Article 1 House of Representatives

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Article 1 House of Representatives


1. What are the two houses of the Congress? a. Senate b. House of Representatives

2. How long is a term for a member of the H of R? a. 2 year term b. unlimited number of terms

3. What are the qualifications for the H of R? a. live in the state you represent b. U.S. citizen for at least 7 years c. must be 25 years or older

4. How many representatives does Connecticut now have in the H of R? 5 Representatives

5. Who is the person who represents the district of which Cheshire is a part? Chris Murphy 6. How many representatives are there in the entire H of R? 435

7. Explain the three-fifths compromise. Why does it no longer apply? a. Slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person for representation and tax purposes. b. It no longer applies because slavery was abolished in 1865.

8. What is the role of the H of R in an impeachment trial? In an impeachment trial, the House of Representatives’ role is to accuse the President or federal elected official. They must have 218 votes (simple majority)

Impeachment = to accuse a federal elected official of wrong doing (not Senators or Representatives)

9. What is the current salary for a member of Congress? $162,500

10. Under what conditions are members of Congress free from arrest? a. Congress is free from arrest when the person is in the “House of Representatives or the Senate”. They can say anything they want on the floor (Congress), but not anywhere else. b. going to or from a meeting 11. On a separate sheet of paper create a graphic representation of how a bill becomes a law.

12. Explain a veto and a pocket veto Veto = when the President rejects a law. The H of R and Senate can legislative override with a 2/3 vote. Pocket veto = When the President refuses to act on a bill and Congress adjourns within 10 days, the bill dies.

13. Briefly explain the 18 powers of Congress

a. Congress can tax imports and spend money

b. Congress can borrow money (bonds)

c. Congress can regulate foreign and interstate trade

d. Congress determines the process by which a foreigner becomes a citizen and makes bankruptcy laws. (Bankruptcy = when a person or business can’t pay its bills)

e. Congress has the power to coin money and regulate its value.

f. Congress has the power to make laws about counterfeiting (making fake money)

g. Congress can make laws the set up and control the delivery of mail.

h. Congress can pass laws to protect copyrights (writing) and patents (inventions)

i. Congress has the power to set up inferior (lower) federal courts under the Supreme Court.

j. Congress can punish piracy (robbing ships at sea)

k. Congress can declare war and make rules about prisoners

l. Congress can form an army, decide how big it should be, and how much money to spend on it.

m. Congress can form a navy, decide how big it should be, and how much money to spend on it.

n. Congress has the power to write laws governing the army and navy. o. Congress has the right to call up state militias (National Guard) to put down rebellion or fight foreign invaders.

p. Congress can make rules for the militia (National Guard)

q. Congress decides where the nation’s capital will be located (Washington, D.C.) and controls the area around it.

r. Congress has the power to make all laws necessary to carry out the first 17 clauses. This is also known as the ELASTIC CLAUSE because it lets Congress stretch the meaning of its power. Can make all laws that are necessary and proper

14. What did Congress decide to do regarding the slave trade? Congress abolished the slave trade in 1808.

15. What is a writ of habeas corpus? Habeas corpus is a court order requiring government officials to release a person from unlawful imprisonment. An accused person must be brought to court and told why he is being held (within 48 hours). It cannot be suspended – except in times of war

16. What is a bill of attainder? A bill of attainder is a law that declares a person guilty of a particular crime. Congress cannot pass these types of laws.

17. What is an ex post facto law? An ex post facto law is a law that punishes someone for an act that was not a crime when the act was done. Congress cannot pass these types of laws.

18.Were export taxes allowed? Why or why not? Export taxes were not allowed. Southerners insisted on this clause because their economy depended on exports.

19.What happened to titles of nobility? 1. American citizens cannot accept titles of nobility from foreign governments without Congressional approval. 2. Congress cannot award titles of nobility

20. Explain any 5 powers denied the states. a. can’t make treaties or declare war b. can’t coin money c. can’t pass ex post facto laws d. can’t tax imports without Congressional approval e. can’t keep an army or navy without Congress’ consent f. can’t form a constitution

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