Application for Enrolment As a Student in Year for 2018
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St John’s College ______Jervois Street, P.O. Box 14008, Mayfair, Hastings 4159, New Zealand Phone 06-878 6853 Fax 06-878 1253 Email: [email protected] Website: nz
First Names: ______Surname: ______
Address: ______
Date of Birth: ______Last School Attended: ______
Reason for Transfer: ______
Mother/Guardian: Father/Guardian:
______Are you an Old Boy of St John’s College Yes/No ______Years Phone Home: ______Phone Home: ______Work: ______Work: ______Cellphone: ______Cellphone: ______Email: ______Email: ______Occupation: ______Occupation: ______Religion: ______Religion: ______Parish: ______Parish: ______
EMERGENCY CONTACTS (other than parents) Country of Birth: ______(Note: If born overseas we need evidence of immigration status. Please attach copies.) Name:______Date of arrival in New Zealand: ______Relationship to student ______Ethnic Group: ______Phone: ______Iwi ______Address: ______First Language ______
Family Details:
Health details the School should know about: ______
Name of Doctor: ______
Bus Travel: Napier Flaxmere
Taradale Waipawa
Under the Integration Act 95 per cent of the students of our College must be “Preference” i.e. their family must have a religious connection to the Special Character of St John’s College.
Brother enrolled currently: Name: ______House: ______
Brothers enrolled previously Name: ______House: ______
Baptism Received: Yes / No Preference Form Attached:: Yes/No
First Holy Communion: Yes/No Non Preference: Yes/No
For Non Preference Families please outline why you would like your son to attend St John’s College:
Any learning or behavioural difficulties which enable us to better meet the needs of individual students must be disclosed with this application.
Does your son currently receive any special learning assistance Yes No
If Yes, please indicate and supply current reports that relate to learning / behavioural difficulties:
Will your son require special assistance with the English language? Yes No STUDENT PROFILE To be completed by the student either in this space or on a separate sheet and attached.
Academic achievements / Cultural interests / Sports / Hobbies: ______
Why does St John’s College appeal to you? ______
St John’s College is a Catholic school that strives to live and teach the values of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Gospels and in the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We require parents/guardians of our students to support the Special Character of the College. We apply for our son to be enrolled at St John’s College and agree to:
1. Pay the Attendance Dues and other school fees as determined by the Proprietor of the College and the Board of Trustees. Payment of Attendance Dues is a condition of enrolment and attendance at St John’s College. In cases of financial hardship please discuss with the Principal.
2. Support the Special Character of St John’s College. We understand that this includes the Religious Education programme, attendance and participation at Mass, spiritual retreats and other liturgies. We also undertake to support our son in the practice of his faith by our personal example.
3. Support the College Policies and School Rules authorised by the school Board of Trustees. This includes ensuring my son has the correct school uniform and that he wears it from the time he leaves home till the time he gets home. It also includes your son abiding by the College Cyber Safety Policy.
4. St John’s College obtaining our son’s records from his previous schools. These records may be passed onto any future schools. These records will be used for educational purposes only.
5. The College taking action on behalf of our son in an emergency situation.
6. Agree that the College can use our son’s photo and name for publicity purposes.
Signed: ______Father ______Mother
______Guardian Date: ______
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES As a student applying for enrolment at St John’s College I agree to: 1. Do my best to develop the talents that God has given me, both in my classwork and in sporting, cultural and spiritual activities. I will also assist others to do their best. 2. Recognise the authority of staff and be polite, pleasant and respectful. 3. Support the Special Character of the College by doing my best in Religious Education classes, and participating willingly in Mass, liturgies, retreats and prayer as instructed. I understand that I will be given help and support in my personal spiritual development. 4. Be a positive member of the St John’s College community by supporting the School Rules, wearing my school uniform correctly, helping those less fortunate than myself and behaving in a manner that enhances the good name of the College.
Signed: ______Student ENROLMENT INTERVIEW (To be completed at Enrolment Interview with Principal)
Name Date ______
Strengths (Favourite subjects) Extension Received:
Difficulties (Least favourite subjects) Assistance Received (Needed)
CULTURAL – Music (state Instrument), Kapa Haka, Debating, Choir, Art, Hobbies Activity: Level
SPORT Activity: Level
Academic /10 Spiritual /10 Sport /10 Cultural /10