Didcot Power Station Report

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Didcot Power Station Report


To: All Members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the annual meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, on Tuesday 1st May, 2012 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business stated below.

Mrs. L.A. Martin Orchard House, Clerk of the Council 90 Howard Cornish Road, Marcham, Abingdon, Tel: (01865) 391833 Oxon. OX13 6PU ------


1. Election of Chairman 2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman 3. Election of Vice Chairman 4. Appointment of Planning Working Group (5) 5. Appointment of Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils representative (1) 6. Appointment of Village Hall Management Committee representative (1) 7. Appointment of Public Transport representative (1) 8. Appointment of RWEnPower Liaison Committee representatives (2) 9. Appointment of Waste Recycling Group Liaison Committee representatives (2) 10. Appointment of Millennium Common Committee representative (1) 11. Appointment of Harwell Stakeholder Group representative (1) 12. Appointment of Culham Liaison Committee representative (1) 13. Appointment of Western Villages Alliance Group representative (1) 14. Appointment of Police Neighbourhood Action Group representative (1) 15. Appointment of Damascus Advisory Committee representatives (2) 16. Appointment of Oxfordshire County Council Minerals and Waste Stakeholder Forum Group representative (1) 17. Appointment of Parish Plan Steering Group representatives (2) 18. Appointment of representatives to Didcot Town Council’s “Closer Working with Neighbouring Parishes” group (2) 19. To establish a recreation ground working party to meet with Football Club and Cricket Club to discuss recreation ground management and other issues and to report back to Council 20. Establishment of a Landfill site Working Party to consider and evaluate information as it is released concerning the future of the site and any planning or other applications, and report back to Council. 21. To appoint representatives to the local technical working group considering the technical and environmental aspects of any activities on the landfill site, and report back to Council. 22. Establishment of Cemetery Working Party to consider the fee structure charged for interments and memorials within the cemetery. 23 Establishment of Review of Effectiveness of Audit working party to consider the effectiveness of the audit and to report back to Council. 24 Appointment of representative to Reservoir Affected Parishes Group 25. As Custodian Trustees of the village hall site, to appoint representatives to meet with the village hall management committee on any matters relating to the hall site. 26. To appoint substitutes for members who cannot attend the committee/group meetings. 27. Apologies for Absence

28. Declarations of Interest To receive any declaration of Personal or Prejudicial interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. (Please refer to notes at the end of agenda). Members are reminded that should they have a personal interest in an item they must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated. Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter. Council has adopted clause 12(2) of the Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils 2007 and anyone with a prejudicial interest will be permitted to address Council during the section set aside for public participation.

29. Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April, 2012 To approve the minutes as a correct record of the proceedings. 1. 30. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 3rd April, 2012 Drainage ditches The responsibility for ditch clearance rests with the owner, however the District Council has powers to take action under land drainage legislation to require land owners to take action to clear ditches where the District Council recognises that there are flooding problems. The Environment Agency becomes involved should there be pollution in the ditch.

Chapel Lane / High Street – path The clerk has been able to confirm that the path queried at the last meeting is a public footpath on the definitive map of the County Council.

RAF Benson – Helicopters – Update The clerk is actively pursuing the matter of trying to arrange a meeting with RAF Benson to discuss helicopters. Three different people at RAF Benson have been approached. Unfortunately with a change in the media/public relations staff, past correspondence has been referred to another officer.

31. Public Participation An opportunity for the public to bring parish matters to the attention of the Council.

32. County Councillor’s Report To receive a report on County Council matters from Cllr. S. Lilly.

33. District Councillor’s Report To receive a report on District Council matters from Cllr. G. Duffield.

34. WRG Liaison Committee 23rd April, 2012 To receive a report from Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson on this meeting which she attended.

35. WRG landfill Site – Rights of Way network To consider any Parish Council comments on the suggested plan of Oxfordshire County Council to improvements to waymarking of the rights of way network on and in the vicinity of the WRG landfill site.

36. Solar panels on roofs To consider the impact on the street scene of the increasing number of properties installing solar panels. To consider any Parish Council action. 37. Matters raised by Councillors for information

38. Police Matters

39. Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting

P12/V0787/LB Form internal opening between kitchen and dining room 10 Church Street For: Mr. T. Duckham Comments: Council had no objection

P12/V0791/LB Replace 4 windows and external door with new joinery 10 Church Street For: Mr. T. Duckham Comments: Council had no objection in principle to the proposal, but stated that it would like to see the historic character of the front elevation retained

c) Applications for consideration at the meeting

12/V0615/ZZZ Conversion of part of outbuilding to granny annexe 5 Hobbyhorse Lane For: Mr. F. and Mrs. R. Slatter

P12/V0646/ZZZ Erection of end terrace house 6 Abingdon Road For: Ms. J. Lister

40. RWEnPower – Liaison Committee 2nd April, 2012 To receive a report from Cllr. Hanks who attended this meeting.

41. Didcot growth and Science/Vale area To note that South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council, as reported by Cllr. Hanks in his report from the Didcot Community Forum meeting, are encouraging the submission of views on how the Didcot “A” power station site should be developed once the station is decommissioned. To consider any Parish Council views as to potential future uses of the “A” station. (deferred from last meeting).

42. Recreation Ground a) To receive the report on the condition of the play equipment/recreation ground – weekly inspection by Council. c) To appoint the play area inspection person for the next month.

43. Matters arising from the annual meeting with electors Information to parishioners To consider communication with residents and distribution of Parish Council information in the parish, and whether there are ways of improving and developing this.

44. Neighbourhood Plans To note that the Localism Act 2011 provides for the possibility to undertake a neighbourhood plan, which if progressed to a neighbourhood development order will form part of the local planning framework. To consider whether the Parish Council should investigate the possibility of the development of a neighbourhood plan.

45. South Oxfordshire Local Development Framework To consider a letter from the core strategy programme officer asking whether or not the core strategy reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development in the National Planning Policy Framework, and if not whether the inclusion of a model policy would secure consistency. To consider Parish Council comments

46. Thames Valley Fire Control Service – consultation To consider Parish Council comments on the proposed merger of the control room facilities of the Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service with that of Royal Berkshire. Consultation document at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk under consultations.

47. Correspondence a) Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils – Update b) To note correspondence from the Vale of White Horse District Council that the Council is working with MEPC to put in place a Local Development Order at Milton Park as part of the Science Vale UK Enterprise Zone initiative. MEPC will be organising a meeting to brief the Parish Council on its proposals. A formal consultation will follow when a draft order will be published for comment. c) Oxfordshire County Council – Dial a Ride Service From April 2012 the dial a ride service was taken over by the County Council’s integrated transport unit. The service for this area remains the same.

48. Accounts/Finance a) To approve summary receipts and payments accounts for 2011/2012 b) To approve accounts for payment as per list circulated to members

49 Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th May, 2012

------Other Literature

Wilts and Berks Canal Group - Dragonfly Magazine Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – The Playing Field magazine

Notes on Declaration of Interest (i) any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare personal interests as necessary as soon as practicable after his/her arrival even if the item in question has been considered. (ii) it is not practical to offer detailed advice during the meeting on whether or not a personal interest should be declared, or whether a personal interest should also be regarded as prejudicial

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