Advisory - Grade 7-Course Syllabus 2017-18

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Advisory - Grade 7-Course Syllabus 2017-18

` Name ______Period ______

Advisory - Grade 7-Course Syllabus 2017-18 Ms. Jill Hagan, M.S. Nobel Charter Middle School

Advisory class meets four days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), for 24 minutes. This class will be focusing on the Accelerated Reader program that helps students improve their reading skills and build a life-long habit of reading.

What is Accelerated Reader? Accelerated Reader is a computer-based program that schools may use to monitor reading practice and progress. Kids take short quizzes after reading a book to check if they’ve understood it. The idea behind AR is that kids enjoy reading more when they can select their own books. (The program has more than 150,000 titles to choose from on its BookFinder list.) Each book has online “reading practice” quizzes. Teachers use these quizzes to track each student’s progress and set appropriate goals for each. Students may select books at Nobel’s library, the local Los Angeles Public Library, or choose from some in my classroom library. They may also bring their own appropriate books from home.

How Accelerated Reader Monitors Progress

In addition to quizzes, AR also uses a “point goals” system. Every book on the BookFinder list has a point value. Teachers set specific goals for each student. They include goals for reading comprehension, difficulty of material and a target number of points. The goals are based on the child’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and reading level.

Kids earn points for every book they read and quiz they pass. The number of points is based on a book’s length and difficulty. For example, a 3-point book may be a short, somewhat easier choice. A 10-point book would be longer and more challenging.

Student Evaluation Students do not receive letter grades for Advisory, but they receive grades for Work Habits and Cooperation. To receive an “E,” students must earn at least 10 points in Accelerated Reader every five weeks. They must also return all tear-offs and papers. Students must bring their books every day and read for the entire Sustained Silent Reading time.

To receive an “S,” students must earn at least 7 points in Accelerated Reader every five weeks. They must also return tear-offs and papers. Students must bring their books every day and read for the entire Sustained Silent Reading time.

Students earning less than 7 points in Accelerated Reader every five weeks, or who do not return tear-offs and papers, or bring their books and read will receive Us.

Work Habits and Cooperation – This is based on LAUSD’s Bulletin No. BUL-1353.1. WORK HABITS E S U Demonstrates exceptional determination Demonstrates determination in Demonstrates little determination in Effort in accomplishing tasks and mastering accomplishing tasks and mastering accomplishing tasks and mastering standards. standards. standards. Accepts complete responsibility for Accepts responsibility for personal actions Accepts little responsibility for personal Responsibility personal actions and demonstrates and frequently demonstrates honesty, actions. honesty, fairness, and integrity. fairness, and integrity. Maintains excellent attendance record by Maintains a satisfactory attendance record Makes little effort to maintain a satisfactory Attendance consistently avoiding unnecessary by avoiding unnecessary absences or attendance record; is frequently absent or absences or tardies. tardies. tardy without excuses. Makes use only of teacher-generated criteria Makes explicit effort to examine work Makes effort to examine work using to examine work on an inconsistent basis. Evaluation using both teacher-generated and self- teacher-generated criteria. generated criteria.

J.N. Hagan 7th Grade Advisory Syllabus NCMS 2017-18 E S U COOPERATION Maintains courteous relations with the Demonstrates courteous relations with the Demonstrates discourteous behavior towards teacher and other students and Courtesy teacher and other students and generally the teacher and other students and consistently works without disturbing works without disturbing others. consistently lacks consideration for others. others. Obeys rules, respects public and personal Shows disregard for rules; has little respect Obeys rules, respects public and personal Conduct property and actively promotes the for public and personal property and often property and supports the general welfare. general welfare. opposes the general welfare. Assumes responsibility for personal Tries to improve and usually accepts Makes little attempt to improve and shows Improvement improvement and rarely needs correction. corrections in an objective manner. indifference or resistance to corrections. Demonstrates leadership ability to work Demonstrates ability to work with others in Demonstrates little ability to work with Class Relations with others in a variety of situations to set a variety of situations to set and achieve others in a variety of situations to set and and achieve goals. goals. achieve goals.

Starting Class: 1. Enter classroom quietly and respectfully. 2. Be in your assigned seat when tardy bell rings. 3. Students immediately begin reading. Students will record their progress on their reading logs. 4. Use Nobel Student Planner to record assignments. Ending Class: 1. Teacher will signal when it is time to pack up at end of period. Please gather your belongings and check your area for trash. 2. Teacher will dismiss class when all is clean and students are ready.

Welcome to a new school year and 7th Grade Advisory. I am thrilled to return to the Nobel family. I started out at Nobel as a long-term substitute teacher and student teacher from 2001-2003. My daughter attended Nobel from sixth through eighth grade. I am credentialed in both Social Studies and English, and I have an administrative credential. I have taught at Mt. Gleason Middle School, Kennedy High School, Marshall High School and the Los Angeles High School of the Arts. Four years ago, I taught tenth grade English in China. I have been involved with student activities such as Link Crew and Junior States of America. Outside of the classroom, I was a Linked Learning instructional coach. I am a life-long learner, and recently received a Labor Studies Certificate. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs from Occidental College, and my Master’s in Education from Mt. St. Mary’s University. I love to travel, and have lived, worked and studied in various parts of the world.

I am looking forward to an amazing school year! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I reserve the right to alter this document as needed.


Ms. Jill Hagan Contact Information E-mail: [email protected] (preferred method, please include student name in subject line) School Phone: 818-773-4700, Room 73 School Website: Please sign below that you have reviewed the syllabus. I have reviewed Ms. Hagan’s 7 th Grade Advisory Syllabus. Date: ______Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

J.N. Hagan 7th Grade Advisory Syllabus NCMS 2017-18

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