2011 KEY DATES for 2012 SCHEDULE of PROGRAMS As at 22 November 2010
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2011 KEY DATES FOR 2012 SCHEDULE OF PROGRAMS as at 22 November 2010
Date Meeting Actions Mid September Request Faculties to submit EOI for new degrees 2010 in 2012
Mid October 2010 Due date for Expressions of Interest for new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for 2012
2 November 2010 ASQC To recommend to Senate new awards for 2012
Mid November Request Faculties to submit new/discontinued units changes to Undergraduate and Postgraduate units for 2012.
Request Faculties to submit full business cases for approved EOI for 2012.
16 November 2010 Academic Senate Endorse new award names for 2012
1 December 2010 Council To approve new award names for 2012
16 December 2010 Academic Senate Finalise second half year exam results and qualifications for April 2011 graduations
13 January 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
18 January 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 28 January 2011 Due date for Faculties to submit new and discontinued units for 2012 Undergraduate and Postgraduate. This also includes next 45% P/G unit renewals.
Due date for full academic case requests
Early February 2011 Request Faculties to confirm approved undergraduate degrees to be offered via UAC for 2012. APS to provide a draft list.
8 February 2011 ASQC
15 February 2011 Academic Senate Final Qualification date for April 2011 graduation
15 February 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 17 February 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
22 February 2011 ASQC To consider full academic cases for new awards
23 February 2011 Council 1 March 2011 U/G Sub-Committee
S:\\APS\business processes\2011-2012 SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR PROGRAMS.doc as at 11-May-18 (2.00pm) 5 March 2011 Due Date for 2012 Course Availabilities
15 March 2011 ASQC To approve U/G degrees being offered via UAC for 2012
17 March 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
End March 2011 Due date for final 45% PG unit renewals
Early April Due date for 2012 Undergraduate UAC Guide First draft due
5 April 2011 Academic Senate Approve draft schedule of units Qualification date for May Graduation
5 April 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 6 April 2011 Request Faculties to consider changes to programs of study and majors for 2012
14 April 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
19 April 2011 ASQC To approve P/G degrees being offered via UAC for 2012
27 April 2011 Council Approval of Annual Report
29 April 2011 Due date for Faculties to submit changes to programs of study and majors for 2012
3 May 2011 Academic Senate (reserve)
3 May 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 10 May 2011 ASQC (reserve)
12 May 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
24 May 2011 ASQC To finalise Schedules of Units/Majors/Programs/Specialisations for recommendation to Senate
End May 2011 Due date for final 2012 Postgraduate UAC Guide
7 June 2011 Academic Senate To approve 2012 Schedule of Units and Schedules of People/Planet/Participation Schedule of Programs/Schedule of Majors/Schedule of Specialisations
14 June 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm)
Mid-June 2011 Advise Faculties to check and update schedules
S:\\APS\business processes\2011-2012 SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR PROGRAMS.doc as at 11-May-18 with minor iterations
Mid – June 2011 2012 Postgraduate UAC Guide first draft due APS to provide draft list.
16 June 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
22 June 2011 Council
28 June 2011 ASQC
July – End August Late amendments to Schedule of Units to be 2011 approved by Chair of ASQC
5 July 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 8 July 2011 Academic Senate Finalise and approve first half year exam results and first half year qualifications
14 July 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
Mid July 2011 2012 Postgraduate UAC guide final sign off due
19 July 2011 ASQC
1 August 2011 2012 Course of Study and Campus Files sent to DEEWR
2 August 2011 Academic Senate Final qualification date for September 2011 graduation
2 August 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 16 August 2011 ASQC
17 August 2011 Council
18 August 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
30 August 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) End August 2011 Deadline for all changes to units/majors/programs/degrees for 2012
1 September 2011 Handbook Rollover date
Early – September Request Faculites to submit EOI for new degrees 2011 in 2013
6 September 2011 Academic Senate (Reserve)
13 September 2011 ASQC
15 September 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
S:\\APS\business processes\2011-2012 SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR PROGRAMS.doc as at 11-May-18 27 September 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 1 October 2011 Handbook ‘ Go Live’ (may not be possible in 2011 due to development of p/g handbook)
1 October 2011 Reporting to Government 2012 units, fees, census date details what is being offered in 2012 – requests beyond this date require Ministerial Approval
4 October 2011 Academic Senate Final qualification date for offshore graduations – Beijing and Hong Kong in November
11 October 2011 ASQC
13 October 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
Mid October 2011 Due date for expressions of interest for new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and programs of study for 2013
19 October 2011 Council
25 October 2011 U/G Sub-Committee (2.00pm) 1 November 2011 ASQC To recommend to Senate new awards for 2013
Mid - November Request Faculties to submit changes to Undergraduate and Postgraduate units/programs/majors/specialisations for 2013
15 November 2011 Academic Senate Endorse new award names for 2013
17 November 2011 P/G Sub-Committee
7 December 2011 Council To approve new award names for 2013
15 December 2011 Academic Senate Finalise second half year exam results and qualifications for April 2012 graduations KEY:
ASQC Meetings Academic Program Section Council Meetings Faculties Senate Meetings Government Reporting
S:\\APS\business processes\2011-2012 SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR PROGRAMS.doc as at 11-May-18