Regional Bowling Association

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Regional Bowling Association

LEA VALLEY REGIONAL BOWLING ASSOCIATION COMPETITION RULES Effective 10/12/97 with amendments as of AGM’s on 9/12/98, 6/12/00, 1/12/03, 19/09/07, 29/11/07, 7/12/11, 11/12/13 & 25/11/15


1. All rounds to be played on, or before, specified dates.

2. The first named person(s) shall be the Challenger. The second named shall be the Opponent.

3. The Challenger must offer two dates, one of which must be a Saturday or Sunday morning - or PM by mutual agreement.

4. Should the round not have been played by the specified date and Rule 3 not been followed, then the Challenger shall be scratched.

5. If Rule 3 has been honoured, but the Opponent does not accept the dates, then the Opponent shall be scratched.

6. If an amicable arrangement cannot be made, the competitors have right-of-appeal to the Competition Secretary, whose decision on the matter shall be final. It is expected that all Competitors will do their utmost to amicably agree a date, before the End Date in the true spirit of the game.

7. The result of competitions must be telephoned, text or emailed, by the winning individual or team, to the Competition Secretary within 24 hours of the match, and the scorecard signed by both players or Skips, as appropriate and be retained for reference in the case of a dispute, by the winning player/team. Lack of observation of this Rule may result in both players/teams being scratched.

8. Challenge League

a. To be competed for as an inter-club competition between teams of 3 rinks, with a minimum of 11 players constituting a ‘team’.

b. The game shall consist of 21 ends.

c. Matches shall be played on weekends, Saturday and/or Sundays unless mutually agreed otherwise.

d. Dress for all Challenge League matches at weekends shall be whites.

e. Matches will commence at 3 pm, unless mutually agreed otherwise.

f. Scoring will be on a points basis, as follows: Winning rink 2 points. Draw 1 point, plus team with total shots superiority 2 extra points. Possible total points 8.

c. Home team to telephone, text or email the result to the League Secretary on the day of the match, the Result Card to be signed by both Captains and sent by the Home team to the League Secretary, within one week.

h. In the event of a match being abandoned by mutual agreement of the two Captains, provided an overall total of a minimum of 36 ends have been played, the existing match result will stand. If less than 36 ends have been played, Rule 8i will apply.

i. If any match has to be called off, due to inclement weather, or the green unfit to play on, and both team Captains agree that the match cannot be rearranged, both teams will be awarded 4 points with no shots awarded either for or against.


Challenge League Cont…

j. In the event of a match being cancelled due to a Club being unable to play on the original date and time agreed in the Fixture List, the Club defaulted against, will be awarded 6 points and 3 shots and the defaulting club will have 2 points and 3 shots deducted. A postponed match, which is re-arranged must be confirmed by both Clubs in writing to the League Secretary.

k. If any match is not played due to any other circumstances, other than those covered by Rules 8h, 8i and 8j a decision will be made by the General Purposes Committee, which will be final.

l. Clubs defaulting more than twice in a season may be liable to expulsion from the Association, at the discretion of the Executive Council.

9. Singles The game shall consist of 21 shots, four bowls each player.

10. Pairs The game shall consist of 21 heads, two players with four bowls each. The two players taking part in the first game shall constitute the pair.

11. Triples The game shall consist of 18 heads, three players with three bowls each, the three players taking part in the first game shall constitute the triples.

12. Fours The game shall consist of 21 heads, four players with two bowls each. The four players taking part in the first game shall constitute the four.

13. Champion of Champions Open to the LVRBA’s Singles Champion and Runner-up and the Champion of Champion Winner and Runner-up of the preceding year, in addition to each member Club’s Singles champion and Runner-up of the preceding year. No entrance fee is required for this competition. The game shall consist of 21 shots, four bowls to each player.

14. Eligibility No member shall play for more than one club in Association competitions during a season.

15. Starting Times The starting time of all competitions, other than the Challenge League, shall be 6 pm and not later than 6.30 pm during weekdays and 10 am and not later than 10.30 am during weekends, or other times by mutual agreement.

16. Play being stopped In the event of the play being stopped, play shall be continued on the same green, unless mutually agreed upon at the time of abandonment. Score and ends will stand until commencement, two trial ends will be allowed.

17. Competition Arrangements That all Competition Semi-Finals be played on a neutral green appointed by the Competition Secretary. The General Purposes Committee shall deal with, and make all arrangements for, the finals of all competitions.

18. Playing Rules The playing rules of all competitions must conform to those of Bowls England. Page 2 of 2 LEA VALLEY REGIONAL BOWLING ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION As adopted at the AGM held on Wednesday 9th December 1998 in entire substitution for the Constitution and Rules previously in force for the Lea Valley Regional Bowling Association. Includes latest amendments agreed at the AGM on the 25th November 2015.


The Association shall be called the Lea Valley Regional Bowling Association and shall be an associate member of the English County Bowling Association (ECBA).


a. Membership shall be open to clubs situated within the boundaries considered to be acceptable by the Executive Council.

b. Each club shall have sole use of four rinks upon the green on which it plays.

c. Applications for Full Membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary, who shall submit such applications for approval to the Executive Council at the first opportunity, either at the AGM or a SGM, if relevant. At said meeting, the Executive Council will vote and a decision arrived at based on a simple majority.

d. Application for Associate Membership* shall be made in writing to the Secretary, who shall submit such applications to the General Purpose Committee for their unanimous approval, to allow acceptance of said application.

c. Associate Membership does not permit the Club to participate in the League, but does allow the Club’s Members to enter the competitions. The Club will not have a vote at the Annual General Meeting; neither will the Club’s Members be eligible for election to the General Purpose Committee.

e. The position of Honorary Life Member be created and any person who has held office on the General Purposes Committee, be elibible for election at an AGM, as an Honorary Life Member.


a. To foster a spirit of friendly rivalry, and promote the level green game of bowls, for males within the Association.

b. Adopting and enforcing the laws based on the laws as determined by the Bowls England.

c. To administer the Challenge League, and hold annual championships in singles, pairs, triples, fours, and all other matches and competitions within the Association.

c. To interpret when called upon, by affiliated clubs and members thereof, questions of law and practice, and arbitrate in disputes between clubs, and members thereof.



a. All new clubs joining the Association, as Full or Associate Members, shall be charged a fee as determined by the General Purposes Committee.

b. The annual subscription, along with the fee for entry to the Challenge League, will be a sum as determined by the General Purposes Committee.

c. All fees, subscriptions, (except the LVRBA competition fees, which must be returned to the Competition Secretary, by the date he indicates on the entry forms) must be remitted to the Treasurer before 1st February each year, in advance. Any club failing to pay by this date will be liable to forfeit all rights to membership. d. The LVRBA is a non-profit making organisation and any surplus is for the sole use of the LVRBA and such surplus is not permitted, to be distributed to third parties, except donations to charity.


a. The Association shall be managed by an Executive Council consisting of its officers:- President, Senior and Junior Deputy Presidents, Past President one year past the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, League Secretary and two delegates from each affiliated club.

b. Fifteen representatives shall form a quorum.

c. A General Purposes Committee consisting of: - President, Senior and Junior Deputy Presidents, Past Presidents one year past the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, League Secretary shall manage competitions, select teams to represent the Association and deal with any urgent business that may arise, along with the day to day business of the Association between the meetings of the Executive Council.

d. The General Purposes Committee have powers to deal with business of the Association as in 5c and also to settle all disputes from whatever source arising.

e. Minutes of all meetings held, will be recorded along with the decisions made, and reported to the next meeting of the Executive Council.

f. Five members shall form a quorum.

g. At least seven days notice of all meetings of the Association and Committees shall be given to members individually, with the exception of the AGM.



a. The AGM shall be held on or before the second Friday in December of each year, at which shall be elected; President, Senior and Junior Deputy Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, League Secretary, who shall remain in office until the following AGM.

b. Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.


a. The Secretary shall keep a record of all business carried out at all meetings, and shall submit to the AGM a report of all business of the Association since the previous AGM.

b. A copy of the Secretary’s Annual Report shall be sent to each club in the Association at least fourteen days before the AGM.

c. The Treasurer shall render to the AGM an audited account of the income and expenditure of the financial year.

d. The LVRBA financial year shall be from 1st November to 31st October.


Any club wishing to withdraw from the Association on giving written notice to the Secretary before the AGM in that year, and any such club shall forfeit all rights and interest in the property and funds of the Association, and shall thereafter be in the same position as if it had never been a member of the Association.


All Association clubs and members thereof shall be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Council, and must conform to the rules of the Association. In the event of any breach of the rules, the Executive Council shall have the power, after enquiry, to suspend the club, or individual member thereof, for such a period as they may think proper.



a. The Executive Council shall have powers to deal with all matters affecting the Constitution and Rules.

b. Any club wishing to make any alteration to the Constitution shall give notice of motions, in writing, to the Secretary, not less than twenty one days before the AGM, setting forth the proposed alteration, and signed by the Secretary of such club.


a. A Special General Meeting of the Executive Council can be convened at any time by the General Purposes Committee, or when delegates of not less than five clubs have signed a requisition stating its objects.

b. Fifteen representatives to form a quorum.

c. The Executive Council shall have power to deal with all the matters relating to the Association not provided in these Rules.


a. Finals Day shall be held on the second Sunday in September of each year, or in special circumstances as determined by the GPC, on the first or third Sunday in September.

b. Where possible, and convenient, the finals day shall be held on the current President’s green.


The LVRBA presentation will be held on a date and at a venue to be determined by the GPC.

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