Course: PORT 1010 Accelerated Basic Portuguese Intensive

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Course: PORT 1010 Accelerated Basic Portuguese Intensive

Dalhousie University Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies Fall 2013

Course: PORT 1010 Accelerated Basic Portuguese Intensive

Time: 6:05pm -7:25pm

Professor: Márcia Maria Polimêno Abrahão

Office: McCain 3047

Telephone: (902) 494-1091

Email: [email protected]

Office hours: Mondays 4:15pm-6:15pm


Portuguese 1010 is a practical introduction to the Portuguese language. It will introduce you to some basic communicative functions, vocabulary and structures of the Portuguese language. The course emphasizes the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and cultural awareness so that you will learn how to understand, speak, read, and write Portuguese, as well as learn about the cultures of the Brazilian Portuguese-speaking world. Students will acquire the language through a range of activities including grammar written exercises, oral practices, role-play in small groups and through listening comprehension activities including songs and films.


The course aims at providing students with the skills needed for everyday situations in a Brazilian Portuguese speaking environment. Upon successful completion of course, students will be able to establish a good level of communication on practical circumstances such as talking about routine, time, giving personal information, asking for information at restaurants and hotels, and about a diversity of other topics practiced in class.

COMPETENCIES At the end of Port 1010, students should be able to:

 Understand simple, explicit oral messages about everyday situations and experiences.  Write short passages in present tense about who you are and about your plans for the future.  Speak and interact with others on familiar topics.  Read and comprehend authentic short texts to find specific information in present tense.  Appreciate aspects of Brazilian/Portuguese culture.


The Portuguese textbook contains more material than can be used in any given class. Your instructor will select, and rearrange this material as necessary. The instructor may also add different reading, writing, speaking, and listening material to the course and advise you of these changes. Students need become familiar with these changes and understand their scope in the context of each lesson.


 “Novo Avenida Brasil 1” Eberlein, Lima, Rohrmann, Isthara, EPU


 Any good Portuguese dictionary. Suggested dictionaries: Collins and The Longman Dictionary of Portuguese.  Practice Makes Perfect – Beginning Portuguese. Tyson Sue - Ward  The Everything Brazilian Portuguese Practice. Fernanda Ferreira PhD , Adamsmedia.


A+ 95-100% C+ 65-69% A 90-94% C 60-64% A- 85-89% C- 55-59% B+ 80-84% D 50-54% B 75-79% F 0-49% B- 70-74%


To assess student’s performance in this course, the following components will be combined:

GRADE BREAKDOWN Evaluation components %

1. Preparação e participação 25 2. Avaliações (3) 30

3. Exame Final (1) 20

4. Exame Oral (Abril) 15 5. Tarefas (4) 10

TOTAL 100%


1. Preparação e Participação (25%):

1.1. Preparação: In order to actively participate in class, you need to be prepared. Students are expected to review their notes and textbook daily. Read the material and prepare the exercises assigned by the instructor for each class. Your effort and daily preparation for class is essential. In working towards proficiency in the language, you must become an independent learner and responsible for your own progress. Without your daily homework, classes will become ineffective, and your learning experience will be hampered.

For the purpose of effectively and efficiently learn any language, it is necessary to hear, read, speak and write in that language as often as possible. Students are expected to speak and be spoken to in the target language on a daily basis, from the moment they arrive in the classroom. Students should also attempt to speak in the target language with their instructor and each other as much as possible outside of the classroom. Mistakes are an expected part of the process; therefore, students are encouraged to use class time to practice what they are studying. Your instructor will assist you in developing alternative techniques for communication, including effective use of circumlocution, pantomime, and visual aids.

1.2. Participação: Active and regular participation by all students is essential, and students should take advantage of class time to develop their interpretive and interpersonal skills via active engagement in class. This includes engaging one’s peers in group activities, asking relevant and insightful questions, and taking an active role in practice activities. Evaluation will occur on an ongoing basis and since participation is an essential component of this course, it is very important to attend class every day. While you will NOT obtain a grade for class attendance, it is a prerequisite to obtain credit for class participation and performance. Attendance is, therefore, extremely important and will be taken daily. Up to two absences are permitted without penalty. Repeated absences will significantly lower your mark, regardless of the quality of your participation when you are present. Missing class is not an excuse for not turning in assignments on time.

2. Avaliações (30%): There will be three (3) Avaliações based on the material covered in the course. See schedule for dates. There will be NO MAKE –UP tests. In case of illness, a medical certificate is required and you must contact the Instructor as soon as possible.

3. Exame Final (20%): There will be one final exam the last day of classes in April. This exam is designed to assess the skills practiced during the course.

4. Exame Oral (15%): An oral exam will be conducted and organized by the instructor to assess students’ communicative competence. See the Oral Exam guidelines and evaluation criteria on the Bblearn site.

5. Tarefas (10%): There will be 4 Tarefas during the academic year. There are some requirements to hand in the tasks, please pay attention to the following:

 Make sure to type (double spaced) your composition on a separate sheet of paper.  Assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the day for which they are assigned.  You cannot send it by email.  You can use recycled paper to write your compositions.  Late homework will NOT be accepted.  Keep an electronic copy of any paper you submit.  You cannot submit wrinkled and/or dirty sheets of paper and hand-written compositions.  No credit will be given for late or incomplete assignments.



Students may request accommodation as a result of barriers related to disability, religious obligation, or any characteristic under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Students who require academic accommodation for either classroom participation or the writing of tests, quizzes and exams should make their request to the Office of Student Accessibility & Accommodation (OSAA) prior to or at the outset of each academic term (with the exception of X/Y Courses). Please see for more information and to obtain Form A Request for Accommodation.

A note taker may be required to assist a classmate. There is an honorarium of 75/course/term. If you are interested, please contact OSAA at 494-2836 for more information.

Please note that the classroom may contain specialized accessible furniture and equipment. It is important that these items remain in the classroom so that students who require their usage will be able to participate in the class.


All students in this class are to read and understand the policies on academic integrity and plagiarism referenced in the Policies and Student Resources sections of the website. Ignorance of such policies is no excuse for violations. Any paper submitted by a student at Dalhousie University may be checked for originality to confirm that the student has not plagiarized from other sources. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offence which may lead to loss of credit, suspension or expulsion from the University, or even to the revocation of a degree. It is essential that there be correct attribution of authorities from which facts and opinions have been derived. At Dalhousie there are University Regulations which deal with plagiarism and, prior to submitting any paper in a course; students should read the Policy on Intellectual Honesty contained in the Calendar or on the Online Dalhousie website. The Senate has affirmed the right of any instructor to require that student papers be submitted in both written and computer- readable and to submit any paper to be checked electronically for originality. As a student in this class you have to keep an electronic copy of any paper you submit, and the course instructor may require you to submit that electronic copy on demand.

TECHNOLOGY The use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during class time should be limited to only those resources that enhance language study, facilitate note taking or relate directly to classroom activities. Texting, sending e-mails, updating social media websites and engaging in other non- relevant activities will not be tolerated and will negatively impact your grade. Please note that instructors reserve the right to implement their own policies regarding cell phones according to their classroom needs. Language learning is a long process, so don’t be discouraged if you are still not anywhere near fluent at the end of the semester; fluency in the early stages of language learning is not a realistic goal. Also, don’t worry if you sometimes make mistakes or if your Portuguese sometimes sounds like “baby talk”. All this is a natural part of learning another language. Language learning is an ongoing process which requires your active involvement and participation. In order to understand Portuguese you must be in class to hear Portuguese; in order to learn to speak, you have to participate and speak in class; in order to learn to read and write Portuguese, you have to actually read and write in that language.

We look forward to you studying Portuguese with us this semester.

We are confident that it will be an excellent learning experience.

Good luck! Boa Sorte!

Finally, relax and have fun!!! (Finalmente, relaxe e aprove!)

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