Re: Recap of Recent Legislative/Media Activities

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Re: Recap of Recent Legislative/Media Activities

Board Box OCTOBER 12, 2012



OCTOBER 12, 2012




Federal Legislative Activities: APTA Reports: “Last night (September 14th), in the absence of finalized appropriations bills for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, the House of Representatives passed by a vote of 329-91 a resolution (H.J. Res. 117) that would continue federal government funding at roughly FY 2012 levels through the first six months of FY 2013, until March 27, 2013. The continuing resolution (CR) allows the transit and highway programmatic changes made under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) to be implemented, but does not provide for the increased inflationary funding that MAP-21 authorizes. The bill, which was released only earlier this week, was surprisingly noncontroversial, with Members of Congress agreeing to the measure in an effort to keep the federal government from shutting down.”

Local Legislative Activities: David Gershwin, Access Services local advocate, and I met recently with a number of staff members from Los Angeles Fifteenth District Councilmember Joe Buscaino’s office. Councilmember Buscaino won a special election in January after the seat was vacated by Janice Hahn, who was elected to Congress. We gave them an overview of Access Services and how it served the Councilmember’s constituents and also discussed how transit decisions that the Los Angeles City Council makes can affect Access.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me at 213/270-6007.

2 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 22

OCTOBER 12, 2012




The following are items tentatively scheduled to be addressed by the Board through the next three regularly scheduled Board meetings.

November 19, 2012 (pending Chair’s approval) Item Description Approval of Fare/Policy changes (Member Agency Paratransit Plan Update meeting)

December 2012 – NO MEETING Item Description

January 28, 2013 Item Description Travel Training Approve a new contract for training services (AS-3355) Social Services Approve a new contract for consulting services (AS- Transportation Inventory 3342) Reservations Software Extension of Stratagen Contract (AS-2366) Approve a new contract for pilot transportation project - Transportation Services Parents with Disabilities (AS-3357)

3 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 33

OCTOBER 12, 2012




The following is a list of out-of state paratransit meetings for October 2012.

Seattle WA, APTA Annual Meeting

October 1 – 4, 2012 Seattle, WA

The below mentioned Access Services staff members traveled to Seattle, Washington, for the APTA Annual Meeting. This premier gathering annually brings together more than 2,000 transit industry professionals from across North America. The meeting combines educational sessions, focusing on today’s important transit issues, with unmatched networking opportunities, technical tours, and social events to create an extraordinary event.

Shelly Verrinder, Executive Director Mark Maloney, Chief Operations Officer Luis Garcia, Operations Administrator Melissa Thompson, Intern Jano Bagdanian, Board Member James Woodson, Board Member Dolores Nason, Board Member

Seattle WA, StrataGen Users Conference

October 2 – 5, 2012 Seattle, WA

4 The below mentioned Access Services staff members traveled to Seattle, Washington, for the StrataGen Users conference. This premier gathering annually brings together users to discuss new technology products, view product demonstrations and hear from other users on the best practices with the Adept platform and related systems. Luis Garcia, Operations Administrator Ruben Prieto, Systems Analyst

5 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 44

OCTOBER 12, 2012




As part of this process, staff conducted extensive outreach throughout the County t o ensure Access customers were able to provide input regarding the proposed fare and service changes. During August and September, Access held 11 Community M eetings throughout its service area and one Public Hearing on October 3rd in the Met ro Boardroom.

In addition, staff mailed newsletters to all active riders, distributed over 5,000 seat drops, and published public hearing notices in five major newspapers to advertise the proposed fare and service changes. Staff also encouraged community input by soliciting comments through e-mail, a dedicated phone line, and via an on-line survey. Lastly, the proposal was sent to local, state and federal political offices. The 232 comments received via telephone, e-mail, letters and the Public Hearing are attached. Staff has also summarized the comments as follows: Comments received via telephone, e-mail, letters and Public Hearing Phone 173 75% Hearing 31 13% E-mail 27 12% Letter 1 Total 232 100%

Fare Increase Change in Reservation Hours Support 143 75% Support 50 37% Oppose 45 24% Oppose 73 54%

6 Support for 8pm or Neutral 2 1% later 13 9%

Total 190 100% Total 136 100%

DATE PUBLIC COMMENT SUMMARIZED It takes a lot of time to inform passengers, new riders and experienced riders that I don't make change. I spend a lot of time waiting for riders to find that quarter. The fare should be in increments of $1.00. $3.00 dollars for the short ride and $4.00 dollars for the long ride. This will help with your budget and helps save time for the Access Driver. I think the fare is too low already. 8/15/2012 It makes no sense to charge $2.25, it’s a time killer. Increase fare by increments of $1.00. 25¢ is ridiculous. The change of reservation hours sounds good because it gives you guys the opportunity to save money on staff by cutting down the reservation hours. As 8/20/2012 for the fare increase, sounds a little expensive, but we can handle it. I'm very against what you’re doing in your proposals, especially about the reservation hours. I strongly believe that they should stay the way they are. Not everyone is able to call during that time especially when they are coming home from work late like myself. As for the fare, I also disagree with it because not everybody has that type of money. It is especially difficult for 8/20/2012 people who are looking for a job. If you do make changes it is possible you may lose Access riders due to unsatisfactory service. I have handed this pamphlet to my councilor so they may inform the others and possibly take legal actions if these changes are made. Access has marvelous service! I think the fare increase of 50¢ sounds fair because the gas prices have gone up. I also agree with the change of 8/20/2012 reservation times, 10 pm is too late to schedule a trip and if anyone needs service they just need to call sooner. God bless you and have a great day! I had filled out the survey online, but I’d also like to send my comments here. With the price increase everywhere, I guess can somewhat understand your proposed fair increased. Just remember though that most of your clients are on fixed income and we have all been affected as well by budget cuts by the state, county and federal. Between the choice of 25-cents increase on the fair though and the service and reservation time cut offs, I believe I’d go for the fair increase to protect the services you are providing. I would encourage you to please continue and keep working on improving the quality of your customer service. When one calls the Customer Service line, there is an average hold time of 15 to 30 minutes. Yes, rider ship is increasing every 8/20/2012 year, I’m sure, but probably hiring more people to answer the calls or offering a call-back feature will help resolve that issue. I remember at one time you were offering this service. Most companies nowadays have this feature where callers are asked if they wish to hold on the line or wish to receive a call back when they’re at the front of the cue. This will probably lessen your phone bill. I hope to receive acknowledgment please that my email had been received and read, and sent to the appropriate department that would count my answer towards your survey.

7 I'm calling in support of the fare increase. When factoring in the cost to run a business, whether it is the rise in gas prices, insurance, wear and tear on vehicles or to staff drivers to provide this means of transportation, an increase in fare is necessary. We all have expenses, and we are all on a fixed income but to give good service at our level we have to understand that 8/21/2012 we must pay. I 100% understand and I agree with the increase. We all have times where we indulge but if we want good service we have to back it up with the fact, and that fact is the dollar bill! Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion. I completed the survey about proposed fare changes and have some additional comments. I know you will probably get a lot of complaints, but I 8/21/2012 think the proposed increases are fair and reasonable. I hope you will be able to keep some of the premium services such as travel training and the free bus/rail program. I'm in favor of the change; I understand that you have to account for gas prices and budget cuts. It's still a cheaper way of getting around than if you were to try to transport yourself. The free fare bus program that we have with 8/22/2012 Access is second to none as far as I'm concerned. We have to do what we need to do to continue the services we've have been receiving. Thank you. I am very happy to pay 25¢ and this year and 25¢ the next year. I think this is fair because gas is so expensive. Access drivers are doing and excellent 8/22/2012 job and I agree with everything and I wish you the best. It’s fair, it’s needed and I agree. Have a nice day. I have been using Access for the last couple of years. I love their service but please help us! I'm on a fixed income and a lot of folks can't afford it. I use Access for all my trips. I go to the doctor's office three times a week and on 8/22/2012 Sundays to go to church. Also, once a month I use Access to go to my usher meetings. Thank you. Love you with the love of the lord. Have a blessed and beautiful day. I'm calling about your newsletter I received today. I'm in favor of you raising your rates. You're always trying to improve your service and I commend you 8/22/2012 for the service that you provide. I always say that I'm glad that someone from Access has made a dream come true for the elder, seniors and the disabled to get around at such a low cost. The increase is reasonable. Thank you and good luck. I have one concern about the fare increase. Many people cannot afford with 8/22/2012 limited income. Please take my comments and thank you very much. 8/22/2012 My main problem is not the fare increase. I'm wondering why Access is having other people make decisions about the cost. With the gas prices the way they are and with the timing and peoples jobs and all that. It's up to Access to decide how much they have to charge. 8/22/2012 That isn't anything that other people have to make the decision about. This is a business and I think it’s fine that they are raising the fare 50¢. That shouldn't make a difference at all. I agree with the fare increase. I love your service! I think it is very well done. I'm very satisfied with its service. The increase in fare is fine with me. I only have one question, what you mean by premium services. I don't know what they are. I wish someone 8/22/2012 would explain to me what the premium services are. I love and support your

8 service. I tell people that I think it is wonderful and I feel lucky to have it. Both proposals are reasonable as far as I'm concerned. The fare increase is needed with the gas prices as high as they are. Access is still very good in 8/22/2012 providing accurate service and I appreciate it and I encourage you to go ahead and raise the fare and adjust the window. You have to specify when the reservation hours will be changed. Yes, I agree with the hike in fare. Everything has changed and times are really bad. Most of the riders will not be able to afford the change. However, I feel that it is due and necessary based upon all of the work that Access provides for us the customer. I do not agree with the reservation window changing from 10 pm to 7pm. Those extra 3 hours are needed because 8/22/2012 even though we are disabled we still have jobs and look for work. A lot places don't give you the stability when it comes to hours, days and timeframe like that. It will be a big inconvenience for someone who has to accept any type of work that they can get to provide for housing and food. I agree with the fare increase and not with the time change on reservation window. That needs to be thought out very well before that is done. I find it most difficult to call prior to 5:00 PM. unless; you would give me one more day additional window. Meaning, I would like to schedule a ride for 8/22/2012 tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in one call. I don't want the reservation window to change. I agree with the fare increase. I like that Access is making the increase in two separate parts. In regards to the reservation time change, I agree that it 8/22/2012 may be too late to be calling reservations and if it's an emergency the rider would have to call an ambulance. The service that Access provides is the best. I received your newsletter in the mail and I agree with the 25¢ increase. I really appreciate the service you provide and I have no problem with the 8/22/2012 proposals. It is the right thing to do and I congratulate Access for such great service. Please take my comments into consideration. Thank you. I'm calling in regard to letter I received in the mail today. I'm all for the fare increase and whatever you guys do is fine with my wife and I. My wife is my 8/22/2012 caregiver and we need your service desperately. You are entitled to raise the fare with the cost of living going up and the way things are going nowadays. Sure the rate increases are quite fair; however, if you cut back on reservation time, lines-and-reps will be much busier. 8/22/2012 You actually could reduce number of attempted callbacks if they were more consistent at giving us ride times we are requesting. We have to understand that eventually there has to be a fare hike because everything is so expensive. I would not mind putting in my little grain of salt. I would say that it is worth it. I believe we are the only one in the world that 8/22/2012 does everything for the disabled. I give my hats off to access paratransit for doing so much for our community. So it is an aye for me. I pray that all access paratransit will be benevolent!!! amor & happiness I do not object to the .25 cent increase, but I do object to the window time. We need to have it after 7pm for next day service. We may reserve 8/23/2012 something that isn’t convenient for us, the time slots were far away and that

9 kind of messed up some appointments I had. I need to have after 7pm reservation time that exists. I think the whole idea is miraculous for people who can’t go around by 8/23/2012 themselves and you charge so little. I support you in whatever you want to do. My concern is why the fare is going up, you don’t have good customer 8/23/2012 service and some drivers don’t have good customer service either. I love Access and don’t have any great complaints regarding complaints in 8/23/2012 increase for 1-1-13 and 7-1-14 considering it does take a lot to operate the program. 8/23/2012 We don’t mind paying the fare increase, it is worth every penny. The fare increase is acceptable, but I do enjoy paying the amount I do now, 8/23/2012 it is easier for me than if it is raised. Most important to me is reservation time, please don’t change that. For me I make my reservations from 10am to 10pm. I don’t always have a phone or know exactly what I am going to be doing the next day, so shutting 8/23/2012 the window time down to 7pm could affect me in a very bad way. Please leave it until 10pm it is very important to me and other riders. Fare change is a good idea, saves me gas so I don’t have to use my own 8/23/2012 vehicle. Closing the line at 7pm is absurd. The only time I have to call is after 7pm. That is a lie that 10% of people call after 7pm every time I call after 7pm I am 8/23/2012 on hold for at least 20min. Regarding the increase in fare we on limited income just got used to the increase and now more? This is pushing it. 8/23/2012 I completely agrees with all changes I agree to changes to a certain extent, access should be more flexible on p/u 8/23/2012 time’s availability after doctor appointments. I am upset that Access is going to raise their fares. It might be fair to people who can afford it, but not to those who are the minority class of disabled 8/23/2012 people who can’t afford it. The service is not good and you are only thinking about yourself so you can get rich. I am worried about the fare increase we are low income seniors every dollar 8/24/2012 counts. Please don’t raise fares. I generally have no problems with fare increase or reservation window time 8/24/2012 cuts. I just want to make sure people won’t be losing their jobs over this. I have trouble paying what the cost is now, but if you have to raise it, I will 8/24/2012 gladly pay it. I agree with everything I have read in your letter, but the thing that worries 8/24/2012 me is coupons, I may still have some left come January and I refuse to carry cash, what am I going to do? The .25 cent increase why don’t the drivers be on time then instead of being 8/24/2012 20min late or 30min late, that’s what I have to say about a .25 increase. 8/24/2012 Fare increase is fair for January 2013 and July 2014. I will still use Access. I think that the changes would be fine. I approve of them, they don’t seem unfair the fare increase, and I have never made a reservation past 5pm or 8/24/2012 6pm in the evening anyways so the window should be fine. I approve of both changes. I am happy with what you are doing and the increase in money is ok. You

10 8/24/2012 are a very good service thank you. 8/24/2012 I approve of the changes 8/24/2012 I agree with the increases in fare. I believe the proposal is just right, I agree 100% because of the way the 8/24/2012 economy is right now. I think it is very fair the way you are going to do the increases and I support 8/24/2012 the fare increases and time. I use Access regularly. I could keep up with the small increase. Keep up the 8/24/2012 good work. 8/24/2012 I am glad the amount is only going up .25 cents. 8/24/2012 .25 cents or .50 cents the fare should stay the same. We are disabled already and have things to pay for, raising it is going to be 8/24/2012 hard on myself. It should be from 7am to 8pm because I get home late and then I remember 8/24/2012 I have to get home and make a reservation if it closes at 7pm this would not be possible. 8/24/2012 I approve of increases due to everything going up. I am 95 year old customer of access. 8/24/2012 I am happy to pay the small proposed increase in Access fare. I agree with the fare increase but thinks the window time should be extended 8/24/2012 I understand the increase in cost and the little bit increase for the next year, but the hours is what I have a problem with. There are people that have appointments later that come home and I remember one evening I got home at 8pm from an appointment that was over at 5pm and there are people that take classes at night. There are disabled people who need Access services 8/25/2012 and I understand and feel for people who are needing night time rides home from appointments. I know that Access Services could be available for people who have late appointments and classes or late trip service meetings. Maybe like 8pm or 9pm could be a compromise. I received the notice from Access about the proposed increase, since I’m still able to drive a car, I know the price of gasoline and wish to comment. I think it’s a very fair and reasonable request considering our present economy and 8/25/2012 the cost of gasoline. Although it won’t affect me financially in particular, I know there are more people who have not one quarter more, but I appreciate the fact that’s the we are right now. I am a long time original member of Access transportation. Do you realize how difficult it is to get Access on the telephone given the hours we have now? It is as difficult as it is to contact you. Do you realize that most people who are using Access Services are very fragile/ill, limited financially and are in dire need of medical transportation? We have been having a difficult time for years and I have been using Access all those years and have been able to move around, but I think it’s very inconsiderate. The owners of Access are the ones that are going to be paid by the government for a full van of people while they use a driver or cab and there are 3 people in the back 1 in the front and they pay the driver for 1 person, isn’t that unfair? It’s unfair to all of us who really need transportation. You will have your money because I need you. I have Jewish family services and they charge us .50cents each way so

11 8/25/2012 what’s happening with Access with all their money? So I couldn’t believe it, I have it in front of me; it made me so concerned so I had to open my mouth. I do appreciate the courteous, kindness and dependability. Thank you for service and kindness to us who need the hours to call. When we call we can’t get through on the line and now we will have minimum hours, call waiting time will be lengthier and cause more stress. So who is going to profit? I’m not trying to be disparaging, but if it’s a federal funded service for the benefit of aiding people who are ill primarily. Is it fair to penalize by increasing .25 cents maybe not, but there are many others that feel incapable as I do as articulating. I object I really object you'll have your money because I really need you. The time frame is absolutely insane no, no, no I'm not well enough to attend the meetings and feel like I’m being taken advantage of. I’m calling in regard to the .25 cent increase. I think what you’re doing is a good thing considering changes in the economy and the service you provide to all of us. I certainly think the .25 cents fare increase is not going to kill me 8/25/2012 and I’m on a limited budget. I certainly appreciate and I say go for it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to let me tell you how I feel. Thank you and good bye. Access does not need to cut down the reservation window time, there are people who work and don’t get home until late because of ride share and they need to make their calls and maybe it takes them 2 hours to bath, dress and prepare lunch for themselves and they need the time they get off to 8/25/2012 make the telephone calls. If your point is to cut down the phone reservation time, you can count on cutting down the riders. Also, Access has a problem, the phone problem rings busy for 45minutes, whether you want to believe it or not it will say 12 calls ahead for hours. The phones malfunction a lot and you want to cut hours and it doesn’t make sense. A fare increase is reasonable, but I think shortening the reservation window would be unfair to us that are working and may come down later and may try 8/25/2012 to decide what we are going to do for the next business day. I think 7pm is a bit early though. 9pm might work, but not 7pm. I think people are going to be highly alarmed by that. Hi! I’m responding to the newsletter fare proposal. I quite agree Access needs to increase fares and it is a fair proposal. The increase should be 8/25/2012 graduated by income. In other words someone who makes $15,000 or $50,000. And also service should be available for poverty level people. 8/25/2012 Hello, I accept everything you do; I think it is a very good price. I hope your company will be the first company in the United States of America. Thank you very much, has a nice wonderful day. God Bless you. I'm completely in thought with you, and believe it is very fair, I believe it’s 8/25/2012 great. I've used your service, I have your coupons. I think if you raise the amount that it is perfectly fine. I’ve read all of your information on your sheet. I think 8/25/2012 you’re making good judgment. I’m a non-driver and I really appreciate it. Your drivers are really polite and I thank you for your service. I think that both proposals the fare increase are more than fair. I think 8/25/2012 Access does a great job and that the reservation window time changing

12 does not affect me at all. I don’t have a problem in the cost. I realize that everything is going up in cost 8/25/2012 and that is not bad, so I don’t have a problem with it. We have to expect it and that’s not much. Thank you! I think that what your planning is very fair and very good and I agree with it 8/25/2012 100%. Thanks! Bye, bye. The first proposed change of the 25-cent fare increase on January 1, 2013, and another 25-cent increase on July 1, 2014, is necessary. It will make things harder on me personally; however, I definitely see the need for the increase. Your second proposed change of the Reservation Window closing at 7:00 p.m. is going to cause a major problem for people who are picked up at 6:00 a.m., and often, due to re-routing by the dispatchers, do not get home until 7:00 8/25/2012 p.m. A lot of these folks work, and cannot call the Reservations Desk while at work. Personally, I am not affected by the change, but I do know many who would be, and they are absolutely panicked by this proposal. My suggestion would be to keep the window open until at least 8:00 p.m. This will give people a fighting chance to get through before you close. I hope you will give this suggestion serious consideration, for if people cannot get through to make reservations to get to and from work, they will lose their jobs. 8/25/2012 I am very happy with service and all changes 8/25/2012 I agree with all changes Stated she agrees w/ changes & she has only had a couple of problems w/ 8/25/2012 Access. It is perfectly alright with me to go ahead with the changes. I will try to go to 8/25/2012 the meeting, if not you have my opinion. As the economy is harder hit, and gas prices rise, it not only hits Access - yes, but it also hits its riders. Increasing the cost of transportation (especially if the charge is per mile in cases) would be devastating to those on low budget incomes including seniors. Access is meant to help those with disabilities and seniors in mind, if I’m not mistaken. By rising prices, many will not be able to take Access as often and may have to cancel appointments they have, etc. This means a fall in ridership, and I believe would hurt the program. Has the program ever been looked at into finding other ways to reduce the cost of expenses? For example, converting from 8/26/2012 relying on gas, to electric. Or converting from gas to E-85? Please look at this website: From what I understand, you do not need to replace the vehicle to convert it to be able to handle ethanol. It is cleaner for the environment, and it also reduces cost for service and repair on the vehicles because many problems are caused by the sludge oil creates. There are already about five locations just between here and long beach that you can use this fuel. Access can also lead as an example to other businesses, so that we could have our own fuel station in Santa Clarita itself, and could be seen as the front-runner to promoting a better environment in our valley alone. There is a half-conversion kit as well as full, so that if you need to use oil, you still can, but with a little planning ahead (until there was a station out here in SCV), it could be easy to refill at one of

13 the current locations. It also is not a new idea; there are other countries completely independent of oil. Brazil for example uses sugar cane to produce its ethanol, and runs its cars on this. I do hope that the council takes a look at this and takes it into consideration. I have always seen SCV as a front-runner and example to other cities in the LA county, providing services and activities etc. to provide a sense of community, and with the amount of vehicles Access uses, this could make a huge impact on our environment. I don’t mind Access raising the fare a quarter, that’s my opinion and 8/27/2012 comment. My comment is about the proposed change in fare as well as the reservation time change. Even though its .25 cents beginning of next year and year after many disabled are low income and on SSI and have to use access a lot. That’s an extra .50cents one way. There are a lot of people who can’t afford that. I’m not one of those individuals, but to be fair about it, I am sensitive to it. I have a lot of friends who are also disabled. The other change you are proposing from 10pm to 7pm furthering the reduction in time available with 8/27/2012 existing time it takes quite a while to get through already, there is already a long wait and with reduced time it will be worse. I am opposed to that also I can see why you are trying to cut the costs here. I’m interested in the service and improving the service, there are areas in Access that need to be improved, but I’m talking about these 2 concerns now. I am opposed to both issues fare and hours. Thanks for listening. I am in agreement with your reservation window, I think it’s great to change the time from 10am to 7pm there is no reason anyone should have to call after 7pm at night. Regarding fares I am surprised you’re making such a small increase, I thought .50 cents January 1 would be a better increase and even .25 cents for 2014 is nice, but .50 cents might be better. I think your shorting yourself by .25cents. I think people should afford a good dollar 8/27/2012 increase .50 cents both times, that is my opinion. People should be thrilled to death they get this service, they shouldn’t complain about anything in my opinion, it’s quite a service. I even understand why sometimes you run late; traffic is traffic, things happen. I’m sick and tired of hearing people complain when I’m riding your service; it’s just unfair to you folks. Thanks for listening and consider raising fares. Number 1 changing the window time from 6am to 10am, that’s not going to work because a lot of people are going to be mad and complaining, your window should stay at 6am to 10pm, you should not change it. It will not work with us or with all our customers you have in San Gabriel, West Central or L.A. you should keep it the way it is, that’s my opinion. Keep it from 6am 8/27/2012 to 10pm, I don’t know why you want to change it, you are going to create more hassle by changing it. If I was the board of directors I would leave it alone because it’s going to create more mess and more problems. 6am to 10pm leave it alone. Why do you want to change something that has been that way for a long time? I don’t care if the gas is up it’s not our fault. Leave it alone, it won’t work for me or for others. 8/27/2012 I am happy with service and agrees with all changes. I'll be glad to pay the extra .25 cents for the services that we get that are 8/27/2012 nothing really. I appreciate the service. I don’t mind the raise at all. Thanks

14 so much. Hello I’m one of the riders there and you proposed to change some of the times from 6am to 10am with the reservation window that’s not good for us or me because sometimes we don’t find out where we need to go until about 8/27/2012 7pm. So how can you make a reservation for the next day, we can’t do that. I don’t think you can close it at 7 pm because it is too early maybe 9pm or 9:30pm, but not 7pm because we don’t know where we are going by 7pm for the next day. I would like to say, when you have the type of customers like Access does, 8/27/2012 there needs to be that flexibility when it comes to scheduling. 8/27/2012 We have excellent service and I agree with all changes 8/27/2012 I am content with the service and agree with changes 8/27/2012 I agree with all the changes 8/27/2012 I agree with all changes and I am happy with the service Hi, you have a beautiful service and I appreciate it immensely. I had 1 8/28/2012 question, I get vouchers from Media-Cal, and will they cover the fare increase .25cents change increase. God Bless you. Bye, bye. I do agree with the rate increase, you’re proposing fare increase I go along 8/28/2012 with and it’s a good service you provide. I don’t mind you raising the fare by .25 cents. I understand gas is expensive 8/28/2012 and that is fine. Thank you it is ok with me and I’m happy no complaints. I am in agreement with the fare increase for .25 cents, but with a fare increase we should be able to help keeping the reservation window open 8/28/2012 from 6am to 10pm that way for jobs to not be cut. So .25 cents that’s not a big increase looking at the service that is provided. Hello, I’m a participant in Access and I will gladly pay another .25 cents for 8/28/2012 the fare. Thank you for your service. I'm all for the increase of the rate starting January 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014, but changing the reservation window leaves me concerned on that. If it is 8/28/2012 going to help make things better for us and help keep our jobs I’m all for that, I’m all for the change. I’m okay that it’s going to take affect: I would love it if you could keep your reservation hours open until 10pm, Can you do that? Because a lot of times I 8/28/2012 tend to make plans in the evening and at night and then I need to call you guys for next day reservation sometimes as late as around 9:30pm, that’s my input and I wanted to let you know that. I am concerned about some people who work and have to leave the house early in the morning and when they get home they are very, very tired. Sometimes when I have called there have been 13, 14 or even 15 calls ahead of me in line. I understand the need to close the reservation window 8/28/2012 at 7pm so that more sensible routes can be put together before the next day. Perhaps if this has to be done maybe they can open up some time in the morning say 4am to 7pm. I think the fare schedule is very generous to us and I appreciate that. For some of us who work I think that the fare should be a little higher so we can help take a little burden off of the company. I do not approve of this proposal you are trying to have as of this January 2013 and again July 14. I don’t think this will benefit Access customers like myself and this window change you are proposing shouldn’t change at all

15 because by having it open at 6am and closing it at 7pm doesn’t make sense. I think it should be closing later as it is now because really Access people like myself really wanted the same day trips. We did not want just the next day trips however it is that way now and we have to abide by that by your 8/28/2012 federal communications by law and we don’t have any other option as of yet. I approve of a no for not having this change. If we could arrange that by not making this change that would be great, but what would help is if you had the $2.25 be official and then anything over 20 mile radius $3.00 that would be good too, but increasing the .25 cents on top of that shouldn’t be happening either, so I think that this proposal is not going to be doing you much good if you changed it and the window change as well. I don’t think it’s a good idea to give less time for us to make reservations. It’s really not fair to people who have jobs and can't stay on the phone to make reservations or our schedules change and we need to be able to call between 7-10 PM to make last-minute changes. Too many bad changes have already happened, including taking away same-day rides and letting providers get completely ridiculous with the "one hour before or one hour after" rule when we call to make a reservation. I said it at an Access community meeting at the time "Just because you can, doesn't mean you 8/28/2012 *should*." So I'm really disappointed with the way Access has already made changes and you said they would make the service better. The same thing you’re saying about making less reservation hours on the phone. "By closing reservations earlier we can create more direct routes and give customers a more accurate pickup time." This isn’t true, and it won’t happen. The service will get worse and less reliable with less calling in hours, not better. 2.25 is a lot of money for a ride and sometimes I need to take 2-4 rides a day and on certain occasions I took more. Tap cards shouldn't require you to pay to load them through western union. Instead people should be able to load them like a regular MTA bus tap card using a computer or a telephone. Next, I really love the premium services. Some people don't have long distance so they need to call an 1800 number. The call outs can be extremely beneficial because some people don't always notice their vehicle. For example when it's a cab instead of a van. That was very confusing for me at first. Blind people rely on braille if they are fortunate enough to learn that. Beverly Hills Cab Company and most cab companies offer 24 hour call 8/28/2012 service. I know it's good to reserve a ride but if you are in need of a ride for example walking home from a nearby grocery store it's good to be able to get a ride without calling a cab. It's good to plan ahead but you don't always know the plans for the day. I have noticed that access can't always give me the times I need when I request it in the mornings around 7:00 am so usually I call back every few hours and by 10:00 pm I usually am able to change the hours. If reservations close at 7:00, I may not be able to get the desired times I need. I vote strongly against reducing the number of hours that people can call to make reservations from10pm to 7pm. We have gone down this road before and the ridership does not want this. It is unreasonable to think that any person knows by 7pm exactly what their day will be the next day - especially if we are dealing with working, thriving people who are barely finishing their work days by 6 or 7. This puts a harsh burden on riders, especially those with busy lives, and will ultimately

16 contribute to people being isolated without being able to function in their work or social lives. This was not the intent of the ADA Act. 8/28/2012 I think the service is great, I appreciate the service agree with changes 8/28/2012 We have a great service and agrees with all changes. 8/28/2012 I agrees with all changes I am a rider on Access. I think you are the most fantastic organization and service that anybody could have. Your drivers are unbelievable; they are so kind and so helpful. They drive perfectly; I can’t tell you what a wonderful service it is. That you have to increase the service, I understand. You have to increase the cost may be a little difficult for one, but one has to be grateful 8/29/2012 that one has your service at all. I don't know about the no bookings later as it makes for inconvenience, but I understand you have to cut down your costs, the only thing that worries me is not being able to book for the weekend. I will have to call the ordinary number to find out if I can call over the weekend. I just want to congratulate you on the fantastic service you deliver to all of us and want to thank you so much. Hi, just got the survey in the mail and I am an Access Rider and want to say it’s very fair on the rate increase. I think it should have been done a long time ago and its very, very fair for the service you provide to our members and I do already think we pay our fair share its very, very I don't want to say "cheap", but rather "fair" the rates we pay . I agree we should raise fees and I also agree on the hours, its nothing people can’t work within those hours, 8/29/2012 that’s the way I feel. I say go for it, I’m on board. I know some other people will say different. I hope you get a majority that supports you on account of the service we get, very good service, prompt service, courteous drivers. I think it’s very fair and even if you raise it .50cents I still think it’s fair to the riders, providing the service you get and how they would have to get to where they want to by other means which would cost a lot of money and be more trouble. Thank you very much and good luck. I have had Access program for many years. The drivers are very careful and I read the newsletter and know the economy we are going through, we 8/29/2012 appreciate a lot of what Access does for us and we are just going to have to face the situation. Thank you, bye. I am an Access recipient and I am calling to leave my comments regarding the rider newsletter. I support what Access wants to do regarding the .25 cent increase scheduling time and reservation. This is just representative of the times we live in and the budget shortfall for 2013. You have to have an increase to balance things out. I think the people should appreciate what 8/29/2012 they have when it comes to Access its convenient and it is a big, big, big help and I really love it and just can’t imagine what people would do without it, with gas prices the way they are and even the transit prices. Do whatever you have to do to raise the prices and all the other things you want to do, I support it. I’m okay with Access raising fees, I know with gas prices and the economy 8/29/2012 the way it is, is not great. However, I do not agree with the window time changing to 5pm that’s really early and sometimes we have to call later so I do not agree with changing the window time. Scheduling time from 6am to 10pm will not be good because sometimes I

17 call at 9am in the morning and can’t get through there are 25-30 people 8/29/2012 ahead, then I will call the Southern Region and there are 40 people ahead of me, it’s good to keep reservation time to 10pm and that’s my comment and they should keep it at 10pm. I just read your article and I am very upset and disappointed I am a senior 83 years old, disabled and I look forward to riding public transportation and I can’t afford it the way it keeps going up. I mean last week I went to the 8/29/2012 Doctors and every single day and it’s just too much for me so I can’t go to public meetings because I don’t have a means of transportation to get there. Like I said I am disabled and I’m so upset because everything keeps going up in price and there is no more money coming in. I am happy with Access services and don’t know what I would do without it. I 8/29/2012 agree with all changes 8/29/2012 I agree with all changes I agree with all changes because we have great service and gas prices have 8/29/2012 increased We are hoping you do not increase your fairs on January 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014. We would appreciate if you would leave your hours from 6am and not go to the 10am as stated you want to, so these are our comments. Again, 8/30/2012 we hope you do not increase your fairs as it would pose a hardship on disabled citizens. Thank you and we do appreciate Access Services, have a wonderful day. I think that whatever you charge is fine with me and I am perfectly willing to 8/30/2012 go along with your new proposal and I hope that all is well with you and I’m not going to the park. I think I’m just going to tell you it’s fine with me to raise the price by .25cents, two times and to cut back on the hours. I believe that will be just fine. Thank you very much. 8/30/2012 I like your services very much. I don’t mind the fare increases. 8/30/2012 I agree with all changes I received your newsletter and I am so happy about it because you have allowed me to ride access and your proposal is commendable because it is 8/30/2012 necessary. I thank you very much for taking me in. Your service is commendable. I am very grateful for Access and when I got the information regarding a fare increase in the fee I was not shocked or amazed. I think it’s probably very reasonable and I guess we can afford it. I really love this service and I am 8/30/2012 very grateful because I have terrible eye sight and cannot drive anymore. I have macular degeneration so I need you and will pay whatever I have to. I still work and have to go on auditions. I need you it’s been wonderful for me. I thank you very much. I guess that’s it. Thank you. My comment is that it’s fine with the proposition to raise the fare .50 more 8/30/2012 cents and it is fair because it is a good service for us all and I am in agreement. I believe that the increase for Access Riders is not a problem; the problem is hours for reservations being moved from 6am to 10am which is not appropriate. The price should coincide with the disabled and blind who use access and who are disabled. The fare as a whole when in fact they are cutting the service for the disabled when me myself have been cut $130

18 8/30/2012 dollars from the state of California and yet the transportation committee and Jerry Brown proposes a billion dollar transit from LAX to Sacramento for high speed rail. Where is the money going to and who is funding the money? Like I said I agree with the far increase, but I disagree on the basis that they can sign a contract for a billion dollars for high speed rail when California does not have the money. I’m calling about the fare increase, I can’t even afford Access now, and I barely ride it now. Most of us who are disabled are poverty stricken it’s not like were able to go out and work and earn money we are disabled and most 8/30/2012 of us are living in poverty. We can’t afford these increases; we are barely getting disability to pay our bills and our rent so I don’t know what they are trying to do, trying to put them out of business. I’m lucky now if I can afford to Ride Access 3times a year. 8/30/2012 I agree with both changes in 2013 and 2014. Thank you. As a care provider for 24 people with disabilities, we use Access often. The proposed fare hike is acceptable. We will still be receiving a much needed service for reasonable cost. The change in reservation hours is what most affects us. On many occasions it has been a last minute decision that someone will need to visit a doctor or have a change in reservation for the 8/30/2012 following morning. The extended reservation hours have allowed us to make appropriate plans for each day. Although I read that your preliminary assessments indicated a low percentage of clients using the reservation lines after hours, those late hours have been instrumental in our planning. Thank you for your consideration. I am not in favor of changing the ending time for reservations from 10 pm to 8/30/2012 7 pm. Such a change would be of great inconvenience to me, and I'm sure others. Please don't make this change. 8/30/2012 I agree with all changes 8/31/2012 I am in favor of the proposal of .25 cent increase. Thank you. Not a very good idea, the fare is already too high and the time frame is going 8/31/2012 to make time less available to get to work if they are employed. I suppose this is not a good idea. Hi, I do not mind paying .25cents extra for the fare, but I don’t agree about closing the window time from 10pm to 7pm, 10pm is better that’s my opinion. 8/31/2012 8/31/2012 I’m agreeable to the increase in fare. Thank you so much. God Bless you. 8/31/2012 I commit to your rule, raises on fare as you see fit, do what you need to do. My goodness should I start crying now or wait until later? This is ridiculous. I don’t know what the income is for the disabled people who are eligible to use Access services as a form of transportation. I myself am disabled and I have authorization to use Access Services, I have no job, I have no money, I have no income this is ridiculous. It is hard to get to my medical appointments at 8/31/2012 all; you need to have some consideration most of us don’t even work at all. I can’t I’m disabled there is nothing I can do, but use this form of transportation, which is all I have. I think it’s ridiculous, I really do it is bad enough as it is and we didn’t ask for this, it was a bad hand dealt to us, it’s ridiculous you can't do this. If Social Security raises the amount of money, I could see. I'm a rider for 18 years and I have no choice. Please take this into

19 consideration. I would like to tell you regarding the .25 cent fare increase that it is fine, and completely necessary and I have no objection to that what so ever. You 8/31/2012 have something else that says you are going to change the reservation window. I have no objection to that either. I just have a question about the premium service, I have not heard of it. In other words, I have no objection to anything you mentioned in the newsletter. As compared to other services around the country, of which I have used two, Los Angeles has the largest ridership and yes, I do think it is and has been a compassionate decision to extend hours beyond the minimum - especially given the horrible level of transportation provided by MTA. To address whatever shortfall there is has anyone at ASI taken a cut in pay? Have there 8/31/2012 been layoffs? I will assume not. In this case asking the riders to give up services is not the way to go. Why not raise the cost for those who can pay more and keep the new proposed fare hike in place for those in financial hardship. There are many creative ways to handle the budget issues but this seems to be the one that is most costly to rider's ability to live and thrive in LA. I approve and accept all of the fare increases coming up, as a matter of fact, why wait until July 2014 to raise another quarter, why not raise it .50cents right now, I would go along with that immediately. And the reservation window I would recommend 9am to 5pm, do the best you can with 9/01/2012 shortening the hours as much as you have to. I appreciate you sending me out the notification and letting me be able to comment, I cannot make the meeting due to transportation problems again, no pun intended. If anyone would like to call me back I would be glad to confirm what I've told you by phone. The best you can do for yourself I would appreciate the fact if you did raise the fares immediately without waiting and shortening up the reservation window and perhaps there is other things you could do, that I could discuss with you. Thank you for your time. Well I'll tell you I don’t know what good it does to make comments because you guys have decided already what you are going to do in January 1, 2013 with regard to price change on Access. You have also decided you are going 9/01/2012 to do either this July or next July so I really don’t see why you have this line up for whatever reason because you've already decided the proposal is going to go through for raising the price for Access, but I thought I’d call and make my view known. Hi, good morning I’m calling in regards to the new change that are going to start to be effective come January the fare raises, I understand that’s a good thing because you will be able to provide a more accurate by closing down the reservation line. I have a suggestion that they start making reservations 9/01/2012 more than a day in advance. I don’t know how people in the past have done it because sometimes I need to make an appointment and I’ve called and they say they can’t do it unless it is the day before and then the day before comes and I forget to call, but I think that, I don’t have a problem with it. I have been using Access almost from its inception and depend on it to get too many of the places I need to go. I have sent in several letters and comments re: Access Services. It seems to be improving with the pickup

20 times, drivers, and how they treat the clients, in general. We hope the 9/01/2012 services continue to improve. I think that the fare increase is acceptable. It is the best transportation source for people with disabilities and who cannot take fixed transportation. I use a scooter and a cane to get around. I believe that the change in reservations hours may hinder some of us from getting the rides that we need because many of us go to school, work or on dialysis and the times vary differently, for many of us. So, the late reservation hours really do benefit many people. I’m sorry I had called earlier to report I had tried earlier to get through the 9/03/2012 reservations from 8am to 9:15am my telephone even died, I am now getting terrible service, my phone even dies, please do not cut the hours. 9/03/2012 I approve of all the changes, keep up all the good work. 9/03/2012 I agree with all your proposals, they are reasonable and justified. I totally understand the reasons for the fare hikes and cuts, but I am asking that you remember that our monies are being cut too. We do not have access to grants etc. My check has been cut by over $100 and they are trying to cut more. I am on SSI so you can see I am not alone in this matter. I 9/03/2012 am asking that if you do raise your rates please do so as minimally as possible and for as short a time as possible. You contend that you are facing a short fall through 2015 then leave the hikes in place for only that long or for a shorter period if the economy improves quicker. As for cutting your reservation hours, I am not sure how I feel as there are days when I have called after 5 p.m. You say that this would help make the system more efficient. I would hope so. I often wondered how they managed with the price of gasoline the way it is 9/04/2012 so I am all for the .25 cent increase. Hi, I’m calling to comment on fare increase I don’t agree with them I don’t think it’s correct to raise them and in terms of the time window, I don’t think 9/04/2012 10am to 7pm is right at all because I don’t think Access has enough time slots as it is. Hi, I take Access Services and others I was calling concerning the reservation window, it worries me. There are times when I can't make up my mind or know soon enough when I will need Access and with it being opens until 10pm it gives me time to get to phone and get a reservation. If they have to shorten it, could it not be so many hours and the same thing with the fares, do they have to raise it so high? Couldn’t it be like .10 cents or .15 cents and go slower than a quarter because it will put a burden on some of 9/04/2012 us who are very low income? Some of us have to come up with more and more, I don’t see why it has to be so drastic, I mean just couldn't it go up slower. I know times are hard and don't want it to be a burden where fares are high and we can’t use Access services anymore. The window closing so early doesn’t leave people enough time to make reservations, maybe 8pm? I know there are hard times for some of us, could you please not hurt us by making it burdensome. I feel it’s wrong, we all who are using Access are on a fixed income, and we can’t afford to survive as it is. They are trying to take from the senior citizens 9/04/2012 and disabled and the time should stay from 6am until 10pm at night. If you care about your customers you shouldn’t change anything. God Bless you.

21 My comment is on the reducing of the reservation hours. I find a problem with that by closing the reservation hours from down at 7pm in lieu of 10pm will create a problem and your ride has not shown up at the time it should, you have no means to confront the problem that you are left stranded after 7pm so I think the timing should stay as it is and allow reservations to be 9/05/2012 able to contact the reservation clerk until 10pm as it is now. I think it should be left alone all together. I think we should leave the reservation hours extended as they are; closing earlier reservation would not be effective and would cause more problems than its causing now. Thank you we need to leave it enforced and affect as it is now. 9/05/2012 I heard about the .25 cent increase and I accept it. Hi, I’m calling about the change; the rate increases so many of us already can’t afford to ride Access services because it just costs too much money. We are low income, we don’t work anymore we are disabled , it is bad enough that we are low income and can hardly even cover our rent and now 9/05/2012 you want to raise the fare so we cannot even use the service anymore. I do not know why you are doing this, the taxpayer's pay into the system; it should be free so why can’t it be paid for by tax dollars, why do we have to pay all this money. I would like to say I am in agreement with the proposed changes. I consider 9/05/2012 it a great service and I am willing to pay more and subsidize the service. I want to say it’s more than fair to add a .25cents and do it in 2 sessions in most cases the people who can’t afford anything, ride free anyway. The 9/06/2012 people who can afford an extra .50cents don’t mind because they are grateful to ride to all our doctors’ appointments. I hope that this is being recorded I think Access is a really great service. This increase is not good; they should actually lower the rates. It should be . 9/06/2012 99 each way. All year round forever and ever. What’s with this increase stuff and make sure you lower the cost to .99 each way. I agree that a quarter of a dollar add to the amount that we have now. As for the hours I never call so late so it will be better if you can save some money 9/06/2012 and time so you can have it the way you want now on January 1. Thank you. I want to say it’s more than fair to add a .25cents and do it in 2 sessions in most cases the people who can’t afford anything, ride free anyway. The 9/06/2012 people who can afford an extra .50cents don’t mind because they are grateful to ride to all our doctors’ appointments. I hope that this is being recorded I think Access is a really great service. I’m calling regarding the proposed increase of fare and cutting down the increase in window time, picking up and scheduling, I vote no on everything. I may not be the majority, but I am a minority and I am a young person who 9/06/2012 is disabled and I do not want to see these changes take place, furthermore the services are already difficult to maintain, such as the drivers to pick you up and drop you off and even if they come on time, so I don’t agree with any of this. 9/06/2012 I am ok with the raise you guys are working on; it is still a good price. Hello, Hello about the proposal I don’t oppose it increasing the payment for Access because if they also increase the dial a ride and everything food, gas 9/06/2012 and prices are all going up as well, so I am not oppose to it. Thank you good

22 bye and good day. 9/06/2012 I agree with all changes Hi, I have been an Access passenger for about 9 years now and I would very much like to comment on the fare increase proposals. The fare increase proposal, I kind of understand, but doing it twice is a little much when you are on a fixed income, and given the number of rides I take adds up and it gets very, very stressful, to have to worry about money all the time, but the most important thing for me is reservation window time changing its insane. I live in the San Fernando Valley and work in Culver City. I will barely get home by 7pm because of traffic, checking my email and messages and 9/07/2012 trying to make reservations accordingly, there will be no time. There won’t be any time at all and for you to think that only 10% of people call after 7pm then how come the only time I have to wait on the line on hold are at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. It says there are 20-25 people ahead of you, things like that happen for all 4 providers after 8PM, 9PM and 10PM. And if I start working there is not a chance I am going to have a chance to make a reservation by 7pm. I’m going to be stuck and that is going to be lows, don’t do that, please don’t do that really is going to screw things up. I shouldn’t be driving its dangerous for myself and everyone else, but I will be forced to start doing this. I don’t know if you have ever worked somewhere else before, but they look down when workers use their phones and emails because they close down at 5pm and they can’t be there anyways, so please don’t change the reservation window even if you raise the fares, leave the reservation window from 6am to 10pm, it is really important for me and everyone else I’ve talked to. Regarding the change in window, don’t do it, it seems like the most busy time on the phone is at 8:30pm or 9pm so you can’t tell me that only 10% of people call after 7pm, it is not true with my experience calling, at different 9/07/2012 times the only time I have to wait on hold is when I call after 7pm,never in the morning I get answered right away and I’m not pleased with the fare increase because it went up recently, but more importantly is change in the reservation window. I have no problem to increase fare. I do oppose hours in reservation, the reason for that it is difficult to get in between 6am and 7pm and then when you do, you have to take what they are booking for. If you wait until later, you 9/07/2012 can get better reservations. In addition to that when you try to call you have to wait for long periods of time and the reservation clerks are not always accurate, those are my objections. I ride access and I think that changing the fare by .25 cents more is wonderful in January and that July 13 is a wonderful idea. I think the fare we 9/07/2012 pay now is very reasonable and to add .25 cents to get respectable loving, caring people to take care of us on our trips. I think .25 cents in January 2013 and July 2014 is fine and won’t kill any of us. Yes, in response to your increase I totally agree with your fare increase. I am 9/07/2012 disabled and your service is very important to me. I think it’s wonderful to share our expenses to keep service going. God Bless. Hello, I am in favor of the fare increases if it helps you maintain the service. I 9/07/2012 am very thankful for the availability of the service and I will be able to

23 manage the fare increase. I am commenting on the raise of .25 cents January 2013 and July 2014 and I do not have much to say about it because people who work with the system 9/07/2012 to operate as comfortable as they can so ill leave the decision to Access paratransit. 9/10/2012 I have no problem with the increase in fare. The hours are convenient and please don't shorten them, the WAIT is long 9/11/2012 enough now! I can't image what other changes would be made here. To eliminate the 10 pm cut-off hours is a mistake. Last night while calling at 9:15 pm to book trip for today, the recording said..."You have 37 callers ahead of you." After waiting the long time, then when the Agent pick-up the 9/11/2012 phone, they did "NOT-WAIT" for the delay in Transmission using "RELAY", so they hung-up before I saw the word Hello typed. I had to start all over and call back at 10:59 pm; luckily the call went through...the recording then said..."You have 27 callers ahead of you." I could just hear RELAY groan and sigh! Now this scenario does not show that there are fewer callers at the 7-10pm hours etc. I would like to make a comment that I think they should raise should have 9/12/2012 been done a long time ago because the expensive gas and vehicle and the fare should be increased at least once a year every year. I go along with the proposed .25 cent increase proposal for January 13 and July 14. I also go along with all of the proposals you have suggested. I don’t 9/12/2012 feel like that is too much to pay. Thank you for proposing this. Have a blessed day. I agree with the fare increase for .25 cents due to the fact that gas prices went up, you do maintain the vehicles very nicely, never been in a rundown vehicle that broke down so I agree that the increase is fair. About the calling window changing I don’t know if it might be better if the window was from 7am to 9pm or 6am to 7pm because 6am is rather early for the fact you don’t 9/12/2012 work until the next day to give us a ride. Anyways and not everyone has their new appointment already at 7pm and then it cuts short into scheduling and then you can’t make an appointment for the next day. If you can keep the window open a little later than 7pm that would be great if not I guess we will have to work within that. I support the .25 cent increase for January 1, 2013, but the increase in 2014 9/12/2012 I oppose in July because it is too soon and I have only a limited income. I also support the decrease in reservation time. Thank you. The fare it would be okay if you did it, if you did it right, but the people who are on social security we don’t get an increase in living expenses so figure out something so people living on social security can manage. It seems that you all are only thinking about themselves and the company. The hours of 9/12/2012 reservation need to be even longer, you and I know that at 10:05pm the lines are long and you do it on purpose and then when you do get through the don’t have what you want so I feel you need to have a meeting. 9/12/2012 I agree with all changes 9/12/2012 I agree with all changes In regards to the proposed rate increase and change in reservation hours: Maybe you can consider changing the hours in another way, i.e.: 7am-12pm

24 9/13/2012 for those that prefer making reservations in the morning, and 2pm-8 or 9pm for those that prefer making reservations in the evening. It's still cutting hours, but accommodates everyone's needs better. 9/14/2012 Gas went up so I understand Disturbing to cut off reservation at 7pm. Sometimes we don’t get home until 9/14/2012 7pm and you cut customer service at 5pm if anyone gets stuck they won’t have any number to call. Prices are great and the service is dependable. I am happy with the service 9/16/2012 and hope to be with you for a while. I am all in favor of the increase in fare. I am 100% sure the increase is valid as far as 7pm it’s difficult to get in by 7, but if necessary I could handle 7pm, 9/17/2012 but the later time is better for me. 9/19/2012 I am calling to give you my feedback. I agree with the fare increase. I agree to raise the fare, I think it’s wonderful, I don’t take advantage I only 9/19/2012 use it when I need to. 9/19/2012 I agree with all changes Hello, I have received and read your new rider letter and I want to comment, I am one of the first people to utilize Access. I am delighted Access is helping other people. Now if you shorten the hours to call in, it will not be 9/20/2012 easier, but more difficult. I don’t know who thought this would be a good idea. 9/20/2012 I agree with all changes Yes, I use Access and I think your fare increase is fine. I know the price of 9/21/2012 gasoline went up and wear and tear on the vehicle, I have no complaints. Thank you Access services. I tend to use them a lot and I tend to make my calls after 7pm due to circumstances and a lot of times it will 20 or 30 calls 9/21/2012 ahead waiting. I know after 7pm a lot of people call it’s important to me and I say no to the .25 cent increase in January 2013. I have no problems with the raise in the fares. I think out ride is a bargain and I don’t see why anyone would be against it. So I am for the increase and 9/21/2012 I think the fact is it is not enough of an increase. I think it is certainly worth $3 a ride. I agree with all changes and am very happy with the service and employees 9/22/2012 I just wanted to say I am very grateful for Access paratransit services and if I have to pay another .25 cents, I understand your difficulty dealing with high gas prices and everything. It's not going to kill me to pay an extra .25 cents. 9/24/2012 Thank God. So I thank you for your services and if we have to pay another . 25 cents in January 2013 and another in July 2014. I guess that’s the least we can do. Thank you so much for your services. Hello, I am calling in response to your survey. I do not disagree about the . 25 cent increase. I think that your services are already cheap to pay. . 25cents is okay. I do not like closing the reservation window early. I 9/24/2012 frequently call at or close to 10pm at night. I think there should be a compromise to stay open until 8pm because some people don’t home from work until then. Thank you very much. He wants to stress his preference to retain late hours for bookings, citing some customers cannot book till after 7pm or something may not be known

25 until after 7pm, requiring them to book for the next day. The .25cents fare 9/24/2012 increase is acceptable from a personal standpoint, though he feel many of our customers are on fixed incomes, this could be a serious problem for some of them. Here is my take on the fare hike I have no problem it is needed, you do have a budget and if you need to, I suggest that you put billboards on Access vans or promote services for people with disabilities, such as motor coaches that take people to Indian casinos. In regards to time 7pm is not a good idea 9/24/2012 to change the reservation window to because people call after 7pm can you at least put the time to 8pm or 9pm no more or no less, than that. I think the fare increase is ok however doing cut the hours down because people will panic because they didn’t get a ride. I think if you increase fares you should bring back same day rides if it’s available and you should make 9/26/2012 the reservation line more modern through the internet or use automated reservation. You're going to increase .25 cents and another .25 cents more you need to upgrade your services and you need to listen to the people. I understand that you would want to have a fare increase that I can deal with although I am not happy about it, but the change in reservation hours will not work at all; I understand in other counties like San Bernardino they can have shorter hours, but this is Los Angeles a big city. You cannot change the times, the only time I call and have to wait on hold to make a reservation is after 8pm and it says you have 30 people ahead of you. So please I understand you want to challenge the expense of gas, but remember you 10/01/2012 are subsidized by the government quite a bit so raising our rates is out of line because you get a large subsidy from the government. I think you should find the people who have driver licenses who do not need Access and go from there to save money. I intend on working in Culver City and will not be home until 7:30pm in the evening and it necessary to keep the line open because life goes on late in the city, this is not a suburb. I feel that any of the things that you are proposing to give us better service 10/01/2012 are acceptable to me. I’ve been an Access rider since 1995. Therefore I am familiar with the budget issues that come up from time to time. At this time, I understand and 10/02/2012 am prepared to live with the 25 cent fare increase and the end of evening reservation hours. I have several concerns about the proposed changes to Access Services in 2013. First, I believe it is unfair to raise the price of Access Services transportation by $.50 over a 13 month period. Many people including myself are on limited incomes and this fare increase will present an undue financial hardship because we may not be able to afford to use Access Services for 10/04/2012 our most basic needs such as: attending gay programs, getting to and from doctors or therapy appointments, and spending time with our friends and loved ones. This inability to afford basic transportation may lead people with disabilities to have more physical, psychological, and emotional difficulties and may even leave us in physical danger. Continued…I recognize that the price of gas, the cost of running the program, and the cost of administrative and driver’s salaries may have gone up and I think it would be fair to make one fare increase of$.25 per ride. I

26 think that it would also be advisable to approach the MTA Board of Directors for an increase in the budget for Access Services since the fare increase alone will not meet budgetary needs by itself since the ridership of Access Services has grown beyond expectation or projections. The proposed cuts to the reservation hours will also create problems for people needing to make next day reservations. Many people with disabilities work or attend day programs so they are unable to make a reservation calls themselves so they are dependent upon personal assistants to make these calls and many of those helpers have set schedules and tasks to complete prior to 7pm such as making dinner or helping care for the person with a disability in the early evening. Continued…Therefore many people are unable to make a reservation calls for him after 7pm. It is already difficult to make reservations in a timely manner because of long hold times as well as the lack of availability of appointment times for Access Services rides. If the reservation hours are shortened it will be even more difficult if not impossible to make the next day reservations needed. I recognize the necessity for possibly making changes to the reservation hours as a cost saving measure however I propose that instead of cutting all of the evening hours that some of the morning hours be shortened as well (1 1/2 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 hours in the evening). This would allow people to have more flexibility and ease when making their reservations. Thank you for your consideration. First I just want to say I am grateful that we have access service however I am against the two proposals. I know you guy have to make money too. But remember access service is not about making money I want to remind Access services am here to help people with disabilities and senior. These people are on limit income or and fix income so people are not going to be able to pay for their rides they would have to choose between food and going out .A fare increase will hurt people that you guy serve Access services may not or realize people with disables have lives too They have lot 10/04/2012 of things when they get home or don't get home after 7pm to call; in for the next reservation. They may not have anyone to help them until after 7 pm. it hard for them to get the phone in time for them to make our reservation. I know that access want to balance the budget by cutting the reservation hours. This not the solution to balance the budget. Access need to figure out another way for us to make our reservation. Want to make some suggestion for access. why don't Access have online Reservation that way you guys cut the phone line at 8 pm. I definitely do not support Access Services proposed service changes! Access Services has stated that they want to work with the community, however, they keep cutting the service the assists the community. Shame on Access Services! Access took away same-day service in order to better route the trips, however, they routes still do not make sense! Now you want 10/05/2012 to cut the hours that we can make reservations to better route the calls?? People, who work, go to school, have kids, and have assistants who work at night will not be able to make their reservations by 7pm, which means you are making public transportation more inaccessible for people with disabilities!!!

27 I’m here to speak in favor of the changes that you’re proposing. I also serve on the citizen’s action committee and my question would be in one of the slides. You’ve talked about closing the reservations earlier at 7 p.m. will 10/03/2012 allow for better scheduling and more on-time pick-ups. I would like to understand how that would possibly be one of the benefits of this particular change? Thank you. I have no objection to the proposals. I’m grateful for this service I’ve gotten. 10/03/2012 Thank you. I work for the independent living center for southern California. I’m here to make sure that the comment for the paratransit rider’s coalition that we’ve developed -- although at the last meeting my comment is in the record; I gave you a copy. The fact that independent living center strongly supports those arguments against making these changes. What bothers me the most is that you’re making these changes at times when riders are least able to accommodate that? I understand that cost has gone up, but riders have not gone up in income. Cost of living has increased in the California. These changes are designed to limit riders’ ability to use this system. Where’s that increase in fare going to come from? It’s not going to come from the food budget. People are going to limit where they’re going and how many times 10/03/2012 they use access. They’re going to less be able to plan and make reservation for the next day. This change is designed to limit the availability of service for eligible riders. There’s reasonable efficiency that could be made that will not impact riders. You can encourage local jurisdiction for people who can use the regular bus. You can encourage contractors to have adequate capacity on the street. I know everyone wants to make a dollar, but putting out the least amount of capacity creates inefficiency. For example, the woman earlier made a comment about people running back and forth and not making efficient routes. One huge efficiency would be to create drivers where they’re not deadheading back to their service hours. These are the things that you should be thinking about. Not how to make this system less useable for riders. Thank you. My concern is about the window frame of the reservation. Right now, when you call even at 7:30 or 8:00 o’clock, it will tell you there are 30 calls ahead so I can’t believe there are fewer callers at that time. And I don’t get off work past 7 and we don’t have any way to make the call to get in the next day. We’ll then have to refer to the bus and when you work in a medical office like I do, and you have a cornea surgery and other types of surgery that you 10/03/2012 have to schedule, it’s not good for me. It’s confined and not in a group setting. So if you change the time frame of window -- you can keep the same hours of work but change it to 7:00 to 8:00, or 8:00 to 9:00 rather than keeping it at 6:00 a.m. Move it to where the hours run later. Thank you. I realized gas prices are up and I’m well aware of that. One of the hard things is, I think it would be better that you make the reservation from 6 to 8 instead of -- make 6 to 8 instead of 6 to 7. Because that way, in 10/03/2012 case somebody does call after hours, you know, after 8:00 o’clock or 7:00 o’clock or whatever, they may be disconnected off the phone. You don’t know what it’s like calling reservation. Like I say, that can happen. So, please make it 6 to 8.

28 Okay. My main concern is the hours of reservation. Changing those are going to result in a hardship for anyone going to school, going to work, that 10/03/2012 doesn’t get home in time to call. And as to the survey that was done, some of those places where you surveyed, it isn’t just one day. They have two or three days to make the call. If you did that, it wouldn’t be such a burdensome proposal, but to do it one day is a hardship, big time. I agree with you about the gas prices and not to cut the operating hours. If 10/03/2012 you look at customer service, people will not be able to get through to them. And, My comment is that access to be able to operate in a comparable way -- and 10/03/2012 cost of gasoline, I realize they should be able to maneuver around disabled people. Thank you. I’m a rider and in today’s budget issue, especially the operation, because people who go for walk from, they will not be able to catch the time [indiscernible]. That will be about 4 hours or maybe 3 hours who knows. That will be – [indiscernible] so therefore, I’m opposed to the changes to 6 to 5? 6 to 7? I want to keep the hours the way it is now. And who is to say 10/03/2012 that people with disability, they like to have more hours or less hours? Who is to say that people with disability are not supposed to get home on time and enjoy the time to be free? Who is to say that we have no right to anything at all? I want my hours, because for a lot of people, [indiscernible] so if you’re going to cut the hours, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Thank you very much. Couple of years ago, about 5 or 6 years ago, you guys came to us and said we need to cut the hours because it will help route the rides better and keep it to do better road service. Well that’s not happened. You guys told this and make this better, and this has not happened. I know you have budget issues and you’re balancing them, but you’re barely seeing it. People live on 10/03/2012 a fixed income that rarely can pay the bill. This is not working. And you want to cut the hours of ridership. We have to pick up our kids and they can’t go to bed until 8:00 o’clock. And then there’s people that have riders, they’re provided, helping put them to bed and this is making our lives hard. You’re making it harder on people. We should work together. You need to work with us not against us. I have a few points to make here. One, I like to suggest with the reservation hours not be cut to 3 hours. Instead of closing at 7, go longer at night because for people who work late can still make their rides for the next day. Next thing I want to talk about is your survey. Instead of the survey, I would suggest that you check the call volume on the phone lines at night? Because I have to tell you, at nights, it’s the only time I “hear due to high call 10/03/2012 volume, you need to call back.” Global and the valley. So I don’t know where you’re getting your information. There are not that many people calling at night? You should check the volume at night on the phones. At nighttime, it’s pretty heavy. Sometimes there’s 20 or 30 calls ahead of me which I don’t mind waiting. But that doesn’t sound like low call volume to me. I’m a mother of a rider who has multiple disabilities. For me, when I look at the system, you’re taking 21st century citizens using a mid-century

29 technology. You need a website that people can access rather than going on phone lines trying to access information. That will cut down the phone operators for them to respond. Sometimes you have to call 3 times to get a time remotely close to what you want because they say; well we’re only allowed to give you 2. So you’re playing phone lotto trying to get the time you need. If you have a system where people can go online, have a file with their predictable destination and the time they need the rides, it cuts down on time and makes it more efficient and makes it user-friendly. And 10/03/2012 everyone has a phone to some degree so you if take it a system and operationalize it on a mobile system and scale it up to mobile pads and other compatible systems, you will have the ability to have consumers be proactive. If you have stated the time on arrival rather than going through the menu and people look it up on a menu and call the driver, you’re wasting time and money. And furthermore, one of my son’s disabilities is that he’s profoundly deaf. And you need to assume that everyone who is deaf uses a phone to text, to communicate, but your call-out is a prerecorded message. Continued...I think that’s a violation of reasonable accommodation. And finally you have a system that is set up to fail, because access paratransit contracts out to subcontractors who are cab companies. They lease their vehicles and drivers who are not employees and they’re subcontractors. Nobody is invested in this. They don’t get worker’s comp or anything because it’s independent contractors. So you have a system where it’s okay for people to slack off, because what are you going to do? Find another cab company? Furthermore, people from cab companies -- nothing prejudice about their educational level or anything – they’re not technologically savvy. 10/03/2012 And there are systems that they can set up and I presented this and I have talked to Andre that if they could streamline and actually provide safe rides, save time, energy, and stress and be much more efficient for everyone. I think the goal of this is admirable. But there has to be a way to be more proactive and not just protect only their rights but have more dignity in what they’re doing. I’m an adjunct at Cal state LA, and I’m very savvy in all of these areas. I have volunteered to be a resource in any way I can and I have had conversations, of course I want the rest of the board of Access and MTA to understand that there’s people in this community who will help and who wants to help if they will be listened to. Thank you very much. I cannot drive. If I had legs, I would be very happy to drive on my own but I can’t. Please do not change the hours of reservation. I have kids also. If I get the job I want, it will be in Culver City. By the time I get to the valley it will be 7:00 o’clock. By the time I get kids to bed it will be 9:00 o’clock. I won’t have a chance to check my messages and e-mails and figure out what I need to do the next day until after I get home. Sometimes I come home when my kid is sick and is not feeling well. How am I going to make 10/03/2012 reservations to bring him to the doctor if it closes when I get home? I can understand about the gas prices going up and the expenses there. But I also know your rides are subsidized by the government. Please, if I can do nothing else, please do not change the hours of service. Do not do that. It will totally ruin my ability to make accommodations for my family if I’m working. Thank you so much.

30 I’ve had access service since 1998. So I pretty much know everything that’s been taken away from us. And it seems like that whenever anything is needed, they take away a few services which, therefore, I guess designates loss of employees and that’s the way to subsidize the system. But this system was first brought about to provide for the disabled. And it seems like the only thing to do is take away little for dozen of pockets. For example, people getting free rides that I would think would be a positive thing for the 10/03/2012 owners because, therefore, you don’t have to pay as much money to move the person or move the people. So I think pretty much every decision is made on how much money it will save. The night owl that totally affected us because it stopped some type of social gathering or anything through the night if you’re within three-quarters of a mile. The fact that you already took off the whole crew of workers from the hours I think it was 10:00 p.m. to 6 in the morning. So that affected 25%. So now you’re affecting the 10 that you already affected on the 25. No, I don’t think it should be saved – I mean denied or lessened. It should be increased. Because you keep taking and never giving. The other fact is that you’re telling us that we’re paying -- or getting the services and we’re paying less than anyone else. If we make a small ride within our area, we could call, for example, if it’s a 4:50 ride. I have a PCA and a guest. It will cost me $4.50. We’re calling 24 hours ahead. Waiting in line. Sometimes having to call back. You know, because the lines are -- I think the other day. I called 10/03/2012 between 1:30 and 5:30 and it was a super-long wait. I kept hanging up and calling back. So all of these things we’re going through. The rate of .25 cent, it should not go up either. Because we can get same rides for the same amount of money. So you want us to go up .25 cents in 18 months. But you don’t know if the prices are going up or down. I want to say I’m concerned about the fare increase because I do not get a 10/03/2012 monthly stable income so I can’t afford it. I think access needs to think about people who do not have any income. Thank you. The fare increases for some of us, you know, won’t be okay. There are those few cases of us who just can’t afford it. We’re not getting any income. We’re getting less income or whatever it may be. And second of all, I think that the reservation time closing up at 7, that’s an issue. Because what if you have some important thing that went on? You’re working or you’re 10/03/2012 busy, you’re a mother or father, and you know, you’re not able to make other arrangements or accommodations for your appointments. So, this is going to add a lot of problems. And that’s all I have to say. My major concern with the reservation is similar to everyone else’s because there’s a lot of us who have busy schedules, and it’s to include that some of us do not have the luxury to afford personal care assistance, so we have to dress ourselves, eat, and get out the door, and have a busy work schedule 10/03/2012 and then come home late in the evening. Some employers don’t allow employees to use the phones during working hours. And it’s not enough time because of the long hall periods we go through. And it’s over 33 people in the queue in the evening. From 10:30 to 2 in the afternoon, we don’t have choices to make the call. I’ve called as many as over 12 times. I’m not the only one. And that’s my major concern. Plus the increase in fare is affordable for some of us and it’s not for some. Because a lot of us are living

31 on decreased income from the government. And this increase is causing a lot of us to have to have no choice but to stay home because a lot of us use access and are not able to use the public transportation. I’ve been an access rider since 1994. So, basically, I’ve seen it all, whatever has happened. I’m concerned about the fare increase, but I’m more concerned about you limiting the window of when we can make reservations. Because I go to an art class 3 days a week. And I really enjoy it and it keeps 10/03/2012 me going. But by the time I get home, I change and I eat and I make my call for access rides for the next day. Or if I don’t have class, I make my call for access rides for other errands. I think it’s going to be absolutely bedlam trying to get an access ride for the next day. Thank you. My thing is, I just want to make good. Just because we have many disabilities, doesn’t mean I’m home. I’m never home by 7:00 p.m. On the week day. I’m either taking care of things that I wasn’t planning – I’m sorry. That I wasn’t planning of doing. And a week from today, I had to go 10/03/2012 to see my brother and I didn’t get home until 9:30 and I couldn’t make my ride. I have my needs to make my ride. At 9:45 they made my ride, a car came and picked me up and sometime I don’t get home at 4:35 Monday through Friday by Access and I don’t think it’s fair. I am here to represent the consumers of the independent living center not too far from here. Communities actively living independent and free. Now a vast majority of our consumers live on SSI which is $850 per month or they don’t even have that. Nothing personal, but when was the last time you tried to live on $850 a month? The cost of living keeps going up. SSI checks have remained the same for the last several years. We do not support these changes at all. And on a personal note, I use access at times. And I live in long beach. But I work here in downtown LA now, if you change the hours for the reservation, I’m not going to be able to do it because my, my personal 10/03/2012 care attendant, works with me in the office, and it takes me 3 hours to get it all together, because I’m a complete quadriplegic and I cannot move anything from below my shoulders. So when I get to work, I have to make time for the reservation to get a ride to work and from work. Because I’m so busy with the entire advocacy we do at our center, so, I oppose these changes on a personal and business level. And I like say; I’m appalled that the board members are not here to face the people to look us in our eyes. This is going to change our lives. This is going to have a significant impact on us, and they have no guts to come here and look at us in the eye. I cannot stand being a burden on anybody else using it. And I have learned throughout the day, I cannot use access, especially, if I’m going somewhere 10/03/2012 soon. I’m grateful I have my legs and I can walk around. I’m able to use the metro and all that. But I use the Access at night. And I don’t do that at 6:00 a.m. You can cut that time. I don’t wake up until 7:30 or even 8:30. You can push it there. But I want you guys to show exactly how these later or this cut hour time will help our routes? Well, Access is a wonderful service and I’m very grateful for it. And I don’t mind the hours. I guess I can deal with that and the amount of money. I know some people can’t afford the hours to be dropped and some can’t afford the increase in fare. However, my complaint, my concern is that

32 lately, I’ve noticed something different about the scheduling. When I call for my husband to go to work, I want him to go by 6:00 o’clock in the morning. He has to be by work at 8. While I leave 2 hours from Pasadena to LA., it 10/03/2012 might take me more or less. Who knows? But I always say I would like 6:00 o’clock or 6:10. I call the number, too, for the western region. They always give my 5:20 and he gets there so early. Every morning I have that problem. In the afternoon, he leaves at 3:00 o’clock. I can get him 2:55. Fine. That’s calling one to go back home. But I’m finding this a problem in scheduling. When I say I want 6:00 o’clock in the a.m., they give me 5:20 or 7:45. I go through this every morning. I don’t know what to do about that. I think the scheduling could be a lot more organized. What other people have said about the other fare increase, I’ll comment on that. I’ll repeat what people said about appreciating the service. And where I’ve been tied up in medical facility where they said on the spot, they have said we need to run tests so I’ve had no time to get to a phone to get appointments because of being in the hospital environment and being sent from one department to another. I think there are many situations other 10/03/2012 people have mentioned it where a person just might not be able to get to a phone to make that appointment until later hours in the evening. So I’m encouraging you to somehow find a way to keep the extended hours in the evening with all the morning hours that are very vulnerable and in situations where they need that extra time. Apart from that, I see some other people have mentioned that they are dissatisfied with the scheduling. The fare is going to put me in a position where I’m going to have to choose what I leave off if you do this. And I know that I’m not the only one that’s going to have to make these kinds of choices. I think that when you’re making these decisions, you are thinking, everybody has, shall we say, a decent living? We don’t all have that privilege. And when you’re taking 10/03/2012 money away from people who have the least amount of money, you’re putting a hardship on them Now, the reservation hours, you said that nobody calls after hours? I have been on hold for an hour and a half trying to get reservations. I’ve actually gone asleep waiting for reservation for after hours. Who did you survey for the hours? I’ve seen a lot of changes over the years. About this change that they’re going to go into effect in January, I understand about the gas prices and the other expenses that access has. And I also know that when you have a ride, 10/03/2012 if you could schedule your rides from point A to point B instead of going around about. That would save time and money. And schedule your rides also with riders that are going the same time and same direction. The point is that, I don’t. I see that the riders cost money, and I’m on a fixed income. I’m living better than anyone else but it would still restrict me going on my prior trips if I want to go somewhere. And as far as the time change, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. if the schedule is hard for me to get in at night – and I’ve been on the phone and during the day and middle of the day for as long as an hour trying to get through to make a reservation. Okay? And this isn’t fair. Many have not been able to be here today. Many have tried and they were 45 calls head of them. Never gotten a time. So I think the reservation changing hours is going to be crucial for people. I would really hope they

33 would reconsider. Access is, for most of our riders, the only accessible affordable transportation. We value access. And we agree they should be fully funded. And that includes the increase in gas cost and the number of riders they serve. However, this money should be coming through a budget. Through mat. It should be accounted for and they should be fully funded. 10/03/2012 Looking to get the increases through people who are the most vulnerable, least well-paid people in the state of California is unreasonable. I’m referring to people who are on ski. They have a whopping $850 a month. I would challenge the board members and access staff to live off $850 a month and pay their rent, utility, food, let alone transportation cost. Their money has gone down. They have had decreases in their income over the last few years. Money is worth less and all of their expenses have risen. Continued... Please, please, look at a compromise. 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or 8:00 a.m. even until 9:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m. but don’t do this. Because 10/03/2012 people will end up with no shows. There will be problems from this that will actually cost access money. Thank you. I want to agree with every agreement that’s been mentioned and I want to come into agreement. You know, I had the luxury of being young and carefree. But now being disabled, and people think this disability is an outward physical issue, but it impedes, you know? We had 24 hours of freedom before. We had our 8 hours of sleep and so forth. But now we have caregiver time, transportation time, we have doctor’s visits that are beyond believe. They’re our new buff. Access, I’m appreciative and I’m grateful for ease of transportation. I have the luxury of going back to work with access. And I am young. And being disabled and having a lot taken from our bodies, we’ve learned to cherish life and learned to appreciate 10/03/2012 what’s out there so we try to get out. So I would like to agree as far as the reservations go that if you do cut hours, if you could cut hours in the earlier morning? Because we do come home late. We do celebrate birthday parties and we still go to weddings and have all of these social events in our life. In fact, we live more than most people because we we’ve been given the second chance to appreciate life. And I think the web could be better utilized. Continued….. Anyhow, I do want to say, as far as the reservation goes, that you know, I do come home late. And sometimes I’m trying to make reservations on the phone on my phone. And you know, god willing, I have a battery life on the phone, I do get someone. Or I’ll be put on hold. Or get 10/03/2012 disconnected. Or disconnected. Or disconnected or transferred. And second call, I go through all the prompts again and then get disconnected. It’s difficult for us, too. I know access is a chess game. And you have to know your part and I have to know my part. I live and learn because of access. But I hope we can better work with each other. Booking hours – this change can negatively hinder ones issue of making a last minute reservation; it can be family related, medical, employment and other areas of one’s life. If reservations close early how will someone manage their next day’s transportation service? Cancelling trips the night 10/08/2012 prior, how can this be done if we close early? The 25ct increase will be difficult for those on fixed incomes, especially when they use the service frequently and cannot use free fare services, we need to go all out in an

34 attempt to prevent these proposals from taking place.

35 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 55

OCTOBER 12, 2012




The following graphs represent key system indicators for the fiscal year as of AUGUST 2012. The goal of this communication is to keep everyone informed of the current service performance level in the field.

The operations team uses this and other performance information to monitor our service providers’ performance. Information is also used to determine the level of service that our customers are experiencing when using Access.

36 37 38 39 40 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 66

OCTOBER 12, 2012




Attached for your review are the draft financial reports for August 2012.

Approved FY 2012/13 Budget to Actual Fiscal Year-to-Date Comparison:

 Passengers: 3.2% over budget  Contract Revenue Miles: 1.1% over budget  Trips: 2.7% over budget  Completed Eligibility Interviews: 4.1% under budget  Average Trip Distance: 1.5% under budget at 9.06 miles  Total cost per Passenger (before depreciation): 2.3% under budge t  Administration Function is 3.5% over budget  Eligibility Determination Function is 3.5% under budget  Paratransit Operations Function is 0.9% over budget

Attached are the following reports for your review:

 Statistical Comparison: August 2011 to August 2012  Expenses by Functional Area  Budget to Actual Comparison of Statistics  YTD Budget Results  Graph: YTD PAX Cost Comparison  Detailed Financial Reports

41 42 Expenses by Functional Area For the YTD Period Ending August 2012

% Over % Over % of YTD YTD Previous Cost Actual Budget Variance Budget Yr

Paratransit Operations 89.0% $ 17,581,739 $ 17,424,574 $ 157,165 0.9% 10.9%

Eligibility Determination 5.9% 1,167,361 1,209,166 (41,805) -3.5% 21.0%

CTSA/Ride Information 0.3% 59,848 60,888 (1,040) -1.7% 14.4%

Administrative 4.8% 943,786 911,746 32,040 3.5% 6.1% Total Exp before Depreciation $ 19,752,735 $ 19,606,374 $ 146,361 0.7% 11.2%

43 Statistics - - For the YTD Period Ended August 2012

% Over % Over YTD YTD Previous Actual Budget Variance Budget Yr

Number of Completed Cert Interviews 8,615 8,980 (365) -4.1% 7.0% Number of PAX 585,859 567,933 17,926 3.2% 11.4% Number of Contract Revenue Miles 4,044,895 4,001,538 43,357 1.1% 9.9% Number of Trips 446,614 435,056 11,558 2.7% 11.8% Average Trip Distance 9.06 9.20 (0.14) -1.5% -1.7%

Purchased Transportation Cost Cost per Trip $ 35.84 $ 36.28 $ (0.44) -1.2% -0.1% Cost per PAX $ 27.32 $ 27.79 $ (0.47) -1.7% 0.3% Cost per Contract Rev Mile $ 3.96 $ 3.94 $ 0.02 0.3% 1.6%

44 Total Cost per Pax before Depreciation $ 33.72 $ 34.52 $ (0.80) -2.3% -0.1%

45 Budget Results for FY 2012/2013 For the YTD Period Ending August 2012

46 Variance % Over Over % Over YTD YTD Previous Yr Actual Budget Budget Budget Total Exp before Capital @ August 2012 $ 19,752,735 $ 19,606,374 $ 146,361 0.7% 11.2% Revenue Passenger Fares 1,076,861 1,008,641 (68,220) Other Revenue 70,180 79,176 8,996 Total Revenue 1,147,041 1,087,817 (59,224) -5.4% 13.3% Capital Expenditures Vehicles 42,144 42,152 (8) Other Capital Expenditures 165,578 165,396 182 Total Capital Expenditures $ 207,721 $ 207,548 173 0.1% Over Budget @ August 2012 $ 87,310 Adjustments: Reserve – Access to Work Program Budget 38,130 Reserve – FTA Vehicle Disposal Proceeds over $5K 6,220 Reserve – Audit with Children/Tethering Program Budget 32,366

$ Total Adjusted Over Budget YTD August 31, 2012 164,026


Jul-11 Aug-11 $ 33.96 $ 33.76 Jul-12 Aug-12 $ 33.91 $ 33.72

YTD Amounts for Period Ended August 2012

Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul

$30.00 $30.50 $31.00 $31.50 $32.00 $32.50 $33.00 $33.50 $34.00 $34.50 $35.00

48 Access Services Incorporated Balance Sheet August 31, 2012 DRAFT


Current Assets:

Cash 11,375,219 Due from FTA 11,229,794 Due from MTA 19,467 CMAQ Grant Receivable 235,159 Accounts Receivable-Miscellaneous 101,931 Prepaid Expenses 4,682,221 Deposits 18,753

Total Current Assets 27,662,544

Long Term Assets:

Property and Equipment: Vehicles & Vehicle Equipment 26,750,820 Office Furniture and Equipment 222,166

49 Computer & Telephone Equipment 2,836,934 Central Reservation Software/IVR 2,224,318 Leasehold Improvements 156,965 Total Property and Equipment 32,191,204 Accumulated Amortization & Depreciation (20,911,078)

Property and Equipment, Net 11,280,126 Deposits – Long Term 0

Total Long Term Assets 11,280,126

TOTAL ASSETS 38,942,670

50 Access Services Incorporated Balance Sheet August 31, 2012 DRAFT


Current Liabilities :

Accounts Payable-Trade 716,308 Accounts Payable-Providers 9,587,127 Other Liabilities 28,387 Insurance Reserve 1,913,597 Accrued Expenses 3,540,195

Total Current Liabilities 15,785,614

Other Liabilities: Deferred Revenue 20,896,068


Net Assets: Temporarily Restricted 2,260,989


51 52 Access Services Incorporated Statement of Cash Flow For Period Ending August 31, 2012

Cash – Beginning Balance 7/31/12 7,328,910

Cash Receipts: Proposition C revenue from LACMTA 9,493,750 FTA funding received 4,060,926 Passenger fare/coupons/ID revenue 575,175 Interest income 1,077 Miscellaneous revenues 69,078 Total Cash Received 14,200,006

Cash Payments: Vehicles/Vehicle equipment 168,574 Capital Equipment 184,473 Prepaid expenses/deposits 553,507 Payments to contract providers 7,537,058 Eligibility Determination expenses 277,632 Salaries and related benefits 679,024 Other expenses 753,429 Total Cash Payments 10,153,698

Increase (Decrease) in Cash Reserves 4,046,309

Cash – Ending Balance 8/31/12 11,375,219

53 Note: The above statement of cash flow presents the more significant financial categories and their changes for internal use only. This statement is not prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting reporting standards.



REVENUE SOURCES: Funding Sources for Operating Expenses : FY 12/13 Prop C & Section 5310 $112,810,180 FY 11/12 Carryforward - Unallocated (Estimated) 297,041 Subtotal - Funding Sources & Carryforward Funds 9,501,629 9,419,148 82,481 18,467,601 18,303,351 164,250 113,107,221 16.33% Funding Sources for Capital & Committed Expenses : FY 12/13 Prop C 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,367,320 0.00% Prior Fiscal Years - Allocated Carryforward Funds - Capital 43,898 43,714 184 207,721 207,548 173 3,061,381 6.79% Section 5317 for New Freedom Grant 6,865 0 6,865 17,963 0 17,963 96,836 18.55% JARC Grant (Access to Work) 0 0 0 0 0 0 $319,514 Prior Fiscal Years - Allocated Carryforward Funds - Expenses 28,341 46,274 (17,933) 120,130 215,206 (95,076) 1,982,827 6.06% FY 11/12 Allocated Funds - Veh Proceeds > $5K 357,032 Section 16 Capital Funds - FY 09/10 (80% of $700,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 531,180 0.00% Subtotal - Funding Sources & Carryforward Funds 79,104 89,988 (10,884) 345,814 422,754 (76,940) 8,716,090 3.97% Interest/Miscellaneous Income 5,510 10,000 (4,490) 11,003 20,000 (8,997) 120,000 9.17% Disposal of Vehicles 10,990 10,990 0 59,176 59,176 0 250,000 23.67% Passenger Fares 551,801 521,768 30,033 1,076,861 1,008,641 68,220 6,214,866 17.33%

TOTAL - REVENUE FUNDING SOURCES 10,149,034 10,051,894 97,140 19,960,456 19,813,922 146,534 128,408,177 15.54% Less : Total Capital Expenditure During FY 12/13 (43,898) (43,898) (207,721) (207,721) Revenue Recognition for FY 10/11 Depreciation 421,521 421,521 860,700 860,700 TOTAL - REVENUE RECOGNITION 10,526,657 10,051,894 474,763 20,613,434 19,813,922 799,512 128,408,177




EXPENDITURES: PARATRANSIT OPERATIONS - DIRECT COST Purchased Transportation Services - Regular Trips 7,994,823 7,876,194 118,629 15,639,203 15,384,111 255,092 95,012,798 16.46% Purchased Transportation Services - Adults With Children 0 16,425 (16,425) 0 32,366 (32,366) 457,243 0.00% Purchased Transportation Services - Access To Work 38,633 53,025 (14,392) 67,809 105,939 (38,130) 1,401,474 4.84% Communications - Telephone/Data Transmission 131,235 117,474 13,761 253,747 234,948 18,799 1,409,690 18.00% Phone & Computer System Maintenance/License & Consulting 87,530 94,852 (7,322) 186,488 201,103 (14,615) 1,179,357 15.81% Salaries & Related Benefits - Customer Svc & Complaint Response 58,675 57,315 1,359 112,665 114,631 (1,966) 692,604 16.27% Total Customer Service & Complaints 58,675 57,315 1,359 112,665 114,631 (1,966) 692,604 16.27% Salaries & Related Benefits - Operations Monitoring Center 53,353 50,210 3,144 104,795 100,419 4,376 606,706 17.27% Contracted Call Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 291,000 0.00% OMC Weekend and Holiday Services 4,500 4,500 0 9,000 9,000 0 54,000 16.67% Vehicle Cost - Direct 0 0 0 (2,337) 750 (3,087) 135,000 -1.73% Community Events and Materials-Safety Incentive Program 10,688 10,688 0 22,973 22,973 0 91,241 25.18% Office Rent 14,877 14,871 6 29,754 29,741 13 178,447 16.67% Insurance - Commercial 367,619 388,153 (20,534) 736,730 776,307 (39,576) 4,657,841 15.82% Travel & Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 0.00% Other Professional Expense 11,660 11,660 (0) 20,233 20,233 (0) 91,528 22.11% Integrate Access Services to 511 (LA SAFE) 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,659 0.00% Office Supplies 632 702 (70) 1,024 1,404 (380) 8,424 12.15% Volunteer Driver Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0.00% Security Contract - Metro/LASD 14,194 16,667 (2,473) 28,387 33,333 (4,946) 200,000 14.19% Total - Paratransit Operations - Direct Cost 8,788,419 8,712,736 75,683 17,210,472 17,067,259 143,214 106,660,511 16.14% PARATRANSIT OPERATIONS - INDIRECT COST Salaries & Related Benefits - Operations 126,644 113,544 13,100 248,173 227,087 21,086 1,368,885 18.13% Communications - Telephone & Data Transmission 3,722 4,445 (723) 7,447 8,890 (1,443) 53,340 13.96% Other Professional Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,141 0.00% Vehicle Costs - Indirect 4,863 3,175 1,688 7,512 6,700 812 46,000 16.33% Metro Studio Design/Marketing Services 5,650 9,583 (3,933) 15,275 19,167 (3,892) 115,000 13.28% Office Rent 8,025 8,025 0 16,050 16,049 1 96,296 16.67% Insurance - Commercial 1,386 1,603 (217) 2,772 3,207 (435) 19,240 14.41% Travel and Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,000 0.00% Office Supplies 537 666 (129) 908 1,332 (424) 7,992 11.36% Community Events and Materials 44,021 41,070 2,951 44,918 43,570 1,348 98,000 45.83% Publications/Printed Materials - Riders Communication 6,967 7,925 (958) 14,705 15,850 (1,145) 166,525 8.83% Postage/Mailing 12,080 12,408 (328) 13,242 15,117 (1,875) 65,500 20.22% Professional Memberships 132 173 (41) 265 347 (82) 2,080 12.73% Total - Paratransit Operations - Indirect Cost 214,028 202,618 11,410 371,267 357,315 13,952 2,059,000 18.03% Total - Paratransit Operations Cost 9,002,447 8,915,353 87,093 17,581,739 17,424,574 157,165 108,719,511 16.17%


CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT YTD % o f 12 /13 MONTH MONTH VARIANCE YTD YTD V A R I A N C E 2012-13 B U D G E T ACT U AL BU D GE T O V E R ( U N D E R ) ACT U AL BU D GE T O V E R ( U N D E R ) BU D GE T R E A C H E D OTHER ACTIVITIES ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATON Salaries & Related Benefits - Certification & Appeals 38,704 36,172 2,532 75,385 72,344 3,041 436,438 17.27% Eligibility and Appeal Contracts 239,748 261,457 (21,709) 474,785 490,158 (15,373) 2,909,760 16.32% Purchased Transportation Services - Certification Trips 154,280 191,520 (37,240) 300,444 333,120 (32,676) 1,969,980 15.25% Transportation Cost - Tethering Trips 194 193 1 456 456 0 15,000 3.04% Travel Training 43,458 42,880 578 84,730 85,759 (1,029) 514,555 16.47% Tether Strap Project 12,364 12,365 (1) 29,412 29,415 (3) 308,479 9.53% Other Professional Expense 140 167 (27) 140 333 (193) 2,000 7.00% Communications - Telephone/Data Transmission 9,671 7,043 2,628 18,112 14,087 4,026 84,520 21.43% Vehicle Costs - Mobile Certification 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 0.00% Repairs & Maintenance 0 117 (117) 0 233 (233) 1,400 0.00% Office Rent 4,629 4,635 (6) 9,258 9,270 (12) 55,617 16.65% Insurance - Commercial 4,058 4,308 (250) 8,120 8,616 (496) 51,696 15.71% Business Meetings & Meals 0 0 0 39 0 39 0 n/ a Travel and Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 0.00% Office Supplies 397 549 (152) 702 1,098 (396) 6,588 10.66% Publications/Printed Materials 25,650 28,150 (2,500) 135,091 139,900 (4,809) 426,250 31.69% Postage/Mailing/Courier 14,890 12,167 2,723 30,654 24,333 6,321 146,000 21.00% Professional Memberships 17 22 (5) 33 43 (10) 260 12.73%

Subtotal - Eligibility Determination 548,200 601,743 (53,543) 1,167,361 1,209,166 (41,805) 6,940,793 16.82%


CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT YTD % o f 12 /13 MONTH MONTH VARIANCE YTD YTD V A R I A N C E 2012-13 B U D G E T ACT U AL BU D GE T O V E R ( U N D E R ) ACT U AL BU D GE T O V E R ( U N D E R ) BU D GE T R E A C H E D CTSA FUNCTION EDUCATION AND TRAINING Salaries & Related Benefits - CTSA 6,135 6,059 76 12,400 12,118 282 73,003 16.99% Scholarships Programs, Education & Training Seminars 6,631 6,600 31 6,581 6,600 (19) 45,000 14.62% Communications - Telephone 223 274 (51) 447 548 (101) 3,290 13.59% Office Rent 617 617 (0) 1,234 1,235 (1) 7,407 16.66% Insurance - Commercial 28 32 (4) 55 64 (9) 385 14.40% Travel and Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0.00% Office Supplies 121 174 (53) 218 348 (130) 2,088 10.45% Community Events and Materials 0 250 (250) 0 500 (500) 3,000 0.00% Publications/Printed Materials 0 167 (167) 0 333 (333) 2,000 0.00% Postage/Mailing 474 542 (68) 706 1,083 (377) 6,500 10.86% Professional Memberships 17 22 (5) 33 43 (10) 260 12.73% Subtotal - Education and Training 14,246 14,736 (491) 21,674 22,873 (1,198) 144,934 14.95%

ACCESS RIDE-INFORMATION Salaries & Related Benefits - Ride-Information 15,576 14,863 713 29,674 29,725 (52) 179,300 16.55% Communications - Telephone 1,782 1,249 533 3,318 2,498 820 14,990 22.13% Phone & Computer System Maintenance/License & Consulting 150 167 (17) 300 333 (33) 2,000 15.00% Office Rent 1,482 1,482 (0) 2,964 2,965 (1) 17,788 16.66% Office Supplies 88 117 (29) 153 234 (81) 1,404 10.91% Publications/Printed Materials 0 0 0 1,591 2,000 (409) 2,000 79.55% Postage/Mailing 95 108 (14) 141 217 (75) 1,300 10.86% Professional Memberships 17 22 (5) 33 43 (10) 260 12.73%

Subtotal - Ride-Information 19,189 18,008 1,181 38,174 38,016 158 219,042 17.43% Subtotal - CTSA Function 33,435 32,744 690 59,848 60,888 (1,040) 363,976 16.44%

Total - Other Activities 581,635 634,488 (52,853) 1,227,209 1,270,054 (42,845) 7,304,769 16.80%




ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries & Related Benefits 267,743 291,041 (23,298) 532,804 575,197 (42,392) 3,536,955 15.06% Communications - Telephone & Data Transmission 3,031 3,667 (637) 6,065 7,335 (1,270) 44,010 13.78% Office Rent 21,494 21,687 (193) 42,790 43,374 (584) 260,244 16.44% Insurance - Commercial 10,000 10,752 (752) 20,001 21,504 (1,503) 129,027 15.50% Office Supplies 1,516 2,867 (1,351) 4,256 7,419 (3,163) 36,089 11.79% Other Professional Services 190,836 100,067 90,769 279,326 187,788 91,538 1,302,180 21.45% Public Notice Advertising Expenses 1,206 1,200 6 4,443 4,200 243 10,000 44.43% Equipment/Other Rental 190 333 (143) 540 667 (127) 4,000 13.49% Repairs & Maintenance 4,983 4,417 566 8,879 8,833 46 53,000 16.75% Postage/Mailing/Messenger 5,200 5,858 (658) 7,857 12,017 (4,160) 70,600 11.13% Publications/Printed Materials/Copying 2,238 2,083 155 2,947 4,496 (1,548) 25,329 11.64% Network Support/Supplies 4,449 5,750 (1,301) 12,722 15,750 (3,028) 99,000 12.85% Subscription/References 300 250 50 401 500 (99) 3,000 13.37% Professional Memberships 509 362 147 958 723 235 4,340 22.07% Board and Advisory Committee Compensation 725 1,083 (359) 10,204 11,367 (1,163) 45,000 22.68% Annual Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,000 0.00% Business Meetings & Meals 997 883 114 1,238 1,767 (529) 10,600 11.68% Travel and Conference 5,364 5,365 (1) 7,482 7,465 17 62,500 11.97% Mileage and Parking 136 333 (197) 372 667 (294) 4,000 9.30% Bank Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0.00% Other Expenses - bank charges, tax filing fees, etc. 137 339 (202) 501 678 (177) 4,069 12.32% Total - Administrative Expense 521,054 458,339 62,716 943,786 911,746 32,040 5,769,943 16.36%

TOTAL EXPENSES BEFORE AMORT. & DEPRECIATION 10,105,135 10,008,180 96,956 19,752,735 19,606,374 146,361 121,794,223 16.22% Amortization and Depreciation Expense 421,521 0 421,521 860,700 0 860,700 0 TOTAL EXPENSES AFTER AMORT. & DEPRECIATION 10,526,657 10,008,180 518,477 20,613,434 19,606,374 1,007,060 121,794,223

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Property & Equipment 43,898 43,714 184 207,721 207,548 173 5,959,881 3.49% Total - Capital Expenditures 43,898 43,714 184 207,721 207,548 173 5,959,881 3.49%

Less: Amortization and Depreciation Expense (421,521) 0 (421,521) (860,700) 0 (860,700) 0

TOTAL EXPENSES AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 10,149,034 10,051,894 97,140 19,960,456 19,813,922 146,534 127,754,104 15.62% Uncommitted Carryforward from FY 11/12 (Estimated) 0 297,041 Sales of Veh. Proceeds over $5,000 Rollover from FY 11/12 0 357,032 TOTAL 10,149,034 10,051,894 97,140 19,960,456 19,813,922 146,534 128,408,177 15.54%





29 VEHICLES - Minivan (Fleet Replacement) ($45,000 each) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,305,000 0.00% 11 Type II Cutaway (Fleet Replacement) ($73,500 each) 0 0 0 0 0 0 808,500 0.00% 13 VEHICLES - Minivan SECTION 16 (Fleet Replacement) ($45,000 each) 0 0 0 0 0 0 585,000 0.00%

SUBTOTAL - VEHICLES - FY 12/13 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,698,500

26 VEHICLES - Minivan SECTION 16 (Fleet Replacement) ($45,000 each) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,170,000 0.00% 1 VEHICLE - Minivan (Fleet Replacement) ($42,152 each) 0 0 0 42,144 42,152 (8) 42,152 99.98% Vehicle Related Equip (ATW grant) 0 0 0 0 0 0 208,680 0.00% Vehicle Related Equip (AWC grant) 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,497 0.00%

SUBTOTAL - VEHICLES - PRIOR FISCAL YEARS 0 0 0 42,144 42,152 (8) 1,430,329


TETHER STRAPS & MARKING PROGRAM CAPITAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 81,494 0.00% COMPUTER SYSTEM HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REPLACEMENT & UPGRADE 4,538 4,354 184 10,406 10,224 182 10,224 101.78% REGIONAL INTEGRATION OF PARATRANSIT RESOURCES PROJECT 0 0 0 0 0 0 492,854 0.00% UNIVERSAL FARE SYSTEM/TECH ENHANCEMENTS 39,360 39,360 0 155,172 155,172 0 265,626 58.42% CENTRALIZATION SOFTWARE/IVR 0 0 0 0 0 0 780,854 0.00% SUBTOTAL - OTHER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - PRIOR YEARS 43,898 43,714 184 165,578 165,396 182 1,631,052

TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 43,898 43,714 184 207,721 207,548 173 5,959,881 3.49%

61 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 77

OCTOBER 12, 2012





Access successfully hosted our 3rd Annual Roadeo event at the Pomona Fairplex. Over 300 guests attended the Roadeo. KABC7 Eyewitness News highlighted the event on their Saturday evening news broadcast. Overall everyone had a wonderful time at the Roadeo. Congratulations to our individual winner Josemaria Mendoza from California Transit and our team champion MV Transportation! Access conducted several community meetings throughout the regions to gather customer input related to fare and service change proposal. For the month of August, we ended the month on a positive note with 91.84% on-time with 0.06% Late4. Regional teams continue to prepare their operations for the September ridership spike.

Rogelio Gomez – Project Administrator, Eastern Region – San Gabriel Transit (SGT), service provider for the Eastern Region, participated in the 2012 Access Roadeo. From a performance standpoint, San Gabriel Transit met all performance standards for the month of August with an on-time performance of 92.41% and 0.06% Late4. SGT continued their preparation for the upcoming September ridership spike by creating specific strategic plans for their operation.

Geetu Banerjee – Project Administrator, Northern and Antelope Valley Regions

Northern Region

From a performance standpoint, MV completed the month of August above performance standards with an on-time performance of 92.5% and 0.02% Late4. At the 2012 Access Roadeo, MV won the first place in team competition award. The Roadeo was held at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona. MV Drivers enjoyed participating

62 in this fun filled event and were exhilarated after being awarded the championship trophy. MV staff attended the Access Emergency Preparedness Training session on August 16th and initiated their “Driver Emergency Preparedness” Training. Drivers were trained on how to respond and be better prepared when major disaster occurs. On August 23rd, MV conducted a Safety Blitz on “School and Children Awareness.” MV Managers used this opportunity to talk to drivers and remind them of their surroundings while driving, especially around school zones. Safety Posters on “School Children and Crossing Zones” were displayed in the office as reminders. Among other activities, Access staff conducted community meetings on August 24 and 29th in the Northern Region to inform customers about the new proposed fares and service changes.

Antelope Valley Region

During the month of August, Diversified Transit (DT) was challenged with increased ridership and was gearing up additional resources to meet the trip demand. This increase did have an impact on performance and they completed the month of August with an On-Time Performance of 89.57% and 0.37% Late4. Access staff attended DT’s Safety Meeting on August 22nd. The safety topic discussed at the meeting was “Wheelchair Securement” and “Passenger Safety”. DT drivers were reminded that Safety is the number one priority under all scenarios. During August, Access staff completed call taker, dispatcher and a wheelchair securement audits. Overall the audits have been positive and DT is meeting Access standards and requirements.

Alfredo Torales– Project Administrator, Southern and Santa Clarita Regions

Southern Region

The on-time performance for the Southern region was 91.3% and 0.04% Late4. The Southern Region went over 50 days without a preventable accident; a record for the region. Global Paratransit (GPI) represented the Southern Region at the 2012 Access Roadeo in Pomona. GPI placed 3rd in team competition, and one GPI driver was placed 2nd in the individual competition. Access Operations Supervisors completed a pull-out inspection for the Southern Region. On the morning of August 21st, Operations Supervisors arrived early at the GPI facility to inspect each vehicle before leaving the yard; the results were very satisfactory. A community meeting for the upcoming proposed fare and service changes took place in Downey, on Saturday, August 25th.

Santa Clarita Region

In August 2012, no major operational hurdles occurred in the Santa Clarita Region. Five Santa Clarita Transit drivers participated in the Access Roadeo. Access Operations Supervisors completed a pull-out inspection for the region on August 22nd; results were very satisfactory. Access Operations Supervisors performed observations at the Santa Clarita Adult Day Health Care Center. On August 14th, 63 Operations Supervisors arrived at the center to observe timeliness, customer service, and overall quality. Overall service and quality were determined to be up to standard. A community meeting for the upcoming proposed fare and service changes took place at the Valencia Library, on Wednesday, August 22nd.

Geoffrey Okamoto – Project Administrator, West Central Region and Eligibility –

West Central Region

For the month of August 2012, California Transit, Inc. (CTI), the service provider for the West Central Region, met all performance standards. CTI completed the month with 11Late4 trips or 0.06%. The on-time performance for CTI was 91.27%. CTI also upgraded their data channels with no issues. This improvement will assist with enhanced driver communication and help to further limit any communication breakdowns. A new Communications Manager was hired in August. CTI drivers participated in the 3rd annual Access Roadeo. CTI is the two-time 1st place roadeo champion in the team competition. This year was no different, only that they placed 2nd in the team competition. Two of their drivers placed 1st and 3rd in the individual competition. Relating to safety, CTI continues to limit their accidents by utilizing Smart Drive coaching techniques, conducting monthly safety meetings and keeping their drivers informed.

Eligibility Center

In August 2012, the current count of total Access certified customers reached 128,288. CARE Evaluators Marking and Tethering staff participated in the Access 3rd Annual Roadeo by volunteering their time as wheelchair securement judges. CARE Evaluators Marking and Tethering staff members really enjoyed themselves immensely and look forward to next year’s Roadeo. CARE Evaluators continues to provide educational trainings for their Transit Evaluators, this month they had guest speaker come in to talk about Autism. CARE Evaluators is looking to upgrade their phone lines and adding an additional T1 line as well. With these new enhancements they have a much greater bandwidth to handle extremely busy days with the reservation line.

DAVID FOSTER, MANAGER OF CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES Customer Service, Customer Support and Customer Care Update Customer Service – handled 14,950 calls in August 2012, representing a decrease of 2% from the previous month. Tap calls continue to stream into the Call Center. In August 2012 the Call Center assisted 3,306 individuals on the Tap queue, which is a 6% decrease from July. Many of the Tap calls registered were concerning issues using the Tap on Free Fare or how to load funds onto the debit side. During the month of August on different occasions the Call Center was visited by Representatives from the 511 Call Center and also from Supervisor Don Knabe’s office. These visitors were given a brief overview of our Call Center and its functions. Customer Service Center agents continued to garner commendations from satisfied customers with a total of seven Smiles filed for August. Lastly, in August, the new call outsourcing contractor, 64 Southland Transit completed the necessary training to begin taking application calls on September 4, 2012.

Customer Care – received a total of 839 complaints for the month of August. That was a 5% increase from the previous month’s total but a 5% decrease from August 2011. Considering last year’s monthly average of 854 complaints, we are starting this fiscal year well below that with a monthly average of 816 complaints thus far. Our top three complaint types for August were Conduct, Urgent and Late 4 (In that order). Our top three types accounted for more than 51% of all complaints. As we have seen consistently, trends attributing to service breakdowns are usually drivers waiting at the wrong location of the pickup and/or not waiting the full dwell time. Although small in percentage compared with the amount of trips completed each day, we take these incidents seriously and work with the provider and staff to help minimize these occurrences. On an extremely positive note, there were 319 Smiles/commendations submitted this month recognizing our service providers’ staff.

Customer Support OMC – saw an increase in call volume, up 5% from July with a total of 6,216 calls. Despite the increase, the average initial hold time for Customer Support calls was 3:43, well below the 5 minute hold time standard. In August 2012, Operations Monitoring provided 425 backup trips. More than half of these trips (231) were serviced by an Operations Monitoring overflow vehicle. The total number of Backup vehicles dispatched for August represents a 25 % increase in backup trips over July 2012, where 487 backup trips were dispatched. Finally, the OMC continued to garner employee commendations, 12 in total, from satisfied customers in August.

Luis Pacheco, Safety Analyst

Access Roadeo 2012

Access Services hosted its third annual Roadeo on August 4, 2012. Only the best and safest drivers from our six regional contractors were allowed to compete. Drivers demonstrated their driving skills and professional service skills through an obstacle course that included wheelchair loading and securement, right tire clearance, left hand reverse, diminishing clearance, pre-trip inspection, and offset street. Drivers were also judged on their professional appearance in uniform and customer service skills. The Roadeo not only provided friendly competition among the drivers, but it also allowed family and friends to cheer on their favorite driver while children entertained themselves with carnival style games. After winning the team trophy two years in a row, California Transit, Inc., (CTI) was certain they had a “three-peat” in the bag. MV Transportation had other plans because they unseated CTI to capture the first place team trophy. CTI took second team place, and Global Paratransit (GPI) won the third place team trophy. The individual trophy for the best driver overall went to Josemaria Mendoza from CTI. Travis Fountain from GPI won second place, and Augustin Delgado from CTI won third place.

Preparations for the 2013 Roadeo have already begun and no doubt it will be another great event. 65 Driver Incentive Program

The Executive Management Team of Access Services participated in a special awards ceremony on Friday, August 17, 2012, at GPI’s headquarter facilities. Executive Director Shelly Verrinder, Chief Operations Officer Mark Maloney, and Deputy Executive Director Steve Chang were up at the crack of dawn to congratulate all the award winners. Eleven drivers received a 37 inch flat screen television for driving 90,000 miles without an accident, incident, or safety complaint.

Access congratulates all drivers who reached significant milestones during the month of August.

66 Mobility Management Statistics Report, September 2012

% of Total % of Service Total Total # peopl % of # of # of % of Services Tot # of last s # of of Non e issue # of % of Last calls calls Provided al # Issue calls Wanted MM Access talke s Voice voice Calls waitin waitin , Non- Month of s and in List, Custome d to with Messag messag and No g g Access Call with no Mobility Talke rs Talked of phon es es Answe follow follow Custome s Phon answ Databas d To to total e #s rs -up. -up. rs e #s er e calls Septemb 219 113 12 57% 30 14% 58 26% 4 2% 2 1% 57 14 er

In the month of September 2012, calls to the Mobility Management department decreased by 43% from the previous month with a total of 219 calls received. Of the 219 calls logged, staff spoke with 125 customers and the remaining calls were voice-mail messages or phone numbers that were no longer in service or disconnected. 10% of the calls received in September (12 calls) were from non-Access Customers requesting resource referrals.

The Mobility Management Department participated in individual travel training sessions and one presentation event in September 2012.

Staff participated in travel training sessions with Allison Hughes of R & D Transportation. Ms. Hughes trained Access staff as customers who needed to safely utilize the fixed route bus and rail services. She guided staff on data collection procedures and tools to safely navigate the public transportation system.

Staff also attended an event at the Nikkei Senior Gardens residential care facility in Arleta. Staff met with Memory Support Program Director, Desiree Norihiro and the residents of the care facility to discuss transit options that are available in the San Fernando Valley area. The residents were very pleased to receive information regarding Access eligibility, Cityride and the LACTOA Card.

67 68 BB O O A A R R D D B B O O X X I I T T E E M M # # 88

OCTOBER 12, 2012




Below is a summary of the key operating statistics for AUGUST 2012, as well as, operation data for the previous month (JULY 2012) and Year to Date (YTD):

MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT SUMMARY Current Last Month % change YTD Total Trips 229,736 216,878 5.9% 446,614

Passengers per Vehicle Trip 1.31 1.31 0.0% 1.31

Average Trip Distance 9.0 9.1 -0.3% 9.1

Total Calls to Providers 383,436 375,823 2.0% 759,259

Average Initial Hold Time (seconds) 81 62 30.7% 72

% of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 6.6% 4.1% 2.5% 5.4%

On-Time Performance 91.9% 92.1% -0.2% 92.0%

Late 4 Trips 0.05% 0.06% -0.01% 0.06%

Total number Registered Customers 128,288 127,046 1.0% 128,288

69 Note: Some of the Diversified data integration is not complete and will be noted as TBD in this report.

MONTHLY PROVIDER SUMMARY: ALL TRIPS (including OMC Dispatched Backup Trips)

Passengers Trips Passenger Eligible s per Trip Passenger s per Trip System Wide JUL-12 284,476 216,878 1.31 1.00 AUG-12 301,383 229,736 1.31 1.00 % Change 5.9% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% SGT – Eastern Region JUL-12 80,932 60,506 1.34 0.94 AUG-12 84,471 63,378 133 0.95 % Change 4.4% 4.8% -0.7% 1.1% GPI – Southern Region JUL-12 89,561 67,800 1.32 1.03 AUG-12 96,287 72,708 1.32 1.03 % Change 7.5% 7.2% 0.0% 0.0% CTI – WC – West Central Region JuL-12 45,347 34,245 1.32 1.03 AUG-12 46,762 34,966 1.34 1.03 % Change 3.1% 2.1% 1.5% 0.0% MV - San Fernando Valley Region JUL-12 57,142 45,736 1.25 1.02 AUG-12 60,013 48,386 1.24 1.02 % Change 5.0% 5.8% -0.8% 0.0% STI – AV – Antelope Valley Region JUL-12 7,570 5,267 1.44 1.05 AUG-12 9,148 6,412 1.43 1.04 % Change 20.9% 21.7% -0.7% -0.9% SCT – Santa Clarita Region JUL-12 3,589 3,023 1.19 1.02 AUG-12 4,295 3,539 1.21 0.13 % Change 19.7% 17.1% 1.7% 1.0%


Previous YTD- Maintenance Inspections* Current* Month Average * TOTAL 25 46 36 SGT – Eastern Region 6 13 10 GPI – Southern Region 12 21 17 CTI – West – Central Region 3 5 4 MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region 4 5 5 DT – Antelope Valley Region 0 0 0 SCT – Santa Clarita Region 0 2 1

* The data above represents the number of vehicles evaluated at the contractor locations. **Current data is unable to be determined at this time.

Previous YTD- Dispatch Coordination* Current Month Average TOTAL 35 53 44 SGT – Eastern Region 2 2 2 GPI – Southern Region 7 10 9 CTI – West – Central Region 0 1 1 MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region 11 25 18 DT – Antelope Valley Region 11 0 6 SCT – Santa Clarita Region 4 15 10 * The data above represents the number of Order Takers and Dispatchers evaluated by the Dispatch Coordinators. **Due to the Operation’s Supervisor cross-training, observations were limited.

Comparability of Access Paratransit Current Previous to Fixed Route Travel Times* Quarter Quarter Equal to or Shorter than Comparable Fixed Route Trip 91.5% 95.6% 1-20 Minutes Longer than Fixed Route Trip 5.9% 3.2% 21-40 Minutes Longer than Fixed Route Trip 1.6% 0.6% 41-60 Minutes Longer than Fixed Route Trip 0.7% 0.3% 60 Minutes Longer than Fixed Route Trip 0.3% 0.3%

71 *The data above (based on a sample of all trips) highlights the degree to which Access Paratransit trips are comparable in terms of travel time to trips of a similar distance, origin and destination taken on local fixed route transit.


North County Trips Transferring Previous YTD- at Olive View Current Month Average Antelope Valley to Transfer Point 314 290 302 Transfer Point to Antelope Valley 290 156 223 Santa Clarita to Transfer Point 135 129 132 Transfer Point to Santa Clarita 111 119 115

Systemwide Mobility Device Previous YTD- Securement Incidents Current Month Average Total Reported Incidents 0 0 0.0 Total Reported Incidents with Bodily Injury 0 0 0.0 SGT – Eastern Region 0 0 0.0 GPI – Southern Region 0 0 0.0 CTI – West/Central Region 0 0 0.0 MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region 0 0 0.0 DT – Antelope Valley Region 0 0 0.0 SCT – Santa Clarita Region 0 0 0.0

COMMUNICATIONS Previous YTD- Providers: Monthly Calls Current Month Average All PROVIDER TOTAL 383,436 375,823 379,630 SGT – Eastern Region 100,914 101,676 101,295 GPI – Southern Region 127,445 123,072 125,259 CTI – West – Central Region 77,541 77,881 77,711 MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region 61,623 59,646 60,635 DT – Antelope Valley Region 12,736 10,512 11,624 SCT – Santa Clarita Region 3,177 3,036 3,107

Previous YTD- Customer Service/OMC Calls Current Month Average

72 Customer Service Calls Answered 14,950 14,653 14,802 Ops. Monitoring Center Calls Answered 6,216 5,908 6,062 Ride Info Calls Offered 989 1,068 1,029

73 Average Initial Hold Times – Standard -Not to Exceed 120 Seconds and % Calls on Previous YTD- Hold > 5 mins Systemwide Current Month Average Average Initial Hold Time 81 62 72 % of Calls On Hold More Than 5 minutes 6.6% 4.10% 5.4%

SGT – Eastern Region Average Initial Hold Time 65 59 62 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 4.7% 5.20% 5.0%

GPI – Southern Region Average Initial Hold Time 92 58 75 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 8.6% 3.00% 5.8%

CTI – West – Central Region Average Initial Hold Time 67 51 59 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 5.5% 3.40% 4.5%

MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region Average Initial Hold Time 98 87 93 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 6.3% 5.50% 5.9%

DT – Antelope Valley Region Average Initial Hold Time TBD TBD TBD % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes TBD TBD TBD

SCT – Santa Clarita Valley Region Average Initial Hold Time 68 48 58 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 3.7% 2.80% 3.3%

Operations Monitoring Center Average Initial Hold Time 224 225 225 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 30.6% 29.40% 30.0%

74 Customer Service Average Initial Hold Time 937 869 903 % of Calls on Hold More Than 5 minutes 95.3% 87.60% 91.5%

Eligibility Determinations Previous YTD- ADA Paratransit Evaluations Current Month Average Completed UNRESTRICTTED 2,028 1,920 1,974 RESTRICTED 638 603 621 TEMPORARY 406 385 396 NOT ELIGIBLE 421 437 429 TOTAL 3,493 3,345 3,419

Recertifications (in Person) 852 787 820 New Applicants 2,641 2,558 2,600

Eligibility Renewals Recertification Letters Sent 2,674 2,835 2,755

Process Time (avg.Days: Individ.) Evaluation to Mail Out (ADA<21 Days) 7 6 7 Scheduling Phone Call to Evaluation 10 9 10 Scheduling Phone Call to Mail Out 26 28 27

Previous YTD- ADA Paratransit Eligibility Appeals Current Month Average Appeals Requested 132 85 109 Closed 117 108 113 Withdrawn/Closed Before Completion 48 36 42 Pending 144 117 131 Increased 16 22 19 Decreased 2 7 5 Modified 8 2 5 Upheld 42 41 42 % Appeals not overturned 76% 69% 73% Net Denied Rate (Year-to-Date) 11.6% 12.4% 12.0% 75 Process Time: Appeal Date to Mail Out ADA>30) 8 8 8


Previous YTD- Calls to OMC Current Month Average TOTAL CALLS: 5,378 4,860 5,119 Late calls 1,151 1,005 1,078 Other (CSC/Reservations) 4,227 3,855 4,041

Previous YTD- Disposition of Late Calls Current Month Average Back-Up Vehicle Sent 169 119 144 ETA Given 578 505 542 Help Calls 42 23 33 Miscellaneous 362 358 360 TOTAL LATE CALLS 1,151 1,005 1,078

NOTE REGARDING DEFINITION OF CALLS TO OMC: “Late Trips” are trips from 21 to 65 minutes past due time. “Missed Trips” are trips over 65 minutes past due time.

Late Trip Calls to OMC Previous YTD- Resulting in Dispatch of B/U Vehicle Current Month Average ( Avg. Time Between 1st Call and Arrival of Back up Vehicle at Customers Location 57 55 56.2

Late Trip Calls to OMC Resulting Previous YTD- In “Wait” and Back up Vehicles Sent Current Month Average ( Incidence of Vehicles Sent to Wait w/the Customer until Arrival of Accessible Vehicle 0 0 0.0

76 PROVIDER REPORT CARD* Previous YTD- Systemwide Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 91.9% 92.1% 92.0% Percentage of Late Trips 8.1% 7.9% 8.0% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 6.4% 6.2% 6.3% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.2% 0.3% 0.2% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips* 0.05% 0.1% 0.06% No Shows 3.4% 3.1% 3.3% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.42% 0.00% 0.21%

Previous YTD- SGT – Eastern Region Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 92.4% 92.1% 92.2% Percentage of Late Trips 7.6% 7.9% 7.8% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 5.9% 6.0% 6.0% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 1.4% 1.5% 1.4% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.2% 0.4% 0.3% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.06% 0.1% 0.07% No Shows 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Previous YTD- CTI – West Central Region Current Month Average 77 Percentage of Trips On-Time 91.3% 93.0% 92.1% Percentage of Late Trips 8.7% 7.0% 7.9% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 6.8% 5.7% 6.3% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 1.5% 1.2% 1.3% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.06% 0.0% 0.04%

No Shows 4.5% 4.2% 4.3% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Previous YTD- GPI – Southern Region Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 91.3% 91.5% 91.4% Percentage of Late Trips 8.7% 8.5% 8.6% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 6.9% 6.8% 6.8% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.04% 0.0% 0.04% No Shows 3.3% 3.0% 3.1% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.79% 0.0% 0.40%

Previous YTD- MVT – Northern Next Day Trips Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 92.6% 92.4% 92.5% Percentage of Late Trips 7.5% 7.6% 7.5% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 6.1% 6.2% 6.1% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.02% 0.0% 0.03% No Shows 2.7% 2.3% 2.5% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0

78 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.00% 0.0% 0.00%

Previous YTD- DT – Antelope Valley Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 89.6% 91.2% 90.4% Percentage of Late Trips 10.4% 8.8% 9.6% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 7.1% 6.6% 6.8% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 2.3% 1.7% 2.0% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.7% 0.4% 0.5% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.37% 0.2% 0.29% No Shows 4.2% 3.8% 4.0% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0.0% 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.95% 0.00% 0.48%

Previous YTD- SCT – Santa Clarita Valley Current Month Average Percentage of Trips On-Time 87.6% 92.1% 89.8% Percentage of Late Trips 12.4% 7.9% 10.2% Late “1” (1-15 min. late) 7.6% 4.9% 6.2% Late “2” (16-30 min. late) 4.3% 2.6% 3.5% Late “3” (31-45 min. late) 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% Late “4” (>46 min. late)/Missed Trips 0.19% 0.0% 0.10% No Shows 1.1% 1.2% 1.1% Accessibility Violations - occurrences 0 0 0.0 A/C Failure – occurrences 0 0 0.0 Denied Trips -% of Next Day Trip Requests Denied 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

79 Customer Reported Service Complaints 6-Month Systemwide Current Average ADA 0 0.8 Animal 0 0.8 Booking 69 72.0 Conduct 178 128.0 Discourteous 83 83.7 Late 1 12 24.8 Late 2 27 34.5 Late 3 9 15.5 Late 4 106 141.7 Risk Management 149 141.8 Routing 33 38.3 Wheelchair Securement 5 2.7 Service 35 21.2 Travel Time 21 25.5 Vehicle 12 8.5 TOTAL 739 739.5 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 3.2 3.2

6-Month SGT – Eastern Region Current Average ADA 0 0.0 Animal 0 0.3 Booking 23 23.0 Conduct 66 40.3 Discourteous 23 22.5 80 Late 1 2 3.3 Late 2 5 5.8 Late 3 1 2.8 Late 4 20 38.3 Risk Management 35 28.8 Routing 1 6.7 Wheelchair Securement 3 1.0 Service 6 3.8 Travel Time 2 4.0 Vehicle 1 0.8 TOTAL 188 181.5 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 3.0 2.9

6-Month CTI – West Central Region Current Average ADA 0 0.0 Animal 0 0.0 Booking 10 11.7 Conduct 36 23.5 Discourteous 9 11.0 Late 1 0 2.5 Late 2 4 3.8 Late 3 1 2.3 Late 4 26 26.7 Risk Management 21 22.0 Routing 3 6.2 Wheelchair Securement 2 0.8 Service 1 1.8 Travel Time 2 3.5 Vehicle 0 1.2 TOTAL 115 117.0 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 3.2 3.3

6-Month GPI – Southern Region Current Average ADA 0 0.5

81 Animal 0 0.5 Booking 27 26.8 Conduct 61 44.5 Discourteous 29 28.7 Late 1 5 11.5 Late 2 11 17.2 Late 3 5 6.3 Late 4 39 56.0 Risk Management 46 41.5 Routing 24 21.8 Wheelchair Securement 0 0.2

Service 12 7.0 Travel Time 11 13.7 Vehicle 5 4.0 TOTAL 275 280.0 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 3.8 3.9

MV Transit – San Fernando Valley Region Current ADA 0 0.0 Animal 0 0.0 Booking 5 5.8 Conduct 14 16.3 Discourteous 12 12.2 Late 1 4 4.3 Late 2 6 6.5 Late 3 0 2.2 Late 4 17 14.3 Risk Management 35 39.3 Routing 5 3.2 Wheelchair Securement 0 0.7 Service 8 2.3 Travel Time 5 3.8 Vehicle 4 1.7 TOTAL 115 112.7 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 2.4 2.3

82 6-Month DT – Antelope Valley Region Current Average ADA 0 0.3 Animal 0 0.0 Booking 0 1.3 Conduct 0 0.8 Discourteous 0 0.7 Late 1 0 0.3 Late 2 0 0.0 Late 3 0 0.5 Late 4 0 2.2

Risk Management 0 0.3 Routing 0 0.0 Wheelchair Securement 0 0.0 Service 0 0.0 Travel Time 0 0.2 Vehicle 0 0.0 TOTAL 0 7.3 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 0.0 1.1

SCT – Santa Clarita Region ADA 0 0.0 Animal 0 0.0 Booking 0 0.3 Conduct 0 0.0 Discourteous 0 0.0 Late 1 0 0.2 Late 2 0 0.2 Late 3 0 0.3 Late 4 0 0.3 Risk Management 0 0.2 Routing 0 0.0 Wheelchair Securement 0 0.0 Service 0 0.0 Travel Time 0 0.2 83 Vehicle 0 0.2 TOTAL 0 1.8 Ratio per 1,000 Trips 0.0 0.5

84 Travel Training Statistics

Travel Training, Fiscal Year Jul-12 Aug-12 YTD 2012- 2013

Accepted Travel Training 20 22 42 Waiting for Travel Training 12 10 22 Started Travel Training 13 17 30 Completed Travel Training 20 22 42 Discontinued Services 0 0 0 People Currently in Travel Training 0 0 0 Total Follow-up Response Month 2 8 18 26 # Graduates Using Bus After 2 Months 8 14 22 Average # of Trips per-week, Month 2 6 8 7.75

Estimated Bus Trips Taken, YTD 2,088 4,872 6,960

*Estimated Bus Trips Taken/YTD: For purposes of this calculation, we assume that individuals who report using the bus after two months will continue to do so. Bus trip statistics are calculated for each month by multiplying the number of graduates who report using the bus after 2 months by the average number of trips they report taking. This sum is then multiplied by the number of weeks that have passed in the fiscal year.

85 86 87

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