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After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise After Action Report Florida Community Bank
Operation Savings Stability II Tabletop Exercise May 1, 2013
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1. The title of this document is The "Operation Savings Stability II - A Hurricane Response Tabletop Exercise" After Action Report. 2. The information gathered in this AAR/IP is classified as For Official Use Only (FOUO) and should be handled as sensitive information not to be disclosed. This document should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. 3. At a minimum, the attached materials will be disseminated only on a need-to-know basis and when unattended, will be stored in a locked container or area offering sufficient protection against theft, compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure. 4. Points of Contact:
Florida Community Bank:
Izzy Prieto Florida Community Bank (Office) 239-552-1886 (E-Mail) [email protected]
Exercise Director:
Chris Floyd Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC (Office) 850-241-3565 (E-Mail) [email protected]
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ADMINISTRATIVE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS...... 2 CONTENTS...... 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... 4 SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW...... 5 Exercise Details...... 5 Participant Information...... 5 SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN SUMMARY...... 8 Exercise Purpose and Design...... 8 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities...... 8 Scenario Summary...... 8 SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES...... 9 SECTION 4: CONCLUSION...... 10 APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN...... 11 APPENDIX B: PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK (3 THUMBS UP – 3 THUMBS DOWN). .12 APPENDIX C: ACRONYMS...... 20
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – www.drc-group.com 3 | Page After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise
Operation Savings Stability II - A Hurricane Response Tabletop Exercise was designed and facilitated to assess basic capabilities of preparing for and responding to a hurricane.
The purpose of this report is to analyze exercise results, identify strengths to be maintained and built upon, identify potential areas for further improvement, and support development of corrective actions.
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Exercise Details
Operation Savings Stability II - A Hurricane Response Tabletop Exercise Name: Exercise
Type of Exercise: Tabletop
Exercise Start Date: May 1, 2013
Duration: 30 Minutes
Location: Bank branch locations throughout Florida
Sponsor: Florida Community Bank
Scenario Type: Hurricane
Participant Information
Participant Location
FCB - Apopka
FCB - Bonita Springs
FCB - Boynton Beach (Hagen Ranch)
FCB - Brooksville
FCB - Cape Coral (North)
FCB - Cape Coral (South)
FCB - Clyde Morris
FCB - Cocoa Beach
FCB - Delray Beach
FCB - Englewood
FCB - Fort Myers
FCB - Fort Pierce
FCB - Heathrow
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FCB - Hialeah Gardens
FCB - Holly Hill
FCB - Immokalee
FCB - Labelle
FCB - Lehigh Acres
FCB - Longwood
FCB - Margate
FCB - Merritt Island
FCB - Miami (Bird Road)
FCB - Naples (Golden Gate)
FCB - Naples (Moorings)
FCB - Naples (Vanderbilt)
FCB - North Miami Beach
FCB - North Port
FCB - Orlando (Windermere)
FCB - Ormond Beach
FCB - Port Charlotte
FCB - Port St Lucie
FCB - Punta Gorda
FCB - Ridgewood
FCB - Sarasota (Main)
FCB - Sarasota (South)
FCB - Stuart
FCB - Surfside
FCB - Vero Beach
FCB - West Boca Raton
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FCB - West Palm Beach
FCB - Winter Park
Number of Participants 85
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Exercise Purpose and Design
Too assess basic capabilities of preparing for and responding to a hurricane.
Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities
Capabilities-based planning allows for the exercise planning team to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framework of specific action items that were derived from the Target Capabilities List (TCL). The capabilities listed below form the foundation for the organization of all objectives and observations in this exercise. Additionally, each capability is linked to several corresponding activities and tasks to provide additional detail.
Based upon the identified exercise objectives below, the exercise planning team decided to demonstrate the following capabilities during this exercise:
Not Applicable
Activity Target Capability
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Scenario Summary
It is late July and local citizens have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making their last minute plans for their summer vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early August residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of the season’s first tropical storm. Soon the storm strengthens into a hurricane as it continues its forward movement.
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Not Applicable
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Exercises such as this one allow personnel to validate training and practice strategic and tactical prevention, protection, response and recovery capabilities in a risk-reduced environment. Exercises are the primary tool for assessing preparedness and identifying areas for improvement, while demonstrating community resolve to prepare for major incidents.
Exercises aim to help entities within the community gain objective assessments of their capabilities so that gaps, deficiencies, and vulnerabilities are addressed prior to a real incident.
Exercises are the most effective (and safer) means to:
Assess and validate policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment, assumptions, and interagency agreements; Clarify roles and responsibilities; Improve interagency coordination and communications; Identify gaps in resources; Measure performance; and Identify opportunities for improvement.
This exercise succeeded in addressing all of the above as it provided examples of good to excellent participant knowledge, teamwork, communication and use of plans and procedures while pointing out areas in need of improvement and clarification.
Listed below is a summary of the level of performance the Target Capabilities and Tasks evaluated during the exercise. This summary outlines the areas in which Florida Community Bank is strong as well as identifying areas that the departments should invest future planning, training and exercise funds on.
Not Applicable
Activity Target Capability Performance
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – www.drc-group.com 10 | Page After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise
This Improvement Plan has been developed specifically for Florida Community Bank based on the results of Operation Savings Stability - A Hurricane Response Tabletop Exercise conducted on May 1, 2013. These recommendations draw on both the After Action Report and the After Action Conference.
Capability Observation Recommendation Responsible Agency Completion Date
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – www.drc-group.com 11 | Page After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise
Thumbs Up
Review of hurricane preparedness procedures.
To ensure the information is updated.
All employees participated together.
Good for reviewing where all emergency supplies and Business Continuity Plan manual are located.
Making sure that not only the branch is prepared, but also that employees are personally prepared.
Being able to locate the Hurricane Supply Box.
Having the Branch Continuity Manual to refer to.
Doing exercises like this to make sure we are properly prepared.
Location of the hurricane kit was easily accessible. Winter Park has put together their whole kit in an ORANGE tool box so when you go into the storage room, you cannot miss it.
Team was well prepared with the knowledge from prior exercises. They knew we should call the hurricane number utilizing our blue cards, they were well aware of the location of our kit, they knew the computers should be covered, etc.
The team felt the checklist was user friendly and very easy to complete, if necessary.
All emergency items are located together and easy to use.
Team is prepared for necessary duties.
Hurricane Kit was useful.
All employees were trained on procedures.
Everyone knows who to contact if a situation occurs.
Hurricane preparedness supplies were all located in box and in an accessible area.
Employees were all aware of procedures.
Areas for improvement were all identified.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – www.drc-group.com 12 | Page After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise
Team Work.
Preparation and planning.
Communication and delegation of tasks.
Having BCP manual to use a resource.
Knowing where the hurricane supplies are located, prior to needing to use them.
Having done previous exercises. This allows employees to continue to remain knowledgeable and "sharp" about what needs to happen in the event of an emergency.
All employees were engaged in the activities.
All employees reviewed the hurricane kit.
All employees are aware of their roles and compliant.
Employees are prepared.
Employees are aware of the hurricane kit and contents.
All employees were engaged in the activities.
Everyone knows where everything is located.
Everyone knows how to respond and their responsibilities.
Checklist and supplies that we have to use.
Everyone knew where the hurricane kit was located and what was in it.
Each employee knows what their responsibilities are.
Well stocked kit, easily accessible.
BCP Manual provided with clear instructions.
Hurricane Kit was well supplied.
Business continuity procedures were readily available.
Team members were well versed on procedures.
Our call log.
Where to locate our kit.
What to do with our electronic and sensitive items during preparations for hurricane landfall.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC – www.drc-group.com 13 | Page After Action Report / Improvement Plan Operation Savings Stability II Exercise
Preparedness of branch as a whole.
Proper distribution of contact information for employees.
Ability to locate BCP plan easily.
All employees knew exactly where to find the BCP manuel and the Hurricane Supply Box.
All Employees knew their roles and worked as a team to effectively get the tasks completed.
Team communicated with each other and did a double check on each other to make sure all tasks were completed properly.
Reviewing the Hurricane Preparedness Box checklist.
The scenario was easy to follow.
Employees were aware of who and how to contact other employees during an emergency situation.
Staff knowledge of Emergency Plan.
Staff awareness of where to find procedures during and after the storm as well as hurricane kit.
Staff readiness to prepare for storm.
Everyone participated.
Everyone knows where Business Continuity Plan is and where the Hurricane Disaster Kit is located
Everyone knew where the hurricane box is located.
The contents of the box matched the list.
We know who to call and the safest way to get back in the building.
Everyone was aware of the Hurricane Supply kit and its contents.
Everybody had the current Hotline BCP card.
Everyone had a current call tree list and new where the electronic copy was kept.
Hurricane Box complete. Listed potential other items - water, more batteries, etc.
All staff will be keeping up with weather updates and company contacts to determine if action is necessary.
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Exercise made you think of how you would react in case of larger storm. Good group interaction and learning.
It is great to verify where your hurricane disaster supplies are and that they are still there when and if you need them.
Referring to your BCP manual and going through it to find where policies and procedures are in case you need to put them in action.
Making sure phone numbers are correct for contact information of employees.
Current contact information is in place.
All employees know where to locate the hurricane supplies and their responsibility.
After storm regrouping is strong and well known.
BCP manual has all the information we need to know what our duty is in the event of a hurricane.
The team was able to acknowledge different duties they would be responsible for in the event of a hurricane.
The team was able to identify areas for improvement.
Easily found the hurricane kit.
Team worked well together to secure the branch.
Everyone participated in the emergency call list.
Team easily located supplies.
Team easily located BCP and emergency contact information.
Team knew their roles and how to react.
Having an organized BCP manual as a test guide while taking the exercise.
The fact that this exercise allowed our office to practice and improve our disaster response and recovery capabilities and our individual responsibilities if a hurricane is to affect us.
The reminder that our families at home need to have a plan in place if a disaster such as this were to occur.
The new employees (less than one year) were happy to know that the bank is also concerned for their safety as well.
The employees are now well versed in the steps needed to successfully prepare for a
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Location of hurricane kit and the contents as required were contained within it. Plus we noted that a copy of the BCP manual should be kept in the manager's and teller supervisor's car.
Knowing how to prepare for the hurricane i.e. by using the checklist of pre-storm actions: Customer contact, load ATM with extra cash, unplug and cover equipment and move from windows, doors, and ensure we have our calling tree numbers.
We knew about accessing the bank's website to provide information on our locations and conditions, by using the Contact Us function and we had access to the Bank Employee Hotline on our blue emergency contact information cards.
Disaster kits are fully stocked and ready to use.
Good refresher.
Good to know that we have a plan and that we can tie this back to our own family disaster plan.
Information easy to find.
Very detailed.
Online back up.
Referring to the BCP book.
Prior training on hurricane preparedness and call tree exercises.
Prior experience with weather issues.
Realistic examples.
Good timeline.
Very informative.
Thumbs Down
Keeping contact information updated.
Having more detailed information in the BCP manual on assessing damages properly.
Making sure that new employees are trained on the BCP within their first 30 days.
Very recent change in the employment at Winter Park (yesterday) made the call list not correct. Changes will be made today.
Up to date BCP cards.
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More supplies.
Continue exercise / training / updates.
Update batteries / flashlights for expiration date.
Keep call tree updated with new staff.
Ensuring the contact information for branch, responders and key personnel are updated in the BCP manual.
Making sure all new hires are trained within the first 30 days of their start date and knowing whether or not this component has been added to their new hire orientation. This could be part of the new hire checklist.
Having more detailed procedures in the BCP manual. There is no such thing as too much information. This reduces room for errors, as some people need a detailed plan to follow.
In the event of a disaster and there was no electricity, no phone service and the cell towers were down, how would we be able to contact employees or the employee emergency hotline?
More information on how to know the status of each branch employee and how that information would be communicated.
In the event of an approaching hurricane, schools shut down possibly causing staffing issues... what would you do conduct business?
Update the BCP First Response Team list in BCP manual.
Need to get new batteries for Kit and order a new camera due to expiration date.
More specific direction regarding activities for two to three days prior to the event.
Communication with building management to secure the facility.
First responders.
Communication if employees leave the area during hurricane landfall.
Update commercial contact list.
Supplies - We did not have any AA batteries for the Weather Radio or extra batteries for the flashlights.
BCP manual needs to be kept up to date.
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We need to update our contact list which is located in the Hurricane Box.
We need to update the closed signage which is located in the Hurricane Box.
We need to replace expired flashlight batteries.
Preprint checklist and call tree for all staff.
Check hurricane supplies more frequently.
Disposable camera is expired.
First Aid Kit is expired on aspirin and non-aspirin pain reliever this year.
Need rubbing alcohol.
Reiterate everyone’s job during the preparation process.
Reminder about individual home supplies.
Make sure everyone is aware of online banking options for messages.
Additional hurricane supplies are needed; including boxes for client information that needs to be moved.
Gather and add contact information of employees belonging to other departments and shared with all.
Update client contact list and information.
Hurricane kit to be updated with non-expired batteries and cameras.
First Response Team list will need to be updated by printing from the intranet.
Have water in hurricane kit.
Everyone have a better understanding of their roles.
New employee wasn't 100% confident with answers. Will revisit this exercise with him again.
Not all team members knew there was an electronic copy of the emergency contact list.
Dan Healy was not recognized as one of the authorized executives to speak with the media. It was thought to be only Kent Ellert.
Adding additional supplies to our hurricane kit.
Hurricane testing two times a year, rather than once.
Update the BCP binder with the most current BCP manual.
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The branch needs to maintain an accurate listing of the emergency contact information with multiple ways of communication.
The staff needed to be educated on who can speak to the media.
We did not have 2 methods of contacting employees of our branch, only cell phone and landline phones. Therefore, we are obtaining personal e-mail addresses as a backup method. We cannot come up with another method. Special Note: HR should distribute the Blue Emergency Contact Information cards to New Hires, as the branches / departments do not have an inventory to distribute to new hires.
We discovered that all employees are not trained on disaster preparedness, other than having received the Calling Tree list and the Blue Emergency Contact Card.
Because all associates cannot participate in this exercise, we will be "training" those remaining employees by using the printed pages of the exercise that contained our responses, and reviewing them in "quiz form" with those remaining associates.
Updated phone calling tree location on intranet.
New employees to receive blue important numbers card upon on boarding process with HR.
New employees to be trained in all aspects of security including hurricane preparedness and robbery.
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Acronym Meaning
BCP Business Continuity Plan
COMM Communications
CONOPS Concept of Operations
EOC Emergency Operations Center
ESF Emergency Support Function
IAP Incident Action Plan
IC Incident Command
ICS Incident Command System
IMT Incident Management Team
JIC Joint Information Center
LOFR Liaison Officer
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NIMS National Incident Management System
OPS Operations
PIO Public Information Officer
SERT State Emergency Response Team
SitRep Situation Report
SOG Standard Operating Guideline
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
UC Unified Command
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