Diaspora Grants Programme

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Diaspora Grants Programme

1 The Girl Generation Diaspora Grants Programme Application form

Thank you for your interest in The Girl Generation’s Diaspora Grant Programme. Before completing this application form, you are encouraged to read the accompanying guidance notes, available at www.thegirlgeneration.org


It is important before completing the application form that you establish that this is the right grants programme for you.

Answer the following questions to determine whether your organisation and proposed activity match our requirements. These questions covers the key issues, however, it is still important that you read the full guidance notes to check that you meet ALL of our requirements.

Eligibility question Response

Is your organisation a UK registered voluntary or community African Diaspora Yes / No organisation with a written governing document (e.g. a constitution or a set of rules)? Does your organisation have a bank or building society account with at least 2 Yes / No signatories? Does your organisation have a governing body with at least 3 members? Yes / No If you selected ‘No’ for ANY of these questions, unfortunately you do not meet the requirements for this grants programme. Are you seeking a grant of between £1,000 and £9,000? Yes / No

Will your project contribute towards The Girl Generation’s overall objectives of: a Yes / No galvanised global movement; national social change catalysed in The Girl Generation focal countries ; increased global resourcing for FGM Will your proposed project be delivered with a partner organisation based and Yes / No registered in Kenya, Nigeria or The Gambia?

Will your project leverage change towards ending FGM in Kenya, Nigeria or The Yes / No Gambia, engage local organisation and communities and leave a positive long term impact?

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Will your project be delivered jointly by a Diaspora organisation with a partner Yes / No organisation based and legally registered in Kenya, Nigeria or The Gambia?

Will your project use social change communications to end FGM? Yes / No

Will your project result in the creation of at least one communications product? Yes / No

Will your project be completed in 12 months or less? Yes / No

If you selected ‘No’ for ANY of these questions, unfortunately you do not meet the requirements for this grants programme.

SECTION 1: MAIN CONTACT Please provide details of the main contact for this grant application. We will contact this person with any questions about your application, and inform them of our funding decision.

Name Title First name Last name





Which of The Girl Generation’s overall objectives does the proposed project and how will you achieve this? Maximum 300 word for each chosen objective) Supporting campaigns against the practice in countries with large affected communities

Celebrating positive stories of how FGM is ending, and amplifying the voices of those who are committed to breaking the cycle of FGM Helping to mobilise the necessary resources to end FGM in a generation

Why is this project needed at this time in this location? What evidence do you have that it is needed? How will this project complement and/or enhance local efforts to end FGM? Which affected communities do you expect to work with?(Be specific, e.g. ethnic group, region, population group)? Will they benefit immediately and/or in the long term? ( Max 600 words)

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Please list the results /change that you will achieve through the project.

1. 2. 3. 4. etc .

For each result listed above, please specify how will you measure these changes in the short and long term?

How many people do you expect to benefit directly from this project? How did you arrive at this number?

How will your project spark off or accelerate change using social change communication? What will your project involve and how will you carry it out? Briefly describe the main activities, their timeline and how these will lead to the anticipated change. What communication product(s) will result from the activity? ( Max 500 words)

Describe who will undertake which work: What role your Diaspora organisation and your partner in the focal country will fulfill? In what ways are you and your partner in focal country well placed to carry out this activity? (e.g. describe your local knowledge, contacts, skills, training)? Was your partner in focal country involved in planning the project? (Max 500 words)

How will you monitor progress and share and amplify the stories and learning resulting from the project in the Diaspora as well as in the focal country (Max 400)

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How will you ensure that staff, volunteers and partners are aware of and comply with The Girl Generation’s Do No Harm guidance notes (see Annex 1)?

What Do no harm issues might arise during your project? What actions will you take to address these issues? Examples of do no harm issues that might arise include: identifying girls and women at risk of harm; encountering parents and extended family members who express support for FGM; disapproval of community members who express their views; staff and volunteers handling traumatic incidents and information.

Do no harm issue The actions your organisation will undertake to - who is at risk of what? address this issue

4 5


Organisation name


Postcode: Telephone number

Email address


Facebook username

Twitter username

Type of organisation, e.g. registered charity, community Whereorganisation is your organisation Charityregistered AND/OR Company number In 400 words or less, describe your organisation: its purpose, service users, activities and achievements. Is your organisation a dependent or independent branch of a larger organisation? Is this application being made on behalf of a coalition, or as a partnership? (see guidance notes) When was your organisation set up? What was your organisation’s 2013/2014 2012/13 2011/12 income in each of these years (or £ £ £ since your organisation started if it is less than 3 years old)? Do you have any of these Policy/check policies/checks Response Please select ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not

Please provide details of all insurance policies that you have in place including Employer’s liability insurance. Insurer Type of policy Limit of liability (per Expiry date

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occurrence and aggregate) and excess

How many people are involved Role Number in your organisation? Volunteers and helpers Full time paid staff Part time paid staff

Describe; how staff and volunteers are managed, supervised and supported

Please Name AND how long they Skills/expertise provide have been a member details of each member of your governing body

and the frequency of Trustees SECTION 5: ABOUT YOUR PARTNER IN FOCAL COUNTRY

Organisation name


Telephone number

Email address


Facebook username

Twitter username

Contact Title First name Last name Person



6 7


Type of organisation, e.g. registered charity, community Howorganisation is the organisation Registrationregistered number Is the organisation a dependent or independent branch of a larger organisation? When was the organisation set up? What was the 2013/2014 2012/13 2011/12 organisation’s income in each of these years (or £ £ £ since your organisation started if it is less than 3 years old)?

7 8

Does your partner organisation Policy/check Response have any of these policies/checks? Safeguarding/child protection policy Yes / No Please select ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not relevant’ for each policy/check Equal opportunities/diversity policy Yes / No listed. Disclosure and barring checks Yes / No

Recruitment and staff vetting procedures Yes / No

Health and safety policy Yes / No

Financial Manual and procedures Yes / No

How many people are involved Role Number in your partner’s organisation? Volunteers and helpers Full time paid staff Part time paid staff


Provide a breakdown of ALL the costs for your activity. Describe each item and break down the costs. (We will only meet equipment costs of up to £500).

Item Total cost Amount requested

Example: Room hire - 2 hours per week, 12 weeks, £600.00 £600.00 £25 per hour (£25 x 2 x 12)

Example: Catering for workshops - £2 per head, 10 £240.00 £150.00 attendees, 12 meetings (£2 x 10 x 12)

£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

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£ £

£ £

£ £

£ £

Total £ £

If The Girl Generation grant does not cover the total project cost, provide details for additional sources of funding or pro bono contributions? Source Amount Applied (Yes/No) Decision



Total £


Please provide details of your organisation’s bank or building society account (we cannot make grant payments into an individual’s account).To be eligible for funding, your Bank/Building Society must be UK-based, your account must be in the name of your organisation, and your account must have at least 2 unrelated signatories.

Bank/Building Society Name

Sort Code

Building Society Roll Number (if you have one)

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Account number

Account name

Signatory Details

Name Role Address


This form must be signed by a member of your organisation’s governing body. Information in this form and in the supporting documents will be used for grant assessment, monitoring and evaluation purposes and will be stored electronically.

Information may be shared with other individuals and agencies to assist us with assessing applications, preventing and detecting fraud, complying with the requirements of our auditors, monitoring grants, and evaluating their impact.

Please tick this box to declare that:

 you have read and agreed to the above statement;

 if successful, your organisation agrees to attend The Girl Generation’s Grantee’s workshop

 you have read The Girl Generation’s Do No Harm Guidance (see Annex I ), and agree, if successful, to follow its provisions;

 the information provided in this application is correct to the best of your knowledge;

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 the supporting documents are current, accurate and have been approved by your organisation;

 this application has been agreed and ratified by your organisation’s governing body and coalition members/partner organisations where relevant;

 the UK registered lead organisation accepts responsibility for managing the grant, and will take full responsibility for all aspects of the project, including ensuring that safeguarding, referral, and reporting procedures are complied with by each partner .

Signed, for and on behalf of

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……. (organisation name)



Position held in organisation


Signature Date

……………………………………………………… ……………………

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Please submit ALL the relevant documents with your application.

Attachments Attached? Income and expenditure forecast for April 2014-March 2015, with named sources of Choose an income, and indicating whether funds have been secured or are pending. See the item. guidance notes for a sample forecast. If NOT available on the Charity Commission website and/or you are NOT a newly Choose an formed organisation, a copy of your annual accounts OR an income and expenditure item. summary for 2013/14* (signed and dated by your Chair, Secretary or Treasurer). See the guidance notes for a sample summary. A copy of your most recent bank or building society statement (no more than 3 Choose an months old), this should include your organisation’s name and address, and should item. show transactions. A copy of your organisation’s 2013/14* annual report or review (indicate if you have Choose an not produced an annual report or review). item. A copy of your most recent safeguarding/child protection policy. This must have Choose an been ratified and/or reviewed by your governing body within the last 2 years, and item. should explicitly refer to FGM. An. original signed letter of reference from an independent referee. See guidance Choose an notes for full details. item. For dependent branches of larger organisations: An original letter from your ‘parent’ Choose an organisation in support of your application, and accepting overall responsibility for item. its content and the management of any grant awarded; signed by a senior member Forof staff. coalitions: A coalition statement signed by all partners. See the guidance notes Choose an for details. item. For Diaspora partnerships: A separate signed partnership statement for each key Choose an partner. See the guidance notes for details. item. A separate signed partnership statement for each key partner in the country of Choose an work. See the guidance notes for details. item.

*If you do not yet have your final 2013/14 annual accounts/annual report, please submit:  EITHER your 2013/14 draft version AND your final 2012/13 version (you do not need to submit your 2012/13 annual accounts if these are available on the Charity Commis- sion website);  OR, if you do not have a 2013/14 draft version, simply submit your final 2012/13 ver- sion (you do not need to submit your 2012/13 annual accounts if these are available on the Charity Commission website).

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SECTION 10: HELP US TO IMPROVE We want to learn about your experience of applying for funds from The Girl Generation . By answering the questions below, you can help us to improve our grant making.

Issue Rating

Choose an item. How easy was it to understand the guidance notes?

How easy was it to complete the application Choose an item. form?

About how long did it take you to complete the Choose an item. application form?

How did you hear about this grants programme?

Please tell us how you have found applying for a grant from The Girl Generation. Tell us any suggestions that you have for improving our grant-making and improving this funding programme


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