2.1. Light Propagation in Free Space
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2.1. Light Propagation in Free Space
Here we review the propagation of light in free space and the principles of Fourier optics.
These concepts will be used as a foundation for light microscopy. Let us first review the well known solutions of the wave propagation in free space (or vacuum). The Helmholtz equation that describes the propagation of field emitted by a source s that has the form
2 2 �U(r,w) = k0 U( r , w) s( r) . 1
w k In Equation 1, U is the scalar field, which is a function of position r and frequency , 0 is
k = w the vacuum wavenumber (or propagation constant), 0 c . In order to solve Eq. 1, one needs to specify whether the propagation takes place in 1D, 2D, or 3D, and take advantage of any symmetries of the problem (e.g. spherical or cylindrical symmetry in 1 3D). Then, the fundamental equation associated with Eq. 1, which provides the Green’s function of the problem, is obtained by replacing the source term with an impulse function, i.e. Dirac delta function. The fundamental equation is then solved in the frequency domain. Below, we derive the well known solutions of plane and spherical waves, for the 1D and 3D propagation, respectively.
2.1.1. 1D Propagation: Plane Waves.
For the 1D propagation (see Fig. 1), the fundamental equation is
2 g( x,w) +k2 g( x,w) = d ( x) , x2 0 2 where g is Green’s function, and d ( x) is the 1D delta-function, which in 1D describes a planar source of infinite size placed at the origin. 2 Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. 2 gives an algebraic equation
-k2 g k,w + k 2 g k , w = 1, x( x) 0 ( x ) 3
d ik where we used the differentiation theorem of Fourier transforms, dx x (see Appendix for details). Thus, the frequency domain solution is simply
1 g( kx ,w) = 2 2 k0 - kx 1轾 1 1 4 =犏 + . 2k0臌 k 0- kx k 0 + k x
g k ,w In order to find Green’s function, we Fourier transform back ( x ) to the spatial domain.
1 1 In taking the Fourier transform of Eq. 4, we note that (kx - k0 ) is the function kx , shifted
1 k0 by . Thus, we invoke the Fourier transform of kx and the shift theorem (see Appendix
3 1 isign ( x) kx 1 5 � e∓ik0 x isign ( x) k0 kx
By combining Eqs. 4 and 5, we can readily obtain
-i eik0 x+ e- ik 0 x , for x > 0 2k ( ) g( x,w) = 0 -i 6 (eik0 x+ e- ik 0 x ), for x < 0 2k0 [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Equation 6 gives the solution to the wave Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] propagation, as emitted by the infinite planar source at the origin. Note that ignoring the prefactor -i =exp( - ip / 2) , which is just phase shift, the solution through the 1D space, x �(ゥ , ) , is (see Fig. 1b)
1 g x,w = cos k x ( ) ( 0 ) . 7 k0
4 Function g( x,w) consists of a superposition of two counter-propagating waves, of
k -k wavenumbers 0 and 0 . If instead we prefer to work with the complex analytic signal
g x,w k= - k associated with ( ) , we simply suppress the negative frequency component (i.e. x 0 ), as described in section Appendix A. In this case, the complex analytic solution is (we use the same notation, g)
1 g( x,w) = eik0 x . 8 2k0
Thus, we arrived at the well known representation of the plane wave solution of the wave equation, and established that it can be regarded as the complex analytic signal associated with the real field in Eq. 7. Note that since the wave equation contains second order derivatives in space, both eik0 x , e-ik0 x and their linear combinations are all valid solutions.
Green’s function in Eq. 7, which we derived by solving the fundamental equation (Eq. 2),
5 is such a linear combination. Thus, the amplitude of the plane wave is constant, but its phase is linearly increasing with the propagation distance (Fig. 2a-b).
Finally, we note that, if the propagation direction is not parallel to one of the axes, the plane wave equation takes the general form
i 鬃ˆ g(r,w) = eik0 k r , 9 2k0
ˆ k kˆ k = where is the unit vector defining the direction of propagation, k0 . Thus, the phase
r k r k delay at a point described by position vector is = P , where P is the component of k parallel to r (Fig. 2c-d).
2.1.2. 3D Propagation: Spherical Waves.
6 Let us obtain the Green’s function associated with the vacuum propagation, or the response of free-space to a point source (i.e. impulse response). The fundamental equation becomes
2gr,w= k 2 g r , w d (3) r , � ( ) 0 ( ) ( ) 10 where d (3) represents a 3D delta function. We Fourier transform Eq. 10 and use the relationship 勋 ik (see Appendix B), which gives
-k2 gk,w + k 2 g k , w = 1, ( ) 0 ( ) 11 where k 2 = k k . Equation 3 readily yields the solution in the (k,w) representation
1 g k,w = , ( ) 2 2 12 k0 - k where g depends only on the modulus of k and not its orientation, that is, the propagation is isotropic. Note that Eq. 12 looks very similar to its analog in 1D (Eq. 4) except that the
7 k x component of the wave vector x is now replaced by the modulus of the wave vector, k.
Similarly, in order to obtain the spatial domain solution, g (r,w) , we now Fourier transform
Eq. 12 back to spatial domain. For propagation in isotropic media such as free space, the problem is spherically symmetric and the Fourier transform of Eq. 12 can be written in spherical coordinates as a 1D integral (see Appendix B)
1 sin (kr) gr,w = k2 dk . ( ) 2 2 13 0 k0 - k kr
Expanding the first factor under the integrand and expressing sin (kr) in exponential form,
1骣 1 1 eikr- e- ikr g(r,w) =琪 - dk 2r0 桫 k0- k k 0 + k 2 i 1骣 1 1 14 =琪 - eikr dk. 4ir- 桫 k0- k k 0 + k
Note that the integral in Eq. 14 is a 1D Fourier transform of a function similar to that in
Eq. 4. Similarly, we obtain 8 1 g(r,w) = cos k r , r 0 15 where we ignored irrelevant constant factors.
This solution describes the spherically symmetric wave propagation from a point source, i.e. represents a spherical wave (see Fig. 3). The complex analytic signal associated with this solution has the well known form (up to an unimportant constant, 1/2i)
eik0 r g (r,w) = . r 16
Knowing the Green’s function associated with free space (Eq. 16), i.e. the response to a point source, we can easily calculate the response to an arbitrary source s(r,w) via a convolution,
eik0 r- r ' U(r,w) = s( r ', w) d 3 r ', 17 V r- r '
9 where the integral is performed over the volume of the source.
Equation 17 is the essence of the Huygens principle (17th century), which establishes that, upon propagation, points set in oscillation by the field become new sources, and the emerging field is the summation of spherical wavelets emitted by all these point sources.
Thus, each point reached by the field becomes a secondary source, which emits a new spherical wavelet and so on. It is clear that, generally, the integral in Eq. 17 is difficult to evaluate. In the following section, we study the propagation of fields at large distances from the source, i.e. in the far zone (we will use the phrase “far zone” instead of “far field” to avoid confusions with the actual complex field).
10 2.2. Fresnel Approximation of Wave Propagation.
Next we describe some useful approximations of the spherical wave, which makes the integral in Eq. 17 more tractable. When the propagation distance along one axis, say z, is far greater than along the other two axes (Fig. 4).
In this case, the spherical wave can be first approximated by
eik0 r e ik 0 r , r z 18 where we used the fact that the amplitude attenuation is a slow function of x and y, when
2 2 2 1; 1 z> x + y , such that x2+ y 2 + z 2 z . However, the phase term is significantly more sensitive to x and y variations, such that the next order approximation is needed.
Expanding the radial distance in Taylor series, we obtain
11 r= x2 + y 2 + z 2 x2+ y 2 =z 1 + 2 19 轾 x2+ y 2 ; z 犏1+ 2 , 臌 2z
The spherical wavelet is now approximated by
2 2 ik0 z x+ y e ik0 g(r,w) ; e 2z . 20 z
Equation 20 represents the Fresnel approximation of the wave propagation; the region of distance z where this approximation holds is called the Fresnel zone. Note that the transverse (x-y) dependence comes in the form of a quadratic (parabolic) phase term.
For a given planar (x-y) field distribution at z = 0 , U( u, v) we can calculate the resulting propagated field at distance z, U( x, y , z) by simply convolving U with the Fresnel wavelet
x2+ y 2 ik (Fig. 5), e 0 2z
12 ik z ゥ ik 2 2 e 0 0 轾( x- u) +( y - v) U( x, y) = 鬃 U( u , v) e2z 臌犏 dudv 1 z 蝌 -� 21 骣x2+ y 2 ik0 琪 =U * e 桫 2z .
Equation 21 represents the so called Fresnel diffraction equation, which essentially explains the field propagation using Huygens’ concept of secondary point sources, except that now each of those secondary point sources emits Fresnel wavelets (parabolic wavefronts) rather than spherical waves.
Interestingly, although a drastic approximation, the Fresnel equation captures the essence
eik0 z of many important phenomena in microscopy. Note that the prefactor z is typically neglected, as it contains no information about the x-y field dependence, which is the only one ultimately relevant to imaging.
13 2.3. Fourier Transform Properties of Free Space.
A further approximation, called the Fraunhofer approximation, can be made if the
2 2 observation plane is even farther away. Thus, for z? k( u+ v ) , the quadratic phase terms can be ignored in Eq. 21, such that
ik2 2 ik 0轾( x- u) +( y - u) ; 0 ( -2 xu - 2 yv) . 2z臌 2 z 22
The field distribution in the Fraunhofer region is obtained from Eq. 21 as
ik z ゥ 2p e 0 -i( ux + vy) U x, y= U u , v elz dudv . 1 ( ) 蝌 ( ) 23 z -�
k k x = x; x From Fig. 6, we note that, for a particular direction of propagation, z kz k0 . An
k analogous equation can be written for y . Thus, we can re-write the Fourier transform in
Eq. 23 as
14 ゥ -i( kx u + k y v) U1 ( kx, k y ) = 蝌 U( u , v) e dudv , -�
2k0 x 2p x kx = = 24 zl z k y 2p y k =0 = . y zl z
In Eq. 24a, we ignored all the constant prefactors. Equation 24 establishes that upon long propagation distances, the free space performs the Fourier transform of a given (input) field.
k U u, v Note that the spatial frequency x of the input field ( ) is associated with the
k= k + k propagation of a plane wave along the direction of the wavevector x z . Thus, we can think of the Fraunhofer regime as the situation where different plane waves (propagating at different angles) are generated by different spatial frequencies of the input field.
15 Another way to put it is that, if distance z is large enough, the propagation angles corresponding to different spatial frequencies do not mix.
This remarkable property allows us to solve many problems of practical interest with extreme ease, by invoking various Fourier transform pairs and their properties, as described in Appendix 2.
Example 1. Diffraction by a sinusoidal grating.
Consider a plane wave incident on a one-dimensional amplitude grating of transmission t u =1 + cos 2p ( ) ( L) , with L the period of the grating (Fig. 7)
In the far-zone, we expect the following diffraction pattern
i2p - xu U( x) =轾1 + cos2pu elz du , 臌 ( L) 25
16 or, changing notations
鬃 -iku U( k) =臌轾1 + cos( k1 u) e du , 2p k = 1 L 26 2p x k = lz
Using that the Fourier transform of a cosine function is a sum of two delta functions, we finally obtain:
U k=d k - k + d k + k + d 0 ( ) ( 1) ( 1 ) ( ) 27
Equation 27 shows that the diffraction by a sinusoidal grating generates two distinct off- axis plane waves in the far zone and another along the optical axis (called DC, or zeroth order). While this result is well known, it has deeper implications of practical use in solving inverse problems. Thus, consider a 3D object, whose spatial distribution of refractive index can be expressed as a Fourier transform, i.e. the object can be thought of
17 as a superposition of sinusoidal gratings of various periods. Under certain conditions (the the object is weakly scattering, such that the frequencies do not mix), measuring the angularly scattered light from the object reveals the entire structure of the object. This solution of the inverse problem relies on each angular component reporting on a unique spatial frequency (sinusoidal) associated with the object. We will come back to this point repeatedly throughout this book.
18 2.4. Fourier Transformation Properties of Lenses.
Here we show that lenses have the capability to perform Fourier transforms, much like free space, and with the added benefit of eliminating the need for large distance of propagation.
Let us consider the biconvex lens in Fig. 8. We would like to determine the effect that the lens has on an incident plane wave. This effect can be incorporated via a transmission function of the form
t( x, y) = eif( x, y) . 28
The problem reduces to evaluating the phase delay produced by the lens as a function of the off-axis distance, or the polar coordinate r= x2 + y 2 (Fig. 8b)
19 f(r) = fglass( r) + f air ( r) =nk b r + k b - b r 0( ) 0臌轾 0 ( ) 29
=k0 b 0 +( n -1) k 0 b( r)
f f k In Eq. 29, glass and air are the phase shifts due to the glass and air portions, respectively, 0
k = 2p b is the wavenumber in air, 0 l , 0 is the thickness along the optical axis, i.e. at r = 0
(maximum thickness), b( r) is the thickness at distance r off axis, and n is the refractive index of the glass.
The local thickness, b( r) , can be expressed as
b r= b - b r - b r , ( ) 0 1( ) 2 ( ) 30
b b where 1 and 2 are the segments shown in Fig. 8, which can be calculated using simple geometry, as follows (Fig. 9).
For small angles, ABC becomes a right triangle, when the following identity applies
20 AD2 = 2 BD DC . 31
AD= r BD= b DC= R Since , 1 , and 1 , we finally obtain
r 2 b r = , 1 ( ) 32 2R1 where r2= x 2 + y 2 . It follows that the thickness, b( r) , can be expressed from Eq. 30,
r 2 骣1 1 b r= b - - . ( ) 0 琪 33 2 桫R1 R 2
With this, the phase distribution in Eq. 29 becomes
k r 2 骣1 1 fr= f -0 n -1 - , ( ) 0 ( )琪 34 2 桫R1 R 2
f = k b where 0 0 0 .
21 Note that in Eqs. 33-34, we used the geometrical optics convention whereby surfaces with centers to the left (right) are considered of negative (positive) radius; in our case
R > 0 R < 0 1 and 2 .
We recognize that the focal distance associated with a thin lens is given by
1骣 1 1 =(n -1)琪 - , 35 f桫 R1 R 2
Such that Eq. 34 becomes
k r 2 f(r) = f - 0 . 0 2 f 36
Finally, the lens transmission function, which establishes how the plane wave field right before the lens is transmitted right after the lens, has the form
k r2 -i 0 t( r) = eiknb0 e 2 f . 37
22 As expected, Eq. 37 shows that the effect of the lens is to transform a plane wave into a
k r 琪骣-i 0 parabolic wavefront. The negative sign 桫 2 f conventionally denotes a convergent field, while the positive sign marks a divergent field.
By comparing Eqs. 27 and 37, it is clear that the effect of propagation through free space is qualitatively similar to transmission through a thin divergent lens (Fig. 10).
Let us consider the field propagation through a combination of free space and convergent lens (Fig. 11).
U x, y The problem of deriving an expression for the output field 4( 4 4 ) as a function of input
U x, y d field 1( 1 1 ) can be broken down into a Fresnel propagation over distance 1 , followed by a transformation by the lens of focal distance f, and, finally, a propagation over distance d 2 .
23 In Section 3.2 (Eq. 21) we found that the Fresnel propagation can be described as a convolution with the quadratic phase function (Fresnel wavelet). Thus the propagation can be written symbolically as
2 2 k0 ( x+ y ) i 2d1 U2( x 2, y 2) = U 1( x 1 , y 1 ) * e
2 2 k0( x 2+ y 2 ) -i 2 f 38 U3( x 3, y 3) = U 2( x 2 , y 2 ) e
2 2 k0( x 3+ y 3 ) i 2d2 U4( x 4, x 4) = U 3( x 3 , y 3 ) * e
Carrying out these calculations is straight forward but somewhat tedious. However, a great simplification arises in the special case where
d= d = f . 1 2 39
24 Thus, if the input field is at the front focal plane of the lens and the output field is observed at the back focal plane, then the two fields are related via an exact Fourier transform
-i( kx4� x 1 k y 4 y 1) U4( kx 4, k y 4) = 蝌 U 1( x 1 , y 1) e dx 1 dy 1 2p x k = 4 x4 l f 40 2p y k = 4 , y4 l f where we ignored trivial factors preceding the integral in Eq. 40a. This result is significant, as it establishes a simple, yet powerful way to compute analog Fourier transforms, virtually instantaneously.
Example 2. Sinusoidal transmission grating.
25 Let us revisit Example 1, where we studied the diffraction by a sinusoidal grating. Now the grating is placed in the focal plane object of the lens and the observation is in the focal plane image (see Fig. 12).
The Fourier transform of the 1D grating transmission function is
2p x x -i 1 2 轾 骣2p x1 l f U( x2) =蝌1 + cos琪 e dx 1 臌犏 桫 L 骣2px2p 骣 2 p x 2 p 41 =d琪2 - + d 琪 2 + + d (0). 桫lzL 桫 l z l
Thus, a thins lens can generate the diffraction pattern of a grating just as the free space can. This simple picture is extremely useful in understanding the coherent image formation in a light microscope, as first described by Abbe in 1873. This description will be presented more detail in Chapter 5.
26 2.5 Born approximation of light scattering in inhomogeneous media
In many situations of biomedical interest, light interacts with inhomogeneous media, in which case the generic light-matter interaction process is referred to as scattering. If the wavelength of the field is unchanged in the process, then we deal with elastic light scattering.
The general goal in light scattering experiments is to infer information about the refractive index distribution in the 3D space, n(r) , from measurements on the scattered light, i.e. to solve the scattering inverse problem. In the following, we show that this problem can be solved analytically if we assume weakly scattering media. Thus, we
27 derive an expression for the far-zone scattered field generated by a weakly scattering medium illuminated with a plane wave (Fig. 13).
Let us recall the Helmholtz equation
�2U(r,w) = b 2 ( r , w) U ( r , w) 0 br, w= n r , w k ( ) ( ) 0 42 k = w 0 c
Where is the (inhomogeneous, i.e. r-dependent) propagation constant, or wavenumber.
Equation 42a can be re-arranged to show the inhomogeneous term on the right hand side, which explicitly shows that the medium acts a secondary source term. Thus, the scalar field satisfies
2 2 �U(r,w) = k0 U( r , w) - 4 p F( r , w) U ( r , w) 1 F(r,w) = k2轾 n 2 ( r , w) - 1 43 4p 0 臌
28 Function F (r,w) is called the scattering potential associated with the medium. Equation 33 explicitly shows the inhomogeneous portion of the refractive index as a source of secondary (scattered) light.
The fundamental equation that yields Green’s function, h(r,w) , has the form
2hr,w= k 2 h r , w - d (3) r � ( ) 0 ( ) ( ) 44
Again, like in Section 2.1., we solve the equation by Fourier transforming it with respect to spatial variable and arrive at the well known spherical wave solution (Eq. 16)
eik0 r h( r,w) = . r 45
Thus, the solution for the scattered field is a convolution between the source term, i.e.
4pF(r , w) U ( r , w) , and the Green function, h(r,w) ,
eik0 r- r' U(r,w) = F( r ', w)鬃 U( r ', w) d 3 r ' r- r ' 46 29 The integral in Eq. 46 can be simplified if we assume that the measurements are performed in the far-zone, i.e. r' = r (Fig. 13). Thus, we can invoke the following useful approximation
r- r' =r2 + r ' 2 - 2 rr ' r ; r - r ' r 47 k ; r - s r ' k0
k r r ' r ' s In Eq. 47, is the scalar product of vectors r and and k0 is the unit vector associated with the direction of propagation. With this so-called far-zone approximation, Eq. 47 can be re-written as
ik0 r e 鬃 U(r,w) = F( r ', w)鬃 U( r ', w) e-i ks r' d 3 r ' r 48
30 Equation 48 indicates that, far from the scattering medium, the field behaves as a
eik0 r spherical wave, r , which is perturbed by the scattering amplitude, defined as
fk,w= F r ', w鬃 U r ', w e-iks r' d 3 r ' ( s ) ( ) ( ) 49
In order to obtain a tractable expression for the integral in Eq. 9, we assume the scattering is weak, which allows us to expand U (r ',w) . The (first order) Born approximation assumes that the field inside the scattering volume is constant and equal to the incident field, assumed to be a plain wave
Ur ',w ; eiki r' . i ( ) 50
With this approximation plugged in Eq. 49, we finally obtain for the scattering amplitude
fk,w= F r ', w e-i(ks - k i ) r' d3 r ' ( s ) ( ) 51
31 Note that the integral on the right hand side is a 3D Fourier transform. Thus, within the first Born approximation, measurements of the field scattered at a given angle, gives
q= k - k access to the Fourier component s i of the scattering potential F,
f(q,w) = F( r ', w) e-iqr' d 3 r '. 52
The physical meaning of q is that of the difference between the scattered and incident wavevectors, sometime called scattering wavevector (Fig. 14) and in quantum mechanics referred to as the momentum transfer.
q= 2 k sinq From the geometry in Fig. 14 it can be seen that 0 2 , with q the scattering angle. The remarkable feature of Eq. 52 is that, due to the reversibility of the Fourier integral, it can be inverted to provide the scattering potential,
F(r',w) 底 U( q , w) eiqr' d 3 q . 53
32 Equation 53 establishes the solution to the inverse scattering problem, i.e. it provides a way of retrieving information about the medium under investigation via angular scattering measurements. Equivalently, measuring U at a multitude of scattering angles allows the reconstruction of F from its Fourier components. For far-zone measurements at a fixed distance R, the scattering amplitude and the scattered field differ only by a
eikR constant R , and, thus, can be used interchangeably.
Note that in order to retrieve the scattering potential F (r ',w) experimentally, two essential conditions must be met: 1) the measurement has to provide the complex scattered field (i.e. amplitude and phase); and 2) the scattered field has to be measured over an infinite range of spatial frequencies q (i.e. the limits of integration in Eq. 43 are - to ).
33 On the first issue, we note that great progress has been made recently in terms of measuring phase information, some of which is within the theme of this book.
Nevertheless, most measurements are intensity-based. Thus, it is important to realize that
2 if one only has access to the intensity of the scattered light, U( q,w) , then the autocorrelation of F (r ',w) and not F itself is retrieved,
2 U(q,w) � eiqr' d 3 q F( r' , w) F ( r' , w) 54
The result in Eq. 44 is simply the correlation theorem applied to 3D Fourier transforms
(see Appendix B).
Secondly, clearly, we have only experimental access to a limited frequency range, or bandwidth. Therefore, the spatial frequency coverage (range of momentum transfer) is
34 k= k intrinsically limited. Specifically, for a given incident wave vector ki, with i 0 , the
k- k = 2k highest possible q is obtained for backscattering, b i 0 (Fig. 15a).
-k Similarly for an incident wave vector in the opposite direction, i , the maximum
q= 2 k momentum transfer is also 0 (Fig. 15b). Altogether, the maximum frequency coverage
4k is 0 , as illustrated in Fig. 16.
k -k As we rotate the incident wavevector from i to i , the respective backscattering
k -k 2k wavevector rotates from b to b , such that the tip of q describes a sphere of radius 0 .
This is known as the Ewald sphere, or Ewald limiting sphere.
Let us study the effect of this bandwidth limitation in the best case scenario of the entire Ewald’s sphere coverage. The measured (i.e. truncated in frequency) field, U (q,w) , can be expressed as
35 U(q,w) ,0# q 2 k U (q,w) = 0 0, rest 55
Using the definition of a rectangular function in 3D, or the “ball” function, defined as
骣q 1,if x2+ y 2 + z 2 2 k P琪 = 0 , we can re-write Eq. 55 as (see Appendix 2) 桫4k0 0, rest
骣q U(q,w) = U ( q , w)譖 琪 , 56 桫4k0
Thus, the scattering potential retrieved by measuring the scattered field U can be obtained via the 3D Fourier of Eq. 56
Fr',w= F r ', w * P r ' ( ) ( ) xyz ( ) 57
In Eq. 57, P is the Fourier transform of the ball function P and has the form (see
Appendix 2)
36 sin( 2k r ') - 2 k r 'cos( 2 k r ') 3 P r' = 0 0 0 2 k ( ) 3 ( 0 ) 58 (2k0 r)
It follows that even in the best case scenario, i.e. full Ewald sphere coverage, the reconstructed object F (r ',w) is a “smooth” version of the original object, where the smoothing function is P (r ') , a radially symmetric function of radial coordinate r’.
Practically, covering the entire Ewald sphere requires illuminating the object from all directions and measuring the scattered complex field over the entire solid angle for each illumination direction. This is, of course, a challenging task, rarely achieved in practice.
Instead, fewer measurements are performed, at the expense of degrading resolution.
Figure 17 depicts the 1D profile of the 3D function P (r ') . The FWHM of this
2kD r ' = 2 q function, Dr ' , is given by 0 , or Dr ' = 0.23l . We can, therefore, conclude that the best achievable resolution in reconstructing the 3D object is approximately l / 4 , only a factor
37 of 2 below the common half-wavelength limit. This factor of 2 gain is due to illumination from both sides.
38 2.6. Scattering by single particles.
In the following we introduce the main concepts and definitions used in the context of light scattering by particles. By particle, we indicate a region in space that is characterized by a dielectric permeability e = n2 , which is different from that of the surrounding medium. The scattering geometry is illustrated in Fig. 18.
The field scattered in the far zone has the general form of a perturbed spherical wave,
eikr U( r) = U鬃 f ( k, k ) , s ir s i 59
U r r = r f k, k where s ( ) is the scattered vector field at position r, , and ( s i ) defines the scattering amplitude. The function f is physically similar to that encountered above, when
39 discussing the Born approximation, (Eq. 49) except that here it also includes polarization in formation, in addition to the amplitude and phase.
The differential cross-section associated with the particle is defined as
2 Ss s d(k s, k i ) = limr , r 60 Si
S S where s and i are the Poynting vectors associated along the scattered and initial
1 2 S = U direction, respectively, with moduli i, s2h i , s .
s Note that, following from Eq. 60, d is only defined in the far-zone. It follows immediately that the differential cross-section equals the modulus squared of the scattering amplitude,
2 k, kf k , k . s d( s i) = ( s i ) 61
40 s s = m2 / rad Note that the unit for d is [ d ] .
k= - k One particular case is obtained for backscattering, when s i ,
s= s -k, k , b d( i i ) 62
s where b is referred to as the backscattering cross section.
s The normalized version of d defines the so-called phase function,
s d(k s, k i ) p(ks, k i ) = 4p . s d(k s, k i )dW 63 4p
The phase function p defines the angular probability density function associated with the scattered light (note that the phrase “phase function” was borrowed from nuclear physics and does not refer to the phase of the field). The integral in the denominator of Eq. 63 defines the scattering cross section.
41 ss= s d(k s, k i ) d W 4p . 64
s = m2 Thus, the unit of the scattering cross section is [ s ] . In general, if the particle also absorbs light, we can define an analogous absorption cross section, such that the attenuation due to the combined effect is governed by a total cross section,
s= s + s a s 65
For particles of arbitrary shapes, sizes, and refractive indices, deriving expression for the
s s scattering cross sections, d and s , is very difficult. However, if simplifying assumptions can be made, the problem becomes tractable, as described in the next section.
42 2.7. Particles under the Born approximation
When the refractive index of a particle is only slightly different from that of the surrounding medium, its scattering properties can be derived analytically within the framework of the Born approximation described earlier (Section 2.5). Thus the scalar scattering amplitude from such a particle is the Fourier transform of the scattering potential of the particle (Eq. 52)
fq,w = F r ' eiqr' d 3 r ', ( ) p ( ) 66
F In Eq. 66, p is the scattering potential of the particle. We can conclude that the scattering
k amplitude and the scattering potential form a Fourier pair, up to a constant 0
fq,w F r ', w ( ) p ( ) 67
43 The rule of thumb for this scattering regime to apply is that the total phase shift accumulation through the particle is small, say, smaller than 1 rad . For a particle of
n-1 k d < 1 diameter d and refractive index n in air, this condition is ( ) 0 . Under these conditions, the problem becomes easily tractable for arbitrarily shaped particles. For intricate shapes, the 3D Fourier transform in Eq. 66 can be at least solved numerically.
For some regular shapes, we can find the scattered field in analytic form, as described below.
2.7.1 Spherical particles
For a spherical particle, the scattering potential has the form of the ball function, which was introduced earlier to describe the Ewald sphere (see also Appendix B)
44 骣r ' Fp (r ') = P 琪 F0 桫2r 68 1 2 2 F0= k 0 ( n -1) 4p
Equations 68a-b establish that the particle is spherical in shape, of radius r, and is
F characterized by a constant scattering potential 0 inside the domain and zero outside.
Thus, plugging Eqs. 68 into Eq. 66, we obtain the scattering amplitude distribution,
2 2 3 sin(qr) - qr cos( qr) f(q,w) �( n鬃 1) k0 r 3 (qr) . 69
We encountered a function of the same form as on the right hand side of eq. 69 (i.e. the
Fourier transfer of the ball function) when estimating the resolution of structures determined by angular light scattering (Eq. 58). Note however, the two functions operate in the conjugate domains, i.e. in Eq. 58 we used the ball function to describe the
45 frequency support, while here the ball function defines the scattering potential in the spatial domain.
The differential cross section is (from Eq. 61)
2 sd (q, w) = f ( q , w) 2 轾 22 2 4 sin(qr) - qr cos( qr) 70 �(n1) V k0 犏 3 臌犏 (qr) where V= 4p r3 / 3 is the volume of the particle.
Equation 70 establishes the differential cross section associated with a spherical particle under the Born approximation. Sometimes this scattering regime is referred to as
Rayleigh-Gauss, and the particle for which this formula holds as Rayleigh-Gauss particles. Figure 19 illustrates the angular scattering according to Eq. 70. The scattering
46 angle q enters explicitly Eq. 70, by expressing the modulus of the momentum transfer as q= 2 k sinq 0 2 .
A very interesting particular case is obtained when qr 0 . Note that this asymptotical case may happen both the particle is very small, r 0 , but also when the measurement is performed at very small angles, i.e. q 0 . If we expand around the origin the function, we obtain
2 骣sinx- x cos x f( x) = 琪 桫 x3 2 2 轾 骣 x 6 ; 犏x- x琪1 - / x 71 臌 桫 2 1 = 4
Remarkably, measurements at small scattering angles, can reveal the volume of the particle,
47 2 s(q, w) � n2 1 V 2 k 4 d q 0 ( ) 0 72
This result is the basis for many flow cytometry instruments, where the volume of cells is estimated via measurements of forward scattering. The cell structure, i.e. higher frequency components are retrieved through larger angle, or side scattering.
On the other hand, Eq. 72 applies equally well where the particle is very small, commonly referred to as the Rayleigh regime (or Rayleigh particle). Thus, the scattering cross section for Rayleigh particles has the form
n12 k4 V 2 . ss ( w) �( ) 0 73
s In this case, d is independent of angles, indicating that the Rayleigh scattering is isotropic, a well known result. Still, the scattering cross section of Rayleigh particles is
3 k = 2p / l characterized by strong dependence on size (V= 4p r / 3 ) and wavelength ( 0 ),
48 6 s s r -4 74 ss l
One implication of the strong dependence on wavelength is that the nanoparticles in the atmosphere have scattering cross sections that are 16 times larger for a wavelength l = 400nm l = 800nm b (blue) than for r (red). This explains why the clear sky looks bluish due to the scattered light, and the sun itself looks reddish, due to the remaining, unscattered portions of the initial white light spectrum.
2.7.2 Cubical particles
For a cubical particle (Fig. 20), the scattering potential can be expressed as a product of three 1D rectangular functions, along each direction,
49 骣x 骣 y 骣 z F( x, y , z) = P 琪譖 琪 譖 琪 F0 桫2a 桫 2 b 桫 2 c 75 1 2 2 F0= k 0 ( n -1) 4p
The scattering amplitude in this case is (using the 1D Fourier transform of a rectangular function, see Appendix B),
f q, q , q= n2 - 1 k 2 V sinc q a鬃 sinc q b sinc q c ( x y z) ( ) 0 ( x) ( y) ( z ) 76
f 2 2 k 4 It can be seen that the differential cross section s d = has the same V and 0 leading dependence as for spherical particles. As the size of the particle decreases, a 0 , we recover the Rayleigh regime. In essence, this result is due to the fact that, for particles much smaller than wavelength, the details about the particle shape do not affect the scattering.
50 6.3.3 Cylindrical particles
For a cylindrical particle of radius a and length b (Fig. 21), the scattering potential can be written as a product between a 2D and a 1D rectangular function
骣 x2+ y 2 骣z F x, y , z= P 琪 譖 F ( ) 琪 琪 0 桫 2a桫 2 b 77 2 k0 2 F0 =( n -1) 4p
The 3D Fourier transform of F yields the scattering amplitude (using the 3D Fourier transform in cylindrical coordinates, see Appendix B)
J q2+ q 2 a 1 ( x y ) f q, q , q= Fp a2 b鬃 sinc( q b) ( x y z) 0 2 2 z 78 2 qx+ q y
s s where J1 is the Bessel function of first order and kind. As before, d and s can be easily obtained from f 2 .
51 2.8. Scattering from ensembles of particles within the Born approximation.
Generally, studying biological structures with light entails measuring scattering signals from an ensemble. Here we consider the situation where the scattering experiment is performed over an ensemble of particles randomly distributed in space, as illustrated in
Fig. 22.
F r If we assume that the ensemble is made of identical particles of scattering potential 0 ( ) , then the scattering potential of the system can be expressed by a sum of d -functions in the
F r 3D space, which describe the discrete positions, convolved with 0 ( ) ,
F(r) = F0 ( r) *d ( r - rj ) j 79
Equation 79 establishes the distribution of the scattering potential, where each particle is
r positioned at j . Note that, in order for the Born approximation to apply, the particle
52 distribution must be sparse. The scattering amplitude is simply the 3D Fourier transform of F (r) ,
iqr 3 f(q) = F0 ( r) *d ( r - rj ) e d r j
iqrj 80 = f0 (q) e j
q= k - k where, as before, the scattering wavevector is s i , and we used the shift theorem, i.e.
d r- r iqrj ( j ) e (see Appendix B).
Therefore, the scattering amplitude of the ensemble is the scattering amplitude of a
f q single particle, 0 ( ) , multiplied (modulated) by the so-called structure function, defined as
S(q) = eiq rj j 81
Thus, we can express the scattering amplitude as a product,
53 fq= f q S q ( ) 0 ( ) ( ) 82
f q In Eq. 82, 0 ( ) is sometimes referred to as the form function. The physical meaning of the form and structure functions becomes apparent if we note that the size of the particle is
f q S q smaller than the inter-particle distance. It follows that 0 ( ) is a broader function than ( ) ,
f( q ) f S q that is 0 is the envelope (form) of and ( ) is its rapidly varying component
Example Scattering from 2 spherical particles (radius a) separated by a distance b (Fig.
According to Eqs. 81-82, the far-zone scattering amplitude is easily obtained as
fq= f q 鬃cos q b ( ) 0 ( ) ( z 2)
2 2 sin(qr) - qr cos( qr) 83 =n -1 k V鬃 cos q b ( ) 0 3 ( z ) (qr) 2
54 In Eq. 83 we wrote explicitly the form factor of a Rayleigh-Gans particle of volume V and refractive index n. This approach is the basis for extracting crystal structures form x- ray scattering measurements.
55 2.9. Mie scattering.
In 1908, Mie provided the full electromagnetic solutions of Maxwell’s equations for a spherical particle of arbitrary size and refractive index. The scattering cross section has the form
2 2 2 s= p a2 2 n + 1 a + b , s2 ( )( n n ) 84 a n=1
k= k a b = k na/ n where an and bn are complicated functions of 0 , 0 0 , with a the radius of the
k n particle, 0 the wavenumber in the medium, 0 the refractive index of the medium, and n the refractive index of the particle. Equation 84 shows that the Mie solution is expressed in terms of an infinite series, which can only be evaluated numerically. Although today
s common personal computers can evaluate s very fast, we should note that as the particle increases in size, the summation converges more slowly, because a higher number of
56 terms contribute significantly. Physically, as a increases, standing waves (nodes) with higher number of maxima and minima “fit” inside the sphere. Although restricted to spherical particles, Mie theory is sometimes used for modeling tissue scattering.
Figure 1a. One dimensional propagation of the field from a planar source: a) source; b) plane wave.
Figure 2. Plane wave propagation.
Figure 3. a) Propagation of spherical waves. b) Amplitude vs. r. c) Phase vs. r.
Figure 4. a) Propagation from an arbitrary source. b) Illustration of the validity for the
Fresnel and Fraunhofer approximations.
Figure 5. Fresnel propagation of field U at distance z.
Figure 6. Fraunhofer propagation.
Figure 7. Diffraction by a sinusoidal grating; the diffraction orders are indicated.
Figure 8. a) Phase transformation by a thin convergent lens. b) Polar coordinate r.
58 Figure 9. Geometry of the small angle propagation through the lens.
Figure 10. Propagation in free space (a) and through a divergent lens (b).
Figure 11. Propagation through free space and convergent lens. The fields at the focal planes F and F’ are Fourier transforms on each other.
Figure 12. Fourier transform of the field diffracted by a sinusoidal grating.
Figure 13. Light scattering by an inhomogeneous medium.
Figure 14. Momentum transfer.
Figure 15. Momentum transfer for backscattering configuration for ki||z (a) and ki||-z (b).
Figure 16. Ewald scattering sphere.
Figure 17. Profile through function (r’) in Eq. 18.
Figure 18. Light scattering by a single particle.
59 Figure 19. Angular scattering (differential cross section) for a Rayleigh-Gans particle
Figure 20. Scattering by a cubical particle.
Figure 21. Scattering by a cylindrical particle.
Figure 22. Scattering by an ensemble of particles.
Figure 23. Scattering by two particles separated by a distance b.
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