27 FEBRUARY 2020 — N O . 1 Do equity prices reflect the ultra-low interest rate environment? Søren Lejsgaard Autrup Jonas Ladegaard Hensch The viewpoints and conclusions stated are the responsibility Principal Economist Economist of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect ECONOMICS AND ECONOMICS AND the views of Danmarks Nationalbank. MONETARY POLICY MONETARY POLICY
[email protected] [email protected] ECONOMIC MEMO — DANMARKS NATIONALBANK 27 FEBRUARY 2020 — N O . 1 Do equity prices reflect the ultra-low interest rate environment? The equity risk premium has Investors face a choice when deciding where to about doubled after the financial invest today: Get a certain return on bonds crisis, amid a sharp decline in offering very low or negative returns, or buy a interest rates and an unchanged risky equity and expect to get around 7 per cent per annum, but with downside and upside required return on equities. risks. Before the financial crisis of 2007-08, the trade-off looked different: The expected return The increase in the premium on equities was at the same level, but the entailed a lower pass-through of alternative looked much more favorable with monetary policy rates to the total bond yields around 4 per cent. In other words, financing costs of corporations. the equity risk premium, defined as the That may help to explain why additional return required as compensation for corporate investments have not investing in equities rather than risk-free assets rebounded faster and stronger (bonds), has about doubled to around 7 per after the financial crisis. cent. Still, bonds are in high demand and no major, global rotation between asset classes has taken place so far.