOS) Report of March 8, 2013. (f) Accept the Performance Report of March 8, 2013. (g) Accept the January Budget Variance Report of March 8, 2013 and Related Budget Variance Spending Plan as approved by the Executive Committee at its meeting of February 28, 2013 and as presented to the Finance Committee for approval on March 13, 2013.
A. Old Business 1. Minutes Approval ACTION: The Minutes of work2future’s December 6, 2012 Board meeting were approved without amendment; however, it was noted that Richard Friberg had abstained from accepting the Consent Items at the December 6, 2012 meeting, which included the selection of Metropolitan Education District as a technical training provider for work2future’s Youth program.
Motion: Sue Koepp-Baker Seconded: Van Le
B. New Business
1. Featured Board Member The Featured Board Member agenda item was deferred to the June 20, 2013 Board meeting.
2. FY 2013-2014 Budget Approval The Executive Director provided three preliminary budget scenarios to the Board: a $9.7M base case budget (a 5% reduction relative to this year’s budget), an $8.5M budget (a 17% reduction), and a $10.2M budget (no reduction). Three scenarios were provided for approval to ensure that work2future has sufficient flexibility to move forward in the event that the actual allocation falls within the range defined by the budget scenarios. In all three scenarios, he explained, staffing levels are envisioned to remain the same.
The Executive Director said that, under the proposed new service delivery model with the Foundation as the service delivery arm of work2future, 16 staff would remain with the City of San Jose to provide monitoring, compliance, fiscal/payments, contracting, Board liaison, and business services functions. Another 40 employees would be directly hired by the Foundation to provide client services. He explained that 17 staff would be impacted by this change that currently work for work2future, adding that work2future is going through the analysis regarding how and where these staff will be redeployed. Implementation of the proposed use of the Foundation and related staffing requirements are subject to the Alternative Service Delivery policy of the City of San Jose.
ACTION: Approval of staff’s proposed preliminary FY 2013-2014 work2future Program Operating Budget scenarios, with a proposed distribution to the work2future Foundation
Motion: Steve Preminger Seconded: Mitch Schoch Opposed: Dr. David Matuszak Abstained: Janeen Dittrick
3. State and Local Plan Update The Executive Director introduced the agenda item, explaining that staff would present a high-level view of the development of the Strategic Local Plan to ensure
2 that the Board supports the approach, and that the Board will be requested to provide input as a focus group.
Director Christopher Donnelly provided information to the Board regarding the strategies work2future is developing to connect job seekers with positions in growing sectors and subsectors in work2future’s area, identify career pathways to jobs in the growing sectors and subsectors, identify and strengthen linkages with employers and other stakeholders/partners, and enhance the integrated service delivery model. He also mentioned the Training Team created to track the required expenditure of 25% of Adult/Dislocated Worker funding on training per SB 734, as well as key Board initiatives that connect with work2future’s Strategic Local Plan.
San Jose State University’s Shawn Spano facilitated the focus group portion of the State and Local Plan discussion.
4. work2future Underemployment Initiative Update Vice Chair Sima Yazdani provided an update on the Underemployment initiative, saying that Dann Bergman has been hired to manage the Underemployment project. She highlighted the use of technology, business process automation, and use of existing data from EconoVue to support the initiative. She also identified Information Technology, Professional Services, and Healthcare as the three areas in which training would be offered through the Underemployment pilot project.
5. work2future Veterans Initiative Update Workforce Intelligence Team member Richard Martinez provided a brief update on the Veterans initiative, discussing the planning in partnership with Project Hired for the May 31, 2013 Wounded Warrior Conference to be held in the City Hall Rotunda, as well as coordination with other veteran-serving organizations to facilitate veteran connections to resources and employers.
C. Set Items for Next Agenda FY 2013-2014 Budget work2future Foundation State and Local Plan
D. Announcements Janine Dittrick: EDD has openings for three Youth Employment Opportunity Specialists (at-risk, in school, ages 18-24): a bilingual Spanish/English position in Campbell and in Gilroy, and one non-bilingual position in Campbell. A flyer will be distributed to the Board. Board Liaison: magnetic Board member badges have been distributed to facilitate Board member interactions at meetings. Board Liaison: work2future will try out Eventbrite for September 2013 Board meeting invitations and confirmations.
3 Rocky Maddex: Looking for local employment based on his current commute to San Francisco. Director Christopher Donnelly (on behalf of Rose Amador): Cards are being passed out regarding Center for Training and Careers’ Day Labor Center.
E. Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. at work2future’s Business Services and Administration facility, 5730 Chambertin Drive, San Jose, 95118.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
VI. ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 1:18 p.m.