Physical Science – Chemistry Then Physics
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Physical Science – Chemistry then Physics Days Topics SCS Sections 3 Rules/Regulations -- Chapter 1 What is Physical Science? Units (Base and Derived), Prefixes, Scientific Method, Measurement, Safety GOAL 5 The learner will build an understanding of the structure and properties of matter. 2 Identify substances through the investigation of physical properties: 5.03 2.2 Density. 2.1 Melting point. Boiling point. 2 Develop an understanding of how scientific processes have led to the current 5.01 4.1 atomic theory. 4.3 Dalton’s atomic theory. J.J. Thomson’s model of the atom. Rutherford’s gold foil experiment Bohr’s planetary model. Electron cloud model. 4 Examine the nature of atomic structure: 5.02 4.2 Protons. Neutrons. Electrons. Atomic mass. Atomic number. Isotopes 1 COMMON BENCHMARK GOAL 6 The learner will build an understanding of regularities in chemistry. 3 Analyze the periodic trends in the physical and chemical properties of elements. 6.01 5.1 Groups (families). 5.2 Periods. 5.3 5 Investigate and analyze the formation and nomenclature of simple inorganic 6.02 6.1 compounds. 6.2 Ionic bonds (including oxidation numbers). 6.3 Covalent bonds. 6.4 Metallic bonds. 4 Identify the reactants and products of chemical reactions and balance simple 6.03 7.1 equations of various types: 7.2 Single replacement. Double replacement. Decomposition. Synthesis. 1 COMMON BENCHMARK 2 Measure and analyze the indicators of chemical change including: 6.04 7.3 Development of a gas. 2.3 Formation of a precipitate. Review Release/absorption of energy (heat or light). Physical ∆ 5 Investigate and analyze the properties and composition of solutions: 6.05 8.1 Solubility curves. 8.2 Concentration. 8.3 Polarity. 8.4 pH scale. Electrical conductivity. 3 Describe and explain radioactivity and its practical application as an alternative 6.06 10.1 energy source: 10.4 Alpha, beta, and gamma decay. Fission. Fusion Nuclear Waste 2 COMMON BENCHMARK: ALL CHEMISTRY TOPICS GOAL 2 The learner will construct an understanding of forces and motion. 5 Measure and mathematically/graphically analyze motion: 2.01 11.1 Frame of reference (all motion is relative - there is no motionless frame). 11.2 Uniform motion. 11.3 Acceleration. 3 Investigate and analyze forces as interactions that can change motion: 2.02 12.1 In the absence of a force, an object in motion will remain in motion or an 12.2 object at rest will remain at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force. 12.3 Change in motion of an object (acceleration) is directly proportional to the unbalanced outside force and inversely proportional to the mass. Whenever one object exerts a force on another, an equal and opposite force is exerted by the second on the first. 1 COMMON BENCHMARK GOAL 3 The learner will analyze energy and its conservation. 3 Investigate and analyze storage of energy: 3.01 15.1 Kinetic energy. 15.2 Potential energies: gravitational, chemical, electrical, elastic, nuclear. Thermal energy. 3 Investigate and analyze transfer of energy by work: 3.02 14.1 Force. Distance. 5 Investigate and analyze transfer of energy by heating: 3.03 16.2 Thermal energy flows from a higher to a lower temperature. Energy will not spontaneously flow from a lower temperature to a higher temperature. It is impossible to build a machine that does nothing but convert thermal energy into useful work. GOAL 4 The learner will construct an understanding of electricity and magnetism. 3 Investigate and analyze the nature of static electricity and the conservation of 4.01 20.1 electrical charge: Positive and negative charges. Opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Analyze the electrical charging of objects due to the transfer of charge. 3 Investigate and analyze magnetism and the practical applications of the 4.03 21.1 characteristics of magnets. 21.2 21.3 Permanent magnets Electromagnetism Movement of electrical charges 1 COMMON BENCHMARK 5 Investigate and analyze direct current electrical circuits: 4.02 20.2 Ohm's law. 20.3 Series circuits. Parallel circuits. 6 Investigate and analyze the transfer of energy by waves: 3.04 17.1 General characteristics of waves: amplitude, frequency, period, 17.2 wavelength, velocity of propagation. 17.4 Mechanical waves. 18.1 Sound waves. 18.2 Electromagnetic waves (radiation). 2 COMMON BENCHMARK: ALL PHYSICS TOPICS GOAL 1 The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. Used Identify questions and problems that can be answered through scientific 1.01- Ch.1 in Lab investigations. 1.05 3.1 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions about the 3.3 physical world. 655-671 Create testable hypotheses. Identify variables. Use a control or comparison group when appropriate. Select and use appropriate measurement tools. Collect and record data. Organize data into charts and graphs. Analyze and interpret data. Communicate findings. Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence to: Explain observations. Make inferences and predictions. Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation. Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies: Recognize and avoid potential hazards. Safely manipulate materials and equipment needed for scientific investigations. Analyze reports of scientific investigations from an informed scientifically literate viewpoint including considerations of: Appropriate sample. Adequacy of experimental controls. Replication of findings. Alternative interpretations of the data. 10 MOCK EOC, REVIEW, EOCs