IS 301 Management Information Systems

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IS 301 Management Information Systems

IS 301 Management Information Systems

Revised: August, 2011 Credits: 3 Instructor: Ed Nickel Office: HTC 133 Phone: 753-2241 (office with voice mail) E-mail: due to increased spam my email address will be provided the first day of class Class Web Page: Textbook: Principles of Information Systems, 10th ed. by Stair & Reynolds, ISBN 0538478284, Course Technology/Cengage Learning. Please note: you may also use the older 9th edition, ISBN 0324665288, however, while the essentials are still the same most of the case studies and many of the examples illustrating various concepts have been changed from this older text. The menu of links in the upper right corner of the class web page includes material relevant to this class. SYLLABUS CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The fundamentals of design, implementation, control, evaluation, and strategic use of computer-based information systems for business data processing, office automation, information reporting, and decision making. Emphasizes managerial and strategic aspects of information technology with some hands-on work using information management software. Prerequisite: Completion of an Associate degree. Welcome to IS 301, Management Information Systems, an Internet based class via GBC's WebCampus site. This course covers both the basic theory and the current practice of management information systems in business and enterprise. We will cover information systems from input, through processing, output, and storage, as well as system design, data validation, and security issues. The weekly chapter readings, links to supplemental readings, and the most significant assignments are listed in the schedule below. Assignments are due the week after they have been assigned. Additional assignments may be given from time to time depending on class progress with due dates noted when the assignments are given. To complete assignments students may use open GBC computer labs in Battle Mountain, Elko, Ely, Pahrump and, Winnemucca, or, if available, your own computer and appropriate software. I urge you to watch the Nightly Business Report on PBS, listen to Marketplace or Marketplace Morning Report on NPR or, read Infoworld, Computerworld, the Wall Street Journal, or some other information technology and/or general business resource during this semester. You will find that hardly a week goes by without a news story of a significant business success or failure that directly relates to business information systems. You are encouraged to incorporate these news events in your discussions during this class. As an Internet based class, there are no traditional lectures, discussions, or labs. However, I plan to produce several podcasts which will be linked to this online syllabus for you to download. These podcasts will be recorded in the MP3 format and can be listened to using any Windows, Mac, or Linux computer or with an MP3 player. Furthermore, you are expected to keep up with the weekly chapter reading assignments from the book. In lieu of lectures I will create various posts and link supplementary materials in the schedule below which you are also expected to review each week. Instead of classroom discussions you will be expected to post your own college quality written comments on one topic related to the class readings each week as well as respond to your fellow students' comments. To help you with ideas for posts, I will post potential discussion ideas and comments from time to time. I will read and assess your posts as well as comment on them if necessary for clarification purposes. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This class may be taught in a live classroom setting, online via WebCampus, or as a hybrid class. You are expected to participate in weekly discussions, exercises, as well as various quizzes, projects, and other class activities. The schedule of reading and assignments is found below. Additional assignments may be given verbally, as handouts in class, or via the WebCampus lesson modules. CLASS PARTICIPATION: In the on-line version of this class, you are expected to post at least one original discussion and one response to other classmates' posts every week and your posts should relate to some aspect of the material we are covering during each lesson or some related issue. In the live version you are expect to be similarly prepared for and participate in every class discussion. Whether live or online, participation in class discussion is a significant portion of your grade as it indicates how well you understand the concepts being covered. INSTRUCTOR CONTACT: I can be reached either at my office phone number shown above or via the WebCampus email, you can drop in during my office hours, or make an appointment to see me at other times. Office hours are posted on my office door and on my web site. The schedule of reading assignments, homework and tests is found below. Additional assignments may be given verbally or as handouts in class.

MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF THIS CLASS The primary objective of this class is to provide students with an intermediate level understanding of information technology as it applies to business systems. In addition, we will cover some of the many ethical dilemmas surrounding IT uses in business. We will also discuss appropriate uses and common misuses of IT. Some of the more significant topics to be covered in this class include:  computers and networks as communications medium and business advantage in both C2B and B2B contexts;  enhancing both quantitative and qualitative information analysis, e.g. information systems are useful for collecting, organizing, & analyzing data but only if the assumptions behind the data are understood & the algorithms used in their processing are accurate;  the conflicts between confidentiality and business advantages when collecting, analyzing, and using personal information, e.g. data use and privacy issues;  the challenges and solutions for implementing multi-national corporate information systems, including those of economic and cultural differences;  intellectual property rights, including patent, copyright and the fair use doctrine. LEARNING OUTCOMES The successful student in this class will be able to: 1. explain the meaning of terms used to describe common techniques and concepts in business information systems; 2. design a simple information system using appropriate computer software to analyze various business decision scenarios; 3. generate and interpret the results of a small-scale information system project; 4. articulate major social and ethical issues involved in the development and use of information technology.

Learner Outcome Assessments Assessment Method Learner Outcomes Class Discussion via web posts 1, 2, 3, 4 Business Decision Software Assignments 2, 3 Exams 1, 4

CLASS POLICIES & PROCEDURES GRADING POLICY: This is a letter grade class an A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=59% or less or W=Official Withdrawal if done before the withdrawal deadline. There is no curve in this grading scale. Your grade will be based 30% on assignments, 20% on participation, 25% on mid- term exam, and 25% on final exam. All assignments are due by the beginning of the next class unless otherwise indicated by the instructor when they are assigned. EXAM & QUIZ PROCEDURES: All exams and quizzes will be objective, e.g. true/false, multiple choice, fill-in the blank, etc, and will be conducted using GBC's web based learning system. ATTENDANCE POLICY: The instructor must agree in advance to any excused absences unless there are strong extenuating circumstances. Three (3) unexcused absences can result in a failing grade, in an on-line class an absence is one week when you do not participate in class or contact the instructor. OTHER POLICIES: The student rights & responsibilities policy stated in the current GBC Catalog apply to this class. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in a failing grade. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to reasonable changes as the class proceeds. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call (775) 753-2271. COURSE SCHEDULE In order to keep up with the posted web discussions, you should read and understand each week's topics as they are covered. The first week of class begins in late August, the mid-term exam will be available the eighth week of the semester, and the final will be available the last week of the semester. Each exam will have a two hour time limit once you begin taking it. From time to time I will create podcasts (downloadable mp3 files) on topics which lend themselves to audio delivery. These will be audio explanations and other commentary related to specific lessons. As I create these podcasts you can find them by either clicking on this link: podcasts or "subscribing" to the RSS feed for this syllabus. You will be able to download them for free onto your computer, to any mp3 player, or add the podcasts' URL to iTunes or similar podcast receiving software. Readings, Topics, & Assignments by week: Week Chapter Topics Assignments Week 1: Chapter 1 Introductions & IS terminology Review class requirements Week 2: Chapter 2 Information systems in organizations Week 3: Chapter 3 IS hardware Week 4: Chapter 4 IS software 1st Excel/Solver assignment Week 5: Chapter 5 DBMS & business intelligence Week 6: Chapter 6 Telecommunications & networks 2nd Excel/Solver assignment Week 7: Chapter 7 The Internet, intranets, & extranets Week 8: Midterm Exam Week 9: Chapter 8 e-Commerce Week 10: Chapter 9 Enterprise systems MS Project assignment Week 11: Chapter 10 Information & decision support systems Week 12: Chapter 11 Knowledge management & specialized ISs MS Visio assignment Week 13: Chapter 12 Systems development: part 1 Week 14: Chapter 13 Systems development: part 2 Week 15: Chapter 14 Personal & social impact of ISs Week 16: Final Exam Prof. Ed Nickel's Office Hours & Schedule Fall, 2011 The following table shows my normal office hours, online office hours [free] via Skype*: ednickel, and class schedule for the current semester. The remaining times are reserved for other functions as indicated. Please note, exceptions to these guidelines can occur. During my office hours I am normally available (barring boring meetings) to meet with students while appointments at other times can usually be arranged. You are welcome to call me at my office, 775-753-2241, or, still better, email me using WebCampus email or edn (at) with any class related questions you may have. I check my email at least once each weekday but not usually on the weekends. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday All students, especially those in my WebCampus based classes ( CIT 174: Liunx Sys Admin, GIS 109: Intro to GIS, GIS 270: GIS Extensions, CIT 301: Network Mgt Ess, COT 301: Database Mgt Ess, GIS 301: Geograpic Info Sys Ess, GRC 301: Graphic Comm Ess, & IS 301: Mgt Info Sys ) as well as my independent study students, are encouraged to contact me by either email at any time, or call me during any of the regular office hours or online office hours as shown in this schedule, for personal assistance. I check my email at least once each weekday but not usually on the weekends. 11:00 am - office hours office hours office hours 12:15 pm via Skype* 12:15 - lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch 1:00 pm 1:00 - office hours office hours office hours 2:15 pm via Skype* Faculty Senate, CT Dept & other 2:30 - office hours GBC mtgs., etc. 3:45 am 3:45 - 4:30 pm 4:30 - 5:30 pm 5:30 -

6:45 pm 7:00 - 8:15 pm 8:30 - 9:45 pm *If you would like to speak with me online, download and install the free Skype software then use it to call me via my Skype account: ednickel. (Please note, there are no long distance charges regardless of where you might be in the world for either audio or video computer to computer calls when using Skype.) Audio calls require a computer with a sound card and microphone while video calls also require a web camera. Adequate headset mics are available for about $15.00 and most computers already have a sound card built in. If you wish to add the optional video phone capabilities, an adequate web camera can be purchased for well under $50.00.

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