School Self Review, Evaluation and Development Priorities

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School Self Review, Evaluation and Development Priorities


Blanche Nevile School Development Plan School Self Review, Evaluation and Development Priorities 2015 -2016 (Includes an overview for 2015-18)

1 NB: The School Self-Evaluation document (SEF) and the School Development Plan (SDP) have been combined to produce this plan to create one ongoing school development working document.

Table of Contents

2 1 Introduction

The Blanche Nevile School Plan is subdivided into the following areas specified in the new Ofsted Framework (September 2015):

. Effectiveness of leadership and management . Quality of teaching, learning and assessment . Personal development, behaviour and welfare . Outcomes for children and learners . The effectiveness of the early years provision

The plan is flexible to accommodate initiatives from the DfE and the LA and is a working document, reviewed annually.

An underpinning principle in the development and progression of the SDP is that pupil participation and engagement will be sought across all areas.

Blanche Nevile School is committed to providing pupils with the best practices of a school for deaf children/young people, combined with the challenges and opportunities of mainstream education. 2 School Aims

At Blanche Nevile School the child is at the centre of our philosophy to create a safe, positive and effective learning environment in which all members of our community are respected. We have high expectations of children’s social, emotional and academic development. We believe that effective communication, praise, celebration of success and quality teaching and learning will enable each individual to reach their full potential. Developing Sign Bilingual and Bicultural Education for Deaf Children

We aim to:

 Develop fluency of language (English and/or British Sign Language)

 Develop Proficiency in Literacy (English)

 Ensure high expectations of each pupil to enable them to reach their potential in all areas of their development

 Develop a positive self-image and identity

 Develop emotional understanding, resilience and awareness

 Develop social communication skills with deaf and hearing peers and adults

 Celebrate and value all successes

3 3 School Context

All pupils are deaf or have a hearing impairment and have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or are undergoing assessment. We are currently working on developing some EHCP’s for those children and young people where LA’s are asking for them, i.e. EYFS children, Year 11 students and some Year 9 students.

40% of our children have special needs in addition to their deafness additional needs.

Barking and Dagenham 1 Barnet 4 Brent 2 Camden 4 Enfield 9 Essex 1 Hackney 8 Haringey 32 Harrow 4 Islington 2 Tower Hamlets 4 Waltham Forest 2 Total on roll 73

Attainment on entry is well below average, due to deafness and associated delay in language and communication development. On entry into the Foundation Stage and sometimes further up the school, children have very little or no English language.

The school takes children from all over London and has a number of pupils that start school mid- year.

On entering the school, each child is assessed to provide a baseline of achievement. Their needs are assessed through our child centred Sign Bilingual approach, where BSL and English are used to develop language and to ensure access to the curriculum. Deaf Studies and Personal & Social Development, enables pupils to be part of both the Deaf and hearing communities.

In practice, Blanche Nevile School is a regional provision and approximately one third of our intake live in the Borough of Haringey, whilst the remainder come from across all London Boroughs. From Foundation Stage to Year 11, the percentage of pupils who have Free School Meals is approximately 50% (with annual variations).

The vast majority of pupils live far away from the school and travel by LA transport either until they are independent travellers or (if they live too far away), until they leave school. The majority of our pupils are from ethnic minority backgrounds. All pupils have carefully planned inclusion programmes within our mainstream partnership schools.

Special Features of Blanche Nevile School

4 Blanche Nevile School is a special school for Deaf children aged 3-19, where a child centred approach is used within our Sign Bilingual philosophy. We are a split site school where the Head teacher and Secondary Deputy Head teacher are based at the Secondary department and the Primary Deputy Head teacher is based at the Primary Department. Blanche Nevile School is co-located and works in partnership with two mainstream schools in Highgate and Muswell Hill. The Primary Department is co-located and works in partnership with Highgate Primary School. All children have an inclusion programme according to their individual needs. Children from the Mainstream school may be included into Blanche Nevile classes for ‘reverse inclusion’, to provide good language models, build relationships and benefit from smaller groups work.

The Secondary Department is purpose built on the grounds of Fortismere Secondary School and the two schools work in partnership. All children have an inclusion programme according to their individual needs.

British Sign Language is taught to all pupils and used to deliver the curriculum alongside English. Blanche Nevile School is therefore a sign bilingual provision and we place great emphasis teaching BSL to pupils, staff and parents, including those from our partner schools. We also provide Deaf Awareness training to our partner school staff.

Through our partnership with mainstream schools and facilities in our own provision, we are able to offer children access to enrichment activities, including after school clubs.

All teachers have either achieved or are working towards the mandatory Teacher of the Deaf qualification within three years of starting their post.

Our Home School Liaison Officer, who works across both the primary and secondary schools, is able to offer some families BSL home tuition, where there is a need and also encourages parents/carers to attend our own classes for parents and the community in school. In addition, our Home School liaison Officer works with individual families supporting them on a range of issues, including helping them access environmental aids for the child at home and helping to access Deaf friendly child centred activities for holiday periods through the National Deaf Children Society.

The school employs both deaf and hearing staff in order to address the need for positive role models for our children and young people.

Different specialist staff are employed to ensure that every pupil has appropriate levels of support, for example, Teachers of the Deaf, Communication Support Workers, an Educational Audiologist and a team of Specialist Speech and Language Therapists (SLT), Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist.

The current Headteacher has been in post for five years. The Primary Deputy Head teacher for five years and the Secondary Department Deputy Head Teacher is now in her third year at the school. The Secondary DHT also works for three days per week in our Secondary partner school as a Senior Consultant to the Headteacher. This is further strengthening our links with the school.

The school has a stable population. However, new admissions occur throughout the school year across the school as children move into the borough or the UK, or if it becomes clear that their

5 previous placement is no longer meeting their needs. Twenty five percent have a cochlear implant, which gives them more access to spoken language. Around 40% have special needs in addition to their deafness an additional need for which they require individual support outlined in their statement/EHCP. 4 Summary of Key Development Priorities Overview for 2015 – 2018

 Balance the budget  Prepare for Life without Levels  Further develop the curriculum to meet all pupil needs  Develop Post-16 provision at Blanche Nevile School  Develop new ways of recruiting and succession planning, making use of social media  Further strengthen Safeguarding policies and practice, including the embedding of British Values, the Prevent Strategy all within the Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural framework

6 5 School Self Evaluation and Development Priorities 5.1 Effectiveness of Leadership and Management – Evaluation Grade: 2/1 Strengths  Governors: GB actively involved in school. E.g. Safeguarding Governor fully trained and attending fortnightly MDT meetings.  Chair of Curriculum Committee linking the work of the Cttee to T&L priorities.  Resources Cttee fully involved and critically supporting the school, including the management of human resources. Resources Cttee have robustly supported the huge transition to the new financial era/funding methods.  LT: Very good/collaborative working relationships/open door across the school.  The team is very responsive to change, including the changing intake. E.g. asking Haringey LA for HI Team to possibly be moved to accommodate new curriculum development/new classrooms.  Resources Committee has worked very closely with the Head to implement the new financial changes.  LT manages human resources effectively across a split site school.  LT: the MER cycle is robust and understood by all staff. In addition, there is a clear link between MER and PM processes/SDP. All teaching staff actively involved in contributing to the SDP as well as evaluating its effectiveness/ all teaching staff now involved in the PM of support staff and therefore addressing the objective to further develop and improve the deployment of support staff in the classroom.  LT: have embedded the culture of safeguarding our children. All staff aware of the Safeguarding policy and practice. Regular INSET provided to update skills in safeguarding.

Evidence  The number of lessons that have already been visited by Governors.  The impact in our FGB meetings of greater knowledge about our school and therefore impacting positively on the quality of discussion.  The school is getting to grips with the new financial methodology and finding more effective ways to liaise with the different LA’s funding our pupils.  The Headteacher is part of the Special Heads Group in Haringey and meets regularly with the Head of Service to discuss progress against the new model. Haringey LA actively supporting BNS in generating the funds per pupil.  Appointment of whole school senior CSW and the promotion to Scale 6 of some CSW;’s across the whole school, therefore giving the SMT some flexibility in managing the cover of classes.  An appropriate and relevant curriculum is in place, which meets the needs of all learners.  There is an ethos of purposefulness and people understanding their roles, which contributes to the children feeling safe.  Students and staff alike are confident about seeing the Head about issues and ideas.  The LT fosters a climate of learning. E.g. staff wanting to attend classes after school to improve their BSL skills.  There is a low staff turnover and reflects staff enjoyment of working at the school.  The majority of our pupils make good or better levels of progress. (Given that children are generally operating at levels 2/3 below the national average)

7 5.2 Effectiveness of Leadership and Management – Development Priorities

PRIORITY STRATEGIES TIMESCALE MONITORING AND REVIEW October 2015 MJuly 2016 Governors: September 2015-July 2016 LT & Governors

8 1. Promoting the Implement, monitor and review, the Link Governor roles as 1 Orange profile of the agreed by the FGB meeting, July 2015. school This will include: 2 Orange alongside the LT.  Link Governor visits to both Departments on a regular basis as outlined in the Link Governor document. 2. Develop and 3 Green embed the role of Link Governor. LT to resource and support Link Governor roles by ensuring that timely and accurate evidence is made available. 4 Green 3. To share Governing Regular agenda items on the Curriculum and Resources Body Committees to ensure that Link Governor roles are being effectiveness embedded. and capacity and make 5 Green transparent their impact on outcomes for pupils

4. Increase the number of Governor visits to classes to get to know the school and embed the new Governor link roles.

5. Governors’ committees to strengthen their monitoring role in line with new Ofsted Framework

9 Strategic Targeting cycle of senior management meetings to give LT September 2015-July 2016 LT meetings/SEF Leadership more time to work together/ strengthen strategic (Heads report to FGB meeting) 6. LT: Time to leadership of the school. 6 Orange have analytical/stra Using SMT Roles and Responsibilities document to ensure tegic/whole accountability of the team (SMT). school/primar y/secondary meetings.

Further develop the operational responsibilities of SMT.

PRIORITY S WHO? T OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW I March 2016 July M 2016 E S C A L E Teaching, learning and assessment  LT Good or better pupil progress. LT & Governors

10 1. To maintain strategic overview  O (Caspa progress) of the planning, teaching,  n evaluation, learning, assessment  g and tracking of all pupils  o through Monitoring, Evaluation  i and review (MER) programme.  n g

Home School Links Officer 2 0 LT 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

A p r i l 2 0 1 6 ( d e c i d e

w h i c h

s o f 11 12 PRIORITY STRWHO? T OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW ATE I March 2016 July GIE M 2016 S E S C A L E Finance  HT with Resources Committee of Governors meeting M Systems are in place, regular monitoring Full Governing Body meetings 1. To further embed finance  half-termly. a ensures value for money with reports from Chair of systems to ensure value for  Head and Business Manager (meeting weekly) and r Resources Committee & HT money and appropriate  +Resources Committee half-termly c LDP is met and budget balanced. deployment of resources h

2 0 1 6 Performance Management  LT A Individuals’ professional practice and school HT & Governors 1. To manage and deliver  n improvement strengthened. Individuals Performance Management Cycle  n engaged in their own development. linked to CPD, SDP as part of  u continual school improvement  a  l prof c essi y ona c l l dial e ogu e  

13 PRIORITY STRATEGIES RESOURCES OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW March 2016 July 2016 CPD  Continue with excellent induction process for new staff Annual September INSET Pupils are well taught and HT & Governors 1. To embed  Ensure school vision and ethos is embedded and implemented day supported. high quality, across school relevant CPD  Embed whole school joint training for all staff CPD budget All staff are well informed and linked to  Regular CPD with SLT team in developing Individual Pupil 2015-2016 £7000 confident in carrying out their meeting Communication Profiles across the whole school jobs effectively. pupils’ needs  INSET days, teacher meetings  Maintain spreadsheet to provide 2. Develop comprehensive record of training consistent  Regular updates for all staff on understanding Safeguarding, including INSET from Deaf CAMHS Team. and delivery  Communication, including INSET from Speech & Language of Therapy team outstanding teaching with opportunities for teaching staff to observe each other half termly. Transition  To further develop strong partnership with parents/carers Curriculum Budgets as To ensure all pupils make a LT 1. To ensure a regarding each key phase transition, including home visits for relevant. successful transition and are smooth and EYFS, and all other key stages, photos books about ‘My School’ placed on relevant learning secure and information sharing with between primary and secondary pathways. transition for teachers, including classroom observations and moderation of children work. moving from  Welcome Days for Year 6 into Year 7 children with Fortismere for each key potential integrators. phase:  Option Evenings for Year 9 parents/carers and pupils to support transition to ks4. EYFS-KS1 KS2-3  Work Experience and college visits for all Year 10 and Y11 pupils KS3-4 to prepare for Post 16. KS4- Post16  To continue the highly effective use of Home School Liaison Officer in enabling successful transitions for our pupils.  Actively plan for expansion of BN Post 16 provision.

14 a)

15 PRIORITY STRATEGIES RESOURCES OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW March 2016 July 2016 Partnerships  Review of inclusion practice to reflect the changing Cover costs Provision for pupils is varied and HT & Governors 1. To build on needs of pupils flexible to meet their needs. partnership  Review of financial agreements and plan new policy with  Continue deaf awareness sessions / inclusion weeks on mainstream all sites to inform and empower pupils in mainstream & schools enhance inclusion including deaf awareness  Continue dialogue on model of partnership through strategic mtgs  To further develop the Joint School Council meetings with The Vale, and Riverside Schools. Health and Safety  Regularly review Health and Safety policy and practice Meeting time Updated policy, distributed and HT, LT & Governors 1. To maintain  Liaise with Haringey Corporate H&S Executive as part of SLA costs for H&S £1080 operative, ratified by governors. and develop the SLA to ensure that the school is fully compliant with Health and H&S regulations. Students and staff are safe. Safety policy  Introduce programme across academic year to focus on into practice. different aspects of health and safety  Liaise with partnership schools re sharing of information, etc.  Share information with governors, supporting their role.

16 PRIORITY STRATEGIES RESOURCES OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW March 2016 July 2016 Safeguarding  Annual review of safeguarding policy and practice by Meeting time Safeguarding Audit completed LT & Safeguarding /E-Safety 1. Further Governing Body December 2014 –evidence of high Governor develop work  PREVENT/ British values to be shared with staff, Curriculum time (i.e. lessons) standards. Policy and practice of the MDT governors, pupils and parent/carers reflect new statutory duty. approach to Keeping pupils safe.  Ensure curriculum, website etc. reflects PREVENT Safeguarding Parent Awareness sessions to strategy to ensure that maintain and further develop the all children  PSD curriculum partnership between school and are effectively  Assemblies home. supported Gaining of e-Safety accreditation via the 360 degree and appraisal. safeguarded.  Boys and Girls discussion groups  Partnership work with Deafinitely Theatre, Drama 2. Ensure that consultant, etc. the school  Work with relevant Haringey School Improvement continues to Partner actively and effectively tackle all forms of bullying and actively tries to prevent it from occurring,

3. To embed e- Safety across the school, gaining of e- Safety accreditation via the 360 degree appraisal. Time allocation LT & Governors

17 Successful  Update and add to handbook to ensure all staff are All staff aware of procedures and Induction of all aware of procedures and policies policies, have access to staff Staff  Update shared CPD/ INSET days, meetings handbook. 4. Ensure consistency in current practice, including the induction of new staff and volunteers Legislation  Follow new SEND code of practice Meeting time School fully compliant with HT & Governors 5. To keep up to  Ensure website is up to date Research time national legislation. date with LA  Review key policies initiatives and Government  Regularly update and add to the website, ensuring legislation statutory requirements are met and information is and ensure easily accessible and available. compliance

Profile of School  Continue to work within LA network Learning Meeting time School maintaining and HT & Governors. 6. To maintain Community, including SIA developing profile locally and in Haringey Education Authority. and develop  Open days yearly for Professionals wider community. further the profile of the school in the local and wider community.

5.3 Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment – Evaluation

Grade: 2/1

18 Strengths  13/17 teachers are qualified Teachers of the Deaf. (Those that are not yet qualified will do the training after three years as a teacher).  Teachers of the Deaf who are also subject specialists and actively involved in subject networks.  Teachers are aware of curriculum changes and know how to prepare for them in classroom.  Teachers know their pupils well and enjoy positive relationships with them.  Teachers’ planning is thorough and matched to pupils needs.  Teaching enables effective learning to take place and engages pupils.  Teachers work effectively with support staff to enable progress.  Teachers collaborate to learn good practice from one another in a supportive professional culture.  Teachers communicate regularly with parents/carers about pupil progress.  There is an enriched curriculum that benefits all pupils. This includes visitors who work with pupils at the school, Deaf Role Models annual conference and visits out of school.

Evidence  Student interventions to support progress. (SAP’s)  Lesson Observations  Teacher Meeting minutes  Examples of lesson planning  Examples of student work  Progress data  Performance Management data  Pay progression  Enrichment timetable and student feedback about it  Newsletters to parents and carers  Deaf Role Models Conference outline  Outcome measures from Speech & Language Therapy Team  smiLE Therapy book (smiLE Therapy ‘Strategies & Measurable Interaction in Live English’). Developed at BNS. Speechmark Publishing, November 2015

19 5.4 Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment – Development Priorities

PRIORITY STRATEGIES TIMESCALE OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW October M July 2015 2016 Language and Communication  MDT work with teaching staff, support Ongoing All pupils have access to communication LT 1. Policy and Practice embedded staff, S< and Ed. Aud to ensure that strategies and all staff use them consistently 1 Orange pupils L&C needs are being met. to support them update L&C T Gp needed  Individual Pupil Communication Profiles across the school Audiology  Train and support staff in management Termly Competent use of equipment Ed. Aud. & HT 2. Effective use of Radio Aids and use of radio aid New Purchase 2 Orange where needed  Plan long term upgrade of old FM Medium & Long receivers for working compatibility with Term new hearing aid technology  Plan acquisition of new FM systems for specific use with cochlear implanted children Pupil Progress  Continue Peer Review projects on Ongoing Pupils know how well they are doing and how LT, Teacher meetings, Curriculum 1. Further develop the variety of teaching and learning. to improve, eg, signed stamp, use of △, Committee meetings. FGB Heads methods used to feedback to  Review PM process and link to CPD photo evidence report to Governors pupils on their progress. needs of the school. 2. Further develop peer review of  Hold regular learning conversations with 1 Green best practice across the pupils about their experience of department. learning in the school. 2 Green 3. Further develop evidence for  Discuss at Teachers Meetings small steps of progress regarding additional needs  Collect MER evidence and make specific 3 Green students. plans for PP pupils as a result of MER. 4. Through M.E.R. ensure that all  Pupils’ self-evaluate before and after 4 Green teachers have consistently smiLE Therapy using video evidence high expectations of all pupils. Curriculum  Research new courses Ongoing A needs led curriculum continues to be LT & Governors 1. To maintain and further  Regular curriculum forums at teachers embedded and further developed. 1 Green develop the curriculum to meetings meet pupils’ needs, including  Partnership work with relevant, creative the creative and sensory organisations e.g. Mahler Symphony curriculum. Orchestra

20 PRIORITY WHO? T OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW I March 2016 July M 2016 E S C A L E Consistent Good and Outstanding  LT/SMT O Best practice is shared, teachers are reflective LT & Governors Teaching  All staff n about and improve their practice. 1. To continue to maintain and  g develop good and outstanding  o Pupils enjoy learning and making good progress. teaching and learning across the i school n All teachers plan effectively to g ensure that challenging targets are set based on systematic, accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding

Inclusion  LT O Provision for pupils is varied and flexible to meet HT & Governors 1. To continue to develop partnership PSA n their needs work with our mainstream  g Pupils experience high quality inclusion /partner schools and inclusion  o opportunities for all pupils. i n g

PSD  LT/teacher O Pupils develop social skills and understanding of LT & Governors 1. To ensure high quality PSD  n the world and how to be safe. Haringey Prevent Strategy curriculum meets the needs of all g Team pupils o i n g 21

22 PRIORITY WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW TC October 2015 March July O 2016 2016 ME Enriched Curriculum  LT Curriculum budgets All LT & Governors 1. To ensure high quality enrichment  Secondary £8550 pu 1 Orange for all Primary £6100 pils ha ve acc ess to an enr ich ed cur ric ulu m. Sports  LT PE curriculum budget £200 All LT & Governors 2. pu 2 Green pils enj oy PE Partnerships  LT Meeting time Pu LT 3. International Dimension pils 3 Orange enj oy so me int ern ati on al lin ks wit h pr 23 ovi sio ns for the de af. Tracking and analysis  LT Meeting time LT

24 1. To continue to develop and evaluate  License fee budget £1600 Te 1 Green whole school database to track  ac children’s progress against national  her data, including the use of ‘CASPA’  s programme, in order to support the aw analysis and use of data to inform are teaching and learning. of ne ed s of eac h chi ld an d rel ev ant iss ue s are tak en int o acc ou nt wh en pla nni ng an d tea chi ng. LT aw are 25 26 5.4 Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare – Evaluation

Grade 1 Strengths  Staff reminded of behaviour code and staff responsibility  Records of incidents maintained and analysed, leading to further action if needed (for example: going on report). Small number of repeat offences points to effectiveness of action  4 recorded incidents of bullying since Sept. 2012. None of racist/sexist/homophobic bullying, showing impact of PSD/assemblies/behaviour strategies/contact and work with parents.  One extended period of exclusion 2012-13 leading to education off-site.  Students have opportunities to regulate their own behaviour and do this very well.  Students and staff report feeling safe at school. SCR well maintained and RAs robust and well documented.  The employment of a p/t site manager has had an impact on the management and implementation H&S.  Governors take an active role in H&S and Safeguarding supporting robust monitoring procedures  Attendance is good  School now has an E-Safety Governor who is also our Safeguarding Governor  The school has a Home School Liaison Officer who is also a Safeguarding Officer Evidence  Behaviour Policy  Logs from detention folder and Bullying folder  Students’ files  Parent feedback  Staff feedback from trips and visits  Monitoring of behaviour at break time and Lunch  Ofsted Report 2012  Risk Assessment documentation including guidance  H&S Report 2014  H&S policy  Minutes from Resources Committee (H&S)  Minutes from MDT meetings  Attendance reports (SIMs)  Monthly updates on attendance  The Safeguarding leads have all continued their Safeguarding training on an annual basis including the Headteacher/Safeguarding Lead who completed L4 Safeguarding training in 2014.  SIMs  Lesson observation  PM

27 5.5 Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare – Development Priorities

PRIORITY STRATEGIES TIMESCALE MONITORING AND REVIEW October 2015 July 2016 Celebration  Regular award assemblies Ongoing LT & Governors 1. To continue to  AQA Unit Award Scheme certificates for smiLE Therapy 1 Green celebrate the modules achieved positive and  Continue to embed positive behaviour strategies in supportive class and beyond. behaviour of pupils.  Jack Petchey Award Scheme in the Secondary Department Behaviour  Review and update Safeguarding and Behaviour Regular review LT support policies. 2 Green 2. To review and  Investigate, identify and implement strategies to further address challenging behaviours of specific pupils. develop  Provide staff training in partnership with EP where effective relevant strategies in supporting  Provide relevant workshops for parents/carers pupils with  Involve Home School Liaison Officer wherever relevant emotional and  CPD opportunities for whole school staff. E,g, Deaf social CAMHS INSET Deaf children and Safeguarding and Deaf difficulties children/Autism Ongoing LT + EWO

28 Improved  All pupils know their timetable 1 Green electronic time  All staff and pupils arrive to lessons on time tabling  See E-Safety accreditation 1. Staff expectations:  Review sanctions and rewards for behavior and 2 Green consistency in attendance following behaviour policy and practice

2. e-Safety accreditation project

PRIORITY STRATEGIES TIMESCALE MONITORING AND REVIEW October 2015 July 2016 Attendance  Regular meetings with Education Welfare Officer Ongoing EWO visits whole school; LT & governors 1. To continue to  Embed ‘Back to school plans’ where relevant following monitor and surgery/hospital stay 1 Green support  Regular liaison with parents and home visits where regular necessary attendance  Monthly tracking of attendance  Discussion with LT  Liaison with LA tutoring services where relevant  Reward attendance

Safety  To develop action plan for further PSD curriculum Ongoing LT & governors 2. To continue to development, including e-safety, independent living 2 Green address skills pupils’ safety  Ensure tolerance, respect – British values/Prevent at school and integrated in programme beyond their school life. 29 30 PRIORITY STRATE WHO? OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW GIES March 2016 July 2016 Safeguarding LT LT & Governors

31  Rev MDT/Safeguarding Team Maintained existing robust and rigorous 1. To ensure continuing iew safeguarding practice. robust and rigorous of practice in safeguarding poli pupils. cy, pro ced ure s and trai nin g.  No min ate d Saf egu ardi ng Chil dre n’s Offi cers upd ate stat uto ry trai nin g  Ind ucti on of ne w staf f in pro ced 32 Independence  Rea LT O Pupils regularly experience new environments LT & Governors l Relevant staff and develop independence 1. To develop pupils’ life SLT Team understanding of the exp world, including erie developing skills for nce independent living s - loc al trip s  Con tinu e to dev elo p ind epe nde nt trav el wh ere app rop riat e  smi LE The rap y mo dul es, e.g. Co mm uni cati ng 33 at wor k exp erie nce , wh en trav elli ng ind epe nde ntly , for coll ege inte rvie ws, aski ng for dire ctio ns, req ues ting in a sho p  par ent wor ksh ops are a par

34 t of smi LE The rap y inte rve nti on  Rev iew and sha re bes t pra ctic e acr oss the sch ool


October 2015 March 2016 July 2016 Pupil Voice  Develop Haringey Joint student HT Meeting time Pupils will HT & Governors 1. To further develop pupil voice council LT Ongoing continue to have 1 Green  Continue to develop and strengthen opportunities to student council develop their views and ideas, have an opportunity to discuss and influence key aspects of school 35 experience.

SMSC  Delivery of curriculum, ranging from Teachers, Planning time Ongoing Pupils have LT & Governors 2. To continue to ensure that pupils’ mainstream partnership delivery to All staff Meeting time opportunities to 2 Green spiritual, moral, social and individually tailored programmes explore and cultural development is addressed  Assemblies and circle time sessions develop their through the curriculum understanding  Social skills development are and choices embedded in every smiLE Therapy group across the school  Regular parent groups as part of smiLE Therapy intervention to support appropriate social communication  Review and share best practice

36 5.6 Outcomes for Children and Learners – Evaluation

Grade: 2/1

There are good outcomes for all pupils both in terms of attainment and also progress from their starting points •The good outcomes are evidence of the carefully planned interventions and additional support the school puts in place and also the impact of the personalised learning/individual pathways used in the Key Stage 4 Curriculum

•A significant number of the Year 11 students achieved GCSEs in Humanities. The pupils who achieved the GCSEs achieved a Grade B with two having coursework graded as A*

•Some pupils in Year 10 have successfully taken a GCSE a year early

•At the end of Key Stage 2, 5 pupils (all boys) were in Year 6. One had significant additional needs. 3 achieved a L3 in Maths and 1 achieved a L3 in Reading, a L5 in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and a L4 in Maths

•Attainment and progress are regularly reviewed and in the Primary department, where appropriate, opportunities for integration into the mainstream school are offered

•There are no NEETs amongst the Year 11 leavers. All have gone on to additional training in colleges. The school tracks all ex Year 11’s to ensure their next placements are


•Students have access to a range of work experience placements to ensure they have experience of work opportunities.

37 5.7 Outcomes for Children and Learners – Development Priorities

PRIORITY ST WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW RA TCO October 2015 March July TE ME 2016 2016 GI ES Raising Standards  ‘P LT Staf LT & Governors 1. To continue current practice in up Teachers f 1 Green Monitoring, Evaluation and il And relevant will Review to ensure the tr support staff rec continued raising of standards ail eive in teaching and learning and ’ fee pupil achievement. m dba on ck it & or imp in lem g, ent ev acti al on ua poi ti nts, on ent an er d into re pro vi fess e ion w al of dial pl ogu an e ni on ng stre , ngt as hs se and ss acti m on en poi t, nts sc and 38 ru tak ti e ny acti of on. w Rec or ord k: on A Gen ut ie u Suit m e n wh an ere d rele Sp van ri t ng Te r m s  De ve lo p ra ng e of re co rd in g of pu pil w or k ac ro ss

39 sc ho ol.  Ob se rv ati on sc he du le of te ac hi ng , in cl ud in g pe er ob se rv ati on s: A ut u m n Te ac he r ob se rv

40 ati on s, Sp ri ng Te ac he r pe er ob se rv ati on s an d Su pp or t st af f ob se rv ati on s, Su m m er te ac he r ob se

41 rv ati on s lin ke d to Pe rf or m an ce m an ag e m en t Team approach  Re Class Teachers, All HT & Governors 1. To continue to ensure gu and support staff rele 1 Green continuity and clear shared lar & SLT team van aims m t ee staf ti f ng awa s re be of tw dev ee elo n pm ke ent y prio st ritie af s f and  E. wor g. king sh tow ari ard ng s

42 of sam pl e an goa s, ls. as se ss m en t da ta, ta rg et s et c.  Te ac he rs to sh ar e pu pil tr ail s wi th su pp or t st af f w he re

43 re le va nt  Su pp or t st af f in vo lv ed in pl an ni ng an d ev al ua ti on s w he re re le va nt  Re gu lar m ee ti ng s

44 wi th SL T te a m an d cl as s te a m to de ve lo p in di vi du al co m m un ic ati on st ra te gi es th ro ug h Co m

45 m un ic ati on Pr  Reofi gu lar pa re nt /c ar er gr ou ps as pa rt of s mi LE Th er ap y m od ul es to en su re co nt in ui ty of

46 co m m un ic ati on an d so ci al sk ill s ai m s Moderation of assessment  Co LT Acc LT & governors 1. To embed moderation and nt Teachers urat 1 Green FBS exemplification and use pupil in e Lit INSET tracking to ensure targets are ue and Lit review challenging. to con ca sist rr ent y jud ou ge t me as nts se ma ss de m on en leve t ls. m Rob od ust er pup ati il on trac wi king th . in Ana ph lysis

47 as of e dat te a to ac targ hi et ng res te our a ces. m an d ac ro ss th e sc ho ol.  Im pl e m en t M od er ati on an d Ex e m pli fic ati on in co lla bo

48 ra ti on wi th th e LA an d ot he r sp ec ial sc ho ol s, w he re re le va nt in cl ud in g P  Id en tif y ne xt st ep s fo

49 r fu tu re pl an ni ng – pu pil pr og re ss m ee ti ng s.

PRIORITY STRATEGIES TIMESCALE OUTCOME MONITORING AND REVIEW October July 2015 2016 Informed use of Assessment  Embed assessment and tracking Annual MER All teachers have a firm understanding of their LT & Governors 1. To ensure teachers are informed schedule to include: schedule pupils’ achievement and how they are going to 1 Green and supported to meet pupil  pupil progress meetings, tracking meet their targets achievement targets pupils each term to see if they are on target, strategies needed  termly submission of levels  updates on CASPA data  moderation of levels  end of year levels into CASPA  Outcomes embedded into future planning  Outcome measures are obtained for each smiLE Therapy module Curriculum Development Termly Pupils are challenged and supported to meet their LT & Governors

50 1. To continue to review and update  See teaching, learning and assessment targets and develop their learning 1 Green the curriculum to ensure that it section meets pupils’ needs

51 5.8 Effectiveness of Early Years Provision – Evaluation

Grade: 2/1 1. The high quality of provision in the Foundation Stage has been sustained and improved over time. The baseline assessments, multidisciplinary strategies, early intervention, the use of specialist resources and innovative curriculum, combined with close collaboration and communication with parents facilitate the very good progress secured by pupils in the Foundation Stage. 2. Inclusion links with mainstream partnership school provide the pupils with excellent opportunities for personal and social interactions. Assessment, intervention and interdisciplinary work maximise pupils’ personal development. 3. A carefully planned induction for new pupils and parents is well established. Liaison and collaboration with parents/carers is of a high quality and transition is tailored to each individual child and family. Visits to home and current provision include multidisciplinary planning meetings. Once the child is at school, a close and continued collaboration with parents ensures that children settle happily, staff know the child really well and parents build up trust and feel happy to leave their child in our care. 4. Detailed and comprehensive planning and assessment procedures are in place, based on the early years Foundation Stage curriculum and tailored to the needs, likes/dislikes and interests of every child ensuring that they make progress.

52 5.9 Effectiveness of Early Years Provision – Development Priorities

PRIORITY S WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW TC October 2015 March July O 2016 2016 ME Moderation of Assessment  C FS Teacher Primary DHT/HT

53 To embed moderation and  E & SLT team Acc exemplification and use pupil  O ura tracking to ensure targets are te challenging. an d con sist ent jud ge me nts ma de on lev els. Ro bus t pu pil tra cki ng. An aly sis of dat a to tar get res our ces . Partnerships  C FS Teacher Primary DHT/HT

54 To continue to work with partner  C Wi schools, children centres and Early  B de Years forum  R ran ge of pro visi on for pu pils ens ure s tha t the y acc ess lea rni ng in diff ere nt wa ys.  FS Teacher Eve Primary DHT/HT

55 To gather and submit baseline  EY assessment data to Early Excellence  FS team tea Baseline Assessment (EExBA), m fee Eve/Clare l con fid ent in car ryi ng out ass ess me nt

Dat a get s sub mit ted onc e all chil dre n hav e set tle d

56 PRIORITY S WHO? RESOURCES OUTCOM MONITORING AND REVIEW E October 2015 March July 2016 2016 To establish secure assessment  FS Teacher Eve – to be shared with DHT and HT Assessme Primary DHT/HT procedures in line with EYFS profile  nt and to ensure that small steps of  documen progress are clearly represented. Eve ts show even FS team small steps of progress. Evidence of progress kept through work samples, sticker observati ons, Special Books, parent comment s and EYFSP. To moderate work with other  July 2016 Eve Evidence Primary DHT/HT schools and provisions for deaf  of children  FS team all welcome moderat ed work in files. Notes kept on outcome s of moderati on and any trends noticed  July 2015 FS Coordinators and teams (BN and HPS) Primary DHT/HT 57 To continue to work closely with  Children mainstream colleagues to ensure have that indoor and outdoor provision is access to inclusive and engaging and for all indoor children. and outdoor areas that are shared with Highgate Primary School

58 6 SMSC Audit tool Action Evidence |(P = Primary only, S = Secondary only) Area for further development 1. Enable pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self- Curriculum (SoW) esteem and self-confidence  PSD (S)  Drama (S)  Art KS4 ( Unit on Self-identity) (S)  Humanities  SEAL curriculum (P)  Deaf Studies through BSL curriculum  Circle Time (P)  Vertical Tutoring (S)  Safe Program (P)  Tutor Time (S)  Inclusion opportunities e.g. learning opportunities, joint assemblies and social time Enrichment curriculum  Trips and Visits e.g. horse riding  Jack Petchey (S)  Student Council (S)  Student presentations in assemblies  Deaf Role Models e.g Conference and regular visits  Kaos Choir (weekly sessions)(P)  Deafinitely Theatre visits to the school  Forest Schools (P) Other  Oral Health Programme  School Nurse visits  S< programmes per student  Play time buddies  Physio and OH programmes for individual students  Audiology support from Ed Aud. In school  RAD 1:1 Mentoring Scheme (S)

59  Play therapy (P) Culture and Ethos  Behaviour Policy e.g. celebration assemblies and reward systems

2. Enable pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to  PSD curriculum (S)(e.g. role play around Increase the number of external visitors to talk to pupils. respect the civil and criminal law consequences) E.g. police/ community police  Assemblies (e.g. anti-bullying)  Humanities curriculum  Boys and Girls groups (S)  Circle Time (P)  Adult modelling  Behaviour policy/ school rules/ consistent enforcement  Student Council (S)  Trips and Visits: e.g. Parliament and WW1 Commemoration, visits from the police 3. Encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their  Work Experience programme (S) Continue to develop the Haringey Special Schools Joint behaviour, show initiative and understand how they  Development of joint Student Council Council can contribute positively to the lives of those living and meetings with the other Haringey working in the locality in which the school is situated Special Schools and to society more widely  Jack Petchey programme (S)  Local trips across London and the local area, including local shops  Charity fund raising events e.g. Red Nose Day and Jeans for Genes day, Harvest Festival (P), raise money for a local arts’ studio (P), auction of promises (P)  Local allotment (P)  Forest Schools (P)  Assembly themes  Work with external community agencies such as Remark  Home School Links Officer and her work with our families  Annual Art Show

Principles are promoted which: 60 4. provide pupils with a broad general knowledge  PSD curriculum (S) Increase the number of deaf role model visitors to the school of public institutions and services in England  Humanities curriculum so that pupils can meet a range of people with different occupations who can tell the story of how they progressed  Trips and visits their careers.  Our students use a range of NHS services including visitors who come in  Arsenal Community project with the school to promote Enterprise (S) Further develop small group discussion on what pupils  Visits from MPs to the school believe and link to British values framework.  Remark partnership  RAD partnership  NDCS partnership  Work Experience and college visits  Independent travel training  Visits from the Police e.g. presentation on Knives and Gangs from PC Paracha (Firearms Unit-Met) 5. assist pupils to acquire an appreciation of and  PSD curriculum (S) respect for their own and other cultures in a way  Circle Time (P) that promotes tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions  SEAL (P)  Humanities curriculum  Life Skills curriculum and cooking (S)  Celebration of Chinese New Year (P)  Assemblies  Deaf role models  Film Club (S)  Assemblies ( covering a wide range of cultural and religious issues)  Deaf awareness training with students and staff  Deaf awareness training for partners e.g. Transport and partner schools  BSL classes for parents and the wider community  Trips and visits e.g. parents visiting to demonstrate aspects of own culture  Blanche Nevile has Culture Evening  Displays on various topics

61  Black History Month celebrations  Holocaust Memorial Day

6. encourage pupils to respect the fundamental  RE curriculum and visits to places of worship British values of democracy, the rule of law,  Trips and Visits individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs  Guest speakers E.g. Police, MP’s, Charities, Kick Racism out of Football  Student Council  Voting for Jack Petchey winners  Boys and Girls discussion groups  Behaviour policy and practice  Parent workshops e.g. E-Safety, Sex and Relationships  Celebration of different faiths e.g. Eid and Diwali  Classroom Rules  Golden Rules (Whole School) & Class Rules (created my children in class) (P) 7. preclude the promotion of partisan political views in  Implementation of Teaching Standards into the teaching of any subject in the school the Performance management process+ monitoring Performance Management  Student Council  PM of support staff via NoC standards  Humanities curriculum  PSD curriculum 8. Take such steps as are reasonably practicable to  Staff closely monitor individual students and ensure that where political issues are brought to the take action as necessary to address specific attention of pupils— concerns (i) while they are in attendance at the school;  Additional assemblies as and when needed. (ii) while they are taking part in extra-curricular E.g. to address E-Safety activities which are provided or organised by or on behalf of the school; or  Topic based assemblies-E.g. Tsunami, WW1 (iii) in the promotion at the school, including through Commemoration, the distribution of promotional material, of extra-  Trip to Parliament curricular activities taking place at the school or elsewhere; Students are offered a balanced presentation of opposing views.

62 9. Opportunities for spiritual development  RE curriculum  Assemblies often provide an opportunity for communal reflection. E.g. Holocaust Memorial Assembly, WW1 Centenary and trip to Tower of London WW1installation  Trips to places of worship  Valentine Day celebration (Thinking about friendships) (S)  Art Topics-War  PSD Topics-Child Labour and Animal Cruelty  Year 11 Leavers Event-self awareness  Science topic-Genetics and Evolution

63 Subject: Art & Design Teacher: L Christian Target Steps to be taken Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible Financial Implication To complete pilot of -LC to plan and teach year 2 LC Exam entry fee.  Course to meet GCSE A& Exam materials Feb 2016 GCSE Graphic of pilot. DL D criteria Communication LC to attend AQA Course  Students to achieve Summative assessment through A&D standardisation attendance. predicated/potential May 2016 endorsement -LC to research and prepare grades exam paper materials. Planning time. Final grades Aug 2016 -1st cohort of students to complete year 11 and summative exam summer 2016 Keyword lists to be -LC to research key signs, LC PPA time  Increased understanding devised for KS3 and 4 words and images needed for of keywords and concepts ongoing Graphic each project. by students Communication key -LC to prepare and present  Increased usage of topics accessible and useful words appropriate subject to student groups. specific vocabulary by students Devise and provide -LC to devise suitable activity. LC Planning time  A suitable event to take November 2015 am enrichment event -LC to liaise with staff to place on the last Friday of for BNS secondary support the activity event. LC +volunteer staff team Event time October ½ term dept ‘The little Big -The event to take place  All secondary students to Draw’ 24/10/15 VH/DL Small snack be able to participate and budget? enjoy the event GCSE A&D dept -LC to liaise with Head and LC Permission  Good take up of August 2016 booster holiday students / families re suitable DL needed from attendance sessions to be dates October / February and Head to run  Raised achievement in available to year 11 Easter holidays. sessions. summative assessments A&D and year 11 GC -LC to run the sessions. students All available year 9 -LC to teach and make work LC Exam entry fee  All students to achieve August 2016 and 10 students to be ready for assessment for DL predicted potential grade submitted for ELC group 9/1, 9/2, Unit Award Graphic Design ELC 1,2 or 3 before the Graphic Products 10, ELC 10 at level ELC 1,2 or equipment and course ends in May 2016 assessment Summer 3. resources 16 -Year 10 to polish up final project during 2 x Tutor Time sessions prior to Dec 15

64 65 To investigate a -LC and JDa to discuss LC Allocated time  A course identified that July 2016 suitable replacement possibilities / opportunities JDa needed initially to will meet the needs of course for ELC for learning at ELC type level liaise and BNS learners and match Graphic Products and possibilities of a cross research with the staff skill set. curricular Art, Textiles, Craft JDa.  Potentially a course that course POS. will encompass Art, Craft -LC and JDa to research and Design course options. -LC and JDa to devise /  Course materials planned modify / devise appropriate and ready for pilot units of work. Autumn 2016 -LC and JDa to plan and resource each unit. To pilot Unit Award -LC to devise / modify / LC Time needed to  Course to meet Unit Ongoing – July 2016 Scheme A&D units for devise appropriate units of plan and resource Award A& D criteria year 10 students work.  Students to achieve -LC to plan and resource each participation / enjoyment unit. / learning and -LC to teach and revise acknowledgement of ongoing units to suit needs of experiences and individual learners. developments. Raise GCSE Graphic -LC to liaise with SHAPE to LC Time to plan and  Project to meet GCSE A& December 2015 Com students skills research and set up a project + liaison with SHAPE liaise D criteria and achievement in -LC to support facilitation of  Students to achieve CAD 4x sessions Budget to pay for predicated/potential August 2016 -LC to ensure project meets designer grades specific needs of learners

66 Subject: English Teacher: W Roberts / T Willis / H Moon

Target Steps to be taken Date Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible Financial Implication Review KS3 and KS4 Review current SOW April 2016 WR / TW / JDvy Time / cover Challenging, interesting and relevant curriculum for lower Resources? English curriculum in place with clear achieving additional Adapt or renew SOW progress pathways needs students Ensure all staff Further training on student Termly WR Cover All staff actively promoting Literacy in continue to share reading and writing targets lessons and able to support students to responsibility for make improvements in Literacy Literacy across the Literacy walks to monitor Curriculum and support

Appoint new FS and Explain roles Jan 2016 WR / SMT None New Co-ordinators in place UAS Co-ordinator/s Appoint co-ordinator/s

*Raise parental Parents to attend “Reading ? WR / TW / JDy Time to plan Parents more confident and able to involvement of Together” workshop Additional support child at home supporting student appropriate age and Student reading levels improving reading at home interest level books purchased

67 Subject: Personal and Social Development Teacher: L Worthington Target Steps to be taken Date Person/s Resourc Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible es / Financia l Implicat ion Review KS3 and KS4 Updating / Writing planning April LW Time / Challenging, interesting and relevant PSD curriculum for PSD documents 2016 cover curriculum in place Resourc es? Write baseline targets Setting learning targets / objectives Dec 2015 LW Time / All documents written / assessment guide for each class cover Initially for Autumn and Spring. tick sheets for each Semester Review lesson / learning objectives – Sept Summer after xmas break break down into know and can do 2016 statements

Updating / Writing objective outline documents Create differentiated Review lesson / learning objectives – Sept LW Time / Differentiated resources for each main learning break down into know and can do 2016 cover topic in PSD activities/resources statements CIP for students with needs to additional needs Create worksheets/activities be reflective of the lesson objectives – working visual prompts / communication in Resourc print es? PERSONAL Increase knowledge of Watch other teachers at BN Sept LW Organis Range of new techniques observed that teaching strategies for 2016 e during can then implemented into my own students who are deaf Go to Professional Development spare lesson planning lessons Increase BSL practise / certificate level achievements Look for Obtaining further BSL qualifications PD opportu nities

Training who pays?

68 Familarise myself with Read curriculum documents Sept LW Time / Written curriculum documents and UK curriculum and BN 2016 cover lessons plans that align to education policy/procedures Write PSD Curriculum Resourc standards in the UK es?

69 Subject: Science & senior responsibilities Teacher: Ms J Allen

Target Steps to be taken Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible Financial Implication Plan for post single Get to grips with new course: JA Time Course under way – for final science GCSE – Planning, implement New text books examination in summer 2018 Cambridge Nationals teaching, level 1/2 assessment , students portfolios, new vocab dictionary Year 7 incorporate Look at new ks2 curriculum JA Time A more differentiated ks3 year 7 more ks2 materials course

Timetable to be Curriculum review – number JA Time Timetable issued to staff before completed during of lessons, staffing available, Nova T training summer holidays academic year ks4 blocks planned

70 Subject: Humanities Teacher: Helena Moon Target Steps to be taken Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible Financial Implication From SDP: ‘further Visit BN primary school to HM A visit to primary Students with a wide range of Performance develop the variety of observe how ‘dialogue school (possibly abilities will have appropriate management, marking methods used to marking’ works there, and requiring cover). feedback which they are able to and assessment scrutiny feedback to pupils on put it into practice in act on to make progress. by senior leadership their progress’. Humanities lessons. Continue team. to make use of feedback stamps, including the new ‘signed feedback’ stamp which will be used throughout the school. From SDP: Through appropriate HM (and whole school If there is CPD Students are safe from outside Performance ‘PREVENT/British Humanities topics (eg British team). training available influences which promote management. values to be shared… history/religious for teachers of terrorism and racism. with pupils’. communities in Britain) to Humanities/Citize have open discussions with nship on the Students feel comfortable talking pupils about British values PREVENT and asking questions about these and their relevance in today’s strategy, it would topics, if they want to. society, to all ethnic and be useful for me religious communities. to attend.

To help pupils find answers to questions they may have about global events, terrorism, and local issues.

To be alert to the dangers faced by young people and to pass on any concerns I may have about pupils’ safety to the appropriate member of the leadership team (VH). To support Hafsah Hafsah has all of the usual HM, CC (support) Hafsah will need Hafsah will pass (at least grade D) Hafsah’s progress will be through a Humanities lessons of GCSE Hums (only 5 her own copy of the GCSE Humanities exam in monitored by HM, and GCSE course in 9 hours a fortnight, should be the GCSE summer 2016. any issues / concerns will months. 6) with the Year 10 group. textbook to learn be discussed with JDv She has also been given extra from in free (line manager and head time with HM and with CC to time/at home. of curriculum). learn Year 11 topics and do

71 coursework.

72 Subject: Textiles, SEN Science, Careers and Work Experience

Teacher: J Daly Target Steps to be taken Target date Person/s Resources / Success Monitoring and (with reference to Responsible Financial Implication criteria/evidence of review whole school targets impact and department self- evaluation) Careers Education To continue July 2016 J Daly Time is needed for me to Evidence of further July 2016 networking colleges visit colleges/teams. links eg 2014 and post 16 provision Cover needed. developed links with for our students Uxbridge College.

More guest speakers into school eg REMARK City Lit workshop for Year 11 trialled Summer 2015 Work Experience Continual June 2016 J Daly Time to visit and Successful work September 2016 networking of network placements placements eg NDCS more deaf alongside those provided and Action For Kids organisations and by HEBP only 2 improved links, placements for I was unable to do this but already SEN students 2014/15. established. SEN Science Extend Unit July 2016 J Daly and J Allen Time for JDa and JA to Based on students Review in Summer Award Science as meet/assess work and achieving certificates 2016 an addition to ELC an opportunity for in Units to support the training of Unit Award submitted/success in SEN students AQA their learning/teacher Course free just cover evaluation of year. implications. Students already gained first certificate. Textiles Technology Unit Award J Daly C Christian Training and research This will link in with January 2016 Scheme already time KS4 options. established 2014/15. As ELC Textiles Technology will be removed by 2016 J Daly and C Christian need to

73 explore KS4 courses for SEN students but of a level higher than Unit Award Whole school Supporting reading Need to consult W Time only and programme in VT Roberts first and only printing/laminating/boo Would like to develop if time given to do k binding type of reading this. I have already resources for SEN made some reading students resources but it can be very time consuming.

74 Subject: Computing Teacher: Jeffery Drew & Samir Gathani Target Steps to be taken Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review Responsible Financial Implication

KS4 Plan and develop Familiar with the new JD Time Ready to teach at the a SOW Cambridge course, plan, assessment, Cost not yet account beginning of September Nationals ICT Level 1/2 steps of level of possible of £260 2016 for year 10 achievement. Possible attend the training seminar Progression target Develop progression target JD Time Ready-made progression steps for each topic link with and sheet for each topic and the STP. ongoing carry on add if necessary.

Work sheet bank Collect and develop new JD Time Ready-made work sheet worksheets and information and for each topic and carry for each topic for the shared ongoing on add if necessary. area and also make different depend on the ability. Check and update E- Collect the evidences to JD Time School to get the safety meet the 360 E –safety for it accredited award to be accredited. Link primary school to ensure teacher are updated etc. KS4 Plan and develop Familiar with the new SG Time Ongoing SOW Creative IMedia course, plan, assessment, Level 2 steps of level of achievement. Possible attend the training seminar Pass on all the Give all the SOW, planning, SG Time Nearly complete Computing resources levels of achievement to JD to JD

75 Subject: Maths Teacher: Ms Antoniewicz Target Steps to be Person/s Resources / Success criteria Monitoring and review taken Responsible Finances Get the best system for recording Continue with B Continue the excellent small steps of progress in KS3 and Squared and JAZ Time recording of small steps and ELC groups without levels. Student keep up to date when a new system is chosen progress and preparation for Life on the latest without levels then ensure a without Levels systems for Life smooth adjustment in the without levels. department GCSE SOW written and All GCSE Write SOW for SOW written and given to staff teaching staff to know which both Year 11 JAZ Time by 21.9.2015 subjects they are teaching for the GCSE groups. year. Pupils to achieve highest grade A new GCSE Key GCCE pupils have memorised possible in GCSE exam in June. Facts booklet to JAZ Time all Key Facts by the end of the be written and Easter and achieved as close to given to their target grade as possible. students GCSE pupils to memorise key facts by Easter. To effectively performance Observe lessons, JAZ Cover for All teaching staff have manage all teaching staff members monitor lesson excellent planning , of the maths team. planning folders observations assessment and recording of and and feedback. small steps of progress. assessments of small steps of progress. Learning updates monitored.

76 Curriculum Area: PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) Lead: Lauren Millar

PRIORITY ST WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW RA TCO October 2015 March July TE ME 2016 2016 GI ES  LT & Governors To track and measure children’s In LF Time All social and emotional progress staf f  LM Time fam M iliar wit h tool

Mo st staf f inv olv ed in trac king and me asu ring pro gre ss To create overview of different  LM to lead Time Ove LT & Governors schemes for teaching of PSHE T rvie (including SRE) w of curr ent sch em 77 es use d

LT & Governors To know what resources we have  LM to lead Time Aud to teach the curriculum T it co mpl  ete C d

78 Curriculum Area: English Lead: tbc


October 2015 March 2016 July 2016 Create SoW for  Collate tbc Time July 2016 Scheme of work LT & Governors VP Phase 2 and for VP KS2 assess created and any VP shared with plannin teachers g and develop KS2 SoW from this.

Further develop  Classes tbc Time End of Summer 5 new story LT & Governors Buddy Reading to 2 sacks created. at Blanche develop Resources for Nevile / create new story sacks Relaunch of their £100 Buddy Reading, own ready for story September 2016 sacks based on favourit e books  Discussi on with staff re: ways to

79 develop the sessions  Discussi on with children re: ways to develop the sessions

LT & Governors

LT & Governors

80 Curriculum Area: Primary Inclusion

PRIORITY ST WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW RA TCO October 2015 March July TE ME 2016 2016 GI ES LT & Governors To identify an Inclusion Lead in  EG/LF Time Ide HPS (ideally member f ntifi ed lea d for Incl usio n in HPS

LT & Governors To create a joint inclusion  EG/LF Time Join development plan S t pla n dev elo ped

81 82 Curriculum Area: Maths Lead: Kathryn McCarthy

PRIORITY ST WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW RA TCO October 2015 March July TE ME 2016 2016 GI ES LT & Governors To conduct an audit of current  LM Time All resources and order new ones All teachers staf £300 (estimate) f awa re of wh at res our ces  are avai labl e. Ne w res our ces pur cha sed

83 84 LT & Governors To embed the use of Numicon @  LM Time All Primary T All teachers £100 clas ses  usin O g Nu mic  on O reg ular ly

85  LT & Governors To develop / agree a Calculations S Policy  O

LT & governors

Curriculum Area: Computing

PRIORITY ST WHO? RESOURCES OU MONITORING AND REVIEW RA TCO October 2015 March July TE ME 2016 2016 GI ES LT & Governors For all Teachers to be delivering  LF Time All the new Computing Curriculum Li tea che  rs O deli veri ng  ne T w

86  Co Li mp utin  g Ri Cur ricu lum LT & Governors To identify what new resources  LF Time Cle are needed to teach the new T £500 (approx.) ar Curriculum ide  a of Li wh at res  our O ces we hav e and wh at we nee d


88 Target Steps to be taken Target date Person/s Resources/Financial Success Criteria Completed Responsible Implications (Y/N) To gather and submit - Liaise with team about October 2015 Eve Time in class to carry out EY team feel baseline assessment data expectations assessment confident in carrying to Early Excellence - Observation time once FS team out assessment Baseline Assessment children are settled Time out of class to discuss (EExBA), - Submit data findings Data gets submitted electronically Eve/Clare once all children have settled To establish secure - Liaise with Haringey EY December 2015 Eve – to be shared with DHT Time to attend EY Co- Assessment assessment procedures team to ensure and HT odinator, and cross-school documents show in line with EYFS profile assessment methods are meetings even small steps of and to ensure that small current progress. steps of progress are - Discuss with other deaf Eve Time out of class to attend clearly represented. EY provisions to share training Evidence of progress ideas kept through work - Assess children in Dec, FS team samples, sticker April and June. observations, Special Books, parent comments and EYFSP. To moderate work with - Liaise with EY teams in July 2016 Eve Time after school/during Evidence of other schools and other school to discuss INSET days to meet moderated work in provisions for deaf key times to meet files children - Meet 2-3 times throughout the year to FS team all welcome Notes kept on moderate work outcomes of - Keep record of these moderation and any meetings trends noticed To continue to work - Regular meetings with July 2015 FS Coordinators and teams Liaison time Children have access closely with mainstream HPS FS team to discuss (BN and HPS) to indoor and colleagues to ensure that individual children’s and outdoor areas that indoor and outdoor planning BN budget are provision is inclusive and - Select appropriate engaging and for all resources for meeting all children. children’s needs and curriculum requirements.


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