The VADDS Family of Products

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The VADDS Family of Products

Table of Contents Description Page Introduction 3 Raven, WebSuite, VADDS 3 Operating System Independence, Flexibility, Customization 6 Integrated Accounting, Easy to Use 8 Case / Client Screen 11 Entering Cases 12 Case Defaults 13 Raven 13 Bar Codes 14 Corporate Profile 78 Case Login Data Elements 2


The VADDS Family of Products

Thank you for your interest in the VADDS LIMS system which consists of the following family of products:

The LIMS System – Running Strong Since 1994!

The Remote Accessioning System – Your Clients Will Ask for It!

The Web Suite – The Ultimate Client Communication Tool

Together these provide a seamless operating environment for you and your clients to process and communicate lab activity as fast as possible.

VADDS is the primary module and can be operated without RAVEN and Web Suite. RAVEN and Web Suite are optional modules for labs seeking a higher level of automation and communication with their clients, and are described below. 3

There are three important things to know about the VADDS LIMS system:

1) VADDS is the most economical LIMS package in the veterinary market. 2) VADDS and the company that market it have a long track record of stability and dependability. 3) You do not have to employ a programmer (or department of programmers) to get VADDS to work.

The first version of VADDS was implemented in 1994. New enhancements are incorporated in VADDS each year and presently VADDS supports automatic reporting of results by fax and email, a robust custom reporting module, a comprehensive accounting module, remote accessioning (through RAVEN), web based reporting and much more.

RAVEN – Remote Accessioning

RAVEN supports remote accessioning of case information.

There are three basic versions of RAVEN being implemented today:

RAVEN Web – The Web version is deployed on a web server. The goal here is to get clients to accession their own cases before sending the specimens to the lab. A report is then generated at the client’s location that they simply include with their specimens. Staff in your receiving room simply activate the case once it is received.

RAVEN LAN – The LAN version is deployed either within the lab or sent to large clients. By setting up simple command line parameters, numerous pieces of case information are defaulted in the Raven login screen for transmission to the lab.

RAVEN Laptop – The Laptop Version of RAVEN is used by veterinarians who go out into the field to collect specimens. The specimen information goes directly from the field to the LIMS system. 4

VADDS Web Suite

VADDS Web Suite is the ultimate tool for client communication. It is a suite of web tools that allow clients to query VADDS to find the most up-to-date results. Clients appreciate the ability to get this information on their own. Your staff will appreciate the reduction in phone calls inquiring about lab results. You’ll appreciate the improvement in the quality of service you provide. Everyone wins!

VADDS Web Suite can also be combined with RAVEN. This provides your clients with a portal into your LIMS system for both sending and receiving information.


VADDS is a comprehensive laboratory information management system designed exclusively for animal laboratory management. It is NOT a human lab system with features for animal labs, but a system designed specifically for animal science, now and in the future.

VADDS is a real time computer system which automates all areas of the lab including; gross pathology, histopathology, serology, virology, bacteriology, mycology, toxicology, clinical pathology, and can accommodate any additional lab as the system is designed using a USER DEFINED RELATIONAL DATABASE. VADDS accommodates analysis of disease among animals both individually, and in herds, flocks, etc., and is the only system in the world, which uses a true taxonomy table for determining the scientific classification of animals and organisms. This allows you to set testing criteria and research based on family, class, strain, species, breed or any other taxonomy category you establish in the taxonomy table.

Additionally, VADDS has extensive statistical reporting capabilities, as well as retrospective searches of lab results. An optional fully integrated accounting system is available which includes; General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Purchase Order. A report writer is available for generation of custom user defined reports. VADDS interfaces to lab instruments, and fax and email software to automatically send lab reports. 5

Operating System/Database Independence

Flexibility starts with hardware and operating systems. Because VADDS is written in a Fourth Generation Computer Language it operates on every major computer system excepting Apple. Supported operating systems include Windows NT/2000/XP, UNIX and Linux.

VADDS is one of the few LIMS systems not written for a specific operating system. This is critical, because no one can predict the technology of the future. You however, need to be secure that your lab software can easily move to new technologies.

VADDS also operates with all the major databases including SQL Server, Oracle and PostgresQL. Why does this matter? It matters because you want to be sure you are not purchasing a LIMS package that uses a proprietary database. This means the database does not use standard SQL architecture.


Flexibility is often an overused term. Everyone’s system claims to be flexible. VADDS was forced to become a flexible system because working with many diverse labs necessitated flexible design to meet the different requirements of each one. The resulting product is one that provides you with choices. Choices of what methods to use for entering cases, resulting tests, communicating with clients and much more.

VADDS is designed to meet the changing requirements of the modern laboratory and can be enhanced as these requirements change. VADDS allows you to manage your laboratory in the way that is most beneficial to you and your clients! You do not have to conform your lab to fit the system, the design of the VADDS database accommodates expanding the system as your needs change.


VADDS is one of the few packages you can Customize to your particular needs. All labs do not operate the same, and maximizing the effectiveness of your computer system may require some subtle changes. For example, consider results reporting. You may desire a different presentation from your competitors. VADDS supports customized reporting. This allows you to design and produce your own case reports, invoice, statement, and much more. If you are not interested in spending the time to produce a customized report, just contact ATC and we will do it for you. 6

Integrated Accounting

VADDS is the ONLY veterinary system with a fully integrated suite of accounting modules including:

 General Ledger  Inventory  Purchase Order  Accounts Payable

This enables a lab to operate as a business with business controls, reporting and accountability. This is critical to the success of any lab in this era of increased competition. An integrated accounting environment greatly reduces staff time and accounting expense, and allows you to monitor your business in a timely fashion.

Easy to use

A computer system must be easy for you and your staff to learn and use. VADDS was designed with this is mind. Windows are provided for quick look up of information. If you forget where a menu or function is, you simply do a function search using any combination of letters. Help message instructions are provided for each field entry.

VADDS has Quick Commands! These are userdefined codes, which immediately execute a function in VADDS. The Quick Commands can be lab-wide (available for all VADDS users) or personalized by each user in VADDS. Quick Commands eliminate the need to navigate through a series of menus to locate the function you want.

Case / Client Screen 7

Figure 1.

All transactions in VADDS originate on the Case / Client Processing screen, and can be called from this screen. This is accomplished by selecting any of the screen icons or tabs, creating user-defined quick commands, or creating user-defined “favorites”.

If there is a particular function you want immediate access to without navigating through the Menu Tree then simply create your own Quick Command. Once you select a case it becomes the active case for all activity. As you move from screen to screen you never have to re-enter the case number.

The tabs on the left side of the screen perform the following functionality. 8

Access case login screen

Produce customized case report

Generate invoice for this case

View/Edit comments on this case

Create batch for tests

Setup test for resulting

Review current case charges

Access payment screen

Review personal favorite quick commands

The icons on the bottom of the screen perform the following functionality. 9

Command: Enter user-defined quick commands for navigation Images: Access case images file Diag: Access diagnostic coding screen Comm Log: View/edit client communication on a case History: View procedure history on a case Order: View/edit ordered tests on a case Log: Access case coordinator log Search: Access case search menu Res: View/edit test results Find: Access case inquiry functions Specs: View/edit specimens on a case

Entering Cases

There are a number of methods in VADDS for entering cases including:

 Case Defaults  Remote login via RAVEN o WEB,LAN or Laptop  Bar codes

The next few pages explain how each of these methods is used in VADDS.

Case Defaults

The majority of VADDS clients enter cases using the case defaults feature. Case defaults greatly speed data entry by automatically completing case input based on the case default used. Case defaults are user defined, and offer a wide range of flexibility to fine tune data entry. The following is a partial list of the elements defined by you for each case default.

 Define case type  Define lab site  Determine case numbering scheme  Define case syndrome  Define case coordinator  Define case entities o Billing entity o Submitter 10

o Clinic o Owner  Define taxonomy (species/breed)  Define animal type, color  Define case login screen to use  Define tests to order  Define specimens to order

You can see from this list there are many options for pre-defining default information for the vast majority of cases you process. You can also design what the case login screen displays based on the case default. This insures that operators do not spend excess time bypassing fields that are not needed for the case they are entering. The amount of data capture varies from lab to lab, and a listing of available case login data elements is presented at the end of this brochure. Presented below are two different examples of the case login screen. The first is for a chemistry profile, and the second for a bovine enteritis case.

Selecting a Case Default – Chemistry Profile

Upon entering the case login screen the user is presented with a list of user-defined case defaults as follows.

By selecting the appropriate default a login screen is presented with input information pre-populated as follows. 11

The user next completes whatever information is not populated on the screen as follows.

After completing the screen the Specimen/Samples screen displays 12

Typically this screen is pre-populated from the case default information, and users out of the screen or perhaps change the quantity if more samples are presented. Once you leave the screen the Test Order screen displays. (Please refer to the section Specimen Entry later in this brochure for a more complete discussion on specimen options.)

Note in this example that three of the five tests are checked. This is part of the case default setup. The user can make any needed changes on the screen, but if none are needed, they simply the blue checkmark to exit.

At this time any history on the case can be entered by at the History prompt.

A different case login screen would be used for a bovine enteritis case as presented below. In this example, the lab is capturing more information at the case and herd level 13

Bovine Enteritis

The following is a complete case login screen for a bovine enteritis case. This screen contains more input fields to capture information relating to the herd.

Remote Case Login via Raven

RAVEN supports remote accessioning of case information. There are three basic versions of RAVEN being implemented today:

RAVEN Web – The Web version is deployed on a web server. The goal here is to get clients to accession their own cases before sending the specimens to the lab. A report is then generated at the client’s location that they simply include with their specimens. Staff in your receiving room simply activate the case once it is received.

RAVEN LAN – The LAN version is deployed either within the lab or sent to large clients. By setting up simple command line parameters, numerous pieces of case information are defaulted in the Raven login screen for transmission to the lab.

RAVEN Laptop – The Laptop Version of RAVEN is used by veterinarians who go out into the field to collect specimens. The specimen information goes directly from the field to the LIMS system.

The following displays the RAVEN login screen. ************** need sample raven screen ******************************* 14

Bar Code Case Entry ***************need description of how this works

Specimen Entry - **************should this stay?

The following screen displays the specimen entry Window which is accessed from either the Case Login screen or the Case / Client Processing screen. Specimens can be identified prior to commencing test resulting, or during test resulting. Most of the information on the screen is optional, and flags can be set to not display certain fields if your lab does not need them.

The Expand Key can be used on this screen to add additional information such as collection time and date, animal id and specimen type. The following displays the expanded version of this screen. 15

Animal Ids for large amounts of specimens can either be entered during specimen entry, on a specimen edit screen shown below, or during test resulting. VADDS supports those labs that only enter a specimen animal ID if the result is positive.

Case Inquiries

If you have trouble remembering a case number simply enter the Quick Command , “ci” for case inquiries and you are presented with all the options for searching cases as presented below. 16

You can select any of the search categories, and once selected the screen displays information to help you select the correct case. While on any of the search screens you can press the Expand key to view additional information about each case (Figure 4.).

Test Resulting

There are ______types of resulting screens in VADDS. The next few pages describe each of these screens.

**************Joe I have left the original discussion about worksheets, test resulting and the screens in place in case you 17 wanted to use any of it. The screen shots will have to be replaced because of colors and dates*********************


VADDS provides you with a 100% User Defined Worksheet Generator. This allows you to create your own worksheet layout, so each lab can build as many different layouts as they need for the tests they perform. Worksheets are printed either:

 automatically upon case login

 on demand

 by batch

As tests are ordered in case login, worksheets can be set to automatically print in the respective lab. This saves considerable staff time as the worksheet can be designed by the lab to contain all the relevant information about the case including:

 Case Number  Case Coordinator  Case Date  Test  Referring veterinarian  Owner  Breed  Species  Age  Test order comments  Staff Comments  Specimen  Animal ID

Worksheets can be organized to list all specimens and animal ids, and to provide a tube number count for batch tests (Please refer to sample worksheets contained in this document).

Test Resulting

VADDS provides various test resulting screens to meet the requirements of different labs and different types of tests. All the test result screens have the following:

Special Features 18

 Test Comments - each user and /or lab can create an Unlimited number of macro phrases, or macro documents. These are rapidly entered into test results to speed processing (Please refer to Comments in this document for more information).

 Verification Options - All tests in VADDS are not available for public consumption outside the lab until they are verified. There are numerous options concerning who can or cannot verify test results. All User Defined. Many result screens support batch verify. This means the user or supervisor can verify the entire screen instead of line by line.

 Expand Key - Pressing the Expand Key on all result screens displays significant information about each test result record (Please refer to Figure 13.).

 Automatic resulting - VADDS supports automatic resulting whereby at the touch of a key all results default to a predetermined result. For example, assume you identify 6 positive animal ids for a pseudo rabies test out of 100 specimens. To result the other 94 specimens simply press a key and they are populated with “negative” or whatever your appropriate phrase is.

 Result Validation - VADDS allows you to build a library for each test of the appropriate result levels and phrases. This insures that inexperienced technicians do not enter inappropriate results. Similar validation is performed for all titer tests.

Figures 10. to 13. present some of the test resulting screens in VADDS.

Test Resulting (continued)

Figure 10. displays test result information for an isolation. Genus/species for bacteria, virus and parasites are contained in the Taxonomy Table, and the short description is displayed on this screen. The column entitled “Com” displays on all results screens and a Window is invoked here to enter comments relating to the test result. (Please refer to section describing Comments in this document).


Figure 10.

Test Resulting (continued)

Figure 11. displays a reference range resulting screen. For each test in VADDS you determine the default interpretation wording to use if the result is in range, below range, above range, alerts or panics. It’s all User Defined, as are the ranges which can be specified by taxonomy category(species, breed, etc.) specimen, age, sex and neuter status. 20

Figure 11.

Batch Processing

VADDS supports batch processing where test results for multiple cases are entered on the same screen. Figure 12. displays a batch result screen. with specimens from multiple cases. Figure 13. displays one record in expand mode. This mode presents extensive information on each result record. Tests results in VADDS are only available for public viewing outside the respective lab if they are verified (column “V”).

Batch Processing (continued) 21

Figure 12.

Batch Processing (continued) 22

Figure 13.

Special Test Reporting 23

Herd Management

Herd Management is a critical element in disease prevention and VADDS provides special inquiries and reports to better communicate test results to your clients and staff. Figure 14. displays Serology testing on a given case for multiple animal ids. (Please refer to the section on sample reports for a similar report).

Figure 14.

Reference Range Comparison 24

Figure 15. displays a Reference Range Comparison report for a single animal id. The screen displays the collection date and time for each specimen for analysis. Similar reporting is available for herd management.

Figure 15.

Case Reporting

************do we want to emphasize external word processors or emphasize that case reports are generated in 25

VADDS? ****************************************************

Word Perfect® and Microsoft Word®

Case reporting produced by the Case Coordinator, Pathologists or other lab personnel is done using either Word Perfect or Microsoft Word (notepad or star reports?). These documents are then imported into VADDS as part of the permanent case record. This allows your staff to use the best word processors in an integrated environment with VADDS.

VADDS also provides special reporting features that allow you to merge case data with the word processor to greatly minimize staff typing time. For example, assume your lab produces a case report in letter form. You structure the letter in the VADDS Word Processor using special codes. Thereafter one quick command merges case data into a document you access using one of the popular word processors.

VADDS supports multiple reports per case as well as addendum’s, and the VADDS Case Report prints all reports so the referring veterinarian does not have to search for prior reports on the case.

Test and Case Reporting

Test reports can be produced at any time for any lab or all labs. VADDS supports auto- faxing/emailing of documents to your clients provided your hardware and operating system support it as well. In the client master file you can tag a client to receive communication via fax or email.

The VADDS Case Report has many options for reporting to your client and will include all or selections of the following:

 Diagnosis

 Case Reports

 Test Results

 All labs or select lab

(Please refer to the Sample Reports for a case report) 26

Master Case Inquiry (**********is this still used?)

VADDS provides a Master Case Inquiry screen, which displays complete information on a case. It begins with the diagnosis, continues with the case report and then presents all test results. This screen was designed to allow receptionists to answer incoming calls without having to call the lab for results. If a test is not verified it displays with an expected completion date and time. A sample Master Case Inquiry is presented in Figures 16. to 19.

Figure 16.


Master Case Inquiry (continued)

Figure 17.

Figure 18.


Master Case Inquiry (continued)

Figure 19.


Client Accounting

VADDS gives your business office a flexible environment to accurately manage client accounting and includes the following:

Special Features

 Variable client discounting

 Variable test pricing including:

 quantity discounting

 in vs. out of state pricing

 special other lab pricing

 special profile pricing ( test packages)

 Third party billing

 Client purchase order identification

 Invoices on demand by:

 invoice number

 case number

 Statements on demand for:

 single, all clients or clients by group

 any date range

 detail or summary

 Finance charge processing

 Statement charge processing

 Statement dunning messages for 30, 60, 90, 120+ past due accounts

 Extensive audit trails 30

Case Charges

Because VADDS provides a sophisticated pricing structure staff need not worry about pricing, it’s all handled automatically! The screen below displays a case in process. You will note the screen displays charges for the case being viewed, total charges for all other active cases and total client balance. If for any reason prices must be changed it is easily accomplished by authorized personnel, and an audit trail maintained.

Client Financial Inquiry 31

The screen below displays the client financial Inquiry which provides the user with relevant information of a client relationship. Inquiries are also provided to view financial detail for a client.

Features 32


In the dynamic world of animal research, it is not enough to think only in terms of species and breed. However, most software packages on the market do! VADDS is an exception.

Taxonomy is essentially a tree. The characteristics at the level of the kingdom filter down through phylum, class, order, family, etc. Information is inherited from the top downward. VADDS comes with over 5,000 taxonomy entries that represent the real world of animals, birds, wildlife, bacteria, viruses and more.

If you needed to find out how many horses, donkeys, burros, asses and zebras tested last month do a search at the family level on Equidae. VADDS compares every case at the family level. Another taxonomy feature of VADDS is inheritance. For reference range testing VADDS finds the most relevant reference range by searching the taxonomy tree. The screen below displays the taxonomy classification for a Golden Retriever, and the following screen a similar classification for E.coli. 33

Figure 23.

Diagnosis Processing

VADDS supports three different diagnosis databases:

 SNOMED®  University of Guelph  Custom Database

Snomed and the University of Guelph require separate licensing to use their databases, and then ATC can install the data files for you. If you prefer you can use your own database of diagnostic codes.

Bar Coding

VADDS supports bar coded labels for cases, specimens and referring veterinarians. You can distribute bar coded labels to your high volume referring veterinarians, which they attach to your submittal form. This saves them time in preparing the submittal form, and your staff simply scans the label in receiving to speed data entry.

Post It Notes

VADDS provides electronic post it notes. The note is attached to a case, and displays every time a user calls up the case. This insures that case information is communicated throughout the lab to all staff. For example, if the pathologist wants to speak to the referring veterinarian, post a note in VADDS and when the veterinarian calls, your note is the first thing displayed on the screen when the account is accessed. 34

Related Cases

Cases can be related together to provide analysis of persistent problems. A separate related case inquiry is provided to identify linked cases. VADDS also generates a “Other Cases” warning on the Case / Client Screen whenever VADDS identifies a case which is similar to another case. The criterion it uses is the owner name, species and a time frame defined by you. This feature helps pathologists identify other cases, which were sent to the lab, which may relate to the same problem.


VADDS has the most sophisticated commenting available today. Firstly, comments are entered in the following areas:

 submittal comments (case history)  staff comments (case level)  test order comments  test result comments  case reports

Users create their own personnel libraries of phrases and/or documents (macros). These libraries can be lab-wide (available for any lab personnel to use) or specific to a user. On any of the comment screens a macro is rapidly imported to the comment saving significant time. For example, assume you create a phrase macro as follows:

Code Phrase vf very few eggs or ova found ns No Staphylococcus aureus isolated

On the comments screen you simply enter “vf” or “ns” and it expands to display the entire phrase.

Document Code Wording zoo The bacteria isolated from this case are a recognized zoonotic pathogen. People in contact with the animal from which this isolate was obtained should be informed of the risk for human disease associated with the agent.

Remote Veterinarian Login

In this age of information it is important that your clients have access to information when it is available. To this end VADDS supports the ability for referring veterinarians to login to the system via your web site to view case status. This is particularly important outside of normal business hours when the lab may be closed but work is still being done on cases. A secure login environment insures that these individuals only access their cases, and are presented with a case report of your design. 35


VADDS provides many options for label generation as follows:

 Receiving Preparation - You can preprint case labels for use in receiving to ID the submittal form, specimens, etc. Any number of labels can be produced per case, and an unlimited number of cases can be printed at any time.

 Specimens by Lab - An installation parameter can be set to print one specimen label for each lab on a case. This label lists the specimens being sent to the lab tests to be performed and other useful information.

 Specimens - Individual labels can be generated for each specimen received per case.

 Customized Labels - VADDS supports a label generator, which allows you to customize your own labels for use on slides, tubes, etc.

Statistical Reporting

VADDS provides a wide array of statistical reports to help you manage your business. The difference between VADDS reports and most other packages is that VADDS reports can be run for any time period, at any time. Most other systems force you to run monthly reports and then the information must be kept on paper. In VADDS there is no “month or year end processing”.

Case Types

This feature allows you to organize cases in the lab by case types that you create. For example, you may have special research projects and want to be able to retrieve data only for the cases entered for these research projects. You can create an unlimited number of case types in this regard.


VADDS contains various hierarchies of security, which control access to modules, functions and fields. Of paramount importance is access to test resulting screens. For each user on the system you determine which labs they have access to and what they can do in each of the labs. This includes:

 enter results  verify results  verify results entered by the same user  change verified results 36


VADDS provides a wide array of searches covering research and business issues. These include tests performed, diagnosis entered, test levels and results, client activity, word searches on case reports, and combination searches. Combination searches allow you to specify the criteria to use when gathering information from the database as presented in the screen below. At the prompts “specimen criteria”, “diagnosis criteria” and “test criteria” Windows open to expand the search in these areas. This is a very powerful search engine to benefit your staff and clients. 37


VADDS maintains a record of every major transaction entered in the system. This includes:

 client maintenance  case maintenance  test maintenance  charge processing  accounting transactions

In the case of test resulting, an image of the result is maintained every time the test result is changed.This provides an extensive audit trail to reconstruct the history of transactions. The audit record includes the operator initials, a time stamp, and the mode for the transaction (add, change, or delete).


VADDS is the only Animal Laboratory System, which offers a fully integrated accounting environment. The modules offered are General Ledger, Purchase Order, Inventory and Accounts Payable. You can license only those modules needed in your lab. The following are highlights of the accounting modules.

General Ledger

 No requirement for "period closing"--system can keep open any period  Fiscal calendar controls posting to appropriate period  Monthly account activity maintained up to 4 years  Prior year postings are allowed while working in current year  Year-end balances can be calculated at any time if data changes, system o Recalculates opening balances for new year  On-line storage of G/L detail transactions, limited only by disk capacity  G/L account inquiry displays activity totals and itemized detail for any account  Recurring journal entries can be established by month, quarter or year  Fast, easy journal entry  Complete audit trail reports  Flexible and powerful FINANCIAL REPORT WRITER  User defined G/L code with up to 12 digits  Departmental reporting  Supports consolidated financial reporting for multiple companies  Full budgeting capability with variances calculated against actuals

Accounting (continued) 38

Accounts Payable

 Payment due date and discount are calculated based on vendor terms  Integrated with General Ledger and Inventory  Cash requirements report with 3 user-requested aging dates  Payment aging report  Flexible payment selection available by:  due date  vendor  select invoices  Automatically produces checks  Supports direct checks  Capacity to place vendor or invoice on payment hold  Supports partial payments  Complete vendor history of paid invoices with check number, dates and amount  Vendor inquiry with display of open items and history  Complete check reconciliation processing by bank statement  Void check entry completely reverses paid invoices  Daily activity reports and audit trail

Purchase Order

 Fully integrated with VADDS inventory  Blanket purchase orders  Requisition processing  On-line inquiries by vendor and item  Stock and non-stock items  Unlimited P/O reprints



Advanced Technology Corporation (ATC) was formed in 1984 as a software development company specializing in an advanced fourth generation computer language called Pro_IV. ATC has specialized in the veterinary industry since 1988, and produces a veterinary hospital management system, called VADDS which has become the market leader in university hospital systems. The VADDS Animal Disease Diagnostic System (VADDS) was developed in 1993 and runs as a stand alone module or fully integrated to the VADDS Hospital Management System. ATC maintains its office at 79 North Franklin Trpk., in Ramsey, NJ 07446, and can be reached at:

 Voice (201) 934-7127  Fax (201) 236-1891  e-mail: [email protected]

Sample Reports

Case Reports

 Login report  Test results report  Final Case Report  Invoice  Statement  Case Summary Report  Case Log Report  Monthly Case Summary  County/State Case Summary Report  Cases to be Invoiced Report  Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis  Syndrome Distribution Report  Responsible Doctor Case Report

Test Reports

 Sample Aerobic Culture Worksheet  Sample Titration Worksheet  Sample PRV Worksheet  Herd / Flock Test Comparison by Animal ID - Clinical Pathology  Herd / Flock Test Comparison by Animal ID - Serology  Reference Range Comparison  Monthly Test Summary  Lab Detail Test Report  Delinquent Tests Report  County / State Test Report  Daily Lab Test Report  Positive / Negative Test Report by Species  Period Comparison Report by Group 40

 Number of Requests by Species  Test Results by Lab  Organisms Identified by Test  Analysis by Workload  Laboratory Procedure Summary  Verified Test Results by Date  Owner Test / Diagnosis Summary Report  Lab Test / Diagnosis Summary Report  Antimicrobial Drug Sensitivity by Test  Rabies Test Report

Test Reports (continued)

 State Test Report  Outstanding Lab Test Report  Performance Report By Lab  Group History Report by Rank  Test History Report by Rank

Accounting Reports

 Balance Sheet  Income Statement  Monthly Income Statement  Purchase Order  Aged Payable Report  Critical Items Report


VADDS provides you with an animal disease diagnostic computer system, which is truly at the leading edge in terms of veterinary features and technology. The investment you are about to make will influence your lab for many years. Just as you would not purchase an old computer, you should not purchase a veterinary package written in an old computer language.

With VADDS your software investment is protected and your future secure! 41

Available Case Login Data Elements

VADDS allows you to design your own case login screen(s), based on Case Defaults. The following is a listing of the available case login data elements.

Case Login Information

 Case number  Case type  Login date 42

 Lab site  Case syndrome  Case coordinator  Case entities o Billing entity o Submitter o Clinic o Owner  Taxonomy (species/breed, etc.)  Submitter case number  Date collected  Related cases  Actual specimen address o Address 1 o Address 2 o Street o City o State o Zip o County  Duration of problem  Specimen receipt method  Requested date  Euthanasia method  Animal type  Animal color  Animal age  Animal age estimated (y/n)  Animal date of birth  Animal sex  Animal neutered  Animal weight  Animal Group Information o Number in group o Number on premises o Number Dead o Number sick  Room number  Flock id  Barn number  Pen number  Hours  Assigned staff (unlimited)  Other contacts (unlimited) 43

 Lesion location  Rabies human exposure  Client purchase order number

Specimen / Sample Information

 Service area  Location  Alternate number  Collection date  Collection time  Received date  Received time  Animal id  Species  Paired specimens  Specimen age  Lowest taxonomy id  Specimen color  Specimen sex  Storage disposition  Storage location  Storage date  Stain(s)  Cassett id  Lab site

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