Physical Science – Chemistry Then Physics

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Physical Science – Chemistry Then Physics

Physical Science – Chemistry then Physics Days Topics SCS Sections 3 Rules/Regulations -- Chapter 1 What is Physical Science? Units (Base and Derived), Prefixes, Scientific Method, Measurement, Safety GOAL 5 The learner will build an understanding of the structure and properties of matter. 2 Identify substances through the investigation of physical properties: 5.03 2.2  Density. 2.1  Melting point.  Boiling point. 2 Develop an understanding of how scientific processes have led to the current 5.01 4.1 atomic theory. 4.3  Dalton’s atomic theory.  J.J. Thomson’s model of the atom.  Rutherford’s gold foil experiment  Bohr’s planetary model.  Electron cloud model. 4 Examine the nature of atomic structure: 5.02 4.2  Protons.  Neutrons.  Electrons.  Atomic mass.  Atomic number.  Isotopes 1 COMMON BENCHMARK GOAL 6 The learner will build an understanding of regularities in chemistry. 3 Analyze the periodic trends in the physical and chemical properties of elements. 6.01 5.1  Groups (families). 5.2  Periods. 5.3 5 Investigate and analyze the formation and nomenclature of simple inorganic 6.02 6.1 compounds. 6.2  Ionic bonds (including oxidation numbers). 6.3  Covalent bonds. 6.4  Metallic bonds. 4 Identify the reactants and products of chemical reactions and balance simple 6.03 7.1 equations of various types: 7.2  Single replacement.  Double replacement.  Decomposition.  Synthesis. 1 COMMON BENCHMARK 2 Measure and analyze the indicators of chemical change including: 6.04 7.3  Development of a gas. 2.3  Formation of a precipitate. Review  Release/absorption of energy (heat or light). Physical ∆ 5 Investigate and analyze the properties and composition of solutions: 6.05 8.1  Solubility curves. 8.2  Concentration. 8.3  Polarity. 8.4  pH scale.  Electrical conductivity. 3 Describe and explain radioactivity and its practical application as an alternative 6.06 10.1 energy source: 10.4  Alpha, beta, and gamma decay.  Fission.  Fusion  Nuclear Waste 2 COMMON BENCHMARK: ALL CHEMISTRY TOPICS GOAL 2 The learner will construct an understanding of forces and motion. 5 Measure and mathematically/graphically analyze motion: 2.01 11.1  Frame of reference (all motion is relative - there is no motionless frame). 11.2  Uniform motion. 11.3  Acceleration. 3 Investigate and analyze forces as interactions that can change motion: 2.02 12.1  In the absence of a force, an object in motion will remain in motion or an 12.2 object at rest will remain at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force. 12.3  Change in motion of an object (acceleration) is directly proportional to the unbalanced outside force and inversely proportional to the mass.  Whenever one object exerts a force on another, an equal and opposite force is exerted by the second on the first. 1 COMMON BENCHMARK GOAL 3 The learner will analyze energy and its conservation. 3 Investigate and analyze storage of energy: 3.01 15.1  Kinetic energy. 15.2  Potential energies: gravitational, chemical, electrical, elastic, nuclear.  Thermal energy. 3 Investigate and analyze transfer of energy by work: 3.02 14.1  Force.  Distance. 5 Investigate and analyze transfer of energy by heating: 3.03 16.2  Thermal energy flows from a higher to a lower temperature.  Energy will not spontaneously flow from a lower temperature to a higher temperature.  It is impossible to build a machine that does nothing but convert thermal energy into useful work. GOAL 4 The learner will construct an understanding of electricity and magnetism. 3 Investigate and analyze the nature of static electricity and the conservation of 4.01 20.1 electrical charge:  Positive and negative charges.  Opposite charges attract and like charges repel.  Analyze the electrical charging of objects due to the transfer of charge. 3 Investigate and analyze magnetism and the practical applications of the 4.03 21.1 characteristics of magnets. 21.2 21.3  Permanent magnets  Electromagnetism  Movement of electrical charges 1 COMMON BENCHMARK 5 Investigate and analyze direct current electrical circuits: 4.02 20.2  Ohm's law. 20.3  Series circuits.  Parallel circuits. 6 Investigate and analyze the transfer of energy by waves: 3.04 17.1  General characteristics of waves: amplitude, frequency, period, 17.2 wavelength, velocity of propagation. 17.4  Mechanical waves. 18.1  Sound waves. 18.2  Electromagnetic waves (radiation). 2 COMMON BENCHMARK: ALL PHYSICS TOPICS GOAL 1 The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. Used Identify questions and problems that can be answered through scientific 1.01- Ch.1 in Lab investigations. 1.05 3.1 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions about the 3.3 physical world. 655-671  Create testable hypotheses.  Identify variables.  Use a control or comparison group when appropriate.  Select and use appropriate measurement tools.  Collect and record data.  Organize data into charts and graphs.  Analyze and interpret data.  Communicate findings. Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence to:  Explain observations.  Make inferences and predictions.  Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation. Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies:  Recognize and avoid potential hazards.  Safely manipulate materials and equipment needed for scientific investigations. Analyze reports of scientific investigations from an informed scientifically literate viewpoint including considerations of:  Appropriate sample.  Adequacy of experimental controls.  Replication of findings.  Alternative interpretations of the data. 10 MOCK EOC, REVIEW, EOCs

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