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Faculty of Medicine and Health Leeds Institute of Health Sciences Academic Unit of Primary Care
Academic Teaching Fellows in General Practice (x2 posts) Fixed Term – 12 months
The Academic Unit of Primary Care in the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, is seeking to appoint two Academic Teaching Fellows with a clinical and teaching role in a practice within an under doctored area of West Yorkshire. The posts are designed for people with an interest in a teaching career within Primary Care. You will be required to join a practice and contribute to clinical and teaching work, both within the practice and within the Academic Unit.
The posts are open to those who are in their final year of GPStR training or within three years of completing their GPStR training. Some experience of research and/or under graduate and post- graduate teaching within primary care would be desirable, as would publications in peer-reviewed journals. Effective communication, presentation and administrative skills are essential. It is expected that you would pursue academic development by undertaking relevant training. These posts are funded through the Yorkshire Deanery and an NHS Honorary Contract will be sought for the successful candidate.
University Academic GP Scale (£48,451 - £68,539 p.a.). It is likely that an appointment will be made at or below £60,138 as there are funding limitations that dictate the level at which the appointment can start.
Informal enquiries about the post can be made to Dr David Pearson, Head of Learning and Teaching, Academic Unit of Primary Care, tel: +44 (0)113 343 4183 or email: [email protected].
To apply online please visit www.leeds.ac.uk and click on ‘jobs’ or application packs are available from Daniel Macauley tel: +44 (0)113 343 0831 or e-mail: [email protected].
Job ref 414056 Closing date 17 October 2008 General Information
Leeds Institute of Health Sciences
The Leeds Institute of Health Sciences is a multidisciplinary organisation in the School of Medicine at the University of Leeds. The Institute was formed in 2004 and its main focus is on the psychological, social and cultural aspects of health and healthcare – locally, nationally and internationally.
The Institute is made up of a number of academic groupings, some with their origins in clinical disciplines (known as academic units) and some with non-clinical (typically social-sciences) origins (known as centres):
Academic Unit of Primary Care Academic Unit of Public Health Academic Unit of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences Academic Unit of Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centre for Health and Social Care (includes Yorkshire Centre for Health Informatics) Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development Academic Unit of Health Economics
To support its work the Institute has valued partnerships with the NHS and other national and international organisations, as well as links with academic groups in Leeds and Bradford in (for example) biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trials, informatics, psychology, and sociology. The Institute forms an excellent environment for conduct of health services and related research (see the Institute website http://www.leeds.ac.uk/lihs)
In addition to its research portfolio, the Institute is responsible for delivering components of the MBChB programme and for several substantial postgraduate programmes ranging from Postgraduate Certificate to doctoral level awards.
The Academic Unit of Primary Care
The Academic Unit of Primary Care (AUPC) currently comprises a Head of Primary Care Learning and Teaching, four clinical teaching fellows, five affiliated honorary academic posts in partnership with Bradford and Airedale Teaching PCT, a number of sessional honorary primary care lecturers, and a three person administration team supported by the Institute of Health Sciences financial and management team. The AUPC has crucial links within the Institute and with the School of Medicine, especially the Medical Education Unit, and is looking to strengthen collaborative working and research with University partners within the departments of Healthcare and Education.
Postgraduate Programmes in the Institute of Health Sciences and AUPC
The Leeds Institute of Health Sciences is currently developing a comprehensive range of postgraduate programmes at certificate, diploma and masters level covering the areas of public health, international public health, health informatics, public policy and psychiatry – as well as primary care and primary care education.
The MSc in Primary Health Care has become established as a flexible part-time course for all members of the primary healthcare team. This Masters programme offers modules in learning and teaching, managing change, educational research. Optional modules include learning and teaching about consultation skills, sociology, ethics, creative arts and educational facilitation. Modules under review for a 2009 re-launch include an introduction to primary care; clinical decisions making in primary care; and health policy and professionalism. Masters students come from a wide variety of clinical and non clinical backgrounds allied to primary care. This programme is also offered at Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma level. The Postgraduate Certificate in Primary
2 Care Education, in conjunction with the Masters course, offers a selection from the same range of modules run over a one year programme.
Consultation has been underway to expand and develop the postgraduate programme, making it more relevant and accessible to learners in West Yorkshire and beyond. Specific ideas include closer links with the postgraduate programme linked to GP training via the Yorkshire Postgraduate Deanery; the development of degree or masters level programmes more closely linked to the learning needs of postgraduate nurses and allied professions in primary care, to dentists and pharmacists in primary care, and to PCT and practice managers and health care commissioners.
Undergraduate teaching in primary care:
Over the last three years undergraduate teaching in primary care increased rapidly with primary care student placements now across the curriculum in second, third, fourth and fifth year. Direct AUPC learning and teaching involvement concentrates around delivery of the primary care component of the Primary Care, Psychiatry and Public Health (PPP) course in 4th year. The AUPC has developed an intercalated BSc degree in primary care which will be offered for the first time from September 2008.
Educational research interests at the AUPC and Institute of Health Sciences
The AUPC has currently has two main areas it wishes to explore further: both relate to core parts of primary care and general practice: both have links with work elsewhere in the Institute and school of medicine. These are:
1. The development of advanced consultation skills for a changing health care environment. 2. The learning environment in primary care
We also wish to seek opportunities for collaboration on educational research within the Institute, particularly in areas relevant to the primary care postgraduate programmes e.g clinical decision- making and health service policy.
Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery
Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery is part of NHS Education Yorkshire and the Humber. The deanery was created by the merger of the Yorkshire and South Yorkshire and South Humber deaneries on 1st April 2008.
The Deanery has a responsibility to plan, commission and manage the provision of postgraduate medical, dental and inter-professional education that meets professional requirements and the needs of the service within the Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority area. The SHA covers a large geographical area with a significant mix of urban and rural populations. This includes: 11 NHS Trusts, 10 Foundation Trusts, 1 Ambulance Trust, 14 PCTs and 256 GP training practices. We have three medical schools currently producing 588 graduates per year and this will increase in subsequent years. The current medical workforce in training, for which the deanery has responsibility, includes 515 Foundation 1 doctors, 595 Foundation 2 doctors, 565 GP trainees and approximately 3,900 hospital specialty trainees.
The deanery has a role in the delivery of sustained increases in the medical and dental workforce, especially GPs and consultants, in line with the NHS Plan, National Service Frameworks and Strategic Health Authorities' Local Delivery Plans.
The deanery is committed to the development of highly skilled doctors and dentists, to provide a high standard of patient care to meet the requirement of the NHS, embracing the following principles:
Improve health care through high quality training 3 Be informed by the principles of Good Medical Practice Maintain the standards and improve the quality of education Work in an honest, fair and transparent way Recognise the role that the trainees play within the service Encourage individual trainees to achieve their potential Support and develop trainers Recognise the central role of the patient, and the trainee/patient relationship Support, guide and educate the whole medical workforce Create a learning environment Work in partnership with other professionals in healthcare and education Provide leadership in the field of education and training Be responsive to the changing needs and values of the NHS.
Background and Purpose of the Post
The Academic Unit of Primary Care in the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, is seeking to appoint two Academic Teaching Fellows (ATF) with a clinical and teaching role in a practice within an under doctored area of West Yorkshire. These posts are funded by the Yorkshire Deanery. There is a continuing need within West Yorkshire to help develop a cohort of primary care educators trained to provide education for the next generation of primary care clinicians, and particularly to help encourage professional education and training in currently under doctored areas. These would be pilot posts of one year duration with an intention to encourage academic development of the post holder, and to support and encourage educational development within the host practice. If the pilot is successful the Yorkshire Deanery will seek funding to offer similar one- year teaching posts in the future.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
The post will be for 9 sessions full time:
NHS commitment (6 sessions): The ATF would join a practice and contribute to clinical work (4 sessions) and teaching (2 sessions) within the host practice for a 12 month period: contribute to the practice team help develop clinical skills develop teaching experience with either undergraduate medical students, FY2 doctors or other professional groups.
University commitment (1 session): The ATF would contribute to undergraduate teaching with the AUPC (1 session): supervise students projects, assignments etc group teaching involvement in curriculum planning assessment of student work
Academic development (2 sessions): complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Care Education under take teaching training (“teaching the teachers” modules) produce work for presentation and/or publication.
Location of post:
The ATF would be based within an educationally active practice within an under doctored area within the West Yorkshire area. The educational activity would include being a University of Leeds undergraduate teaching practice (preferably Level 2) and a GP StR training practice. Other teaching
4 & academic work would occur within the AUPC, University of Leeds. Academic supervision and professional development would be via the AUPC and Yorkshire Deanery.
Working Relationships You will be located in the Academic Unit of Primary Care and will be accountable to the Director of the Institute through the Head of Unit.
Supervision: The ATF would have a named GP trainer/supervisor within the host practice to support clinical work and practice teaching, and a named academic supervisor at the AUPC.
Personal attributes The ATF will be expected to demonstrate a capacity for original thought and possess effective communication, presentation and administrative skills. Effective interpersonal and time management skills are essential as is the capacity to infuse others with their own enthusiasm and to work successfully as a team member. Effective communication, presentation and administrative skills are also essential. These posts will include some travel.
NHS Honorary Contract An Honorary NHS contract will be sought for the ATF in agreement with the Yorkshire Deanery.
Person Specification
Essential Desirable Education/Qualifications MBBS or equivalent medical qualification X Candidates must be in the final year of GPStR training or X within three years of completing GPStR training Experience Track record of published research, presentation of papers X at conferences, seminars etc Successful record of obtaining external research funding X Experience of teaching both undergraduate and X postgraduate students and the development of teaching materials Willingness and ability to contribute effectively to X administrative activities Project management X Personal qualities Strategic thinker X Ability to prioritise work X Commitment to team-working X Self-motivated, pro-active, and innovative X Skills Effective interpersonal and communication skills including X written and presentational Highly developed analytical skills X Substantially numerate X Computer literate X Budget management skills X Knowledge Knowledge of NHS and primary care policy X Understanding of social and political environment X
5 How to Apply
We encourage all applicants to e-mail their completed application forms to us and to complete the equal opportunities monitoring form on-line as this is the most efficient and environmentally friendly option available.
Send Completed Applications to: Dan Macauley [email protected] By: 17 October 2008 Quoting Job Reference number: 414056
If you have any difficulties in e-mailing and completing electronic versions of these forms, we are very happy to receive printed copies by post to Dan Macauley, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, Charles Thackrah Building, University of Leeds, 101 Clarendon Road, Leeds LS2 9LJ.
Applications should include the following: A completed application form. If you wish to download an application form allowing you to e-mail your application back please visit http://www.leeds.ac.uk/hr/forms/index.htm#recruitment A Curriculum Vitae/information requested on page 2 of the application form. Equal Opportunities Monitoring form found online, please visit: http://tldynamic.leeds.ac.uk/equalopps/
Replies will be treated in complete confidence
If you are selected for interview you can expect to hear from the University not later than 4 weeks after the closing date. If you are not selected for interview the University will not contact you again.
Please note that if you are appointed to this post you must be able to supply proof of the right to work in the UK. If you do not have the right to work in the UK the University will apply to the Border and Immigration Agency (formerly known as the Home Office) to obtain a Work Permit for you. We are obliged by European law to appoint people who are citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) where possible. A Work Permit will therefore only usually be granted by the Border and Immigration Agency where there is a skills shortage for a particular post.
Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau is required for this position.
Disabled Applicants
Disabled applicants wishing to review access to the building are invited to contact the department direct. Additional information may be sought from Disability Services, e-mail [email protected] or tel + 44 (0)113 343 3927.
Disabled applicants are not obliged to inform employers of their disability but will still be covered by the Disability Discrimination Act once their disability becomes known.
Data Protection
6 The information you provide in your application will be used to consider your suitability for the post for which you have applied. If your application is not successful the information will be disposed of confidentially after 6 months. If your application is successful and you are appointed, your information and future data will be processed in accordance with the University's Data Protection Code of Practice. A copy of this code can be obtained from either the University's Human Resources Department or by visiting: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/hr/policy/index.htm
Health and Safety Responsibilities
You are required to adhere to and comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act, related Regulations, and act in accordance with the University’s Policy on Health and Safety which can be accessed via: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/safety
In addition you are also required to co-operate with regard to the implementation of the Health and Safety arrangements and should not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety and Welfare at Work.
For more information on the University and terms and conditions of appointments please visit http://www.leeds.ac.uk
To find out what it’s like to work at the University of Leeds, view our DVD online at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/hr/jobs/dvd.htm
Equality and Diversity Statement
The University of Leeds is proud to be a multi-cultural community. We value diversity, and are determined to ensure: that we treat all individuals fairly, with dignity and respect; that the opportunities we provide are open to all; that we provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment – for staff, for students and for visitors.
We recognise that we still have work to do to secure a truly inclusive community, and we are committed to a wide-ranging plan of action to tackle discrimination and to promote diversity.
The Equality and Diversity Statement forms part of the University’s Equality and Diversity Policy, which applies to staff and students alike and is available on the University’s website at: http://www.equality.leeds.ac.uk/ed/policy/
The University has published the following policy and code of practice which are linked to the Equality and Diversity policy. They are also available on the University’s website: The Race Equality Policy, The Code of Practice on Harassment and Bullying
Further policies are being developed, and will be made available on the University’s website in due course.
Further information and advice are available from The Equality Service, Telephone: +44 (0)113 343 3927 or by email to [email protected].
WITHOUT HONORARY MEDICALLY QUALIFIED CONSULTANT CONTRACT RESEARCH FELLOW OR TUTOR Lecturer Senior Lecturer With Honorary Senior With Honorary Specialist Registrar or (CLINLECT) & Reader House Officer Contract Clinical Fellow Contract (DENTLECT) (CLINSL/R) (R/T/SHO) (CLF/SPR)
April 2008 April 2008 April 2008 April 2008 £ £ £ £ 30,231 48,451 27,116 30,231 31,728 52,346 28,889 31,728 33,226 56,240 30,663 33,226 34,723 60,138 32,436 34,723 36,529 65,105 34,209 36,529 38,336 68,539 35,982 38,336 40,143 37,755 40,143 41,948 41,948 43,755 43,755 46,007# 45,562 48,451 52,346 56,240* * Dentists only # This point does not apply to people appointed prior to 13 May 2004. They should automatically move from £43,755 to £48,451.
Senior Lecturer & Reader Professor (SL/RCONS) (CLINPROF)
November 2007 April 2008 November 2007 April 2008 £ £ £ £ 59,632 60,944 60,206 61,531 63,899 65,305 63,899 65,305 68,167 69,667 68,167 69,667 72,434 74,028 72,434 74,028 77,300 79,001 77,300 79,001
Pay Period before eligibility April April Scale April 2008 Threshold for Threshold 2007 2008 Point £ £ £ 1 N/A (starting salary) 71,822 73,403 0 33,264 2 1 Year 74,071 75,701 1 35,904 3 1 Year 76,320 78,000 2 38,544 4 1 Year 78,569 80,298 3 41,185 5 1 Year 80,812 82,590 4 43,826 6 5 Years 86,153 88,049 5 46,935 7 5 Years 91,495 93,508 6 49,107 8 5 Years 96,831 98,962 7 51,746 8 54,387 9 57,028 10 59,668 11 62,310