List of Publication by Erik Sundin
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List of Publication by Erik Sundin Papers (78) and Book chapters (7)
P78. Sundin E., Elo K. and Lee H.M. (2012) Design for automatic end-of-life processes, Assembly Automation, Vol 32, Issue 4, pp 389-398.
P77. Lee H.M. and Sundin E. (2012) Swedish WEEE system – Challenges and Recommendations, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, Boston, USA.
P76. Sundin E and Lee H.M. (2011) In what way is remanufacturing good for the environment?, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign-11) November 30 – December 3, Kyoto, Japan, pp 551-556.
P75. Lee H.M., Sundin E. and Nasr N. (2011) Review of End-of-Life Management Issues in Sustainable Electronic Products, Proceedings of The 9th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 28–30, pp 121-131.
P74. Elo K. and Sundin E. (2011) Conceptual Process Development of Automatic Disassembly of Flat Panel Displays for Material Recycling, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Remanufacturing, July 26-29, Glasgow, UK.
P73. Dunbäck O. and Sundin E. (2011) Reverse logistic challenges within the remanufacturing of automotive components, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Remanufacturing, July 26-29, Glasgow, UK.
P72. Lind S., Olsson D. and Sundin E. (2011) Exploring inter-organizational relationships within the remanufacturing of automotive components, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Remanufacturing, July 26-29, Glasgow, UK.
P71. Sakao T., Berggren C., Björkman M., Kowalkowski C., Lindahl M., Olhager J., Sandin J., Sundin E., Tang O., Thollander P. and Witell L. (2011) Research on Services in the Manufacturing Industry based on a Holistic Viewpoint and Interdisciplinary Approach, Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), May 5-6, Braunschweig, Germany, pp 27-32.
P70. Svensson N., Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2011) Industrial Cleaning with ultra- clean water according to the Qlean-method – a case study of printed circuit boards, Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Lund, Sweden, May 3-5, pp 577-582. P69. Sundin E., Björkman M., Eklund M., Eklund J. and Engkvist I-L. (2011) Improving the layout of recycling centres by use of lean production principles, Waste Management, Issue 31, pp 1121–1132.
P68. Lee H.M., Nasr N. and Sundin E. (2010) A Comparative Study of the E-waste Systems in New York State and Sweden, Proceedings of Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2010, 8th International Symposium, November 8-11, Vienna, Austria, paper 026 on CD.
P67. Elo K. and Sundin E. (2010) Requirements and Needs of Automatic Material Recycling of Flat Panel Displays, Proceedings of Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2010, 8th International Symposium, November 8-11, Vienna, Austria, paper 107 on CD.
P66. Sundin E., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A. and Sakao T. (2010) From Component to System Solution Supplier: Strategic Warranty Management as a Key to Efficient Integrated Product/Service Engineering, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 183-191.
P65. Sundin E., Lindahl M. and Larsson H. (2010) Environmental and Economic Benefits of Industrial Product/Service Systems, Proceedings of CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), April 13-14, Linköping, Sweden, pp 91-98.
P64. Lingegård S., Lindahl M. and Sundin E. (2010) Organizational changes in connection with IPSO, Proceedings of CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), April 13-14, Linköping, Sweden, pp 461-466.
P63. Engkvist I-L., Eklund J., Krook J., Björkman M., Sundin E., Svensson R. and Eklund M. (2010) Joint investigation of working conditions, environmental and system performance at recycling centres - Development of instruments and their usage, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 336-346.
BC7. Sundin E. (2009) Life-Cycle Perspectives of Product/Service-Systems: In Design Theory, Chapter 2 in “Introduction to Product/Service-System Design”, edited by T. Sakao & M. Lindahl, Springer, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-84882-908-4, pp 31- 49.
BC6. Sundin E. (2009) Life-Cycle Perspectives of Product/Service-Systems: Practical Design Experiences, Chapter 3 in “Introduction to Product/Service-System Design”, edited by T. Sakao & M. Lindahl, Springer, London, UK, ISBN 978-1- 84882-908-4, pp 50-70. BC5. Sundin E., Ölundh Sandström G., Lindahl M. and Öhrwall Rönnbäck A. (2009) Using Company-Academia Networks for Improving Product/Service Systems at Large Companies, Chapter 9 in “Introduction to Product/Service-System Design”, edited by T. Sakao & M. Lindahl, Springer, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-84882- 908-4, pp 185-196.
P62. Svensson N., Sundin E., Lindahl M. and Björkman M. (2009) Potentials of Using Solvent-free Industrial Cleaning in Swedish Manufacturing Industry, Joint Actions on Climate Change, June 8-10, 2009, Aalborg, Denmark.
P61. Sundin, E., Lindahl, M., Comstock, M., Shimomura, Y. and Sakao, T. (2009) Achieving mass customisation through servicification, International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 56-75.
P60. Lundmark P., Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2009) Industrial Challenges within the Remanufacturing System, Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, pp 132-138.
P59. Sundin E., Svensson N., Lindahl M. and Hammarstedt P. (2009) Solvent-free Industrial Cleaning of Printed Circuit Boards, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2009, Sapporo, Japan, December 7-9, pp 823-828.
P58. Elo K., Karlsson J., Lydebrant K. and Sundin E. (2009) Automation of Plastic Recycling – A case study, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2009, Sapporo, Japan, December 7-9, pp 935-940.
P57. Sundin E., Lindahl M. and Ijomah W. (2009) Product design for product/service systems - design experiences from Swedish industry, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp 723-753.
P56. Sundin E., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A., Sakao T. and Lommatzch N. (2009) Selling Warranty Services instead of Supplying Components, Proceedings of QUIS 11 Moving Forward with Service Quality, June 11-14, 2009, Wolfsburg, Germany, pp 664-673.
P55. Östlin J., Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2009) Product Life-cycle Implications for Remanufacturing Strategies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 17, Issue 11, pp 999-1009.
P54. Sundin E., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A. and Sakao T. (2009) From Component to System Solution Supplier: Strategic Warranty Management as a Key to Efficient Integrated Product/Service Engineering, Proceedings of 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems June 3-5, Grenoble, France, Paper No. 46 on CD-ROM. P53. Lindahl M., Sakao T., Sundin E. and Shimomura Y. (2009) Product/Service Systems Experiences – an International Survey of Swedish, Japanese, Italian and German Manufacturing Companies, Proceedings of CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), April 1-2, Cranfield, UK, pp 74-81.
P52. Sakao T. and Sundin E. (2009) Analysis of Integrated Product and Service Offerings from Current Perspectives of Providers and Customers, Proceedings of CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), April 1-2, Cranfield, UK, pp193- 199.
P51. Sundin E., Ölundh Sandström G., Lindahl M., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A., Sakao T. and Larsson T. (2009) Challenges for Industrial Product/Service Systems: Experiences from a learning network of large companies, Proceedings of CIRP Industrial Product/Service Systems (IPS2), April 1-2, Cranfield, UK, pp 298-304.
BC4. Sakao T., Sundin E., Lindahl M. and Shimomura Y. (2009) A methodology for designing services: modeling method, design method, CAD tool, and their industrial applications, book chapter in “Introduction to Service Engineering”, John Wiley, USA, pp 1-30.
P50. Sakao, T., Shimomura, Y., Sundin, E. and Comstock, M. (2009) Modeling Design Objects in CAD System for Service/Product Engineering, Computer-Aided Design, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 197-213.
BC3. Regnell B., Ritzen S., Höst M., Nilsson F. and Sundin E. (2008) Mätning av innovationsförmåga i team, Chapter 4 in the book ”Innovationsförmåga”, ISBN: 978-91-977852-0-4, PIEp, Product Innovation Engineering program, pp 78-105.
P49. Sakao T., Napolitano N., Tronci M., Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2008) How Are Product-Service Combined Offers Provided in Germany and Italy? – Analysis with Company Sizes and Countries, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Springer, ISSN 1004-3756, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 367–381.
P48. Östlin J., Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2008) Importance of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Relationships for Product Remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 115, Issue 2, pp 336-348.
P47. Sakao T., Lindahl M., Sundin E., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A. and Tang O. (2008) Addressing Uncertainty as a Key for Successful Integrated Product and Service Offerings: Literature Review and Company Interview, Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, pp 253-260. P46. Sundin E., Björkman M. and Östlin J. (2008) Product Remanufacturing Facilitated by New Business Strategies, Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden.
P45. Ölundh Sandström G., Janhager J., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A., Lindahl M., Sundin E. and Sakao T. (2008) Managing Innovation Processes for a Business-Driven Collaborative Network to Export Total Technical Solutions, Proceedings of ISPIM, Singapore, pp 1-11.
P44. Sundin E., Svensson N., Lindahl M., Björkman M. and Hammarstedt P. (2008) Innovation Potentials of Using Solvent-free Industrial Cleaning in Swedish Manufacturing Industry, Proceedings of Sustainable Innovation 08 - Future products, technologies and industries, 13th International Conference part of the ‘Towards Sustainable Product Design’ series of conferences, October 27-28, Malmö, Sweden.
P43. Sundin E., Östlin J., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A., Lindahl M. and Ölundh Sandström G. (2008) Remanufacturing of Products used in Product Service System Offerings, Chapter in the book: Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier, edited by M. Mitsuishi, K. Ueda and F. Kimura, (The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems May 26–28, Tokyo, Japan), Springer London, ISBN 978-1-84800-266-1, Part 14, pp 537-542.
P42. Lindahl M., Ölundh Sandström G., Sundin E., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A. and Östlin J. (2008) Learning networks: a method for Integrated Product and Service Engineering – experience from the IPSE project, Chapter in the book: Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier, edited by M. Mitsuishi, K. Ueda and F. Kimura, (The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems May 26–28, Tokyo, Japan), Springer London, ISBN 978-1-84800-266-1, Part 14, pp 495-500.
BC2. Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2008) Utformning och flöden, Chapter 4 in the book; ”Återvinningscentralen - Sorteringsplats-Arbetsplats-Mötesplats”, Editor Inga-Lill Engkvist, Inst. för Medicin och Hälsa (IMH), Linköping University, ISBN: 978-91-7393-974-4, pp 35-43 (in Swedish).
BC1. Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2008) Utrustning och hjälpmedel, Chapter 12 in the book; ”Återvinningscentralen - Sorteringsplats-Arbetsplats-Mötesplats”, Editor Inga-Lill Engkvist, Inst. för Medicin och Hälsa (IMH), Linköping University, ISBN: 978-91-7393-974-4, pp 99-106 (in Swedish).
P41. Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2008) Rethinking Product Design for Remanufacturing to Facilitate Integrated Product Service Offerings, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment (IEEE-08), San Francisco, USA. P40. Östlin J., Sundin E. and Björkman M. (2008) Business Drivers for Remanufacturing, Proceedings of 15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
P39. Sundin E., Östlin J. and Björkman M. (2008) Why is Remanufacturing More Successful in the United States than in Sweden?, Proceedings of 15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
P38. Sakao T., Shimomura Y., Comstock M., Sundin E. (2007) A Method of Value Customization, Journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering, Strojarstvo, ISSN 0562-1887, Volume 49, No.2.
P37. Shimomura Y., Sakao T., Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2007) A Design Process Model and A Computer tool for Service Design, Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2007, September 4-7, Las Vegas, USA.
P36. Sundin, E., Lindahl, M., Comstock, M., Shimomura, Y. and Sakao, T. (2007) Integrated Product and Service Engineering Enabling Mass Customization, on CD-ROM of 19th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-19), Valparaiso, Chile, July 30 – August 1, No. 188.
P35. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Sakao T. and Shimomura Y. (2007) Integrated Product and Service Engineering versus Design for Environment – A Comparison and Evaluation of Advantages and Disadvantages, Chapter in book: “Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing Business”, edited by S. Takata and Y. Umeda, (Proceedings of the 14th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, June 11-13), Springer, London, UK, pp 137-142.
P34. Sundin E. (2007) Design for Integrated Product-Service Offerings – A case study of Soil Compactors, Proceedings of the 14th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, June 11-13, pp 149-154.
P33. Hermansson H., Östlin J. and Sundin E. (2007) Development of an automatic cleaning process for toner cartridges, Proceedings of the 14th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, June 11-13, pp 257- 261.
-2006- P32. Sakao T., Napolitano N., Tronci M., Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2006) Influences of Product/Service-Combined Offers on Manufacturers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Systems & Service Management, Troyes, France, October 25-27.
P31. Sundin E., Lindahl M., Öhrwall Rönnbäck A., Ölundh Sandström G. and Östlin J. (2006) Integrated Product and Service Engineering Methodology, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Sustainable Innovation, Chicago, USA, October 23-24.
P30. Sundin E. (2006) Development of a Manual Pick-up Device adapted for Recycling Centre Usage, Proceedings of Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES) 38th Annual Congress – Promotion of Well-Being in Modern Society, September 24- 27, Hämeenlinna, Finland, pp 75-77.
P29. Sundin E. (2006) How can Remanufacturing Processes become Leaner?, Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, May 31 – June 02, pp 429-434.
P28. Lindahl M., Sundin E. and Östlin J. (2006) Environmental Issues within the Remanufacturing Industry, Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, May 31 – June 02, pp 447-452.
P27. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Sakao T. and Shimomura Y. (2006) An Interactive Design Methodology for Service Engineering of Functional Sales Concepts – A potential Design for Environment Methodology, Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, May 31 – June 02, pp 589-594.
P26. Sakao T., Shimomura, Y., Lindahl, M. and Sundin E. (2006) Applications of service engineering methods and tool to industries, in the book: “Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development” edited by Daniel Brissaud, Serge Tichkiewitch and Peggy Zwolinski, Universite de Grenoble, France, Published by Springer Verlag, Dordrect, The Netherlands, pp 65-83.
P25. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Östlin J. and Björkman M. (2006) Concepts and definitions for product recovery, in the book: “Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development” edited by Daniel Brissaud, Serge Tichkiewitch and Peggy Zwolinski, Universite de Grenoble, France, Published by Springer Verlag, Dordrect, The Netherlands, pp 123-138.
P24. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Shimomura Y. and Sakao T. (2006) An Interactive Model for Service Engineering of Functional Sales Offers, Proceedings of International Design Conference – Design 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 15-18, pp 897-904. P23. Shimomura Y., Sakao T, Sundin E. and Lindahl M. (2006) Service Engineering: A Novel Engineering Discipline for High Added Value Creation, Proceedings of International Design Conference – Design 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 15-18, pp 999-1008.
P22. Sakao T., Shimomura Y., Comstock M. and Sundin E. (2006) A Method of Value Customization, Proceedings of International Design Conference – Design 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 15-18, pp 339-348.
P21. Sundin E., Larsson M. and Nielsen A. (2005) Design for Functional Sales – A Case Study of Forklift Trucks at BT Sweden, Proceedings of EcoDesign-05, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-14.
P20. Lindahl M., Hjelm O., Sundin E. and Thuresson L. (2005) What could be learned from the utilization of Design for Environment within manufacturing companies?, Proceedings of EcoDesign-05, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-14.
P19. Hermansson H. and Sundin E. (2005) Managing the Remanufacturing Organization for an Optimal Product Life Cycle, Proceedings of EcoDesign-05, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-14.
P18. Sundin E. and Östlin J. (2005) Case Study of Three Toner Cartridge Remanufacturers, Proceedings of EcoDesign-05, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-14.
P17. Sakao T., Shimomura, Y., Comstock, M. and Sundin E. (2005) Service Engineering for Value Customization, Proceedings of 3rd Interdisciplinary World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC2005), Hong Kong, China, September 19.
P16. Östlin J., Lindahl M. and Sundin E. (2005) Managing Functional Sales Systems - Important Aspects for Making Functional Sales an Effective Business System, Proceedings of 10th International Conference of Sustainable Innovation, Farnham, UK.
P15. Sundin E., Lindahl M., Sakao T., Shimomura Y. and Björkman M. (2005) New Engineering Design for Functional Sales Business, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED- 05), Melbourne, Australia, August 15- 18, pp 136-137.
P14. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Sakao T. and Shimomura Y. (2005) An Application of a Service Design Tool at a Global Warehouse Provider, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED- 05), Melbourne, Australia, August 15-18, pp 469-470. P13. Sundin E., Tang O. and Mårtén E. (2005) The Swedish Remanufacturing Industry - An Overview of Present Status and Future Potential, Proceedings of the 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar, Paper BM4 on the LCE-05 CD, Laboratoire 3S, Grenoble, France, April 3-5.
P12. Lindahl M., Sundin E., Östlin J. and Björkman M. (2005) Concepts and definitions for product recovery - Analysis and clarification of the terminology used in academia and industry, Proceedings of the 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar, Paper PR1 on the LCE-05 CD, Laboratoire 3S, Grenoble, France, April 3-5.
P11. Sakao T., Shimomura, Y., Lindahl, M. and Sundin E. (2005) Applications of service engineering methods and tool to industries, Proceedings of the 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar, Paper PR6 on the LCE-05 CD, Laboratoire 3S, Grenoble, France, April 3-5.
P10. Ammenberg J. and Sundin E. (2005) Products in Environmental Management Systems: Drivers, Barriers and Experiences. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp 405–415.
P9. Ammenberg J. and Sundin E. (2005) Products in Environmental Management Systems: the Role of Auditors. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp 417–431.
P8. Sundin E. and Bras B. (2005) Making Functional Sales Environmentally and Economically Beneficial through Product Remanufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, Issue 9, pp 913-925.
P7. Sundin E. and Tyskeng S. (2003) Inverse Manufacturing at Electrolux or Recycling at Local Facilities? - A Comparison from Environmental and Economic Perspectives, Proceedings of EcoDesign-2003, Japan, Tokyo, pp 348-355.
P6. Sundin E., Svensson N., McLaren J. and Jackson T. (2002) Material and Energy Flow Analysis of Paper Consumption in the United Kingdom, 1987-2010, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 5, Number 3, ISBN 0-262-75075-9, pp 89-105.
P5. Sundin E. (2001) An Economical and Technical Analysis of a Household Appliance Remanufacturing Process, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2001, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-15, pp 536-541. P4. Sundin E. (2001) Enhanced Product Design Facilitating Remanufacturing of two Household Appliances - A case study, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED-01), Vol. "Design Methods for Performance and Sustainability", Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 21-23, pp 645-652.
P3. Sundin E. (2001) Product Properties Essential for Remanufacturing, Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE-01), Sponsored by International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP), Varna, Bulgaria, June 18-20, pp 171-179.
P2. Sundin E., Jacobsson N. and Björkman M. (2000) Analysis of Service Selling and Design for Remanufacturing, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment (IEEE-00), San Francisco, USA, May 8-10, pp 272-277.
P1. Sundin E., Svensson N., McLaren J. and Jackson T. (1998) A Dynamic Life Cycle Energy Model of the UK Paper and Pulp Sector 1987-2010, ConAccount Workshop: Ecologizing Societal Metabolism - Designing Scenarios for Sustainable Materials Management, CML report 148, November 21, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 135-141.
Sundin E. (2004) Product and Process Design for Successful Remanufacturing, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertation No. 906, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden.
Sundin E. (2002) Design for Remanufacturing from a Remanufacturing Process Perspective, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Licentiate Thesis No. 944, LiU-TEK-LIC-2002-17, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden.
Comstock M., Johansen K., Kihlman H., Sundin E., and Winroth M. (2002) Project Course within Assembly-NET, Reference number: LiTH-IKP-I-289, Linköpings Universitet, SE-581 83, Linköping, Sweden.
Sundin E., Kihlman H. and Johansen K. (2001) Trends & Frontiers at BT Products, Mjölby, Sweden: The Orion Project, A report in a doctoral course called PROPER - Trends & Frontiers, Reference number: LiTH-IKP-I-275, Linköpings Universitet, SE-581 83, Linköping, Sweden. Kihlman H. and Sundin E. (2001) Ekonomisk analys av SAAB Aerospace, A report in a doctoral course called PROPER - Ekonomi i Monteringssystem, Reference number: LiTH-IKP-R-1188, Linköpings Universitet, SE-581 83, Linköping, Sweden, (in Swedish).
Johansson P. and Sundin E. (1999) The Mechanical Design Process by David G Ullman, Review of the book with the same name as a part of the doctoral course called ENDREA - Konstruktionsmetodik, Reference number: LiTH-IKP-R-1084, Linköpings Universitet, SE-581 83, Linköping, Sweden.