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Standard Summary Project Fiche


Phare Programming 2005

1. Basic Information

1.1 Désirée and Twinning Number: RO05/017-553.; RO2005/IB/TR-03 TL 1.2 Title: Improvement of safety, quality of services and institutional capacity in the transport sector Task 2.1: Harmonization of the legislation and strengthening of the institutional capacity of Romanian Automotive Register - RAR 1.3 Location: Romania 1.4 Duration: 6 months

2. Objectives

2.1 Overall Objective(s): The Overall Objective of the twinning light project is the improvement of the application of the acquis communitaire in Romania.

2.2 Project purpose: The Project purpose of the twinning light project is the improvement of the capacity of the RAR to apply the EU legislation in the field of vehicles and their parts’ approval in accordance with EU Directives.

2.3 Accession Partnership and NPAA priority The main items concerning the project’s overall objective established by the AP and NPAA refer to: - Reinforcement of the administrative capacity for implementing the fiscal and social/technical acquis; - The complete alignment with the acquis for sector specific legislation for areas covered by Old Approach Directives; - The screening of legislation in the non-harmonised areas to ensure that this is in compliance with Articles 28-30 of the EC Treaty. It also emphasizes the need to establish administrative arrangements for future monitoring in this area and to integrate the principle of mutual recognition into relevant legislation of goods;

2.4 Contribution to National Development Plan N.A.

2.5 Cross Border Impact N.A.

3. Description

3.1 Background and justification RAR, which is a technical body of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism (MTCT), is responsible for the transposition and implementation of the acquis regarding Chapter 1 – Free

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 1 movement of the goods (subchapter: Road Vehicles) and Chapter 9 – Transport Policy (vehicles’ inspection). The RAR is empowered to apply the legislation regarding the vehicles and their parts’ approval and market monitoring. Whilst the Romanian legislation has already transposed the acquis, RAR needs a partner member state assistance in order to asses if the transposition is complete It is also necessary that the institutional capacity of the RAR to be improved regarding the transposition and the implementation of the acquis, including the market surveys. To facilitate this, the RAR needs the assistance of a Member State to evaluate what is required in terms of legislative demands and to train the staff to implement the Directives.

3.2 Linked activities: RO 0107.11 "Improvement of the road safety and institutional building in the field of transport" - Twinning to further harmonise the road safety legislation and strengthen the related institutions in order to comply with the EU requirements (project finalised in December 2003)

3.3 Results:  A report evaluating the national legislation and regulations and its consistency and compliance with the technical and administrative requirements of EU legislation. This will cover harmonised and non-harmonised areas and the identification of restrictions in the free movement of goods. It will provide recommendations on the application of the “mutual recognition” principle and areas where further amendments are needed.  Draft acts to complete and/or improve the existing legislation and regulations;  Recommendations for improving the RAR’s administrative capacity for the transposition and implementation of the EU’s relevant acquis;  RAR personnel trained in the transposition and implementation of the acquis as well as in the monitoring of the national market for spare parts and components for vehicles.

3.4 Activities:  Evaluation of the stage of transposition of the “acquis communitaire” regarding the road vehicle and components’ approval and market monitoring and the legislative framework;  Evaluation of the RAR’s institutional capacity and formulation of recommendations on appropriate structures;  Training of the RAR’s experts in the transposition and implementation of the acquis, and in market monitoring. The training of RAR’s experts involved in the transposition and implementation of the acquis will include on site analysis in Member States similar entities for the Romanian experts. The training of RAR’s experts to provide expertise in market monitoring will include on site analysis in Member States similar entities for the Romanian experts. Assessment of training needs The Twinning Partner will assess together with the beneficiary the exact number of RAR staff which would be included in the training programme.

Training provision The training will be focused on the transposition and the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the field of approval of the vehicles and their components and market monitoring.

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 2 Training follow-up Short time experts will come on a regular basis to assess the control activities and to provide recommendations for improving the control.

3.5 Profile of the experts In order to ensure a successful implementation of the project, two Project Leaders, will be appointed by the Member State and by the Beneficiary Country. - The Romanian Project Leader will act as counterpart of the MS Project Leader. - The Romanian Project Leader will be Mr. Claudiu Mija - Technical Manager, Romanian Automotive Register (RAR). - It’s recommended that the required experts are civil servants in the twinning Member State.

The required experts shall have the following profile:

Project Leader: Qualification and skills:  University degree;  Fluency in English or French language;  Good communication skills;

Specific experience:

 a senior official having at least 5 years experience in managing teams;  at least 7 year experience as civil servant in the national administration involved in the application of the road vehicles and their components’ legislation (approval and market monitoring);

Short-term experts (STE)

Qualification and skills:  University degree;  Fluency in English or French language;

Specific experience:

STE 1  At least 5 year experience as civil servant in the transposition in the national legislation of the acquis concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;  Familiar (theoretical and practical knowledge) with the relevant EU legislation concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;  At least 5 year experience in the functioning of the EU’s procedures concerning the adoption of the EU legislation;  Experience in the functioning of the working groups of the Commission.

STE 2  At least 5 year experience in the implementation of the national and community legislation of the acquis concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 3  Familiar (theoretical and practical knowledge) with the relevant EU legislation concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;  At least 5 years of practical experience concerning the approval tests in the field of road vehicles and their parts’ approval.

STE 3  At least 5 year experience as civil servant in the implementation of the national and community legislation of the acquis concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;  Familiar (theoretical and practical knowledge) with the relevant EU legislation concerning the road vehicles and components’ approval;  At least 5 years of practical experience concerning the market monitoring of road vehicles and their part.

4 Institutional Framework The Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism (MTCT) is the Implementing Authority. Contact person: Mrs. Liliana Barna - General Director Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism  General Directorate for Foreign Financial Affairs 38 Dinicu Golescu Av, 1st floor, room 19, Sector 1,Bucharest, Romania Tel/fax: 0040 - 21- 319.61.47 E-mail addresses: [email protected] / [email protected]

The beneficiary of this twinning light project is the Romanian Automotive Register (RAR), which is the specialized technical body under authority of Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism, with responsibilities in the approval of the vehicles and their parts.

Contact person: Mr. Eugen Alexandrescu – Head of International Cooperation Unit Romanian Automotive Register (RAR), Tel: 0040723 217 392Fax: 00 40 21-318.17.48 e-mail: [email protected]

5 Detailed Budget

Phare Support Investment Institution Total Phare National Co IFI* TOTAL Support Building (=I+IB) financing* Total 0 210,000 210,000 0 0 210,000

6 Implementation Arrangements

6.1 Implementing Agency

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 4 The Implementing Authority for this twinning project is the Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) within Ministry of Public Finance. CFCU is responsible for the contractual and financial management of the project.

Contact person: Mrs. Carmen Rosu Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) Mircea Voda Blvd, 44, entrance B, 5th floor, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania Tel:00 40 21 326.55.55 Fax: 004021-326.87.09 E-Mail address: [email protected]

6.2 Non-standard aspects There are no „non-standards aspects”. The „Practical Guide to contract procedures financed from the General Budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions” will strictly be followed.

6.3 Contracts One Twinning light Covenant -the Twinning covenant will follow the general rules of twinning projects. In the event that no suitable twinning proposal is forthcoming, this component of the project will instead be implemented through conventional technical assistance.

7 Implementation Schedule

7.1 Start of tendering/call for proposals: April 2007 7.2 Start of project activity: September 2007 7.3 Project Completion: March 2008

8 Conditionality and sequencing

Full commitment and participation of the management of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism and RAR, for ensuring the good implementation of the twinning light project. The beneficiary will provide the necessary resources for ensuring the implementation of the project, including training facilities, and will be fully involved in the project activities.


1. Logical framework matrix in standard format (compulsory) 2. Detailed implementation chart (compulsory) 3. Contracting and disbursement schedule by quarter for full duration of the programme (including disbursement period) (compulsory)

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 5 Annex 1

Programme name and number LOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FOR Harmonisation of the legislation and strengthening of the institutional capacity of Romanian Automotive Register – RAR Contracting period expires: Disbursement period expires:

Total budget: 210,000 EURO Pare budget: 210,000 EURO

Overall objective Objectively verifiable Sources of verifications indicators The Overall Objective of the twinning light project Progress in the EU Ministry of Transports, is the improvement of the application of the acquis integration process Construction and Tourism communitaire in Romania. reports Project purpose Objectively verifiable Sources of verification Assumptions indicators To improve the capacity of the RAR to apply the Romanian legislation in Revised national Adoption of the draft EU legislation in the field of vehicles approval and the field in line with the legislation and comparison legislation by the their parts. EU Directives and with EU acquis. Parliament. Regulations. RAR internal operational Improved administrative reports capacity of RAR for implementation and implementation of the acquis. Results Objectively verifiable Sources of verification Assumptions indicators

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 6 - A report evaluating the national legislation and Drafts of legislation Reports and audits Continuous Government regulations and its consistency and compliance elaborated and approved by commitment in supporting with the technical and administrative requirements RAR and MTCT; legislative initiatives of EU legislation. This will cover harmonised and non-harmonised areas and the identification of restrictions in the free movement of goods. It will provide recommendations on the application of the “mutual recognition” principle and areas where further amendments are needed. - Draft Acts to complete and/or improve the existing legislation and regulations; - Recommendations for improving the RAR’s administrative capacity for the transposition and implementation of the EU’s relevant acquis; - RAR personnel trained in the transposition and implementation of the acquis as well as in the monitoring of the national market for spare parts and components for vehicles. Activities Means Sources of verification Assumptions - Evaluation of the stage of transposition of the Twinning light Covenant Reports from CFCU, Availability in due time of “acquis communautaire” regarding the road vehicle Ministry of Transport, the information and and components approval and market monitoring Constructions and Tourism documents needed by the and the legislative framework; and RAR twinning partner’s team - Evaluation of the RAR’s institutional capacity and formulation of recommendations on appropriate structures; - Training of the RAR’s experts in the transposition and implementation of the acquis, and in market monitoring. Preconditions The ratification of the Financing Memorandum

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 7 ANNEX 2 - DETAILED TIME IMPLEMENTATION CHART (Phare 2005 funds) Harmonisation of the legislation and strengthening of the institutional capacity of Romanian Automotive Register – RAR

2007 2008 Calendar months J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Activities twinning light D D D C C I I I I I I

D = Design/TOR C = Contracting I = Implementation

ANNEX 3 – CONTRACTING AND DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE BY QUARTER (PHARE 2005 FUNDS) Harmonisation of the legislation and strengthening of the institutional capacity of Romanian Automotive Register – RAR

31/08/07 31/12/07 31/03/08 31/06/08 Contracted 0.21 Task 2.1 Disbursed 0.05 0.15 0.21 Task 2.1

0f84747cb7e7d1488c87cbc3c12ca83c.doc 8

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