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See below for contact information:
TSU Stephenville/Fort Worth/Waco Campuses BOX T-0665 STEPHENVILLE, TX 76402 PHONE (254) 968-9276 FAX (254) 968-9288 E-mail : [email protected] http://www.tarleton.edu/~socialwork
The TSU BSW program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the national accrediting body for professional social work education programs. The Social Work Program offers a variety of classroom courses designed to educate students to become generalist social work practitioners after graduation. Social work practice courses start in the junior year, after formal admission to the Social Work Program. In the senior year students are placed within social service agencies for their Field Practicum. This supervised internship takes place through a minimum of 16 clock hours a week (preferably a minimum two full days a week) of supervised experience for both semesters of the senior year; a total of 225 hours to be completed each semester.
The TSU Field Instruction Manual is provided to explain the dynamic nature and scope of our practicum for students, Field Instructors, community agencies, and interested others who wish to further the cause of professional social work education. It is our fervent desire to work cooperatively with agency professionals in our common goals to help clients and communities and to bring about services to deal with the social and personal problems that exist in our communities.
The mission of the Tarleton State University Social Work program is to respond to the diverse needs of multicultural communities with an emphasis in service to the Hispanic, Military, and Rural populations in North and Central Texas. The program prepares competent and effective generalist social work practitioners who are committed to enhancing the well-being of marginalized and oppressed populations utilizing the profession’s core values such as service, dignity and worth of the individual, social and economic justice, and recognizing the importance of human relationships.
The objectives of the TSU Baccalaureate Social Work Program mirror the 10 core competencies and 41 practice behaviors of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and are anchored in the purposes of the social work profession which are to promote the knowledge, skills, and values of the profession. These ten core competencies along with the corresponding practice behaviors are outlined below.
1. Identify with the SW profession, its mission and core values, and conduct oneself accordingly. Advocate for client access to services Practice self-reflection and self-correction Engage in life-long learning and professional growth Attend to professional roles and boundaries Use supervision and consultation as needed
2. Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice. Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW Code of Ethics and apply international standards of ethics Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice Tolerate ambiguity and cultural differences in resolving ethical conflicts Apply ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions
3. Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and colleagues Critically appraise and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge and practice wisdom Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation
4. Engage diversity and difference in practice. Understand diversity in a broad sense that includes an appreciation for both differences and similarities and social change over time Recognize the ways in which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or enhance privilege and power Appreciate the ways in which diverse cultures may foster strength and resilience Gain sufficient self-awareness to minimize the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups Recognize and communicate their understanding of the importance of differences and similarities in shaping life experiences View themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work as informants
5. Advance human rights and social and economic justice. Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
3 Advocate for human rights and social and economic justice Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice
6. Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research. Use research evidence to inform practice Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry Understand the process of evidence-informed practice
7. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the process of assessment, intervention, and evaluation
8. Engage in policy practice to address social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services. Analyze, formulate and advocate for policies that advance social well-being Collaborate with colleagues, clients, administrators, policy makers, and legislators for effective policy implementation and action
9. Respond to contexts that shape practice. Provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services
10(a). Engagement. Substantively and affectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities Use empathy and other interpersonal skills Develop a mutually agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes
10(b) Assessment Collect, organize, and interpret client data Assess client strengths and limitations Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives Select appropriate evidence informed intervention strategies
10(c) Intervention Initiate actions to achieve organizational goals Implement prevention interventions that enhance client capabilities Help clients resolve problems Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients Facilitate transitions and endings
10(d) Evaluation Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate social work interventions
4 The Bachelor of Social Work Program at TSU supports and instructs a generalist model of social work practice. The Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) is characterized by four main principles:
1. Based on a foundation of knowledge, skills, and values, which reflect the unique nature of the social work profession and incorporates evidence-based practice principles.
2. Oriented toward solving problems, which build on the strengths assessed using the ecological-systems perspective of individuals, families/groups, structural environment, culture, and history of the client.
3. Fosters an approach of assessing the bio-psycho-social-spiritual situation at all levels of intervention involving micro, mezzo, and macro systems.
4. Uses a generalist approach method, which is flexible in its application. A generalist social worker is trained to intervene at multiple client systems levels and have clients at multiple levels.
TSU students are expected to employ the Generalist Interventionist Model in their practice of social work, including during their practicum experience. By working with agency staff, personnel/practitioners, under the direct supervision of a professional social work practitioner, and through sharing experiences with college faculty and student peers during field seminar, the student's ability to apply the generalist model in practice will be enhanced.
5 TSU has adopted the Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) definition of the generalist social worker which is guided by the NASW Code of Ethics and is committed to improving the well- being of individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations and advancing the goals of social justice. Generalist social workers analyze the clients and systems via strengths perspective in order to support and build upon the intrinsic capabilities of all human beings. Using the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM), a professional problem solving process, generalist social workers then begin engaging the client to assess the situation, broker services, advocate, educate and organize on behalf of the client and client systems. Practitioners then evaluate the services and their outcomes in order to improve the process.
The Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) Problem-Solving Model involves using these competencies within six steps:
1. Assessment - This involves client identification; assessment of the person-in-environment situation; micro, mezzo, and macro aspects; aspects of diversity; and, client strengths.
2. Planning - Assessment sets the stage for the intervention while planning specifies what is to be done. Planning requires working with the client; prioritizing problems', translating problems into needs; evaluating levels (micro, mezzo, and macro) of intervention; establishing primary goals; specifying objectives; and, formalizing a contract with the client, all within the context of evidence-based social work practice.
3. Intervention - The intervention involves the actual implementation of the plan. Progress toward goal attainment is constantly monitored and assessed.
4. Evaluation - Evaluation of intervention is critical for accountability. Each goal is evaluated in terms of the extent to which it has been achieved. Evaluation techniques involve application of social work research principles to generalist practice.
5. Termination - Termination involves determining when to terminate; resolving emotional reactions (client and worker) to termination; evaluating accomplishments of goals; and, planning to maintain accomplishments.
6. Follow Up - Follow-up determines how the client is functioning without intervention; offers additional support; helps the client overcome temporary hurdles; and, suggests the need for additional intervention.
Every aspect of the Social Work Program's organization and implementation is conducted without discrimination on the basis of creed, national origin, race, gender, handicap, color, ethnicity, age, or political/sexual orientation.
Tarleton State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution.
Following admission to the Social Work Program, the student and the faculty advisor review the student’s coursework periodically. Students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and a social work GPA of 2.5 with a grade of at least “C” earned in all social work courses.
Should the student encounter difficulty in meeting the professional and/or academic requirements, the review process will bring the difficulty to the student’s attention and assist the student in making appropriate resolution. The student may use counseling and advising services at any time. Students will be required to retake any social work course in which a grade of C or better is not achieved.
Students may be denied admission into the Social Work Program or be discharged from the program for one or more of the following reasons:
Serious or repeated violation of the NASW Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Violation of TSU’s academic honesty policies. A grade point average below 2.5 overall. Failure to maintain a grade of at least “C” in all social work courses. Unprofessional social work conduct. Personal problems that interfere with the conscious and professional use of self in a helping relationship. Arrest or conviction that would prevent a field placement. Demonstrated unwillingness or inability to use supervision. Overall score of below 3 on the Rubric for Assessing Professional Behaviors included in the Student Handbook.
7 The purpose of the Social Work Field Practicum is the development of social work competence of generalist practice through the integration and application of the knowledge and understanding developed in the courses of the social work curriculum. The student’s academic learning experiences help to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for effective intervention on many levels to affect ameliorative changes on behalf of the clients and client systems.
In an agency setting, the student has the opportunity to experience growth through the use of self and application of knowledge. The student will be given opportunities to become knowledgeable about the network of services in the community as well as learn about gaps in services. The practicum experience is also designed to promote the student’s identification with the social work profession and gain appreciation of the profession’s contributions to the community and society as a whole. The educational objectives of the Field Practicum are:
1. Each student will become familiar with the structure, organization, and operation of their assigned field agency. He/she will begin to learn the social service delivery system and available resources in the community, will begin to develop a resource of information, and will be able to make appropriate referrals and help clients negotiate that system. 2. Each student must demonstrate an ability to adopt a professional role by assuming responsibility to meet agency and class work standards, by interacting appropriately and effectively with clients and colleagues, by showing accountability for their practice, by setting goals for professional development and competence, by monitoring progress toward meeting those goals, and by adhering to the NASW Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, as well as the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners’ Code of Conduct. 3. Each student will demonstrate effective communication skills by organizing information (both verbal and written) in a professional manner appropriate to the agency setting.
4. Each student is expected to increase in self-awareness of his/her strengths and weaknesses as well as his/her reactions to authority, conflict, and stress. Each student must demonstrate the ability to evaluate his/her generalist practice, make use of supervision, and change undesired behavior that violates the NASW Code of Ethics, code of conduct and professional standards when required. 5. Each student must demonstrate ability to work with diverse client systems in order to (a) conduct an assessment; (b) develop an intervention plan that identifies objectives and appropriate interventions; (c) work toward those objectives; (d) evaluate outcomes; (e) terminate appropriately; and, (f) conduct follow-up. 6. Each student must begin to demonstrate the integration of theory and evidence-based practice. 7. Each student must demonstrate the application of social work values and ethics to practice, to include developing awareness of prejudices and biases within culturally diverse populations and initiating efforts to modify those stereotypical beliefs and behaviors. The student must also demonstrate an awareness of the impact of oppression and the diverse needs of vulnerable populations.
8. The student will demonstrate the commitment and ability to plan and prepare for his or her career and ongoing professional development. The student will develop interviewing skills and a portfolio. CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE FIELD PRACTICUM SEQUENCE
8 The following criteria apply to acceptance into the Field Practicum Sequence:
Demonstrated commitment to social work values, including an awareness of diversity and a willingness to consider others’ viewpoint as demonstrated by the Rubric for Assessing Professional Behaviors. Attained at least a 2.5 grade point average, with a C or better in all previous social work courses. Completed all Social Work Pre-professional, Foundation, Practice course work (with exception of Research) and the general Liberal Arts education courses or a waiver. Demonstrated a desire to participate in field placement and to enter the social work profession. Declared Social Work as a major, and is in good standing Completed the application process, including the pre-field orientation, completed background check and acceptance by the Field Program. Completed successful interviews and acceptance by an Agency Field Placement. Students may be allowed interviews at up to three agencies for Field Placement. While every effort will be made to help guide students to an appropriate Field Placement, should a student be found unacceptable for placement after three interviews, the student will be withdrawn from the Practicum Sequence. The Field Director will put this information in writing for the field student and meet with the student to review and discuss the course of action to be taken, and the recommendations and options available regarding the possibility of any future placement. Students may not be considered for admission to the Practicum Sequence until all personal and professional issues identified in the interview process have been resolved. Attained an overall score of 3-4 indicated on all behaviors on all Professional Development Rubric behaviors (Appendix: N). ADMISSION PROCEDURE FOR FIELD PRACTICUM
Prior to admission to the Tarleton State University Field Education Program, students must:
Be admitted to the Social Work Program
Have completed Social Work Pre-professional, Foundation, Practice course work (with the exception of Research) and the general Liberal Arts education courses or a waiver.
Completed “Release of Information” form (Appendix: D) and a background check. (Appendix: C)
Made written application to the Field Program
The application and admission process takes place during the spring semester prior to entering Field Placement in the fall semester.
9 Students are eligible for the Field Practicum and Field Practicum Seminar courses once they have been accepted into the Social Work Program and have completed all of the Social Work Program’s Pre-professional, Foundation, Practice course work (with exception of Research) and the general educational course requirements.
The Field Director and the Program Director or Coordinator must approve any request for a waiver of these eligibility requirements and/or the course sequencing in advance and in writing. Additionally, in order to qualify for a waiver of these eligibility standards, students will be required to submit a written contract to be approved by the Field Director and detailing when prerequisites, any core curriculum courses, or required social work courses will be completed. This waiver and approved written contract will become a supplement to the student’s Field Learning Contract. The student will then have an obligation for satisfactory compliance with the contract and all eligibility criteria prior to the completion of Field Practicum and successful graduation from the Social Work Program.
Field progression begins during the spring semester:
During the spring semester, the Field Director conducts a mandatory pre-field orientation with all students who plan to enter the Field Practicum for the following fall semester. At the time of the orientation students are given an application for Field Practice. Students are asked to complete the application and return it to the Field Director within two weeks. The Field Director will then review applications and schedule students for individual interviews. During the orientation with the students, the Field Director also explains the placement process and expectations the Social Work Program has for students in field placement.
Based on information obtained from the students’ applications, input from other social work faculty, interviews with the students, and review of the eligibility criteria (including background check), the Field Director makes a professional decision about readiness for field practice and whether or not to admit students to the Field Program. If a student is not admitted to the Field Program, he/she is informed in person and in writing. Educational options are then discussed with the student.
Also based on the above information, the Field Director makes a professional decision about student placement in agencies. The Field Director’s decision about where a student is to be placed is based on placement supporting the best educational experience for the student rather than on personal concerns such as the amount of distance a student must travel.
During the interview, students are informed that tentative Field Placement assignments will be posted by mid-March to early April. Students are then expected to schedule appointments for interviews with their potential Field Instructors. Student interviews at the agencies are to be completed by mid-April. The Field Director informs the Field Instructors by letter that he/she should expect students to call for an interview. After the interview with the agency Field Instructor is completed, the Field Instructor informs the student and the Field Director whether or not the agency agrees to accept the student for Field Placement. Students must also be able to obtain student professional liability insurance coverage from a qualified insurance company (the
10 NASW Liability Insurance Program is preferred) in order to be assigned to a field agency. If a student is denied a Field Placement after at least three agency interviews or denial of student professional liability insurance coverage, that student will not be admitted to the Field Practicum. When students are advised of their acceptance by the agency, a final Field Placement Assignment electronic message is sent to individual students.
Prior to entering Field in the fall semester, students must provide completed “Release of Information” form (Appendix: D) and written verification of liability insurance to the Field Director. Students are to obtain individual insurance through the NASW Liability Insurance Program at their own expense. The Field Director provides students with access to the required forms and information during the spring orientation meeting. Additionally, Field Agencies may require students to undergo a separate criminal background check and other background checks and medical testing (i.e. tuberculosis testing and/or drug testing). Students will be informed of these additional requirements by the Field Agency and must comply with these mandates before beginning the Field Placement.
Students begin Field Placement I the first week of the fall semester. Students are required to spend a minimum of 16 clock hours a week (preferably two full days a week) of supervised experience for both semesters of the senior year; a total of 225 hours to be completed each semester. The agency and the student should mutually agree upon the schedule. Students will keep time sheets to be signed by their Field Instructor and submitted to the Field Director at the end of every four weeks. Field Instructors are informed of all assignments and requirements for the Field Placement Seminar.
While summer field placements are not generally offered, if a student is course complete in all social work classes and only has the field practicum remaining, the student can request to take both semesters of the field practicum during the summer sessions on the Stephenville campus. All 450 hours and seminar assignments must be completed by the end of the second summer semester. This must have prior approval by the Field Director.
TSU students pursuing a field placement through the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program will be required to meet all criteria for acceptance into the field practicum sequence. Title IV-E students under contract with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) will complete a field placement with Child Protective Services in Regions 2, 9, or 1 (summer only) in order to coincide with the Basic Skills Development (BSD) Training schedule. Title IV-E students will complete a block field placement in either Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters under the supervision of a field instructor. Students are required to complete 450 total hours in one semester. Students must be course complete before entering the IV-E field placement and enrolling in the SOCW 4632-Child Welfare Practicum course. Students are required to attend the mandatory pre-field orientation conducted by the Field Director during the Spring semester prior to entering their field placement. Prior to entering the field placement, students must provide completed “Release of Information” form (Appendix: D) and written verification of student professional liability insurance coverage to the Field Director. Students are to obtain individual insurance through the NASW Liability Insurance Program at their own expense. The Field Director provides students with the required forms and information during the spring orientation meeting. Additionally, Title IV-E students will be required to meet mandatory screening procedures by TDFPS. Title IV-E students are required to attend any mandatory meetings required of all field practicum students.
11 Night and weekend placements are very rare and difficult to find, therefore the University cannot guarantee students that they will be placed in a night and weekend facility. Students should be aware of the situation as they prepare their degree plans to avoid a misunderstanding or unrealistic expectations.
Students may not be employed by the agency while they are in field placement.
12 PROCEDURE FOR DEALING WITH UNSATISFACTORY FIELD PERFORMANCE Every effort is made (1) to encourage students who appear unsuited for social work to leave the program as early in their academic careers as possible and (2) to deny entry to the field to those students who have identifiable deficiencies. However, a student’s suitability to the social work profession and skill capabilities are also confirmed through agency setting field practicum experiences. A student’s first field education placement site serves as the place where a student can demonstrate practice with actual clients and the willingness and ability to make use of supervision. It is sometimes not clear until this point that a student has serious deficiencies that will hinder his/her practice of social work. On-going supervision is key to identifying problems early in the student’s field practicum. The field agency instructor has the responsibility to document and address any work related concerns or professional behavior on a timely basis with the student and provide appropriate counseling and guidance to remedy the concerns. The Field Director and/or Faculty Liaison, the Field Instructor and the student will discuss the problems in a face-to-face meeting and develop a Corrective Action Agreement (Appendix K). An Evaluative Conference will be held within a reasonable time for corrective behavior to be exhibited. A written record of the outcome of this conference will be provided on the Corrective Action Agreement form. If corrective behavior is not exhibited, the Field Instructor will inform the Director of Field Education of the behavior and provide the necessary documentation. The student termination process outlined in Student Termination Process section will be followed. One or more of the following are grounds for Field Practicum dismissal:
Serious or repeated violation of the NASW Code of Ethics and the Standards of Practice.
Serious or repeated violation of the placement agency rules and regulations.
Personal problems that seriously and consistently interfere with the conscious and professional use of self in a helping relationship.
Arrest or conviction that would prevent or interrupt a field placement.
Demonstrated unwillingness or inability to use supervision.
Unprofessional behavior that is unacceptable for continuation in the program.
Failure to complete 225 hours in each field placement.
13 Failure to comply with terms of any waiver of eligibility criteria or written contract, supplemental to the student’s Field Learning Contract.
Failure to comply with class policies in SOCW 4622, SOCW 4623, and/or SOCW 4632.
Grade of D or F in Field Placement Seminar component. Students who exhibit very serious deficiencies in their ability to function as beginning level social work practitioners during their first field course according to the above criteria will receive a grade of F. No student will be admitted to Field Placement II until all requirements are completed for Field I and the student has received a grade of C or better in Field Placement I.
Note: Students will be held to the same criteria in all Field courses.
A Field affiliation may be terminated by any of the participants upon written notification of the decision. The reason for termination must be submitted to all concerned parties not later than the middle of the semester which is to be the final one. There may be instances where the placement agency or the designated field instructor prefers not to accept students for one or two semesters. Likewise, the TSU Social Work Program may not be able to match students and placement agencies in a given year; this may be handled verbally and does not signify termination of the university-agency contract unless expressly written as such.
Student Termination
The placement agency or TSU may request that a student be withdrawn from the Field Program after following procedures for dealing with unsatisfactory progress when, in the professional judgment of both parties, the student’s personal conduct or educational progress is such that no further effort or time should be expended. The following process should be followed:
1. The Field Instructor shall notify TSU’s Director of Field Education regarding the specific problem (or vice versa).
2. The Director of Field Education shall meet with the Field Instructor and the student.
3. The Director of Field Education shall meet with the student to notify the student that withdrawal from field is necessary.
4. A mutual decision regarding the student’s future plans shall be derived, and that decision will be recorded in the student’s record.
5. The Director of Field Education shall confirm this termination with the Field Instructor and the student.
6. The Student will need to meet with the social work faculty to discuss future plans and appropriateness of continuation versus termination in the social work program. Termination from social work program is a likely outcome of termination at a field placement.
7. Students have a right to appeal this professional decision to the Social Work Program Director or Program Director, if desired.
15 STANDARD AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING FIELD STUDENTS TSU SW Field students are evaluated on the following criteria. Each letter corresponds to numerical values in points on the evaluation itself, which in turn corresponds to a letter grade. Points are designated as follows: A (5 points), B (4 points), C (3 points), D (2 points) and F (1 point).
Defining terms:
A. Advanced Competence—Student expertly demonstrates awareness, knowledge and skills as an emerging professional. Completes all objectives on learning contract before the end of the semester and is ready for more responsibilities. Works independently, with a minimum amount of supervision by the end for the first semester. Uses supervision effectively, asks relevant questions, and asks for feedback and critique from Field Instructor. Demonstrates social work values, skills, and knowledge beyond expectations. Completes written assignments in a timely fashion.
B. Competence—Student consistently demonstrates awareness, knowledge and skills as an emerging professional. Exceeds expectations. Completes all objectives on learning contract before the end of the semester. Works independently, with limited supervision by the end of the first semester. Uses supervision effectively, asks relevant questions, and is open to feedback and critique from Field Instructor. Demonstrates above average social work values, skills, and knowledge. Completes written assignments in a timely fashion.
C. Emerging Competence—Student inconsistently demonstrates awareness, knowledge and skills as an emerging professional. Meets foundational expectations. Completes all objectives on learning contract before the end of the semester. Able to work independently, with on- going supervision before the end of the first semester. Uses supervision effectively, asks relevant questions, and asks for feedback and critique from Field Instructor. Demonstrates social work values, skills, and knowledge at the beginning level. Completes written assignments in a timely fashion.
D. Insufficient Progress—Student rarely demonstrates awareness, knowledge and skills as an emerging professional. Needs some work to meet expectations. Does not complete some of the expectations on the learning contract due to his or her own limitations. Cannot work independently most of the time. Does not use supervision effectively, rarely asks relevant questions, and often is not open to feedback and critique from Field Instructor. Demonstrates limited social work values, skills, and knowledge. Does not complete written assignments in time to receive feedback and critique from Field Instructor prior to turning them into seminar instructor.
F. Unacceptable Progress—Student never demonstrates awareness, knowledge and skills as an emerging professional. Needs considerable work to meet expectations. Is unable to complete most learning objectives on learning contract by the end of the semester. Cannot function in the agency without constant supervision. Does not use supervision effectively. Often asks irrelevant questions and is not open to feedback and critique from Field Instructor. Demonstrates lack of social work values, skills, and knowledge.
16 Field Placement students should be aware that they are a representative of the University and the host agency. They are expected to conform to acceptable standards of dress, neatness, and courtesy to agency supervisors, fellow workers, staff members of the agency, and clients. They are to abide by the policies and regulations of the agency, as well as the following specific requirements:
1. Students are assigned to field instruction a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week (ideally consisting of two eight-hour days).
2. Students are to keep confidences as they would in any professional situation. They are not to discuss the affairs of the agency with the general public. They are to say nothing that will identify any individual client, employee, or situation. The information they discuss with the agency supervisor, the faculty instructor and/or in field seminar is confidential in nature and belongs to the agency, not to students personally or professionally. Under no circumstances are agency materials made available to field students to be used by students for other purposes. 3. Students are in field placements as learners. They are expected and encouraged to ask questions to facilitate the learning process. Students should realize that it is extremely unlikely that students’ ideas on “how things ought to be run” will be of sufficient merit to justify immediate implementation. Students should not hesitate to share their ideas, however, with their supervisor, who will listen and be interested. 4. Students may be removed from a field placement and/or receive a failing grade in this class for a serious or repeated violation(s) of these expectations, of the students’ responsibilities, of the ethics of the social work profession, or of the policies of the agency.
5. Students are not to enter into personal relationships with clients. They must not make promises to clients to provide favors or special treatment during field placement or afterwards. They are not to join with clients in any criticism of the practice setting to which they are assigned. They are not to make arrangements to meet clients away from the agency after working hours or allow a client to come to their home.
6. Under no circumstance is a student allowed to transport a client.
7. Students are expected to notify the Field Instructor and faculty liaison in advance of absences when possible. Absences extending beyond two days within the academic semester may result in a decision by faculty liaison, in consultation with the Field Instructor, to extend the practicum period beyond the scheduled ending date.
8. Field instruction begins on the first day of class of the academic semester and continues through the last day of instruction. Exceptions to the academic semester schedule may be arranged in advance to meet the agency needs. Students must complete 225 hours a semester. Agency legal holidays and appropriate religious holidays may be observed. Arrangements for religious holidays must be made in advance with the Field Instructor.
9. Students will report if they are investigated by CPS or APS, have criminal arrests, or are hospitalized for psychiatric care before or after field orientation, during breaks between semesters or during the field internships.
I have read and understand the above expectations and responsibilities. ______
17 Name (Print) Date ______Signature
18 CRITERIA FOR SELECTING FIELD INSTRUCTION SITES The Social Work Program selects Field Practicum agencies in which the student can be provided with an opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills, and values learned in the academic setting to practical problems in social welfare agencies. Close supervision by departmental faculty and Agency Field Instructors creates an opportunity for student growth and is an important part of the Field Practicum. Only social welfare agencies that have entered into a contractual, educational partnership with the TSU Social Work Program are designated as Field Practicum sites.
In the course of its history, the TSU Social Work Program has placed students in over 100 agencies in North and Central Texas. In these agencies students are exposed to diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic perspectives. While being trained by experienced social workers, students have the opportunity to work with clients, agency administrators, and other staff members whose backgrounds differ from their own.
Besides a diversity perspective, other criteria for selection of agencies include the following:
1. The agency must be willing to learn and provide educational experience using the 41 generalist practice behaviors.
2. The services provided are recognized in the community as having a credible social services function and are legally established with financial support. Licensing by the state, where indicated, is completed, and membership in a national standard-setting body appropriate to its function is desirable.
3. The agency’s and the Field Instructor’s understanding of and commitment to baccalaureate level, generalist social work practice.
4. The agency will have an employed staff with continuity possible without relying on students.
5. The activities provided in the agency will make available a sufficient volume of service experiences and a variety of these services appropriate to the learning needs of the students. Opportunities for learning and agency practice will include, depending on services, client population-at-risk, social problems, and social functions.
6. The agency’s administration operates in accord with the philosophy and goals of the social work profession and TSU Social Work Program.
19 7. The agency will provide students with suitable desks, telephone access, privacy for interviews, supplies, support services (such as secretarial time), and miscellaneous expenses incurred in providing agency services. Specifically, transportation costs associated with agency business will be reimbursed whenever possible.
8. Agencies must not allow students to transport clients in their personal automobiles under any circumstances.
1. Agency Field Instructors must be willing to learn and provide educational experience using the 41 generalist practice behaviors.
2. Agency Field Instructors must have either a BSW or an MSW from a CSWE accredited social work program and at least two years post-degree practice experience.
3. The Field Instructor must understand and support TSU Social Work Program’s Mission, definition of generalist social work practice, goals, and program objectives as well as the values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the NASW Code of Ethics.
4. The Field Instructor must have sufficient time to meet the educational needs of the student; this includes a minimum of one hour per week of formal supervision with the student. The Field Instructor will prepare for and participate in weekly supervisory conferences with the student to review and discuss the student’s performance in the agency; the student’s progress in accomplishing the Field Practicum learning objectives/indicators; and, the student’s strengths and challenges.
5. The Field Instructor must also have the time and be willing to participate in field liaison visits with students and Field Director or Faculty Liaison. At least two field visits are required between the Field Director or Faculty Liaison, the Field Instructor, and the student during the course of the student’s field placement. These field visits are held at the agency and are used to assess the student’s performance in meeting learning goals.
6. The Field Instructor is required to complete and discuss with the student both a mid-term and a final evaluation and complete an evaluation of the field practicum.
20 7. The student’s field performance must be evaluated in respect to the Generalist Social Work Practice Skills, the Field Practicum program objectives, corresponding Social Work Program educational objectives and the Social Work Program Competencies. A student should not be evaluated solely on the delivery of the agency’s services.
8. Occasionally, an agency has the quantity and quality of experiences available to meet the educational needs of students, but does not have a qualified Field Instructor on its staff. If the agency’s services are unique and not available elsewhere, a faculty member may be assigned to act as supervisor to fulfill field instruction.
9. Field Instructors are expected to participate in at least one Field Instructor training workshop each year. The TSU Field Program provides the training.
10.The Field Instructor will complete a Field Instructor Information Form and provide a current resume. The TSU Field Director will review and approve instructors to insure their qualifications are appropriate for generalist social work practice integration.
The TSU Social Work Program Field Director is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Field Practicum Program. The Field Director works conjointly with the students, social work faculty, social service agency instructors, and the Social Work Program and Field Advisory Committee to assure adherence to the policies and procedures outlined in the Field Instruction Manual. Additional responsibilities include:
1. Conduct an initial screening of students applying for a practicum and assess their readiness for this stage of their social work education.
2. During the prior semester, TSU conducts a mandatory pre-field orientation with all students who plan to enter the Field Practicum for the following semester.
3. Review student field applications and makes determination of the agency placement site.
4. Provide suggested learning goals to aid in the design of agency learning objectives developed by the student and agency field instructor.
5. Conducts at least two on-site visits with the student and agency instructor during the course of the student’s field placement.
21 6. Facilitate a resolution to field-related problems that may arise.
7. Provide guidelines and evaluation tools for the evaluation of the student.
8. Provide needed training on the Field Practicum program and practicum supervision to agency-based practicum instructors.
9. Monitor and evaluate the quality of practicum experiences provided by the various agencies and organizations utilized as practicum settings.
10. Develop a Program and Field Advisory Board comprised of representatives of social service agencies in the community to guide Field Program activities.
11. Facilitate meetings of the Program and Field Advisory Board at least once a semester, or as directed by the Committee.
Adapted from The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students,(2008) by C.L. Garthwait
The purpose of the Social Work Program and Field Advisory Board is multi-fold:
To provide current information on trends, issues, and unmet needs within the social work community Assist in the development of the most optimal field practicum for students Provide consultation in an effort to enhance the social work curriculum in response to the changing trends in social work practice Assist in improving integration between the social work curriculum and field placement experiences Enhance the collaboration between Tarleton State University, and the social service community, and the broader communities served by the Tarleton State University Social Work Program. Provide consultation to the Social Work and Field Programs in the area of ethics, overall program development including field, and the continued development of criteria for field instruction Provide recognition for the contributions made by outstanding Field Instructors
Membership Criteria and Term:
Membership in the Social Work Program and Field Advisory Board is open to individuals who are involved in the Tarleton State University Social Work and Field Programs.
22 Membership will represent a cross-section of the social service community including representatives from Behavioral Health; Aging; Schools; Children and Families; Medical; Community Outreach; Criminal Justice; Special Needs; Administrative Members are asked to make a commitment of not less than two (2) academic years or more than (4) years of Board service. Members will be assigned a term of office upon acceptance to the Board, and Board member terms will be staggered. Members are required to attend a minimum of 50% of scheduled Board meetings per academic year to remain an active Board member. Consideration for membership in the Board can be initiated by an individual, or agency representatives, who are actively involved in the Tarleton State University Field Program; from an invitation from the Director of the Field Education, or from the Social Work Program Campus Coordinators or the Director. Final determination of Social Work Program Board membership is the responsibility of the Director of the Social Work Program, and final determination of the Field Board membership is made by the Director of Field Education including replacing Board members upon resignation. Two Tarleton State University social work students are also members. Students are chosen by the Program Director, Field Director and Faculty.
25 FIELD INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION FORM (Résumé to be attached to this form)
Name: Title at Agency:
Home Address: Agency Address:
Home City, State & Zip Agency City, State & Zip
Home Phone: Agency Phone:
Home Email Address: Agency Email Address:
Signature Date
Please attach a resumé that includes Generalist Practice experience and mail or email to the appropriate campus:
TSU Stephenville/Fort Worth/Waco Campuses Francine Esposito Pratt, MSSW, LMSW-AP Director of Field Education BOX T-0665 STEPHENVILLE, TX 76402
27 The following is an agreement between the Social Work Program at TSU with the designated Social Service Agency (referred to as the Agency) to provide field experiences for social work students.
1. TSU will provide students to the Agency to engage in field experience during the given semester.
2. TSU will assume responsibility for the selection of students and will share with the Agency the student’s academic qualifications. Agency will also receive information about student’s volunteer and work experience.
3. The Agency will interview potential students for field placement. TSU understands and accepts that the Agency has the right to reject a student for field experience. If the Agency has developed written criteria for students to be in placement in their Agency, TSU requests that the Social Work Program be furnished a copy of those written criteria.
4. The Agency will follow procedures for dealing with a student’s unsatisfactory field performance. If a student is deemed unsuitable for continuation in the field agency, termination procedures will be initiated. (See Procedure for Dealing with Unsatisfactory Field Performance and Student Termination Process).
5. TSU will provide the Agency with specified educational objectives to be met by the student while in field placement.
6. The Agency will provide the student with cases, client contact, and other appropriate learning experiences in order to meet the educational objectives of the Field Practicum.
7. The Agency will provide the use of existing office space, including privacy for interviewing, and such equipment and supplies as are necessary to accomplish the learning tasks.
8. The Agency agrees to provide the appropriate Field Instructor(s) time to give supervision to the student while in placement. That Field Instructor agrees to participate in the evaluation of the student’s field performance.
28 9. The Field Instructor will provide on-going supervision throughout the student’s field placement and will provide at least one hour per week of formal supervision to the student.
10.TSU agrees to provide a faculty member to serve as educational liaison with the Agency around the student’s field placement.
11.The Agency agrees to inform TSU regarding any change in policies, procedures, and/or staffing that might affect the quality or nature of field instruction.
12.The Agency agrees to provide TSU with Agency standards and regulations for personnel. Students are expected to put in sixteen hours a week within their Agency. Students are expected to follow office guidelines for Agency hours and other regulations as may be appropriate.
13.Students and TSU agree to protect the confidentiality of Agency clients. Any written material required for seminars or papers in social work courses will be appropriately disguised so as to protect confidentiality of the Agency and the clients.
14.TSU takes the final responsibility for the assignment of student grades.
15.This contract is valid until either the Agency or TSU provides thirty days’ notice to the other party for the need to cancel the contract. The contract shall be canceled effective thirty (30) days after the receipt of such notice.
16. All final Field II evaluations must be completed online using the link provided to Field Placement Supervisors for each individual student. The student will hand carry a letter to the supervisor with their personalized evaluation link three weeks prior to the due date.
Agency Representative: ______Signature and Title Date
Field Director, Social Work Program Date
______Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Date
Or ______Vice President for Finance & Administration Date
The following information is for the use of the Social Work Program only.
Please complete the following:
Full Name ______First Middle Last
Previous Name(s) Used
______i.e. maiden name, etc.
Date of Birth
Students will not be allowed to go to Field Placement without the results of the background check. The Social Work Program will discuss any questionable
31 results with the student before making a final decision on the student’s status in the program.
***Students will report if they are investigated by CPS or APS, have criminal arrests, or are hospitalized for psychiatric care after field orientation, during breaks between semesters or during the field internships. Though this information may not exclude the student from continuing in the social work program, a positive background may impede or prevent the program from finding a field placement.
32 Social Work Program Release of Information Form
I, ______Student’s Name Universal Identification Number (UIN) authorize the TSU Social Work Program to release and exchange with the Agency Based Field Instructor in oral and/or written reports, information concerning my physical and mental health, history of drug abuse, and criminal history.
I understand that no disclosure of my records can be made without my written consent unless otherwise provided for in legal statutes and judicial decisions. I understand that this release will expire two (2) years from the date signed below.
______Student’s Signature Director, Field Director, or Campus Coordinator of Social Work Program
Date: ______Witness: ______
Street Address Phone ( )
City State Zip
E-mail Address CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Employer Phone ( )
Job Title Hrs/Wk CRIMINAL HISTORY Have you ever been arrested? If yes, dates of arrest: YES NO
Were you convicted for the arrest? YES NO
What charge(s) were filed in the arrest? YES NO MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HISTORY: Are you currently undergoing counseling/psychotherapy? YES NO If yes, without going into detail, what is the nature of the issue/problem for which you are receiving counseling/psychotherapy?
Have you ever been hospitalized for mental/emotional problems? YES NO
If yes, please provide the following information for each hospitalization. An additional sheet may be attached, if necessary.
Dates of Hospitalization
Name and Address of Hospital
Dates of Treatment DRUG & ALCOHOL HISTORY Have you ever been in a drug and/or alcohol treatment or detoxification center as a client? YES NO
35 If yes, please list the following information. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Dates of Treatment Dates you complete treatment? YES NO
Name and Address of Hospital
Are you aware of a condition/circumstance that might represent increased liability to you, the University, or YES NO social service agencies where you will complete your field placement? *NOTE: Failure to disclose such information is grounds for denial of admission or later dismissal from the program.
The faculty may request a written appraisal or evaluative statement from an appropriate professional attesting to the current readiness and fitness of the applicant to enter the Social Work Degree Program. Acknowledgement of criminal activity, mental/emotional problems, or drug and alcohol abuse are not automatically grounds for denial of the application. The program fully realizes that many people go into fields such as Social Work after facing and dealing with their own personal life issues. The purpose of this section is to ensure that students who are admitted to the program are not actively dealing with issues or exhibiting behaviors that would impair their ability to 1) succeed in such a rigorous program as Social Work; 2) deal with people as an effective helping professional; and/or 3) conform to the standards and expectations of the profession. The Program may require a professional assessment of the person's ability to function should questions arise over any of these areas until completion of the program.
ACADEMIC DATA List any previous university or college attended. Name of College Major Name of College Major Name of College Major Overall number of credit hours completed Overall GPA TSU/TAMUCT GPA LIST ALL CSWE ACCREDITED SOCIAL WORK COURSES AND GRADES:
1. Immediately after graduation:
2. Long Range
36 Signature Date
FIELD INSTRUCTION LEARNING CONTRACT (SAMPLE ONLY) (Place check mark in correct blank: ___1st Semester ___2nd Semester)
TSU Social Work Generalist Tasks/Activities Evaluation Learning Practice Behaviors Competencies 2.1.1— Specific agency tasks and activities This list is not inclusive. Identify as a must be added to this column. Student, Choose the appropriate professional in consultation with Field Instructor, evaluative method for your social will create appropriate tasks/activities task/activity. An evaluative worker and under each competency in addition to method can include any of the appropriate field program tasks or the following: conduct activities below: • Learning oneself contract accordingly. • Student will create a assignments advocate for client community resource • Graded access to the directory/manual at the assignments services of social agency and have this • Non-graded work; completed by the 2nd week assignments(tim of class.______e sheets, supervision • Student will complete logs) journals/process • Mid-term recordings and have evaluation practice personal supervision weekly. • Final evaluation reflection and self- • Supervision correction to assure feedback continual • Student will review the • Task supervisor professional National Association of feedback development; Social Work Code of • Co-Worker Conduct and Texas Social feedback Work Code of Conduct • Field seminar attend to and write a one-page feedback professional roles paper discussing how the • Agency and boundaries; code of conduct impacts project/assignm service delivery at their ent agency.______• Client feedback • Student will review the agency dress code and complete a one paragraph detailing the dress code procedures.______Student will write out a formal schedule that is planned and agreed upon demonstrate by the supervisor within st professional the 1 week of internship. demeanor in Student will also include behavior, the preferred contact appearance, and method of the supervisor, communication; should an illness or emergency
38 occur.______• Student will be oriented on agency policy and procedures. Student will review the code of conduct for the agency. • Student will attend local trainings, Continuing Education Unit’s, and conferences of interest.______Student will complete resume assignment. Student will complete Social Work professional portfolio. • Student will be prepared for supervision meeting, with at least three areas to engage in career- discuss every week. long learning; and (theory, ethics, procedures) The form must be written in advance for the meeting with the areas to discuss completed. *Refer to syllabi schedule for due dates
use supervision and consultation. 2.1.2— recognize and • Student will complete This list is not inclusive. Apply social manage personal journals/process Choose the appropriate work ethical values in a way that recordings that include evaluative method for your principles to allows professional reflection/feelings/challen task/activity. An evaluative guide values to guide ges. Student will discuss method can include any of practice; any concerns during the following: professional weekly supervision. • Learning practice. • Student will review the contract National Association of assignments Social Work code of • Graded make ethical conduct and Texas Social assignments decisions by Work code of conduct and • Non-graded applying standards write a one-page paper assignments(tim of the NASW discussing how the Code e sheets, Code of Ethics and, of Conduct impacts supervision as applicable, of the service delivery at their logs) International agency.______• Mid-term Federation of Social • Student will attend evaluation Workers/Internation Multidisciplinary Team • Final evaluation al Association of meeting(MDT) and • Supervision Schools of Social complete agency feedback Work Ethics in analysisand community • Task supervisor Social Work, paper. Student will feedback Statement of participate with staffings • Co-Worker Principles; with supervisor.______feedback
39 • Student will attend • Field seminar Multidisciplinary Team feedback Meeting and complete • Agency tolerate ambiguity agency analysisand project/assignm in resolving ethical community paper. ent conflicts; and *Refer to syllabi schedule for due • Client feedback dates
apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions. TSU Social Work Generalist Tasks/Activities Evaluation Learning Practice Behaviors Competencies 2.1.3— distinguish, • Student will complete This list is not inclusive. Apply appraise, and integrative client Choose the appropriate critical integrate multiple assessment & annotated evaluative method for your thinking to sources of bibliography paper. task/activity. An evaluative inform and knowledge, method can include any of • Student will complete a the following: communicat including research- based knowledge, journals/process • Learning e and practice recordings that will contract professional wisdom; discuss two theoretical assignments judgments. analyze models of frameworks used. Student • Graded assessment, will also complete the assignments prevention, integrative client • Non-graded intervention, and assessment & annotated assignments(tim evaluation; and bibliography. Student e sheets, will write a theory paper. supervision logs) • Student will document • Mid-term appropriate case notes evaluation during meetings, when • Final evaluation sending emails, and when • Supervision completing client feedback assessments. Student will • Task supervisor take notes at feedback demonstrate Multidisciplinary Team • Co-Worker effective oral and meeting._ feedback written • Field seminar communication in *Refer to syllabi schedule for due feedback working with dates • Agency individuals, project/assignm families, groups, ent organizations, • Client feedback communities, and colleagues.
40 2.1.4— recognize the • Student will complete the This list is not inclusive. Engage extent to which a integrative assessment & Choose the appropriate diversity culture’s structures annotated bibliography. evaluative method for your and and values may task/activity. An evaluative • Student will identify on method can include any of difference oppress, marginalize, population served by the the following: in practice. alienate, or create agency that they may have • Learning or enhance personal values, religious contract privilege and bias, or political assignments power; differences with. The • Graded gain sufficient student is to then research assignments self-awareness to which specific social work • Non-graded eliminate the value or specific ethic this assignments(tim influence of deals with. Student will e sheets, personal biases and write out one paragraph, supervision values in working American Psychological logs) with diverse Association(APA) style • Mid-term groups; detailing how they plan to evaluation make their field instructor • Final evaluation aware of this potential • Supervision conflict.______Student feedback will write a self-awareness • Task supervisor paper. feedback • Co-Worker • Student will complete an feedback integrative client • Field seminar assessment & annotated feedback bibliography. Student • Agency will also complete agency project/assignm assessments and journals. ent Student will complete a • Client feedback summary paper.
• Student will complete the awareness of agency & recognize and community paper. communicate their Student will also complete understanding of an agency presentation in the importance of class. difference in shaping life *Refer to syllabi schedule for due experiences; and dates
view themselves
41 as learners and engage those with whom they work as informants.
TSU Social Work Generalist Tasks/Activities Evaluation Learning Practice Behaviors Competencies 2.1.5— understand the • Student will complete This list is not inclusive. Advance forms and agency analysis& Choose the appropriate human mechanisms of community paper. evaluative method for your rights and oppression and Student will also complete task/activity. An evaluative a 1 paragraph APA method can include any of social and discrimination; assignment explaining the following: economic what oppression and • Learning justice. discrimination is and each contract would look like directly assignments and indirectly at their • Graded agency. ______assignments • Student will complete • Non-graded agency analysis& assignments(tim community paper and e sheets, advocate for discuss recommendations supervision with logs) human rights and supervisor.______• Mid-term social and • Student will research the evaluation economic justice; state senators and • Final evaluation and representatives for the • Supervision local county districts and feedback provide their contact • Task supervisor information.______feedback engage in Student is to make a list of • Co-Worker practices that 5 referral places within feedback advance social the agency’s community • Field seminar that student can refer a feedback and economic client to who is not able to • Agency justice. seek services at current project/assignm agency.__ ent *Refer to syllabi schedule for due • Client feedback dates
2.1.6— use practice • Student will complete the This list is not inclusive. Engage in experience to integrative client Choose the appropriate research- inform scientific assessment & annotated evaluative method for your
42 informed inquiry and bibliography. task/activity. An evaluative practice • Student will identify one method can include any of and Practice theory used at the following: practice- use research their agency, research the • Learning theory and then find two contract informed evidence to peer reviewed journal assignments research. inform practice. articles related to working • Graded with this population at assignments their agency. The student • Non-graded will write up two assignments(tim annotated bibliographies e sheets, using APA. supervision *Refer to syllabi schedule for due logs) dates • Mid-term evaluation • Final evaluation • Supervision feedback • Task supervisor feedback • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
2.1.7— utilize • Student will complete the Apply conceptual integrative client knowledge frameworks to assessment & annotated of human guide the bibliography. Student will complete weekly behavior processes of journals that include 2 and the assessment, theoretical frameworks. social intervention, and Student will also identify environmen evaluation; and 3 HBSE theories that t. apply to the populations served and write a 3 paragraph paper to explain this.______• Student will complete the integrative client assessment & annotated bibliography. Student will complete critique and journals/process apply knowledge recordings that will reflect to understand on client interaction. person and *Refer to syllabi schedule for due environment. dates TSU Social Work Generalist Tasks/Activities Evaluation Learning Practice Behaviors Competencies
43 2.1.8— analyze, • The student will identify This list is not inclusive. Engage in formulate, and at least one major policy Choose the appropriate policy advocate for within the agency that is evaluative method for your practice to policies that currently being used for task/activity. An evaluative advance advance social funding. Once the method can include any of well-being; and funding is identified then the following: social and the student is to write a • Learning economic one paragraph describing contract well-being how this policy impacts assignments and to the clients in terms of • Graded deliver services. (Does it limit assignments effective services to a particular • Non-graded social work population? Does it assignments(tim services. unintentionally leave out e sheets, populations that need supervision services?)______logs) • Student will complete • Mid-term integrative client evaluation assessment & community • Final evaluation paper and discuss • Supervision collaborate with recommendations with feedback colleagues and supervisor. • Task supervisor clients for effective *Refer to syllabi schedule for due feedback policy action. dates • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
2.1.9— continuously • Student will research and This list is not inclusive. Respond to discover, appraise, review agency statistics Choose the appropriate contexts and attend to within 2 years in regards evaluative method for your that shape changing locales, to demographics of task/activity. An evaluative practice. populations, populations served and method can include any of scientific and identify one trend. the following: technological Student will complete a developments, and one page report on this • Learning emerging societal trend. APA______contract trends to provide • Student will attend MDT assignments
44 relevant services; meeting. • Graded and *Refer to syllabi schedule for due assignments dates • Non-graded assignments(tim e sheets, supervision provide leadership logs) in promoting • Mid-term sustainable changes evaluation in service delivery • Final evaluation and practice to • Supervision improve the quality feedback of social services. • Task supervisor feedback • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
TSU Social Work Generalist Tasks/Activities Evaluation Learning Practice Behaviors Competencies [2.1.10(a)– substantively and • Student will be prepared with This list is not inclusive. (d)— affectively prepare community resource directory/manual Choose the appropriate Engage, for action with when working with agency clients. evaluative method for your assess, individuals, task/activity. An evaluative intervene, families, groups, method can include any of • Student will write a weekly the following: and evaluate organizations, and communities; journal and identify skills used with • Learning with clients. contract individuals, • Student will complete assignments families, use empathy and treatment plans agreed upon by the • Graded groups, other interpersonal client and agency. assignments organization skills; and *Refer to syllabi schedule for due • Non-graded s, and dates assignments(tim communities develop a e sheets, .] mutually agreed-on supervision 2.1.10(a)— focus of work and logs) Engagement desired outcomes. • Mid-term evaluation • Final evaluation • Supervision feedback • Task supervisor feedback • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm
45 ent • Client feedback
2.1.10(b)— collect, organize, • Student will complete client intake Assessment and interpret client assessment and complete case data; documentation. • Student will complete integrative assess client client assessment & annotated strengths and bibliography. limitations; • Student will complete a treatment plan agreed upon by client and agency. develop mutually • Student will complete a treatment plan agreed-on agreed upon by client and agency. intervention goals *Refer to syllabi schedule for due and objectives; and dates
select appropriate intervention strategies.
2.1.10(c)— initiate actions to • Student will complete a This list is not inclusive. Interventio achieve treatment plan agreed Choose the appropriate n organizational upon by client and evaluative method for your goals; agency. task/activity. An evaluative • Student will educate client method can include any of on preventative measures the following: implement to assist client. • Learning prevention • Student will allow client contract interventions that to collaborate in problem assignments enhance client solving. • Graded capacities; • Student will provide client assignments rights in reference to • Non-graded help clients agency services. assignments(tim resolve problems; • Student will practice e sheets, follow up and termination supervision with clients. logs) negotiate, *Refer to syllabi schedule for due • Mid-term mediate, and dates evaluation advocate for clients; • Final evaluation and • Supervision feedback facilitate • Task supervisor transitions and feedback endings. • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
2.1.10(d)— . analyze, Student will journal weekly on This list is not inclusive. Evaluation . monitor, and interventions used with clients to Choose the appropriate . evaluate evaluate effectiveness. Student evaluative method for your interventions will complete integrative client task/activity. An evaluative assessment. method can include any of
46 Student will also practice follow up the following: with clients to assess service • Learning provided. contract *Refer to syllabi schedule for due assignments dates • Graded assignments • Non-graded assignments(tim e sheets, supervision logs) • Mid-term evaluation • Final evaluation • Supervision feedback • Task supervisor feedback • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
Personal Behaviors Tasks/Activities Evaluation Objectives To practice Identify Student will write a one page This list is not inclusive. appropriate healthy paper identifying two ethical Choose the appropriate and effective self-care responsibilities as evaluative method for your self-care strategies professionals related to self task/activity. An evaluative Identify care. Additionally, the student method can include any of unhealthy will identify unhealthy self the following: self- care care strategies used and then • Learning strategies. explain how he/she will contract replace each with a healthy assignments self care strategy. • Graded *Refer to syllabi schedule for due assignments dates • Non-graded assignments(tim e sheets, supervision logs) • Mid-term evaluation • Final evaluation • Supervision feedback • Task supervisor feedback • Co-Worker feedback • Field seminar feedback
47 • Agency project/assignm ent • Client feedback
We understand this learning contract will be the basis for evaluating student performance in the Field Placement. We also understand that we will follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the TSU Field Manual.
______Student Signature Date
______Field Instructor Signature Date
______Field Director Signature Date
Rating Scale for Evaluation of Field Placement Performance
Instructions for rating students on the 10 Competencies and related Practice Behaviors in the First Part of the Evaluation: The standard by which an intern is to be compared is that of a new, beginning- level, generalist social worker. The 10 competencies specified in this evaluation form are those established by our national accrediting organization (the Council on Social Work Education [CSWE]). Under each competency statement are the practice behaviors we ask that you rate the student on using the following criteria: 5 (A grade equivalent): The student has excelled at applying the practice behavior in this area. 4 (B grade equivalent): The student is functioning above expectations at applying the practice behavior in this area. 3 (C grade equivalent): The student has met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area. 2 (D grade equivalent): The student has not yet met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area, but will do so in the near future. 1 (F grade equivalent): The student has not met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area and will not be able to do so. Not Yet Observed (not able to grade based on limited or missing information): The student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate the competence of applying the practice behavior in this area. NOTE: This option may only be applied, if applicable, during the midterm evaluation for Field I. Comments should be made under any competency statement. Please be sure to indicate those areas in which you think the intern is particularly strong and those areas in which you think the intern needs improvement.
The grade that is assigned will be based on the faculty liaison's overall evaluation of the student's performance in the field placement in conjunction with the field instructor's evaluation and other submitted materials such as: intern logs, seminar participation, and papers that integrate field with classroom instruction. If you prefer to use another evaluation system in addition to this form to evaluate a student's performance, please discuss this with the faculty supervisor. *Survey adapted from rubric courtesy of Charles Zastrow, Ph.D., George Williams College, Williams Bay, WI.
50 Information
1) Please select the primary campus location your intern is affiliated with:* ( ) TSU- Stephenville Campus ( ) TSU-Waco Campus ( ) TSU-Ft. Worth Campus
2) Please select the semester of the evaluation:* ( ) Midterm 1st Semester ( ) Final 1st Semester ( ) Final 2nd Semester
3) Please provide the student's name, your name and your contact information below:* Student's Name: ______Semester and Year of evaluation (ex: Spring 2012): ______Your Name: ______Name of Your Agency : ______Your Email Address: ______Your Phone Number: ______
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.1 Student identifies as a professional social worker and conducts oneself accordingly* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student 5 (A): 3 (C): Student has not met the Not Yet Observed: The is functioning has not yet met Student has has met the expectations student has not had the above the expectations excelled at expectations for applying opportunity to expectations for applying the applying the for applying the practice demonstrate the at applying practice behavior practice the practice behavior in this competence of applying the practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in this area, and will the practice behavior in behavior in will do so in the this area. area. not be able to this area. this area. near future. do so. 2.1.1.a: Advocates ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for client access to the services of social work 2.1.1.b: Practices ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) personal reflection
51 and self-correction to assure continual professional 2.1.1.c: Attends to ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) professional roles and boundaries 2.1.1.d: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Demonstrates professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication 2.1.1.e: Engages in ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) career-long learning 2.1.1.f: Uses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) supervision and consultation Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.2 Student applies social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student 5 (A): 3 (C): Student has not met the Not Yet Observed: The is functioning has not yet met Student has has met the expectations student has not had the above the expectations excelled at expectations for applying opportunity to expectations for applying the applying the for applying the practice demonstrate the at applying practice behavior practice the practice behavior in this competence of applying the practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in this area, and will the practice behavior in behavior in will do so in the this area. area. not be able to this area. this area. near future. do so. 2.1.2.a:Recognizes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and manages personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice 2.1.2.b: Makes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ethical decisions by applying standards of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics 2.1.2.c: Tolerates ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts 2.1.2.d: Applies ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
52 Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.3 Student applies critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.* 1 (A): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student has has not met 5 (A): 3 (C): Student Not Yet Observed: The is functioning not yet met the the Student has has met the student has not had the above expectations for expectations excelled at expectations opportunity to expectations applying the for applying applying the for applying demonstrate the at applying practice behavior the practice practice the practice competence of applying the practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in behavior in this the practice behavior in behavior in will do so in the this area, and this area. area. this area. this area. near future. will not be able to do so. 2.1.3.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Distinguishes, appraises, and integrates multiple sources of knowledge, including research- based knowledge, and practice wisdom 2.1.3.b: Analyzes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation 2.1.3.c: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Demonstrates effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and colleagues Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.4 Student engages diversity and difference in practice.* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student has has not met 5 (A): 3 (C): Student Not Yet Observed: The is functioning not yet met the the Student has has met the student has not had the above expectations for expectations excelled at expectations opportunity to expectations applying the for applying applying the for applying demonstrate the at applying practice behavior the practice practice the practice competence of applying the practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in behavior in this the practice behavior in behavior in will do so in the this area, and this area. area. this area. this area. near future. will not be able to do so. 2.1.4.a:Recognizes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
53 the extent to which a culture's structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power 2.1.4.b: Gains ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) sufficient self- awareness to eliminate the influence of personal bias and values in working with diverse groups 2.1.4.c:Recognizes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and communicates their understanding of the importance of difference in shaping life experiences 2.1.4.d:Views ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) themselves as learners and engages those with whom they work as informants Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.5 Student advances human rights and social and economic justice.* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student has has not met 5 (A): 3 (C): Student Not Yet Observed: The is functioning not yet met the the Student has has met the student has not had the above expectations for expectations excelled at expectations opportunity to expectations applying the for applying applying the for applying demonstrate the at applying practice behavior the practice practice the practice competence of applying the practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in behavior in this the practice behavior in behavior in will do so in the this area, and this area. area. this area. this area. near future. will not be able to do so. 2.1.5.a:Understands ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination 2.1.5.b: Advocates ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for human rights and social and economic justice 2.1.5.c:Engages in ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) practices that advance social and economic justice
54 Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.6 Student engages in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student has has not met 5 (A): 3 (C): Student Not Yet Observed: The is functioning not yet met the the Student has has met the student has not had the above expectations for expectations excelled at expectations for opportunity to expectations at applying the for applying applying applying the demonstrate the applying the practice behavior the practice the practice practice competence of applying practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in behavior in this the practice behavior in behavior in this will do so in the this area, and this area. area. this area. area. near future. will not be able to do so. 2.1.6.a:Uses practice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) experience to inform scientific inquiry 2.1.6.b: Uses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) research evidence to inform practice Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.7 Student applies knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.* 1 (F): 5 (A): 2 (D): Student Student has Student 4 (B): Student 3 (C): Student has not yet met not met the Not Yet Observed: has is functioning has met the the expectations expectations The student has not excelled at above expectations for applying the for applying had the opportunity applying expectations for applying practice the practice to demonstrate the the at applying the practice behavior in this behavior in competence of practice the practice behavior in area, but will do this area, applying the practice behavior behavior in this area. so in the near and will not behavior in this area. in this this area. future. be able to do area. so. 2.1.7.a: Utilizes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) conceptual frameworks to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and
55 evaluation 2.1.7.b: Critiques and ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) applies knowledge to understand the person and environment Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.8 Student engages in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.* 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 2 (D): Student has not met 5 (A): 3 (C): Student Not Yet Observed: The is functioning has not yet met the Student has has met the student has not had the above the expectations expectations excelled at expectations for opportunity to expectations at for applying the for applying applying applying the demonstrate the applying the practice behavior the practice the practice practice competence of applying practice in this area, but behavior in behavior in behavior in this the practice behavior in behavior in this will do so in the this area, and this area. area. this area. area. near future. will not be able to do so. 2.1.8.a: Analyzes, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) formulates, and advocates for policies that advance social well-being 2.1.8.b: Collaborates ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) with colleagues and clients for effective policy action
Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
56 Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.9 Student responds to contexts that shape practice.* 2 (D): Student 1 (F): Student 4 (B): Student 5 (A): 3 (C): Student has not yet met has not met the Not Yet Observed: is functioning Student has has met the the expectationsexpectations for The student has not above excelled at expectations forfor applying the applying the had the opportunity to expectations at applying applying the practice practice demonstrate the applying the the practice practice behavior in this behavior in this competence of practice behavior in behavior in this area, but will area, and will applying the practice behavior in this this area. area. do so in the not be able to behavior in this area. area. near future. do so. 2.1.9.a: Continuously ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) discovers, appraises, and attends to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services 2.1.9.b: Provides ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services
Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
57 Please rate your level of efficacy with the following: Competency 2.1.10 (a) – (d) Student engages, assesses, intervenes and evaluates with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.* Not Yet 2 (D): Student 1 (F): Student Observed: The 4 (B): Student 5 (A): 3 (C): Student has not yet met has not met the student has not is functioning Student has has met the the expectationsexpectations for had the above excelled at expectations forfor applying the applying the opportunity to expectations at applying applying the practice practice demonstrate the applying the the practice practice behavior in this behavior in this competence of practice behavior in behavior in this area, but will area, and will applying the behavior in this this area. area. do so in the not be able to practice area. near future. do so. behavior in this area. 2.1.10.a(a): Substantively and ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) affectively prepares for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities 2.1.10.a(b): Uses empathy and ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) other interpersonal skills 2.1.10.a(c): Develops a mutually ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes 2.1.10.b(d): Collects, organizes, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and interprets client data 2.1.10.b(e): Assesses client ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) strengths and limitations 2.1.10.b(f): Develops mutually ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) agreed-on intervention goals and objectives 2.1.10.b(g): Selects appropriate ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) intervention strategies 2.1.10.c(h): Initiates actions to ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) achieve organizational goals 2.1.10.c(i): Implements ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) prevention interventions that enhance client capacities 2.1.10.c(j):Helps clients resolve ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) problems 2.1.10.c(k):Negotiates, mediates, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and advocates for clients 2.1.10.c(l): Facilitates transitions ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and endings 2.1.10.d(m):Critically analyzes, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) monitors, and evaluates interventions
Please provide an overall comment on your ratings of the student in this competency area. Please be certain to comment on all Not Yet Observed responses.*
58 I certify that the ratings that I have selected above are true to the best of my knowledge. By providing a check mark in this box, it indicates my signature. * [ ] Certification
Overall Evaluation at MIDTERM 1st Semester* Please check one of the following: [ ] This intern is excelling in field placement by performing above expectations for interns. [ ] This intern is meeting the expectations of a field placement intern. [ ] This intern is functioning somewhat below the expectations of a field placement intern. There is a question whether this inter will be ready for beginning level social work practice by the end of placement. [ ] This intern is functioning below the expectations of a field placement intern. There is considerable concern that this intern will not be ready for beginning level social work practice by the end of placement. This intern should perhaps be encouraged to pursue another major. Comments: ______
Overall Evaluation at FINAL 1st Semester* Please check one of the following: [ ] This intern is excelling in field placement by performing above expectations for interns. [ ] This intern is meeting the expectations of a field placement intern. [ ] This intern is functioning somewhat below the expectations of a field placement intern. There is a question whether this inter will be ready for beginning level social work practice by the end of placement. [ ] This intern is functioning below the expectations of a field placement intern. There is considerable concern that this intern will not be ready for beginning level social work practice by the end of placement. This intern should perhaps be encouraged to pursue another major. Comments: ______
Overall Evaluation at FINAL 2nd Semester* Please check one of the following: [ ] This intern has excelled in field placement by performing above expectations for interns. If an appropriate position were open at this agency, for a beginning level social worker, this intern would be considered among the top candidates for the position. [ ] This intern has met the expectations of the field placement. This intern is ready for beginning level social work practice. [ ] This intern is not ready for beginning level social work practice. [ ] This intern is not yet ready for beginning level social work practice, and has demonstrated serious problems in performance, and perhaps should be encouraged to pursue another major. Comments: ______
59 IMPORTANT NEXT STEPS: Please print a copy of this evaluation to review with your intern. Have your intern acknowledge receipt by reading and signing the following: ______My agency supervisor has discussed this evaluation with me, and I have received a copy. My agreement or disagreement follows*:
O I agree with the evaluation O I do not agree with the evaluation
Intern's Signature: ______
Date: ______
Field Instructor Signature: ______
Date: ______
*Note: If the intern disagrees with the evaluation, the disagreement should be stated in writing and a copy submitted to both the agency supervisor and the faculty supervisor. A meeting between the student, agency supervisor, and faculty supervisor should then be held to discuss the disagreement.
Thank You! Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your responses are very important to us.
61 STUDENT SELF EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE IN THE FIELD (SSES) Instructions for rating yourself on the 10 Competencies and underlying Practice Behaviors: The 10 competencies specified in this evaluation form are those established by our national accrediting organization (the Council on Social Work Education [CSWE]). Under each competency statement are the practice behaviors we ask that you rate yourself on using the following criteria: 5 (A grade equivalent): I have excelled at applying the practice behavior in this area. 4 (B grade equivalent): I am functioning above expectations at applying the practice behavior in this area. 3 (C grade equivalent): I have met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area. 2 (D grade equivalent): I have not yet met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area, but will do so in the near future. 1 (F grade equivalent): I have not met the expectations for applying the practice behavior in this area, and will not be able to do so. Not Yet Demonstrated: I have not had the opportunity to demonstrate the competence of applying the practice behavior in this area. Note: This option is only available during the Field I Midterm Evaluation period. Comments regarding your rating are required for each competency. Please be sure to indicate those areas in which you think you are particularly strong and those areas in which you think you need improvement. This evaluation is intended to provide a self-rating assessment at the completion of your requirements for the Social Work Program. Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.1 Student identifies as a professional social worker and conducts oneself accordingly* 2 (D): I have 5 (A): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet 3 (C): I not yet met have 4 (B): I am not met the Demonstrated: have met the excelled functioning expectations I have not had the expectations at above for applying the opportunity expectation for applying applying expectations the practice to demonstrate s for the practice the at applying behavior in the competence applying behavior in practice the practice this area, of applying the the practice this area, but behavior behavior in and will not practice behavior in will do so in in this this area. be able to do behavior in this this area. the near area. so. area. future. 2.1.1.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Advocates for client access to the services of social work 2.1.1.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Practices personal reflection and self-correction to assure continual professional 2.1.1.c: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Attends to
62 professional roles and boundaries 2.1.1.d: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Demonstrates professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communicatio n 2.1.1.e: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Engages in career-long learning 2.1.1.f: Uses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) supervision and consultation Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.2 Student applies social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.* 2 (D): I have 5 (A): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet 3 (C): I not yet met have 4 (B): I am not met the Demonstrated: I have met the excelled functioning expectations have not had the expectations at above for applying the opportunity expectation for applying applying expectations the practice to demonstrate s for the practice the at applying behavior in the competence applying behavior in practice the practice this area, of applying the the practice this area, behavior behavior in and will not practice behavior in but will do in this this area. be able to do behavior in this this area. so in the area. so. area. near future. 2.1.2.a:Recogn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) izes and manages personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice 2.1.2.b: Makes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ethical decisions by applying standards of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics 2.1.2.c: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Tolerates
63 ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts 2.1.1.d: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Applies strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.3 Student applies critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.* 2 (D): I have 5 (A): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet not yet met have 4 (B): I am not met the Demonstrated: 3 (C): I have the excelled functioning expectations I have not had met the expectations at above for applying the opportunity expectations for applying applying expectations the practice to demonstrate for applying the practice the at applying behavior in the competence the practice behavior in practice the practice this area, of applying the behavior in this area, behavior behavior in and will not practice this area. but will do in this this area. be able to do behavior in this so in the area. so. area. near future. 2.1.3.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Distinguishes, appraises, and integrates multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and practice wisdom 2.1.3.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Analyzes models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation 2.1.3.c: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Demonstrates effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups,
64 organizations, communities, and colleagues
Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.4 Student engages diversity and difference in practice.* 2 (D): I have 5 (A): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet not yet met have 4 (B): I am not met the Demonstrated: I 3 (C): I have the excelled functioning expectations have not had met the expectations at above for applying the opportunity expectations for applying applying expectations the practice to demonstrate for applying the practice the at applying behavior in the competence the practice behavior in practice the practice this area, of applying the behavior in this area, behavior behavior in and will not practice this area. but will do in this this area. be able to do behavior in this so in the area. so. area. near future. 2.1.4.a:Recogn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) izes the extent to which a culture's structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power 2.1.4.b: Gains ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) sufficient self- awareness to eliminate the influence of personal bias and values in working with diverse groups 2.1.4.c:Recogn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) izes and communicates their understanding of the importance of difference in shaping life experiences 2.1.4.d:Views ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) themselves as learners and engages those
65 with whom they work as informants Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.5 Student advances human rights and social and economic justice.* 2 (D): I 5 (A): I have not yet 1 (F): I have Not Yet have 4 (B): I am met the not met the Demonstrated: I 3 (C): I have excelled functioning expectation expectations have not had met the at above s for for applying the opportunity expectations applying expectations applying the practice to demonstrate for applying the at applying the practice behavior in the competence the practice practice the practice behavior in this area, of applying the behavior in behavior behavior in this area, and will not practice this area. in this this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.5.a:Underst ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ands the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination 2.1.5.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Advocates for human rights and social and economic justice 2.1.5.c:Engage ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) s in practices that advance social and economic justice Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.6 Student engages in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.* 5 (A): I 4 (B): I am 3 (C): I have 2 (D): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet have functioning met the have not yet not met the Demonstrated: excelled above expectations met the expectations I have not had at expectations for applying expectation for applying the opportunity applying at applying the practice s for the practice to demonstrate the the practice behavior in applying behavior in the competence practice behavior in this area. the practice this area, of applying the
66 behavior in behavior this area, and will not practice in this this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.6.a:Uses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) practice experience to inform scientific inquiry 2.1.6.b: Uses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) research evidence to inform practice Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.7 Student applies knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.* 2 (D): I 5 (A): I have not yet 1 (F): I have Not Yet have 4 (B): I am met the not met the Demonstrated: I 3 (C): I have excelled functioning expectation expectations have not had met the at above s for for applying the opportunity expectations applying expectations applying the practice to demonstrate for applying the at applying the practice behavior in the competence the practice practice the practice behavior in this area, of applying the behavior in behavior behavior in this area, and will not practice this area. in this this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.7.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Utilizes conceptual frameworks to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation 2.1.7.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Critiques and applies knowledge to understand the person and environment
Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.8 Student engages in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.* 5 (A): I 4 (B): I am 3 (C): I have 2 (D): I 1 (F): I have Not Yet
67 have not yet have met the not met the Demonstrated: excelled functioning expectation expectations I have not had met the at above s for for applying the opportunity expectations applying expectations applying the practice to demonstrate for applying the at applying the practice behavior in the competence the practice practice the practice behavior in this area, of applying the behavior in behavior behavior in this area, and will not practice this area. in this this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.8.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Analyzes, formulates, and advocates for policies that advance social well- being 2.1.8.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Collaborates with colleagues and clients for effective policy action Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.9 Student responds to contexts that shape practice.* 2 (D): I 5 (A): I have not yet 1 (F): I have Not Yet have 4 (B): I am met the not met the Demonstrated: 3 (C): I have excelled functioning expectation expectations I have not had met the at above s for for applying the opportunity expectations applying expectations applying the practice to demonstrate for applying the at applying the practice behavior in the competence the practice practice the practice behavior in this area, of applying the behavior in behavior behavior in this area, and will not practice this area. in this this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.9.a: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Continuously discovers, appraises, and attends to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant
68 services 2.1.9.b: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Provides leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
Please rate your level of performance with the following: Competency 2.1.10 (a) – (d) Student engages, assesses, intervenes and evaluates with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.* 2 (D): I have not yet 1 (F): I have Not Yet 5 (A): I 4 (B): I am met the not met the Demonstrated: I have 3 (C): I have functioning expectation expectations have not had excelled at met the above s for for applying the opportunity applying expectations expectations applying the practice to demonstrate the for applying at applying the practice behavior in the competence practice the practice the practice behavior in this area, of applying the behavior behavior in behavior in this area, and will not practice in this this area. this area. but will do be able to do behavior in this area. so in the so. area. near future. 2.1.10.a(a): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Substantively and affectively prepares for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities 2.1.10.a(b): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Uses empathy and other interpersonal skills 2.1.10.a(c): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Develops a mutually agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes 2.1.10.b(d): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
69 Collects, organizes, and interprets client data 2.1.10.b(e): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Assesses client strengths and limitations 2.1.10.b(f): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Develops mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives 2.1.10.b(g): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Selects appropriate intervention strategies 2.1.10.c(h): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Initiates actions to achieve organizational goals 2.1.10.c(i): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Implements prevention interventions that enhance client capacities 2.1.10.c(j):He ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) lps clients resolve problems 2.1.10.c(k):N ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) egotiates, mediates, and advocates for clients 2.1.10.c(l): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Facilitates transitions and endings 2.1.10.d(m):C ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ritically analyzes, monitors, and evaluates interventions Please provide an overall comment on your ratings in this competency area. *
70 21) I certify that the ratings that I have selected above are true to the best of my knowledge. By providing a check mark in this box, it indicates my signature. * [ ] Certification
22) Please select your primary campus location: ( ) TSU- Stephenville Campus ( ) TSU-Waco Campus ( ) TSU-Ft. Worth Campus
23) Please provide your name, graduating semester, and contact information below:* Name: ______Graduating semester (example: Spring 2012): ______Email address: ______Phone number: ______
Thank You! Thank you for taking our survey. Your responses are very important to us.
Field Agency Supervisor:
I. Which practice behavior(s) did your supervisor model most effectively in the field placement?
II. Which practice behavior(s) did your supervisor struggle to model in the field placement?
III. How could the supervisor improve on modeling the practice behavior(s) more effectively
IV. Which of the practice behavior(s) was/were the most difficult for you to attain in this field setting?
V. Which of the practice behaviors(s) was/were the least difficult for you to attain in this field setting?
73 VI. Briefly describe your tasks as a student in this agency.
VII. What were the most positive learning experiences you had in your field placement?
VIII. Was your field agency supervisor readily available for supervision at least one hour per week?
IX. In what ways could your field agency supervisor have been more helpful to you during your placement?
X. On a scale of one to ten (1-10) with ten being the highest, rate your field placement in terms of a learning experience for you, and provide comments for your rating.
XI. Is there anything you would like to have seen changed about your field experience at the agency?
XII. Additional Comments:
Student Signature ______
Name (optional):______Date:______
Agency Name:______
1. Please indicate the number and level of students that you supervised during the past year:
From TSU-Stephenville______From TSU-Waco ____ From TSU-Fort Worth______From other universities______
2. How many years have you supervised students?
3. Please select your degree (Undergraduate)
__BSW __Sociology __Education __Criminal Justice __Psychology __Other (specify:______)
__MSW or MSSW __Educational Psychology __N/A __Criminal Justice __Education __Counseling Psychology
4. What is your level of licensure? ___LBSW ___LMSW ___LCSW ___other (specify)______
5. Please answer the following demographic questionnaire:
a. How long have you been an agency instructor?______b. Gender?: This question is used to evaluate program efforts to promote diversity:______c. What is your job title?______d. How long have you been practicing Social Work? ______years/months e. What percentage of the client population of your agency is in each ethnic group? _____White(not Hispanic)______Black ______American Indian/Alaskan National _____Hispanic ______Asian/Pacific Islander f. Which of the following best describes the organization for which you work? ____public ____private, non-profit ____private, profit ____other
6. Please indicate the number of times each semester that your TSU field liaison visited you and your agency.
76 1st semester______2nd semester______
7. Please indicate the number of times you had telephone contact with your field liaison during each semester.
1st semester______2nd semester______
8. Did you have an agency visit prior to the placement? ___Yes ___No
9. Did you receive a practicum field manual prior to or at the beginning of the semester? ___Yes ___No
10. Did you receive a seminar syllabus at the beginning of the semester? ___Yes ___No
11. Did you attend a training workshop sponsored by TSU Social Work Program during the past year? ___Yes ___No
The below section asks you to provide feedback on the support that you received from TSU ’s Field Education program. For these statements, please circle the number that most closely conveys your response, ranging from 1 = inadequate or poor quality to 5 = excellent quality.
Item Poor Excellent Orientation provided by TSU ’s Field 1 2 3 4 5 Education office Communication with the Field Director 1 2 3 4 5 Overall liaison support 1 2 3 4 5 Clarity of your role as a field instructor 1 2 3 4 5 Integration of field practicum with the field 1 2 3 4 5 seminar Information for developing the learning 1 2 3 4 5 contract Student evaluation form 1 2 3 4 5
For the next series of questions, please rate TSU ’s Social Work Program for preparing students for beginning their BSW field placements (not for beginning social work practice). This rating should be based on the curriculum rather than the individual students.
77 Item Poor Excellent Overall level of generalist social work practice 1 2 3 4 5 skills Understanding and commitment to social and 1 2 3 4 5 economic justice Knowledge of and commitment to working with 1 2 3 4 5 diverse populations Knowledge of and commitment to working with 1 2 3 4 5 vulnerable populations Preparation for beginning to conduct assessment 1 2 3 4 5 of individuals and families Preparation for beginning to facilitate group 1 2 3 4 5 processes Ability to engage clients empathetically 1 2 3 4 5 Ability and willingness to engage in supervision 1 2 3 4 5 Interviewing skills 1 2 3 4 5 Oral communication skills for interacting with 1 2 3 4 5 colleagues Written communication skills 1 2 3 4 5 Leadership skills 1 2 3 4 5 Commitment to ongoing professional 1 2 3 4 5 development Critical thinking and problem solving skills 1 2 3 4 5
The final section asks you to evaluate our program’s success in preparing students as beginning Bachelor level social work practitioners as they complete their practicum. This rating should be based on the curriculum rather than the individual students.
Item Poor Excellent Identifies as a professional social worker and 1 2 3 4 5 conducts self accordingly Applies social work ethical principles to guide 1 2 3 4 5 professional practice Applies critical thinking to inform and 1 2 3 4 5 communicate professional judgments Engages diversity and difference in practice 1 2 3 4 5 Advances human rights and social and economic 1 2 3 4 5 justice Engages in research-informed practices and 1 2 3 4 5 practice-informed research Applies knowledge of human behavior and the 1 2 3 4 5 social environment Engages in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective 1 2 3 4 5 social work services Responds to contexts that shape practice 1 2 3 4 5 Engages, assesses, intervenes and evaluates with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and 1 2 3 4 5 communities
78 Please feel free to provide additional comments or recommendations below regarding field liaison, the practicum coordinator, and the TSU Social Work Program. Comments can include strengths or areas for improvement of the program, and any other comments that will help us to achieve our mission.
_Please return this completed form at the end of the final practicum semester to:
TSU Stephenville/Fort Worth/Waco Campuses Please mail to: Ms. Francine Esposito Pratt, MSSW, LMSW-AP Field Director Social Work Program Tarleton State University Box T-0655 Stephenville, Texas 76402
Date and Location of Meeting:______
Student’s Name:______
Agency Name:______
Field Instructor’s Name:______
Liaison’s Name:______
Meeting Participants (list and provide title for each):
I. Describe area of concern with student’s performance in behavioral terms.
II. Describe what the student must do to correct the behavior(s) identified above.
III. Establish the time frame by which the corrected behavior(s) is(are) to occur. If there are steps over a period of time, name each step and provide a date for accomplishment.
IV. Identify the consequences to the student if the desired behavior change(s) does(do) not occur.
V. Document any previous discussions with this student that have occurred about this issue.
81 Evaluative Conference:
Student and Field Instructor will meet on ______to evaluate the student’s (date and time) progress toward the desired behavior(s).
Signatures for agreement on plan:
______Student Signature Field Instructor Signature
______Date Date
[Obtain other signatures, such as task supervisor, if needed.]
Documentation of Evaluative Conference
Describe how the student did or did not demonstrate the desired behavior(s).
Signature for Evaluative Conference:
______Student Signature Field Instructor Signature
______Date Date
[Obtain other signatures, such as task supervisor, if needed.]
[Note: The purpose of this form is to provide the student with an opportunity for this session to be student-centered, to appropriately use her/his authority, and to document the activity.
In agreement with TSU and CSWE guidelines, all supervisors must provide 1 hour per week of supervision time.
Student’s name:______
Field Instructor’s name:______
Date of conference:______
1. Discussion areas (e.g., client interactions, organizational issues, community issues, etc. Note: Review learning contract to ensure that negotiated learning tasks/activities are included.)
2. Decisions, plans, or actions to be taken
3. Evidence of application of social work skills, knowledge, and values
4. Discussion of value conflicts
5. Student’s strengths/limitations and action plan for increasing professional development
6. Areas of work for next week (including follow-up on this week’s assignments)
Signature of student:______Date:______
Signature of field instructor:______Date:______
Note: The student has the responsibility for the completion of this form on a weekly basis. Each supervision log should be turned in with scheduled time sheet submission for the field seminar. If additional pages are needed, please use back of form or staple additional pages to this form.
(Sample Format For Documentation of Weekly Student Supervisory Sessions)
In agreement with TSU and CSWE guidelines, all supervisors must provide 1 hour per week of supervision time.
Review of interactions/cases/clients
Use of social work skills/knowledge/values
Performance issues (strengths/limitations) and improvement plans
Areas to work on next week (interactions/activities)
Week of : Week of : Total hours Total Hours Time in/out for day Time in/out for Day Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Other Other
Total Hours for Week Total Hours for Week
Week of : Week of : Total hours Total Hours Time in/out for day Time in/out for Day Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Other Other
Total Hours for Week Total Hours for Week
Total Hours on Time Sheet: Total Cumulative Hours:
Student Signature: Date Agency Supervisor Signature: Date
89 Students must demonstrate the ability to maintain scores of 3 or 4 in each of the 15 professional behavior areas listed below to be considered for a field placement, as these are the expected professional behaviors of social work interns and professional social workers.
Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement 1. Attendance: Attends Student has Student Student Student classes and related missed 20% missed class attend all attended all meetings or more of for reasons classes classes total class that are not except in time in one related to truly rare or or more allowable unusual classes emergencies circumstance but for s that are convenience; considered Skipped one excusable by class to do the professor work for another class Comments:
2. Punctuality: Be Student has Student has Student is on Student is punctual and engaged been late to occasionally time to class always on class or left been late to and stays time and early from class or left until the end stays until class 3 or early from except in the end of more times class, but no truly rare or class in a semester more than unusual once per circumstance semester s that are considered excusable by the professor Comments:
3. Manage Student does Student Student Student communications and not usually contacts the contacts the always
90 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement contacts contact the professor to professor contacts the instructor to inform of prior to the professor inform of tardiness or beginning of prior to the tardiness absence, but class to beginning of to/absence does it after inform of class to from class; already tardiness or inform of Student missing a absence anticipated provides no class or except in true tardiness, reason for meeting emergencies, illness, etc. absence and then contacts the professor immediately thereafter
4. Demonstrate respect Student is Student is Student is Student is and support in frequently occasionally usually always relationships disrespectful disrespectful respectful to respectful to to and non- to and non- and and supportive of supportive of supportive of supportive of classmates, classmates, classmates, classmates, staff, faculty staff, faculty staff, faculty staff, faculty
5. Demonstrate self- Student Student only Student Student
91 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement awareness rarely shows occasionally almost always self- shows self- always maintains a awareness awareness maintains a high level of about the about the high level of self- impact of impact of self- awareness verbal and verbal and awareness about the non-verbal non-verbal about the impact of communicati communicati impact of verbal and ons ons verbal and non-verbal non-verbal communicati communicati ons ons Comments:
6. Demonstrate Student’s Student only Student’s Student’s awareness and classroom occasionally classroom classroom responsiveness to interactions reflects interactions interactions diversity rarely reflect respect for almost always respect for and always reflect and appreciation reflect respect for appreciation of diverse respect for and of diverse opinions, and appreciation opinions, experiences, appreciation of diverse experiences, and/or people of diverse opinions, and/or people opinions, experiences, experiences, and/or people and/or people Comments:
7. Demonstrate Student has Student is Student Student collegiality and not reluctant to almost always works collaborative demonstrated collaborate always works collaborative interactions collaborative with others collaborative ly with all skills in work and struggles ly with team team with others with members members, and maintaining while while relationships positive relating relating with relationships easily and easily and classmates positively positively have been with others with others affected by this Comments:
92 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement
8. Strive for a high Student Student’s Student is Student is level of oral expression consistently professional usually always gets feedback oral articulate and articulate and from expression is professional professional instructor challenging in oral in oral that oral for others to expression. expression. expression is understand. Student Student unprofession It may usually always al. Student contain participates participates never or grammatical in class in class hardly ever errors or discussions discussions participate in excessive in ways that in ways that class slang, or it significantly significantly discussions may be add to the add to the poorly quality of the quality of the organized. discussion discussion Student only occasionally participates in class discussions Comments:
9. Strive for a high Student Student’s Student Student level of written consistently written work almost always expression gets feedback lacks clarity always expresses from and has some expresses ideas or instructors errors. When ideas or concepts that written asked to use concepts clearly, with expression is APA clearly, with an absence of unacceptable guidelines, very few errors; or Student does errors; Student uses unprofession this Student uses APA al. Grades incorrectly APA guidelines on papers are on a guidelines accurately. reduced consistent when Grades on significantly basis. required, papers are because of Grades on making very reduced writing papers are few errors. hardly at all reduced Grades on because of somewhat papers are writing.
93 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement because of reduced writing. slightly because of writing. Comments:
10. Demonstrate self- Student Student only Student Student initiative, reliability and rarely takes occasionally almost always takes dependability initiative to takes always takes initiative to plan work initiative to initiative to plan and and complete plan work plan work complete it in a timely and complete and complete work in a manner. it in a timely it in a timely timely Student manner, manner. manner. rarely gets resulting in Work is Work is the reading coming to proofread proofread in done or class without thoroughly its entirety leaves having done before before enough time the reading turning in a turning in a to turn in or not written written best work. allowing assignment assignment Student enough time and makes never proof- to complete necessary reads written and proof- corrections assignments read and turns them in with major errors on them Comments:
11. Demonstrate Student has Student is Student is Student is evidence of motivation not usually almost always to improve oneself. demonstrated receptive to always receptive to Responses to receptiveness suggestions receptive to suggestions suggestions and to and suggestions or feedback feedback are good. suggestions feedback, or feedback from others, and feedback does not and adjusts and adjusts from others adjust performance performance and, performance accordingly accordingly
94 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement therefore, accordingly make no effort to adjust performance accordingly Comments:
12. Be knowledgeable Student is Student is Student is Student about and compliant not familiar aware that a aware of and demonstrates with the professional with the Professional follows the exemplary conduct policy in the professional Conduct Professional knowledge of Social Work Program conduct Policy exists Conduct the and Field Education policy in the within the Policy in the Professional Manual Social Work Social Work Social Work Conduct Program and Program, but Program Policy in the rarely if ever does not Social Work complies comply with Program. with it it Student always conducts self accordingly Comments:
13. Show respect and Student Student’s Student Student use the NASW Code of indicates no knowledge of respects the consistently Ethics in its entirety, awareness of the NASW NASW Code demonstrates including or knowledge Code of of Ethics, leadership confidentiality about the Ethics is not which is with Code of evident in evident in colleagues in Ethics communicati both discussions ons or communicati of ethical practice- ons and issues and related practice- compliance behavior related with the behavior Code of Ethics Comments:
95 Professional Behaviors 1 2 3 4 Scor Unacceptable Needs Acceptable Outstanding e Improvement
14. Use departmental Student Student Student Student communications never checks rarely checks consistently always email and/or email and/or checks email checks email does not does not looking for looking for respond to regularly corresponden corresponden emails sent respond to ce from ce from by fellow emails sent classmates classmates group mates by fellow and the and the or the group mates professor and professor and professor or the is usually is always professor prompt to prompt to respond to it respond to it Comments:
15. Displays Student’s Student Student Student professional appearance attire and sometimes demonstrates demonstrates that does not interfere presentation has poor routine consistent with professional is hygiene, attention to attention to relationships/responsibi consistently wears professional professional lities. unprofession unprofession appearance appearance al for al clothing, and hygiene and hygiene professional or has and distracting classroom body odors. settings. Student Hair and rarely self- body are not corrects clean or when well- provided groomed, feedback and and/or often support has offensive body odors that are uncorrected when provided feedback and support Comments:
(Adapted from the University of Vermont Department of Social Work, created 6/17/10)
96 Professor’s signature: ______Date: ______
Student’s signature: ______Date: ______
In agreement with TSU and CSWE guidelines, all supervisors must provide 1 hour per week of supervision time.
Supervision may occur as a group or individual setting. I agree to be available to provide individual supervision, as needed for confidentiality, to students participating in group sessions. As a Field Supervisor, I agree to provide supervision every week on the same day at the same time as outlined below.
Student Name:
Day of week:
______Signature Date