We Are Not Human Beings Having a Spiritual Experience
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are.... spiritual beings having a human experience...... Pierre Teilhard de Chardin "The Art of Healing Geopathic Stress"
GEOPATHIC STRESS is the result of naturally occurring Earth Energies that have been distorted & disturbed. These Primal Earth Energies are created deep down in the core of the planet, where the earth is constantly recreating herself. Geopathic Stress is caused as these natural Earth Energies, encounter subterranean areas that contain weak electromagnetic fields, on their journey from the core of the planet, through the earth's mantle & up to the planet's surface.
THESE WEAK electromagnetic fields are created by underground running water (such as rivers & streams), certain mineral compositions, fault lines, & underground cavities (such as naturally occurring caves, spaces underground that have had oil or natural gas removed, or even coal mines). The energetic wavelengths of the Earth's natural radiation that are disturbed in this way can be quite harmful to all living organisms, including plants, animals, & human beings.
THE NATURALLY OCCURRING Earth Energies encircle the earth & are referred to as telluric lines. There are several types of these energy lines, that flow in a grid pattern around the Earth. The effects of each type of energy line are different & are intensified by intersections that involve the multiple energetic grid systems.
THE HARTMANN GRID, discovered by Dr. Ernst Hartmann, runs north to south & east to west, forming a checkerboard pattern around the planet. The lines themselves are about 9" thick & the distance between the lines varies from 6' 6" up to 17', depending mainly on the type of mineral composition that exists beneath the soil. The closer the lines are, the more intense the Energetic Effect appears to be. These lines of Earth Energy extend up above the earth's surface to heights ranging from 60' to 600'. The place where two Hartmann lines intersect is called a Hartmann knot & the Earth Energies are greatly intensified at this juncture. The Hartmann Grid energy lines run through virtually every home, garden, place of work & even places of recreation.
THE CURRY NET, discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry, runs diagonal to the Hartmann Grid, from northwest to southeast & southwest to northeast. It also over-lays the Hartmann Grid. The lines themselves are about the same thickness as the Hartmann Grid & are aprox. 10.5' distance from each other. When a Curry Line overlays a Hartmen Line, especially at a Hartment knot, the energy is intensified dramatically & can be quite problematic.
MAN-MADE ELECTROMAGNETIC POLLUTION further intensifies Geopathic Stress, making it even more detrimental to living organisms. Electro-magnetic pollution is caused by extremely high & low frequency energy from electrical wiring, lighting, appliances (including computers, TVs, microwaves, clocks, & radios), telephones, cell phones, electric generators, transformers, wireless Internet, satellites, radar towers, radio towers, & electricity towers.
GEOPATHIC STRESS in & of itself, does not cause disease, unhappiness, or ill-health. Rather, it has a powerfully negative impact on the Human Energy Field, which weakens the immune system, disrupts the hormonal system, inhibits the flow of oxygen at the cellular level, impacts the flow of water within the body, & imbalances the integrity of the body's chemistry. This, makes the body unable to fight disease, create health, or even support happiness, well-being & vitality of Mind, Body, & Spirit. When a client says to me, "that they have tried "everything" & nothing seems to work". I will test for & usually treat for geopathic stress, with wonderful results. THE FIRST STEP IS to find out where the various energy lines are in relationship to your home, work, & other places that you & your family spend allot of time. Remember, it is not just the energy lines themselves, but also the places that the various energy lines intersect & overlay that can be particularly detrimental. These intersections can be especially harmful when they occur where you sleep, work, or in any other place that you spend a considerable amount of time. When you add electromagnetic Pollution to the mix, you have trouble.
IF YOU FIND OUT THAT your bed is over an energy line, intersection, or grid overlay, the ideal choice would be to move your bed. If your work area or any other area that you spend allot of time in is in an area of geopathic stress, see if you can move to another area. The best choice is always to not be exposed to geopathic stress whenever possible.
SOMETIMES THOUGH, MOVING from an area of Geopathic Stress is not possible. When this is the case, there are many treatments available to neutralize Geopathic Stress. I use a device from Great Britain in my practice, my home, & as a treatment option in client's homes. The results have been remarkable, both personally & professionally. I feel that the most effective course of action is to combine both treatment of the area & to move the bed, chair, & etc...... whenever possible.
By Pamela S. Robinson © 2008 - 2009, All Rights Reserved