Greater Yellowstone Coalition Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance Wyoming Outdoor Council September 17, 2007 Greg Clark, BTNF Winter Elk Management SUP POB 1888 Jackson, WY 83001 Sent via email on September 17, 2007, to:
[email protected] Also mailed via US Mail on September 17, 2007, to: POB 1888, Jackson, WY, 83001. Re: Scoping notice for 20 year permits for Fish Creek, Dog Creek, Muddy Creek and Fall Creek, Alkali Creek, Upper Green River, and Patrol Cabin elk feedgrounds Dear Mr. Clark: Please accept these comments from the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, and Wyoming Outdoor Council in response to the U.S. Forest Service’s request for comments on a proposal to issue 20 year term permits for elk winter feeding activities by the State of Wyoming at the Fish Creek, Pritchard (Dog) Creek, Muddy Canyon (Muddy Creek), Fall Creek, Alkali Creek, Upper Green River, and Patrol Cabin elk feedgrounds. Please include as part of these comments all the supporting documents (Exhibits) accompanying the August 14, 2007 letter to you from Earthjustice concerning scoping for temporary use authorizations for four elk feedgrounds (see list at the end of this letter). This letter contains some content from the August 14 letter from Earthjustice but is not identical to that letter since this is specific to a proposed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the effects of long term permits for the elk feedgrounds on USFS and other lands. We request that the entire contents of this letter along with all references and exhibits be considered by the Bridger-Teton Forest as you conduct an Environmental Impact Statement on this issue.