Discover and Use Emoticons for SKYPE Messages
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Discover and Use emoticons for SKYPE messages
Jaak Parik, UX designer for Skype in Tallinn, Estonia, says, "Emoticons make Skype Instant Message conversations richer and help people to show what they really mean in their conversation. The specialness of our emoticons is due to the fact that we get ideas and inspirations from our colleagues and user community." Liven up your Instant Messages (IM) with emoticons and let your friends know how you’re feeling. Skype 5.5 comes with these new cool emoticons (highfive) (hifive) (h5)
(facepalm) (fail)
(fingers) (fingerscrossed) (yn)
(wfh) Working from home
(waiting) (forever) (impatience)
(lalala) (lala) (notlistening)
Heart (h) or (H) or (I) or (L) Star (*) Coffee (coffee)
(heidy) By default Skype includes one-click access to less than 72 emoticons running the gamut from putting lipstick onto sending a rain cloud and everything in between. Skype has a great set of built in emoticons but there are dozens of more….”fun” ones that you can’t access from the menu. Skype’s holding out on you. What if you’re in the mood to moon somebody?
Or maybe the person you’re talking with has driven you to bang your head on the wall? There’s an emoticon for that…. You can find an expanded list of emoticons right here, along with each one’s keyboard shortcut. But wait, there’s still more ! In addition to the multitude of smileys, Skype also includes emoticons for nearly every country under the sun, even Canada. Get your scroll wheel ready and spy an expanded cheat sheet here below. If nothing else, memorize these ten mostly self-explanatory emoticon shortcuts and you’ll be prepared for just about any situation: 1. (puke) 2. (party)
3. (finger)
4. (swear)
5. (banghead)
6. (tmi)
7. (drunk)
8. (punch) 9. (v) 10. (n) If you mouse over all of the icons in the menu, you’ll see what the code for them is, i.e (giggle) (h) (y) etc But …there are some other emoticons Skype doesn’t tell you about. Try the following for a little fun:
Envy- yellow to green (envy)
Smoking (smoke) or (ci)
Pool Party (poolparty)
You rock (rock)
Skype (skype) or (ss)
Mail (m) or (e)
Movie (~) or (film) or (movie)
Phone (mp) or (ph)
Broken Hearted (u) or (U)
Time (o) or (O) or (time)
Shaking (shake) Soccer (football) (bartlett)
Myspace (myspace)
Priidu (priidu) Tauri (tauri)
Hollest (hollest)
These “HIDDEN” emoticons can add a bit more fun to your IMs when used appropriately
Using these: (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(^)(d)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(^)(d)(^)(d)(party)(d)(party)(d)(party)(d)(party)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(beer)(beer)(d)(^)(d)(^)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(^)(^)(^)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(beer)(d)(^)(d)(^)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(d)(beer)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) (d)(dance)(d)(d)(dance)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(d)(^)(d)(^)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(d)(h)(d)(d)(kiss)(kiss)(kiss)(d) (d)(dance)(dance)(d)(dance)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(d)(^)(d)(^)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(h)(d)(h)(d)(kiss)(d)(kiss)(d) (d)(dance) (dance) (dance)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(d)(d)(^)(d)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(h)(d)(h)(d)(kiss)(kiss)(kiss) (d) (d)(dance)(d)(dance)(dance)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(d)(d)(^)(d)(d)(party)(d)(d)(d)(h)(h)(h)(d)(kiss)(kiss)(d)(d) (d)(dance)(d)(d)(dance)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(d)(*)(d)(*)(d)(d)(d)(d)(^)(d)(d)(party)(party)(party)(d)(h)(d)(h)(d)(kiss)(d)(kiss)(d) (d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d)(d) Ways to create flags: Denmark flag (flag:dk)
How: (h)(h)(rain)(h)(h)(h)(h)(h) (h)(h)(rain)(h)(h)(h)(h)(h) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (rain) (h)(h)(rain)(h)(h)(h)(h)(h) (h)(h)(rain)(h)(h)(h)(h)(h) Flags instructions:
Type the brackets and the text/symbol inside. To achieve the required flag.
Flags Afghanistan (flag:AF) Albania (flag:AL) Algeria (flag:DZ) American Samoa (flag:AS) Andorra (flag:AD) Angola (flag:AO) Anguilla (flag:AI) Antarctica (flag:AQ) Antigua and Barbuda (flag:AG) Argentina (flag:AR) Armenia (flag:AM) Aruba (flag:AW) Australia (flag:AU) Austria (flag:AT) Azerbaijan (flag:AZ) Bahamas (flag:BS) Bahrain (flag:BH) Bangladesh (flag:BD) Barbados (flag:BB) Belarus (flag:BY) Belgium (flag:BE) Belize (flag:BZ) Benin (flag:BJ) Bermuda (flag:BM) Bhutan (flag:BT) Bolivia (flag:BO) Bosnia and Herzegovina (flag:BA) Botswana (flag:BW) Brazil (flag:BR) British Indian Ocean Territory (flag:IO) British Virgin Islands (flag:VG) Brunei Darussalam (flag:BN) Bulgaria (flag:BG) Burkina Faso (flag:BF) Burundi (flag:BI) Cambodia (flag:KH) Cameroon (flag:CM) Canada (flag:CA) Cape Verde (flag:CV) Cayman Islands (flag:KY) Central African Republic (flag:CF) Chad (flag:TD) Chile (flag:CL) China (flag:CN) Christmas Island (flag:CX) Cocos Islands (flag:CC) Colombia (flag:CO) Comoros (flag:KM) Congo (flag:CD) Congo (flag:CG) Cook Islands (flag:CK) Costa Rica (flag:CR) Cote D’Ivoire (flag:CI) Cuba (flag:CU) Cyprus (flag:CY) Czech Republic (flag:CZ) Denmark (flag:DK) Djibouti (flag:DJ) Dominica (flag:DM) Dominican Republic (flag:DO) Ecuador (flag:EC) Egypt (flag:EG) European Union (flag:EU) El Salvador (flag:SV) Equatorial Guinea (flag:GQ) Eritrea (flag:ER) Estonia (flag:EE) Ethiopia (flag:ET) Faeroe Islands (flag:FO) Falkland Islands (flag:FK) Fiji (flag:FJ) Finland (flag:FI) France (flag:FR) French Guiana (flag:GF) French Polynesia (flag:PF) French Southern Territories (flag:TF) Gabon (flag:GA) Gambia (flag:GM) Georgia (flag:GE) Germany (flag:DE) Ghana (flag:GH) Gibraltar (flag:GI) Greece (flag:GR) Greenland (flag:GL) Grenada (flag:GD) Guadaloupe (flag:GP) Guam (flag:GU) Guatemala (flag:GT) Guinea (flag:GN) Guinea-Bissau (flag:GW) Guyana (flag:GY) Haiti (flag:HT) Heard and McDonald Islands (flag:HM) Holy See (Vatican City State) (flag:VA) Honduras (flag:HN) Hong Kong (flag:HK) Hrvatska (flag:HR) Hungary (flag:HU) Iceland (flag:IS) India (flag:IN) Indonesia (flag:ID) Iran (flag:IR) Iraq (flag:IQ) Ireland (flag:IE) Israel (flag:IL) Italy (flag:IT) Jamaica (flag:JM) Japan (flag:JP) Jordan (flag:JO) Kazakhstan (flag:KZ) Kenya (flag:KE) Kiribati (flag:KI) Korea (flag:KP) Korea (flag:KR) Kuwait (flag:KW) Kyrgyz Republic (flag:KG) Lao (flag:LA) Latvia (flag:LV) Lebanon (flag:LB) Lesotho (flag:LS) Liberia (flag:LR) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (flag:LY) Liechtenstein (flag:LI) Lithuania (flag:LT) Luxembourg (flag:LU) Macao (flag:MO) Montenegro (flag:ME) Macedonia (flag:MK) Madagascar (flag:MG) Malawi (flag:MW) Malaysia (flag:MY) Maldives (flag:MV) Mali (flag:ML) Malta (flag:MT) Marshall Islands (flag:MH) Martinique (flag:MQ) Mauritania (flag:MR) Mauritius (flag:MU) Mayotte (flag:YT) Mexico (flag:MX) Micronesia (flag:FM) Moldova (flag:MD) Monaco (flag:MC) Mongolia (flag:MN) Montserrat (flag:MS) Morocco (flag:MA) Mozambique (flag:MZ) Myanmar (flag:MM) Namibia (flag:NA) Nauru (flag:NR) Nepal (flag:NP) Netherlands Antilles (flag:AN) Netherlands (flag:NL) New Caledonia (flag:NC) New Zealand (flag:NZ) Nicaragua (flag:NI) Niger (flag:NE) Nigeria (flag:NG) Niue (flag:NU) Norfolk Island (flag:NF) Northern Mariana Islands (flag:MP) Norway (flag:NO) Oman (flag:OM) Pakistan (flag:PK) Palau (flag:PW) Palestina (flag:PS) Panama (flag:PA) Papua New Guinea (flag:PG) Paraguay (flag:PY) Peru (flag:PE) Philippines (flag:PH) Pitcairn Island (flag:PN) Poland (flag:PL) Portugal (flag:PT) Puerto Rico (flag:PR) Qatar (flag:QA) Reunion (flag:RE) Romania (flag:RO) Serbia (flag:RS) Russian Federation (flag:RU) Rwanda (flag:RW) St. Helena (flag:SH) St. Kitts and Nevis (flag:KN) St. Lucia (flag:LC) St. Pierre and Miquelon (flag:PM) St. Vincent and the Grenadines (flag:VC) Samoa (flag:WS) San Marino (flag:SM) Sao Tome and Principe (flag:ST) Saudi Arabia (flag:SA) Senegal (flag:SN) Serbia and Montenegro (flag:CS) Seychelles (flag:SC) Sierra Leone (flag:SL) Singapore (flag:SG) Slovakia (flag:SK) Slovenia (flag:SI) Solomon Islands (flag:SB) Somalia (flag:SO) South Africa (flag:ZA) Spain (flag:ES) Sri Lanka (flag:LK) Sudan (flag:SD) Suriname (flag:SR) Swaziland (flag:SZ) Sweden (flag:SE) Switzerland (flag:CH) Syria (flag:SY) Taiwan (flag:TW) Tajikistan (flag:TJ) Tanzania (flag:TZ) Thailand (flag:TH) Timor-Leste (flag:TL) Togo (flag:TG) Tokelau (flag:TK) Tonga (flag:TO) Trinidad and Tobago (flag:TT) Tunisia (flag:TN) Turkey (flag:TR) Turkmenistan (flag:TM) Turks and Caicos Islands (flag:TC) Tuvalu (flag:TV) US Virgin Islands (flag:VI) Uganda (flag:UG) Ukraine (flag:UA) United Arab Emirates (flag:AE) United Kingdom (flag:GB) United States of America (flag:US) Uruguay (flag:UY) Uzbekistan (flag:UZ) Vanuatu (flag:VU) Venezuela (flag:VE) Viet Nam (flag:VN) Wallis and Futuna Islands (flag:WF) Western Sahara (flag:EH) Yemen (flag:YE) Zambia (flag:ZM) Zimbabwe (flag:ZW)
Ian Hall IT training
Mobile 0403264041
1. tips.pdf from Make Use of
2. Do you know that in skype are emoticons that are not shown in skype emoticons menu. Learn all hidden emoticons and get more fun with your friends in Skype:
Skype Hidden Emoticons
Yahoo Hidden Emoticons
Live Hidden Emoticons
Facebook Emoticons
Facebook Text Generator
Twitter Emoticons
3. 55.html Updated Tuesday 01 May 2012
More hidden Skype emoticons in Skype 5.5 (and 5.8) release: summarised list (updated) Following the release of Skype version 5.5 in July 2011, I thought that I should update my blog article on “Secret Skype emoticons”. I have found some other interesting blog articles listing the new emoticons or smileys and collated the info and added more info too – so anyone that’s looking for the Easter Eggs, then continue reading…: