The English Civil War: Cavaliers and Roundheads

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The English Civil War: Cavaliers and Roundheads

The English Civil War: Cavaliers and Roundheads Background Information  Queen ______(ruled 1558-1603) was popular with the people and this time was known as ______of England.

 After her death conflict arose between the crown and Parliament.

James I (ruled 1603-1625)  .James was the first Stuart King. He was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots.  .James believed in the ______.  .James spent a lot of money and was constantly asking ______for more money.  .James ended the war with Spain and paid war repayments.  .James tried to marry his son to a Catholic Spanish princess.  .James was against the ______and threatened to “harry them out of the land.” o .1607 – Jamestown, Virginia was established as the first permanent English colony in America. o .1611 – The ______of the Bible is printed. o .1620 – The ______land on Plymouth Rock.

Charles I (ruled 1625-1647)  .Married a Catholic.  .______Parliament after not getting all the money he wanted to wage a war on France and Spain.  .Forced landowners to “loan” him money or lose their land and be jailed.  .Forced people to house soldiers in private homes.  .Set up ______, or rule by the military.  .Recalled Parliament in 1628 to get more money. o The ______put four limits on the king . .No taxes or loans without Parliament’s consent. . .No prison without just cause. . .No quartering without consent of the homeowner.

Page 1 . .No martial law except in time of war.  .Charles dissolves Parliament again.  .Charles makes William Laud the Archbishop of Canterbury. o .Persecution of the Puritans. o .The ______–1630-1643 over 1,000,000 Puritans migrate to the American colonies.

The ______ .Charles tries to force the Scots to join the ______, starting a war with Scotland.  .The Scots invade England. Needing money to supply the army, Charles recalls Parliament.  .After three weeks, Charles dissolves this Parliament – The Short Parliament.

The ______ .Still needing money, Charles recalls Parliament again. This Parliament sits for 20 years – The Long Parliament.  .The ______rebel against Charles.  .Charles arrests five leaders of Parliament who disagree with him.  The English Civil War begins.

The Civil War  The English Civil War broke out in 1642.  ______supported the King  Roundheads supported ______. o ______led the New Model Army (England’s first Redcoats) to victory. o Most of the army was made up of ______.

The ______ Cromwell purges Parliament of all who do not support him. o The Rump Parliament.  Charles I is ______, 1/30/1649.  Parliament abolishes the monarchy and the House of Lords and declares England a republic, called the commonwealth. Page 2 Dictatorship  Cromwell dispersed the Rump Parliament by force.  Cromwell sets up a military dictatorship.  Cromwell rules as a ______for nine years.

______ After the death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658, his son comes to power shortly, but has no support from the army.  In 1660, ______is made King of England.  The Church of England becomes the ______.  Puritans ______Catholics are persecuted.

James II  When Charles II died in 1685, his brother James became king.  James was a ______which upset the ______who controlled Parliament.  James’ two daughters, Mary and Anne, were Protestant.  In 1688, James had a son. James was going to raise him as a Catholic.

The ______ William of Orange and his wife Mary (James II’s daughter) are invited to England to be King and Queen.  James flees to France.  With almost no bloodshed, the “Glorious Revolution” replaced one king with another.

The ______(1689)  William and Mary signed a Bill of Rights. o Parliament had the right to make laws and levy taxes. o Standing armies could only be raised with Parliaments consent. o Right of citizens to bear arms. o Right to a jury trial.


Page 3  ______

 This period in English history influenced the colonies in America who would later rebel against the king.

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