SP Executive Committee Meeting

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SP Executive Committee Meeting

Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) 2nd Quarter Membership Meeting April 26, 2006 Hosted by Heritage Interactive Services MINUTES

SP Chair Randy Leslie, Johnson Controls, Inc., called the meeting to order at 9:00am EDT with the following individuals present:

MEMBERS: David O’Ryan, Advanced Technology & Marketing Group Marshall Bates, Alpha Omega Plastics Mark Doetsch, BAE Industries Emley Halibozek, BAE Industries Chris Mieczkowski, BAE Industries Ron Held, Buck’s Oil Leon Richardson, Chemico Systems, Inc. Ross Good, DaimlerChrysler Corporation Melissa Kilbride, Denso International America Robert Townsend, Denso International America Walt Grabowski, Environmental Recycling Group Roger Strelow, Federal-Mogul Corporation Victor Magliano, First State Plastics Walter Johnson, Flo-Matic Corporation Sharon Stahl, Gage Products Company Pat Beattie, General Motors John Bradburn, General Motors Sandy Brewer, General Motors Larry Camilleri, General Motors Robin Richey, General Motors Candace Wheeler, General Motors Adam Westerdale, General Oil Company Tim Westerdale, General Oil Company Craig Parr, Goodwill Industries Susanne Fredericks, Goodwill Association of Michigan Mike Szukhent, Goodwill Industries Flint Bob Huber, Goodwill Industries of NW Ohio Carol Sterling, Goodwill Industries of NW Ohio Joanne Jones, Heritage Interactive Services Mindy Tasich-Koyani, Heritage Interactive Services Eric Tate, Heritage Interactive Services Susan Davis, International Components Strategies Michael Stoelton, Johnson Controls, Inc. David Briggs, Mobile Fluid Recovery Heather Cataldo, MPS Group Jill Hamill, MPS Group Mike Barto, Petoskey Plastics Kitty Strang, Quaker Chemical Corporation Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) 2nd Quarter Membership Meeting Minutes April 26, 2006 Page 2 of 5

Gerry Pohl, Recycling Concepts David Kipp, Solvents & Solutions Courtney Hagen, Suppliers Partnership Steve Hellem, Suppliers Partnership Tom Murray, U.S. EPA

GUESTS: Lisa Whelchel, Johns Manville

Mr. Leslie welcomed everyone to the meeting and reviewed SP’s antitrust guidelines and recommended that everyone indicate in their notes of the meeting that the guidelines were reviewed and they would be complied with. Meeting attendees then introduced themselves and their companies.

Mr. Leslie recognized and thanked Ms. Mindy Tasich-Koyani, Mr. Eric Tate and Ms. Joanne Jones of Heritage Interactive Services for hosting the meeting.

Mr. Leslie introduced Ms. Tasich-Koyani and Ms. Joanne Jones, who welcomed the meeting attendees and provided an overview of Heritage Interactive Services’ activities and products. Ms. Jones noted that Heritage Interactive Services would be changing its name to Allegiant Global Services in order to incorporate new investors and the company’s current growth and expansion. Heritage has 51% minority ownership and services 1,351 manufacturing locations in North America. Heritage is currently expanding geographically (in South America and Europe) and in types of services provided.

Mr. Leslie discussed the meeting the Executive Committee had on Tuesday, April 25, with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). He noted that the Executive Committee met with members of the Canadian and Mexican delegations to the CEC and that SP would be taking steps to further examine the possibility of partnering with the CEC and primarily with the Mexican agency PROFEPA (Procuraduria Federal de proteccion al Ambiente). SP will supply materials to the CEC and will in turn receive informational materials from PROFEPA and a conference call will be scheduled to discuss these items and future opportunities and partnerships.

Mr. Leslie asked the attendees to review the minutes from the 4th Quarter Membership meeting on November 3, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the November 3, 2005 4th Quarter Membership Meeting were approved.

Mr. Leslie provided a brief Work Group update, noting that a discussion of the Dunnage Pilot Program would take place later in the meeting. Mr. Leslie added that the Executive Committee is in need of a Work Groups Chair and asked for a motion and a second for a vote of approval from the Board to elect Jim Laney, Denso International America, for the position. Mr. Laney’s bio was distributed to the attendees and reviewed by Mr. Leslie. On motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Laney was approved to serve as the SP Work Groups Chair.

Mr. Leslie introduced the guest to the meeting, Lisa Whelchel of Johns Manville, to provide an overview of her company.

Mr. Leon Richardson, Chemico Systems, provided a Membership Update. He noted that during the Executive Committee Meeting three new companies were accepted into membership: Advanced Technology & Marketing Group, Buck’s Oil and MPS Group. He welcomed the representatives from all three companies that were present at the meeting. Mr. Richardson thanked Johns Manville for attending the meeting. He noted that SP’s membership currently stands at 36 companies and that the Executive Committee has created a “Top Ten Targets” list to recruit new members. Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) 2nd Quarter Membership Meeting Minutes April 26, 2006 Page 3 of 5

Mr. Leslie noted the importance of the EPA participation in SP and thanked Mr. Tom Murray, U.S. EPA, for his continued support of SP. He noted that one of the most valuable aspects of membership in SP is the relationship each company gains with EPA.

Mr. Leslie for SP’s Finance Chair Mr. Reg Modlin, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, provided a financial update. He noted that in order to meet the 2006 budget that SP would need to increase its membership, thus the Executive Committee is undertaking a membership effort with an assigned “Top Ten Targets” list.

SP’s Vice Chair, Mr. Roger Strelow, Federal-Mogul Corporation, provided an update on SP’s communication activities. He noted that the February Update is included in the meeting folders and that SP would be featured in the May issue of the magazine, “The Manufacturer”. He reminded the membership that SP would like to add “SP success stories” to the web site and requested that anyone interested please send Ms. Hagen a 100-150 word summary of a successful experience/activity that his/her company has had as a result of being an SP member. He added that SP is a member-driven organization and that the members of the Executive Committee want to ensure that the needs of each member are being met. Therefore, a letter will be distributed to the senior leadership of each member company discussing the value of SP and the contributions of each company’s members with a survey attached asking members to list the value they find in SP and the areas of focus they would like SP to consider.

Mr. Leslie and Ms. Pat Beattie, General Motors, reviewed the Auto Show Event. They noted that more than 2,000 people were in attendance at the event and that U.S. EPA Administrator Steve Johnson delivered a keynote address regarding SP’s activities. Also delivering speeches were Mr. Leslie, Ms. Elizabeth Lowery, Vice President, Environment & Energy, General Motors, and Deborah Morrissett, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Product Development, DaimlerChrysler. Attendees viewed a DVD copy of the Auto Show Event provided by General Motors. Mr. Leslie thanked Ms. Beattie, Mr. Murray and Mr. Good for their work in coordinating the event and the entire SP Membership for their efforts in making the event a success.

Mr. Leslie recognized SP members Mr. Walter Johnson, Flo-Matic Corporation and Mr. Tim Westerdale, General Oil Company, for presentations on their companies’ new environmental technologies and activities. Mr. Johnson reviewed his company’s new technology that is a parts washer, which cleans parts using only water, no chemical solvents, by utilizing sonic energy. The new technology requires ¼ of the energy use as other cleaning processes, uses only 1/10 gallon of water in the cleaning process, requires fewer man hours of attention, is 1/3 the size of other cleaning machines, is quick to warm up and set up and, is environmentally friendly.

Mr. Westerdale presented on General Oil Company’s oil recycling activities. General Oil recycles used industrial oils to produce quality lubricating and metal removal products. Given the increasing prices for virgin materials as well as the expectations for cost savings by OEMs in chemical management programs, using recycled products is the most effective way to increase a company’s profit margin. In 2005, General Oil saved General Motors over $1,250,000 by recycling used oil received from GM. Multi-cycle recycling reduces pollution and environmental clean-up costs, reduces energy consumption, reduces US dependence on foreign oil, supplements domestic refining capacity and helps keep jobs in America by saving manufacturers money.

Mr. John Bradburn, General Motors, led a discussion of the Dunnage Work Group. He noted that the Work Group had an in-person meeting on March 28 to discuss next steps for the Work Group and that minutes from that meeting are included in the meeting folders. The Work Group has made significant Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) 2nd Quarter Membership Meeting Minutes April 26, 2006 Page 4 of 5 progress in collecting materials to provide to Goodwill for recycle and reuse and is exploring the ways in which the program should be expanded to other companies to generate more materials. He added that the goal of the program would be to create an online database of available materials that could be utilized by SP members. Mr. Bradburn noted that there are many meetings taking place between various SP members and that the Work Group is working to determine how to incorporate as many SP members as possible in the program, and that new members are joining in order to be a part of the project. Mr. Ross Good, DaimlerChrysler, reviewed the savings that DaimlerChrysler and Goodwill Industries have accrued thus far in Toledo and estimated that at the end of 2006 the total savings would be approximately $12,000. Ms. Susanne Fredericks provided an overview of Goodwill Industries and Ms. Carol Sterling, Goodwill Industries of NW Ohio, reviewed the materials that are currently being donated to Goodwill. Goodwill is currently working to assemble a full catalog of available materials to be placed on the SP web site as well as on Goodwill’s web site, www.buygoodwill.com. The catalog will also include an area where users can list materials “needs” in addition to items being donated. It was suggested that a mapping system of potential participants be created to determine other geographic areas in which similar programs could be established. It was agreed that the next step for the Work Group would be to post the dunnage catalog on the SP web site and to send a memo to the SP membership requesting facility addresses for members that might be interested in participating in the program. All addresses collected will be sent to Goodwill Industries for mapping purposes.

Mr. Good introduced Mr. Faiz Yono, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, for a presentation on the DaimlerChrysler Energy Manual, revised for use by smaller SP member companies. Mr. Good noted that during the SP 2005 4th Quarter Meeting Small Business Forum discussion, smaller member companies expressed the need for guidance on energy usage issues as smaller companies usually do not have the resources or expertise to focus on these issues internally. As a result, Mr. Good and others at DaimlerChrysler revised their energy manual to be distributed to SP member companies. Mr. Yono noted that the automotive industry volunteered to reduce greenhouse gases by 10% over 10 years, thus DaimlerChrysler created an energy usage manual to assist in this goal. He then reviewed the contents of the energy manual. Mr. Chris Mieczowski and Mr. Mark Doetsch, BAE Industries, then reviewed the ways in which the revised energy manual will be of use to their company and other small companies. Mr. Good noted that he has copies of the revised energy manual with him to distribute to interested SP members and that he can be contacted after the meeting for additional copies.

Mr. Murray provided an EPA Update. He noted that the Delta Institute recently received funding to implement P2E2 programs in Michigan and that one company that engaged the Delta Institute in this initiative saved millions of dollars. Mr. Murray will write a summary of this recent initiative to be distributed to SP membership and to encourage SP members to look into this opportunity as well. He also noted that the Department of Energy has energy efficiency experts that SP could look into inviting to an SP meeting to provide additional guidance on energy usage issues. Mr. Murray encouraged SP members to sign up for NIST workshops as well as companies that have had NIST workshops done at their facilities have collectively saved millions of dollars. As a follow-up to discussions held during previous SP Quarterly Meetings, he also noted that EPA is currently looking into regulations that prevent innovation, especially in the solid waste category, and that he will keep the membership updated on those developments.

Mr. Leslie discussed the schedule for the remaining Quarterly Meetings. The next Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2006 and will be hosted by Goodwill Industries in Flint, MI. The 4th Quarterly Meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 9 in Washington, DC, to be hosted by the U.S. EPA. Mr. Leslie noted that last year the Executive Committee decided to hold the 4th Quarter Meeting in the Detroit area given the financial constraints of member companies, but that this year the Executive Committee would recommend holding the meeting in Washington, DC. Mr. Murray noted that it would be beneficial to meet in Washington, DC in order to invite EPA and other agency representatives to the meeting to Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) 2nd Quarter Membership Meeting Minutes April 26, 2006 Page 5 of 5 discuss the energy and regulatory issues that have been raised in prior discussions. On a motion duly made and seconded, the SP membership agreed to hold the 4th Quarter Meeting in Washington, DC.


 SP will supply materials to the CEC regarding SP and its current activities and a conference call will be scheduled with the CEC to discuss future cooperative opportunities.  A letter and survey will be sent to SP member companies thanking them for their participation in SP and inquiring about issues that each company would like SP to address.  The SP web site will provide a link to www.buygoodwill.com so that SP members might access the online catalog of items that has been developed by the Dunnage Work Group.  A memo will be sent to the SP membership requesting addresses for locations and facilities that might participate in the dunnage program and Goodwill Industries will develop a mapping system with the provided addresses.  Tom Murray will write a summary of the MI P2E2 activity for distribution to members.

On a motion and second, the SP Membership Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm EDT.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Hellem Executive Director

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