6. Exports and Imports
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6. Exports and Imports
Foreign trade of medicinal plants (Exports and Imports) is an age old practice. Whereas a large number of botanicals of foreign origin are used in the Indian Systems of Medicine, many botanicals are under significant export. The foreign trade of botanicals has a direct bearing on their domestic demand and supply. Aspects related to the diversity and quantum of foreign trade of botanicals and the mechanism of record maintenance are discussed below:
6.1. Exports
The data relating to India’s exports by commodities is compiled and published by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS) of Government of India. In these compilations the items are listed with their HS (ITC) codes along with annual quantities in Kilograms and trade value in Rupees. For the current study the latest data available for scrutiny pertains to the years 2003-04 and 2004-05.
The medicinal plant materials do not get enlisted fully under any specific major category of HS (Harmonised System) codes followed internationally. In compilations published by DGCIS, these materials fall mainly under HS (ITC) code 1211 and its subsets (39 items). These commodities constitute the major category linkable to medicinal plants but there are several other commodities under a number of different HS code categories e.g. 1301 (with 3 subsets - 3 items), 130219 (extracts - 7 items), 14041020 (Red sandalwood powder), 14041011 (Henna leaves), 14041019 (Henna powder), 14041061 (Amla myrobalans), 14041069 (Other myrobalans) and even 14049021 (Soapnuts) which need to be included to cover the range of botanicals falling under the medicinal plant category.
Box 6.1. Classification of Plants as Medicinal
The classification of any plant entity as “Medicinal” is use-based and for entities/ items which have many, and perhaps major other end uses it does pose a problem about deciding the inclusion or exclusion of an entity for such compilations. We have, therefore, used the criteria of recorded commercial use by India’s herbal industries, for selection of entities in this tabulation, in respect of entities not included under the major HS code 1211. All commodities under the major HS code 1211 have been included in this compilation and the definition applicable to these commodities is reproduced here, “Plants and parts of plants including seeds and fruits used for perfumery, insecticidal or similar purposes fresh/dried,
1 Based on exhaustive scanning of the data published by DGCIS, 61 commodities have been enlisted for compiling the data on exports of ‘Medicinal Plants’ from India. This compilation has been made for the latest two years data pertaining to 2003-04 and 2004-05 and is presented in Table - 6.4.
2 As per this compilation, the total quantity of exported medicinal plants, including plant extracts, amounted to 55408 MT and 57880 MT for the years 2003-04 and 2004-05 respectively. In terms of the rupee value of these exports, the amounts were 517.5 crores and 515.8 crores for the corresponding two years. The tabulation of break-up of this data for the year 2004-05 is given below in table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Highlights of Exports of medicinal plants during 2004-05 Value % of total % of quantity S. Quantity Item code Items (Rs. in value No. in MT lakh) (04-05) (04-05) 1 12119013 + Psyllium (Seeds + Husk) 16775.80 32.53 20578.59 35.56 12119032 2 12119022 Senna (Leaves & pods) 2911.40 5.64 10924.05 18.87 3 14041011 + Henna (Leaves & powder) 2878.00 5.58 4089.44 7.06 14014019 4 14041061 + Myrobalans 1974.00 3.82 4009.86 6.93 1404169 5 12119050 Sandalwood chips & dust 1422.40 2.76 105.47 0.18 6 13019016 Karaya gum 984.30 1.91 832.10 1.44 7 12119015 Jojoba seed 927.50 1.80 867.22 1.50 8 9041110 Pepper long 696.80 1.35 812.77 1.40 9 12119026 Pyrethrum 374.00 0.73 759.67 1.31 10 9109915 Cassia tora seeds 298.10 0.58 1572.46 2.72 11 - Others (All Miscellaneous) 6236.20 12.09 12036.17 20.8 12 13021400 to All extracts 16098.80 31.21 1291.71 2.23 13021919 Total 51577.30 100.00 57879.51 100.00
Fig. 6.1: Value wise Analysis of Exports (2004 - 05) Analysis of this data Senna (leaves & shows that the highest pods) Psyllium (Seed + quantity, as well as Husk) Henna (leaves & value, relates to Psyllium powder) (after combining seeds Myrobalans and husk). It is obtained Sandalwood from the plant species chips & dust Karaya gum Plantago ovata, which is cultivated in large areas J ojoba seed of Gujarat, Rajasthan Pepper long Pyrethrum and Madhya Pradesh. All extracts Cassia tora seed Psyllium exports during Others (All Miscellaneous) 2004-05 constitu-ted 35.6% of total exports of medicinal plants by quantity and 32.5% of total exports by value. During 2004-05 the 2nd highest exported entity, by quantity, was Senna (18.9%) followed by Henna (7.1%), Myrobalans (6.9%) and Cassia tora seeds (2.7%). Exports of plant extracts constituted 31.2% of the total 3 value of medicinal plant related exports, though in terms of quantity this percentage was only 2.2%. The category “Others” (pertaining to miscellaneous plant materials) constituted 20.8% by volume and 12.1% by value, during 2004-05. Specific identity of materials included in this category cannot be deciphered from the data compilation published by DGCIS. This is a limitation, which needs to be addressed in a systematic manner to help proper interpretation of this data for resource management interventions. The remaining 5.8% of exports, by quantity, consisted of Sandalwood chips and dust, Karaya gum, Jojoba seeds, Pepper long and Pyrethrum. Fig.No.6.2: Quantity wise analysis of Exports (2004-05) During 2004-05, the total value of plant Henna (leaves and powder) raw drugs exported Senna (leaves and (excluding extracts) pods) Myrobalans was Rs. 354.8 Crores Sandalwood chips corresponding to a & dust quantity of 56,500 Karaya gum Psyllium (Seed + MT. J ojoba seed Husk) Pepper long During the year 2003- 04, Jojoba seeds worth Pyrethrum Rs. 89 Crores and All extracts Cassia tora seed corresponding to 9656 Others (All MT were recorded in Miscellaneous) export making this commodity the highest exported plant raw drug. During 2004-05, however, this entity recorded a much lower level of export at 867 MT at an export value of Rs. 9.2 Crores. Following is the extract of the tabulation for 2003-04 & 2004-05 in respect of Psyllium (seeds and husk) and Jojoba seeds, constituting the two topmost entities in exports, during 2003-04 (Table 6.2).
Table 6.2: Exports of Psyllium and Jojoba during 2003-04 and 2004-05 HS 2003-04 2004-05 (ITC) Name Quantity Value Quantity Value Code (Kg) (Rs) (Kg) (Rs) 12119013 Psyllium Seeds 3,520,038 246,051,582 1,191,211 84,885,642
12119032 Psyllium 7,235,624 586,049,894 19,387,378 1592,698,942 Husk 12119015 Jojoba Seeds 9,656,424 890,659,629 867,223 92,745,044
Total (Psyllium & Jojoba) 20,400 MT 172.2 Crores 21,400 MT 177 Crores Note: The fluctuation in quantities (and value) of exports of Psyllium and Jojoba seeds, for 2003-04 and 2004-05, appears to be on account of inadequate separation of data pertaining to these two different entities. 4 Three species, with significant level of cultivations in India and contributing to the exports of medicinal plants are Psyllium, Senna and Henna. Apart from these three species, only seven other species have specific quantities and value recorded in the exports data of 2004-05 and it accounted for only 15.5% of exports by quantity, and 13% of exports by value.
Box 6.2: Milk Thistle – Cultivation for Export
Cultivation of Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), especially in Rajasthan, has gained popularity in the recent times for export of its seeds. An estimated 500 MT of seeds of this entity are reported to be produced annually. The average production is estimated at 1500 kg per hectare and the farmers receive an average price of Rs.30/- per kg.
Like Jojoba and Milk thistle, species being recently taken up for cultivation for exports in Rajasthan, there are reports about cultivation of a wild plant species of southern India, namely Caralluma adscendens, gaining popularity for exports though no data relating to the quantum of exports of this species could be obtained.
6.1.1. Exports Turnover of India’s Herbal Sector: The annual exports of India’s herbal sector add upto Rs. 807 Crores for the year 2004-05 as per DGCIS data. This includes exports worth Rs. 354.80 Crores relating to plant raw drugs, Rs. 161 Crores relating to plant extracts and Rs.291 Crores relating to medicants of Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathic system. It shows that the finished herbal products constitute nearly 36% of the total exports of India’s herbal sector and the balance 64% exports are in the form of raw materials and extracts. In 2003-04, the corresponding total export turnover of raw drugs, extracts and finished products was Rs.622 Crores. These figures show that compared to the year 2003-04, the herbal exports during 2004-05 showed a sizeable increase of Rs.185 Crores (nearly 30%) and this was almost entirely on account of higher exports of finished herbal products. For arriving at an assessment of future trends, for this sector, the data for years 2005-06 and 2006-07, when it becomes available, will have to be analysed. However, even assuming a modest growth rate of 20% per annum, the export turnover for the year 2006-07 is likely to be of the order of Rs.1150 Crores.
5 6.2. Imports
A compilation and analysis, similar to the one described above, was undertaken for the Imports of medicinal plants by India for the same period i.e. 2003-04 and 2004-05. Here also, in addition to 24 items falling under the broad HS code 1211, a number of others like Pepper long (9041110), Cassia tora seeds (9109915), Gum Arabic (13012000), and Rudraksha seeds (14049070) have been added raising the total number of commodities enlisted for this tabulation to 40. The consolidated figures of such imports amounted to 29,934 MT (Rs.135 Crores) during 2003-04 and 37,483 MT (Rs.173 Crores) during 2004-05 (See Table - 6.5). In respect of the specific botanicals imported during 2004-05 as shown in Table 6.3, “Gum Arabic” constituted the largest proportion by quantity (34%) whereas “Pepper long” constituted the largest proportion by value (31.4%).
Similar to the available Exports data, here also the category listed as “Others” constitutes the largest proportion both in quantity (35.7%) and value (41%) and thus limits our interpretation of the specific entities constituting significant proportion of imports of botanicals.
Table 6.3: Highlights of Imports of medicinal plants during 2004-05 Value Quantity S. No. HS code Items % value % quantity (Rs. in lakh) in MT 1 9041110 Pepper long 5439.49 31.41 9067.19 24.19 2 13012000 Gum Arabic 2623.37 15.15 12730.93 33.96 3 12119096 Garcinia 479.96 2.77 655.60 1.75 4 12111000 Liquorice roots 218.52 1.26 1603.20 4.28 5 - Others 7089.20 40.95 13384.87 35.71 6 - All Extracts 1465.72 8.46 41.76 0.11 Total 17316.26 100.00 37483.55 100.00
An item (commodity) imported in sizeable quantities has been Gum Arabic (13012000) with recorded imports of 8,172 MT and 12,731 MT during 2003-04 & 2004-05 respectively. This item/ commodity has also been recorded in the exports data with recorded export of 101.8 MT during 2003-04 and 168.9 MT during 2004-05. However a comparison of the value of imports and exports of this commodity reveals that the imported “Gum Arabic” had a very low unit price at around Rs. 21 per kg whereas the exported “Gum Arabic” averaged a rate of Rs.222 per kg (during 2004-05). It could be inferred from this anomaly that for meaningful interpretation of data, accurate linkage of these figures to their specific botanical sources is a prerequisite.
6 Fig. 6.3: Quantity wise Analysis of Imports (2004-05) It is interesting, as well as revealing, to compare Others the data relating to
Liquorice roots ‘exports’ and ‘imports’ of an item listed as Garcenia All Extracts “Pepper Long (9041110)” during 2004- 05. Export of this item amounted to 812 MT Pepper long Gum arabic (Rs.6.9 Crores) while the Imports stood at a much higher figure of 9067 MT (Rs.54.3 Crores). The overall average unit price for exports i.e. Rs.85/- per Kg, is much higher than the unit price for imports i.e. Rs. 60 per Kg. Though the item name and code is same for exports as well as imports, these perhaps refer to two different botanical entities. The imported entity is possibly Piper chaba (= Piper retrofractum), recognized in trade as the bigger variety, whereas the exported one is mainly Piper longum, which is called the smaller variety in trade.
The tabulated data of India’s Imports during 2004-05 shows import of a sizeable quantity of ‘Kuth roots’ (12119046) at 216 MT (Rs.27.6 Lacs) and ‘Serpentina roots’ (12119044) at 28 MT (Rs.8.7 Lacs). During 2004-05 nearly 90% of ‘Kuth roots’ were imported from Myanmar and ‘Sepentina roots’ were imported from Congo Republic (60%) and Myanmar (40%). These trade names are popularly linked to the plant species Saussurea costus (Kuth roots) and Rauvolfia serpentina (Serpentina roots). While Saussurea costus is included in appendix I of CITES, Rauvolfia serpentina is listed in appendix II of the CITES and under the provisions of the international convention, ratified by more than 130 countries including India, trade for commercial purposes requires specific certification from the countries of origin of such material.
Also intriguing is the low import rate/ unit price of Rs.13 per kg for import of ‘Kuth roots’. Similarly, the import price of ‘Serpentina roots’ was significantly different during 2003-04 and during 2004-05 when these were imported at Rs. 90 per kg and Rs. 31 per kg respectively. Therefore, the issue that emerges again is the need for accurate linkage of these trade names to their specific botanical sources in the foreign trade data (DGCIS records) and in the absence of such linkage, it is not possible to confirm whether the entities under foreign trade as ‘Kuth roots’ and ‘Serpentina roots’ pertain to Saussurea costus and Rauvolfia serpentina or to some other plant entity.
It needs no emphasis that there is an urgent need for revising the system of cataloging our exports and imports of plant materials in order to establish clear linkages between specific codes and specific plant species. Only then this data will help in backward and forward
7 linkage with specific plant resources and contribute to the management decisions relating to these natural resources.
6.3. Exports and Imports Data (other sources)
In addition to the commodities, linkable to the specific plant entities based on their description/ nomenclature in the export and import data discussed and analysed above, it has been possible to obtain estimates of exports of some specific plant materials from the known exporters and also the imports of some entities by the manufacturing units.
For example, exporters at Tuticorin reported export of 400 MT of leaves and 346 MT of roots of Vinca rosea (=Catharanthus roseus) during 2005-06. Exports of 90 MT of Gloriosa superba seeds and 140 MT of Coleus forskohlii roots (= C. barbatus) have also been recorded during the same year.
According to the assessment reported by ADMA (Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturing Association), less than 10% of requirement of guggul gum (from Commiphora wightii) is currently being met from indigenous sources with the remaining 90% of this material being obtained through imports.
TABLE 6.4: EXPORTS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS DURING 2003 - 2004 & 2004 - 2005 (Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics)
TOTAL TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY VALUE (Rs.) VALUE (Rs.) (KG ) (KG ) S. No CODE ITEMS (03-04) (04-05) ITC (03-04) (04-05) 1 9041110 PEPPER LONG 940428 88,881,626 812,769 69,679,476 2 9109915 CASSIA TORA SEED 1881093 16,728,265 1,572,455 29,813,922 Plants and parts of plants including seeds and fruits used for perfumery, insecticidal or similar purposes fresh/dried, W/N, cut, crushed or 1211 powdered 3 12111000 LIQUORICE ROOTS FRSH/DRID W/N CRSHD/ PWDRD 9789 1,120,667 6,420 3,851,182 4 12112000 GINSING ROOTS FRSH/DRID W/N CUT 326684 24,422,348 54,661 4,893,949 5 12113000 COCA LEAF FRSH/DRID W/N CUT CRSHD/PWDRD 10500 734,787 1,455 47,066 6 12114000 POPY STRAW FRSH/DRID W/N CUT CRSHD/PWDRD 9148 321,148 2,000 47,693 7 12119011 AMBRETTE SEEDS (MUST GRAINS OF VGTBL KNGDM) 74879 7,467,559 40,341 8,294,403 8 12119012 NUX VOMICA DRIED RIPE SEEDS 32085 1,045,193 20,000 343,182 9 12119013 PSYLLIUM SEED (ISOBUL) 3520038 246,051,582 1,191,211 84,885,642 10 12119014 NEEM SEED 17040 995,028 1,210 230,538 11 12119015 JAJAOBA SEED 9656424 890,659,629 867,223 92,745,044 12 12119019 OTHER SEEDS FRSH/DRID W/N CUT CRSHD/PWDR USED 939994 45,999,887 2,156,929 86,893,590 PERFUMRY, PHARM ETC 13 12119021 BELLADONA LEAVES 352918 12,435,810 27,400 962,734 14 12119022 SENNA LEAVES AND PODS 10973692 361,877,448 10,924,049 291,139,937 15 12119023 NEEM LEAVES/POWDER 42695 3,054,507 163,677 3,553,720 16 12119024 GYMNEMA POWDER 88179 17,040,583 119,933 8,681,275 17 12119026 PYRETHRUM 1046731 41,072,714 759,669 37,400,311 18 12119029 OTHER LEVS, PWDR, FLRS & PODS FRSH/DRD W/N CUT 3100044 155,461,445 1,969,477 98,576,944 CRSHD/PWDRD 19 12119031 CASCARA SAGRADA BARK 56895 2,781,739 29,139 4,355,766 20 12119032 PSYLLIUM HUSK (ISOBGUL HUSK) 7235624 586,049,894 19,387,378 1,592,698,942 21 12119033 CAMBODGE FRUIT RIND/ THE DRIED PERICARP OF THE 24800 3,323,702 84,539 9,066,703 FRTS OF GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 22 12119039 OTHR BARK, HUSK & RIND FRESH/DRIED W/N CUT 570578 61,239,675 1,049,137 52,265,245 CRSHD/POWDERED 23 12119041 BELLADONA ROOTS 230921 13,478,043 12,079 437,967 24 12119042 GALANGAL RHIZOMES & RTS INCL. GREATER GALANGA 119355 3,860,237 328,400 18,189,263 25 12114043 IPECAC DRIED RHIZOME & ROOTS 17700 2,452,556 25,120 8,590,516 26 12119044 SERPENTINA ROOTS 142000 1,656,012 1,372 99,361 27 12119045 ZEDOVARY ROOTS 86600 1,967,901 99,452 3,132,967 28 12119047 SARSAPARILLA 1798 109,271 15,300 652,597 29 12119048 SWEET FLAG RHIZOME 8600 1,031,094 16,000 424,814 30 12119049 OTHER ROOTS & RHIZOMES FRSH/DRD W/N 1311907 89,133,707 528,597 29,484,675 CRSHD/PWDRD 31 12119050 SANDAL WOOD CHIPS AND DUST 351589 191,977,754 105,474 142,242,565 32 12119060 VINCA ROSEA (HERBS) 585544 19,704,599 340,589 11,139,479 33 12119070 MINT, INCL. LEAVES (ALL SPECIES) 13292 1,495,434 12,175 2,235,726 34 12119080 AGARWOOD (INCLDING CHIPS & DUST) 141087 14,258,458 6,928 5,413,987 35 121190991 CHIRATA 35355 2,144,309 415,570 4,566,768 36 12119092 TUKMARIA 206307 5,801,186 131,275 2,517,720 37 12119093 UNAB (INDIAN JUJUBE OR CHINESE DATES) 146 80,214 1,500 262,350 38 12119094 BASIL, HYASOP, ROSE MARY SAGE, SAVORY 8245 7,635,614 55,197 22,694,002 39 12119095 LOVAGE 1000 103,461 14,280 217,998 40 12119096 GARCENIA 112985 62,720,713 25,790 14,330,389 41 12119099 OTHR PRTS OF PLTS USD IN PERFMRY, PHARMA ETC, 1995940 138,335,402 3,307,225 122,820,687 FRSH/DRID 42 13012000 GUM ARABIC 101851 14,662,610 168,912 38,270,994
48 43 13019016 KARAYA GUM (INDIAN TRAGACANTH HASTAB) 429690 48,726,184 832,100 98,426,899 44 13019019 OTHER NATURAL GUMS 761179 52,561,554 498,172 21,265,231 45 13021100 SAPS AND EXTRACTS OF OPIUM 258,010 565,668,942 216,283 467,977,697 46 13021400 SAP EXTRACTS OF PYRETHRUM OR OF THE ROOTS OF 0 81 3374 1361131 PLANTS CONTAINING ROTENONE 47 13021911 EXTRACTS BELLADONA 50837 52,863,793 48,021 178,021,424 48 13021912 EXTRACTS CASCARE SAGRADA 4095 331,514 49 13021913 EXTRACTS NUXVOMICA 40 197,905 2 5,307 50 13021914 GINSENG EXTRACTS INCL. POWDER 3590 3,671,158 51 13021916 EXTRACTS, NEEM 64452 50,879,213 32,326 47,649,698 52 13021917 GYMNEMA EXTRACT 56970 22,491,719 20,264 13,847,429 53 13021918 CAMBODGE EXTRACT 920157 553,736,968 546,589 322,208,995 54 13021919 OTHER EXTRACTS 517582 372,071,550 424,853 578,811,772 55 14041011 HENNA LEAVES 209702 13,279,693 488,305 46,687,225 56 14041019 HENNA POWDER 2913684 147,789,039 3,601,131 241,117,354 57 14041020 RED SANDAL WOOD POWDER 23302 11,341,851 14,194 16,585,228 58 14041061 MYROBALANS AMLA (EMBLICA LINN) USD IN TANNG 303207 10,954,157 160,160 4,285,245 59 14041069 MYROBALANS OTHR (WHOLE OR CUT) USD IN TANNG 2377874 121,609,500 3,849,702 193,116,164 60 14049021 SOAPNUT POWDER 87813 2,785,512 27,390 1,057,400 61 14049029 OTHER SOAP NUTS 43082 2,364,482 264,332 17,162,881
Total: 55407746 5,174,698,626 57,879,505 5,157,739,169
49 TABLE 6.5: IMPORTS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS DURING 2003 - 2004 & 2004 - 2005 (Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics)
TOTAL % total TOTAL % total % Quantity quantity quantity value ITEM % value QUANTI S. (KG ) VALUE (Rs.) (03-04) VALUE (Rs.) (04-05) (Rs.) CODE ITEMS (Rs.) (03- No (03-04) (03-04) TY (04-05) (04-05) ITC 04) (KG ) (04-05) 1 9041110 PEPPER LONG 8,255,179 536,757,526 27.58 39.67 9,067,191 543,948,501 24.19 31.41 2 9109915 CASSIA TORA SEED 27,000 745,289 0.09 0.06 Nil Nil Nil Nil Plants and parts of plants including seeds and fruits used for perfumery, insecticidal or similar purposes fresh/dried, W/N, 1211 cut, crushed or powdered 3 12111000 LIQUORICE ROOTS FRSH/DRID W/N 1,178,714 14,725,558 3.94 1.09 1,603,196 21,852,455 4.28 1.26 CRSHD/ PWDRD 4 12112000 GINSING ROOTS FRSH/DRID W/N CUT 249 410,216 0.00 0.03 500 453,682 0.00 0.03 5 12119011 AMBRETTE SEEDS (MUST GRAINS OF 210,601 12,114,871 0.70 0.90 28,634 2,520,929 0.08 0.15 VGTBL KNGDM) 6 12119015 JAJAOBA SEED 9,000 184,353 0.03 0.01 Nil Nil Nil Nil 7 12119019 OTHER SEEDS FRSH/DRID W/N CUT CRSH 271,031 15,776,686 0.91 1.17 222,407 11,424,304 0.59 0.66 D/PWDRD USD IN PERFMRY, PHARM ETC 8 12119023 NEEM LEAVES/POWDER 11,600 203,123 0.03 0.01 9 12119025 CUBEB POWDER 241,989 18,014,326 0.81 1.33 292,521 20,411,527 0.78 1.18 10 12119026 PYRETHRUM 150,589 14,376,992 0.50 1.06 109,800 9,333,813 0.29 0.54 11 12119029 OTHER LEAVES, PWDR, FLRS, PODS 2,044,002 88,902,269 6.83 6.57 5,200,121 331,723,001 13.87 19.16 FRSH/ DRD W/N CUT CRSHD/PWDRD 12 12119032 PSYLLIUM HUSK (ISOBGUL HUSK) 46,450 5,372,925 0.16 0.40 137,449 13,786,119 0.37 0.80 13 12119039 OTHR BARK, HUSK & RIND FRESH/DRIED 2,003,269 76,155,878 6.69 5.63 2,919,285 161,286,867 7.79 9.31 W/N CUT CRSHD/POWDERED
50 14 12119042 GALANGAL RHIZOMES & RTS INCL. 57,000 2,646,728 0.19 0.20 94,410 4,512,267 0.25 0.26 GREATER GALANGA 15 12119044 SERPENTINA ROOTS 118,762 10,628,739 0.40 0.79 28,000 872,334 0.07 0.05 16 12119046 KUTH ROOT 398,480 4,919,567 1.33 0.36 216,460 2,759,775 0.58 0.16 17 12119047 SARSAPARILLA 4,520 210,013 0.02 0.02 Nil Nil Nil Nil 18 12119049 OTHER ROOTS & RHIZOMES FRSH/DRD 154,654 32,326,881 0.52 2.39 391,309 22,829,698 1.04 1.32 W/N CUT CRSHD/PWDRD 19 12119050 SANDAL WOOD CHIPS AND DUST 3,000 418,140 0.01 0.03 Nil Nil Nil Nil 20 12119080 AGARWOOD (INDLCING CHIPS & DUST) 43,091 3,857,269 0.14 0.29 66,065 9,472,740 0.18 0.55 21 12119091 CHIRATA 18,855 730,379 0.06 0.05 97,420 3,451,883 0.26 0.20 22 12119092 TUKMARIA 155,058 2,539,262 0.52 0.19 34,261 467,575 0.09 0.03 23 12119093 UNAB (INDIAN JUJUBE OR CHINESE 114,900 1,945,702 0.38 0.14 25,094 706,327 0.07 0.04 DATES) 24 12119094 BASIL, HYASOP, ROSE MARY, SAVORY 76,143 3,551,836 0.25 0.26 172,330 10,217,482 0.46 0.59 25 12119096 GARCENIA 2,347,240 122,724,176 7.84 9.07 655,600 47,995,974 1.75 2.77 26 12119099 OTHER PRTS OF PLANTS USD IN 2,862,764 78,166,136 9.56 5.78 2,350,767 77,686,575 6.27 4.49 PERFMRY PHARMA-CUTICAL ETC, FRSH/DRIED 27 13012000 GUM ARABIC 8,172,153 167,637,976 27.30 12.39 12,730,93 262,336,835 33.96 15.15 3 28 13019019 OTHER NATURAL GUMS 453,366 31,063,638 1.51 2.30 195,761 12,552,207 0.52 0.72 29 13021100 SAPS AND EXTRACTS OF OPIUM 3,000 2,202,500 0.01 0.16 6,090 4,507,245 0.02 0.26 30 13021400 SAP EXTRACTS OF PYRETHRUM OR OF 6,698 2,810,436 0.02 0.21 225 217,511 0.00 0.01 THE ROOTS OF PLANTS CONTAINING ROTENONE 31 13021911 EXTRACTS BELLADONA 3,743 4,307,936 0.01 0.32 2,685 28,073,775 0.01 1.62 32 13021914 GINSENG EXTRACTS INCL. POWDER 6,999 28,167,381 0.02 2.08 11,333 33,953,343 0.03 1.96 33 13021917 GYMNEMA EXTRACT 100 25,353 0.00 0.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil 34 13021918 CAMBODGE EXTRACT 2,820 1,037,123 0.01 0.08 Nil Nil Nil Nil
51 35 13021919 OTHER EXTRACTS 64,751 58,919,766 0.22 4.35 21,424 79,820,197 0.06 4.61 36 14041011 HENNA LEAVES 1,750 12,333 0.01 0.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil 37 14041019 HENNA POWDER 1,700 181,500 0.01 0.01 Nil Nil Nil Nil 38 14041061 MYROBALANS AMLA (EMBLICA LINN) 11,500 134,233 0.04 0.01 2,891 30,221 0.01 0.00 USD IN TANNG 39 14049029 OTHER SOAP NUTS 220,330 3,291,848 0.74 0.24 592,991 6,781,064 1.58 0.39 40 14049070 RUDRAKSHA SEED 192,846 4,952,463 0.64 0.37 194,792 5,436,518 0.52 0.31 Total: 29,934,29 1,352,946,203 100.00 100.00 37,483,54 1,731,625,86 100.00 100.0 6 5 7
52 53