Your Booklet to Check Your Progress in Writing in Year 1

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Your Booklet to Check Your Progress in Writing in Year 1

Your booklet to check your progress in writing in Year 1


By the end of the year we want you to be able to:

I can write sentences with finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

I can write sentences with singular and plural words, adjectives, verbs and connectives.

I can use a capital letter and a full stop

I am able to say out loud and write good sentences which include new vocabulary.

I can write write a paragraph of at least half a page.

I can hold a pencil comfortably and correctly. My letters are written well. Handwriting: My My Assessment teacher’s assessment

I can sit correctly at a table,

I can hold a pencil comfortably and correctly.

My letters have a good size and shape.

My letters are correctly placed on the line in the correct direction.

I can start and finish my letters in the right place

I can write capital letters correctly.

I can form numbers 0 to 10. Punctuation: My My Assessment teacher’s assessment

I can use capital letters and full stops.

I am beginning to use question marks and exclamation marks

I can use capital letters for ‘I’, names and the days of the week. I can use speech bubbles

I can use bullet points Grammar My My Assessment teacher’s assessment

I can use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops

I can use singular and plural words

I can use adjectives:

The giant had an enormous beard.

Red squirrels enjoy eating delicious nuts.

I can use verbs ‘go’ and ‘went’

I can use connectives: and/or/ but/ ‘so , because, so that, then, that, while, when, where.

Time connectives: first, switch on the red button.

Next, wait for the green light to flash...

I can use different types of sentences, like statements, questions and exclamations.

I can use determiners in sentences: the a my your an this that his her their some all lots of many more those these

I can begin to use alliteration e.g. dangerous dragon

I can begin to use similes using as….as… e.g. as tall as a house, as red as a radish

I can use prepositions: inside outside towards across under

Composition My My Assessment teacher’s assessment

I can say out loud and write accurate simple sentences which can be read . I can make simple additions, revisions and corrections to my own writing by evaluating my writing with the teacher and other pupils, re-reading to check that my writing makes sense. I can say out loud and write at last two sentences that link and make sense.

I can say out loud and write sentences with new vocabulary to make a paragraph of at least half a page.

I can write a narrative with five parts which flow well 1. opening: once upon a time….. 2. Build-up: one day…… 3. Problem / Dilemma: suddenly, unfortunately…… 4. Resolution: fortunately……. 5. Ending: finally……….

I have begun to write in at least three non-fiction genres: lists, captions, labels simple instructions, non-chronological reports, recount. I can write non-fiction writing including: 1. Heading 2. Introduction - Opening factual statement 3. Middle section(s) - Simple factual sentences around a them 4. Bullet points for instructions 5. Labelled diagrams 6. Ending- Concluding sentence. I can use of sentence openers e.g.: While… When… Fortunately,…Unfortunately, Sadly,…..

I can make my writing better by: making additions to my writing, changing my writing making corrections to my writing

I can evaluate my writing so it makes sense by re-reading with my teacher and other children. Spelling My My Assessment teacher’s assessment I can spell all the Barlow Hall high frequency words for Year 1 I can write all letters of the alphabet and the sounds which they most commonly represent I can segment spoken words into sounds before choosing letters to represent the sounds I can spell the sounds /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ spelt ff, ll, ss, zz and ck off, well, miss, buzz, back I can spell words The /n/ sound spelt n before k bank, think, honk, sunk I can spell words with the –tch catch, fetch, kitchen, notch, hutch I can spell words with the /v/ sound at the end of words have, live, give I can spell words by adding s and es to words cats, dogs, spends, rocks, thanks, catches I can spell words by adding the endings –ing, –ed and –er to verbs where no change is needed to the root word - hunting, hunted, hunter, buzzing, buzzed, buzzer, jumping, jumped, jumper I can spell words by adding –er and –est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word - grander, grandest, fresher, freshest, quicker, quickest I can spell ai, oi words: rain, wait, train, paid, afraid oil, join, coin, point, soil I can spell ay, oy words: day, play, say, way, stay boy, toy, enjoy, annoy I can spell a–e words: made, came, same, take, safe I can spell e–e words: these, theme, complete I can spell i–e words: five, ride, like, time, side I can spell o–e words: home, those, woke, hope, hole I can spell u–e words: June, rule, rude, use, tube, tune I can spell ar words: car, start, park, arm, garden I can spell ee words : see, tree, green, meet, week I can spell ea words: sea, dream, meat, each, read (present tense) I can spell ea words: head, bread, meant, instead, read (past tense) I can spell er words: her, term, verb, person I can spell er words: better, under, summer, winter, sister I can spell ir words: girl, bird, shirt, first, third I can spell ur words: turn, hurt, church, burst, Thursday I can spell oo words: food, pool, moon, zoo, soon I can spell oo words: book, took, foot, wood, good I can spell oa words: boat, coat, road, coach, goal I can spell oe words: toe, goes I can spell ou words: out, about, mouth, around, sound I can spell ow words: now, how, brown, down, town I can spell ow words: own, blow, snow, grow, show I can spell ue words: blue, clue, true, rescue, Tuesday I can spell ew words: new, few, grew, flew, drew, threw I can spell ie words: lie, tie, pie, cried, tried, dried I can spell ie words: chief, field, thief I can spell igh words: high, night, light, bright, right I can spell or words: for, short, born, horse, morning I can spell ore words: more, score, before, wore, shore I can spell aw words: saw, draw, yawn, crawl I can spell au words: author, August, dinosaur, astronaut I can spell air words: air, fair, pair, hair, chair I can spell ear words: dear, hear, beard, near, year I can spell ear words: bear, pear, wear I can spell are words: bare, dare, care, share, scared I can spell words Words ending –y very, happy, funny, party, family I can spell ph and wh words: dolphin, alphabet, phonics, elephant when, where, which, wheel, while I can use k for the /k/ sound: Kent, sketch, kit, skin, frisky I can spell words with the prefix –un: unhappy, undo, unload, unfair, unlock I can spell compound words: football, playground, farmyard, bedroom, blackberry I can spell common exception words: the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are, were, was, is, his, has, I, you, your, they, be, he, me, she, we, no, go, so, by, my, here, there, where, love, come, some, one, once, ask, friend, school, put, push, pull, full, house, our

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