A Sermon by David E s1
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In “Becoming A Christ-Centered Disciple-Making Church” Let’s Consider... “6. The Life Of Discipleship: The Andrew Model – Bringing A Brother”
Text: John 1:41-42
Theme – Purpose - Introduction
Theme: “Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church” is our theme. During the first four sessions we emphasized the “Lesson Of Discipleship” from the “Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew 5 thru 7. Now, we’re dealing with the “Life Of Discipleship,” and we’re using the disciple named Andrew as our case study. In our first glance at Andrew, we saw the beginning of his personal discipleship experience with Christ. Today, we catch our first glimpse of Andrew’s productive discipleship experience. Andrew was very interested in bringing people to Jesus, and the first one that he brings is his brother Simon.
Purpose: Thom Rainer, in his groundbreaking book Surprising Insights From The Unchurched, listed “five major conclusions about relationships and the formerly unchurched.” Number four in that list was that “Family Relationships Are The Most Important” in reaching people for Christ. We’re highlighting the fact that Andrew “first findeth his own brother Simon” and “brought him to Jesus” (John 1:41-42). The focus of your concern may be a sibling; or it may be a parent, a child, a niece, or a cousin. Today’s study is designed to emphasize three important aspects in reaching that family member.
Introduction: The website of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board states, “One of the most difficult forms of witnessing may be the attempt to share your faith with persons in your own household. Somehow with those we know and love the best, a certain awkwardness interposes itself in the process, making sharing in a natural, unselfconscious way a difficult task. Part of the problem may be that our families know us so well, and they may be quick to use any shortcomings in our own lives as justification for their lack of commitment or their spiritual indifference.” Certainly, it is a difficult thing to share your faith with your family, but Andrew saw it as something that was non-negotiable.
Andrew and Simon were sons of a man named Jona (John 1:42) or Jonas (John 21:15-17). They were apparently from Bethsaida (John 1:44), but they soon moved to a house in Capernaum (Mark 1:29). On several occasions, Andrew was called “Simon’s brother,” suggesting that people would know Simon but not Andrew. Andrew seemed to stand in obscurity, but we should not obscure Andrew’s importance in God’s program. Perhaps Andrew’s most memorable contribution to the work of God was when he brought his own brother, Simon, to the Lord. How did God captivate Simon’s heart?
Main Message
A. There Was The Witness Of Andrew’s Love
What wondrous dialogue and discourses Andrew must have experienced while spending the day with Jesus. The visit had so thrilled him and transformed him that he couldn’t keep it to himself. Andrew obviously loved his brother because before he did anything else or went anywhere else, “He first findeth his own brother Simon” (John 1:41). Herein is a seeking love. You’ll notice too that this was a sharing love, for when he had found Simon; he “saith unto him, ‘We have found the Messias,’ which is, being interpreted, the Christ” (John 1:41). He had found the treasure of great worth, and he wanted to share it. B. There Was The Witness Of Andrew’s Leading
The Bible says that Andrew “brought” Simon to Jesus (John 1:42). The great Greek scholar A. T. Robertson said that this word “brought” indicates that “Andrew had to overcome some resistance on Simon’s part.” The name Simon means, “to hear” or “one that hearkens,” but he must have had a hard time hearing the report of a discovered Messiah. Nevertheless, Andrew led Simon in his persuasion. He convinced Simon to come, not for the sake of some program or procedure. On the contrary, Andrew led Simon to a person, one named Jesus; and the reason Andrew led his brother to this particular person was because he was convinced that Jesus was “the Christ,” the anointed One, the Messiah.
C. There Was The Witness Of Andrew’s Lord
Andrew brought his brother to Jesus, and then he let Jesus take over. Sounds like a good plan! The Brethren author F.B. Hole wrote, “Simon was a ready talker, and amongst the disciples usually the first to speak, but when brought to Jesus he did not have the first word.” Christ pronounced a word regarding Simon’s family history. “When Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona” (John 1:42). Christ then presented a word revealing Simon’s future hope as He further said to Simon, “thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone” (John 1:42). Christ knows who you are and who you will become. He intended to change Simon, and that’s what He wants for your unsaved family member.
I have a friend in ministry whose brother ran from God for many years. They were both raised in the same Christian home. They were both exposed to the same spiritual influences, but the brother distanced himself from his upbringing and became the black sheep of the family. Into early adulthood this prodigal son led a life of waste and waywardness, and it seemed that the prayers of his parents and siblings were of no avail.
This brother married a girl who was involved in the same rebellious lifestyle as he was. Soon, a child was born into this unruly environment. My friend told the story of how one night as his brother and sister-in- law were at a wild party, their infant daughter, whom they had brought, began to cry. As this young man picked up his crying baby, “he came to himself” (Luke 15:17). God finally broke his heart and brought him to repentance. He yielded his heart and life to Christ. A family member had finally gotten through to him. If you feel ineffective in reaching that lost loved one, just remember that crying baby and the effect she had on her dad.